Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 52: Fifth army commander

This is the second more! ——

As soon as the eighteenth level of **** opened, the future Buddha took a monk into the lower level of hell, and soon arrived at the sixteenth level of **** entrance.

"Buddha, it's another round. Can Kong Xuan bear it?" A monk worried.

"Last time, it seemed that he was about to die. Another round, 32 million years, I hope it will not be driven crazy, fast!" Shen Fu said in the future.

"I guess he must be impatient to join Lingshan Holy Land this time!" The monk beside him laughed.

Although the Buddha in the future did not respond, a smug smile appeared on his face.

Everyone stepped into the sixteenth hell.


As soon as it entered, the flame that came from the last time was not coming, but it was a black magic gas, fierce gas, and all monks were agitated by this magic gas.

"Magic? How could it be so rich and not so exaggerated last time!"

"These sixteen levels of **** are all within the envelope of magical energy? Why?"

"No, Buddha, the chain, the chain is broken!"




"Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Kong Xuan exposed his face and shouted from the sky. After breaking the chain, he had to break away from the five mountains condensed by Fashan. During the roar, the magma around him suddenly ascended to the sky.

On the back, Fa Shan trembled as if to be broken away at any time.

The Buddha's eyes widened in the future, and his face suddenly turned wild.

"Kong Xuan? How dare you!" The future Buddha exclaimed suddenly.

Kong Xuan's strength at this moment is completely beyond the expectation of the future Buddha. This is going to break the seal, this is coming out? Once it comes out, that's bad.


In the future, the Buddha will rush to Kong Xuan to stop Kong Xuan.

But at this moment, a fist suddenly emerged from the magma, crashing into the future Buddha.

A golden fist punched out, and the void shook violently.

"What? Anyone?" Buddha's face changed in the future.

The detective punched him, colliding with the golden fist.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and where the fists collided, a powerful space wave was stirred up.

In the future, the figure of the Buddha stepped back, showing a shocking look.

But I saw that a super vortex was formed under the rolling magma, surrounded by a golden man, who looked up and showed fierce vigor.

"Shangguan marks?" Suddenly a monk exclaimed.

"Impossible, was that fist of Shangguan Mark just now?" The monks were surprised.

The future Buddha also sank: "Shangguan marks? Are you dead?"

"Why, do you think I'm going to die?" Shangguanhen sneered, stepping in the air, flying in front of the future Buddha, sneer looking at the future Buddha.

"That fist just now? No, aren't you not even as good as Sun Wukong? You first entered Shangtiangong, but your fist just now?" The Buddha's face was gloomy.

"You don't need to know!" Shangguanhen sneered.

"Ancient sea? An ancient sea? Is he dead?" The future Buddha suddenly moved in his heart.

"What do you say?" Shangguan marks coldly.

"Roar ~~~~~~~~!"

In the distance Kong Xuan shouted again.


The five giant mountains shook for a while, and the Fashan condensed above suddenly appeared a lot of cracks.

"Not good!" The Buddha's face changed in the future.

"Thousand Buddha hands of great mercy and sorrow!"

"Boom, boom, boom, boom ... ………………!"

In the void, a thousand golden palms appeared to hit Shangguan mark in an instant.

"Huh, the eagle worm trick, I tried to drop ten thousand palms!" Shangguanhen's eyes screamed and screamed, and he punched again.


Suddenly, a golden palm burst open and burst, and the remaining 999 hit the Shangguan mark.

At this moment, Shangguanhen's body was dazzling, and King Kong's body was not bad. Nearly a thousand giant palms struck Shangguanhen, and Shangguanhen's body was only slightly retreated.

"What?" The face of the future Buddha changed. At this moment, Shangguanhen's fist was in front of the future Buddha.

"咚 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

It sounded like a golden hammer ringing a bell, with a loud bang, and in the future, Ford suddenly went backwards and stopped.

"Shangguanhen, how do you cultivate so much, how do you do that? Why is it so similar to Sun Wukong? No, you are better than Sun Wukong!" The future Buddha was furious.

It was at this time that Kong Xuan had given the greatest strength.

"Roar ~~~~~~~!"

With a super roar, the magic of the whole body soared more than ten times.


The huge Fashan crushed on him burst open. Below, the five big mountains suddenly deformed and turned into a golden lotus flower. He was freed by Kong Xuan.

"唳 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A free whistling sound seemed to pass through all directions of the eighteen layers of **** in an instant.

"Kong Xuan was sealed!"

"The devil's head broke the seal of nine golden lotuses!"

"Buddha, help!"




A monk yelled in horror.

The Buddha in the future is also in a state of suspicion: "Kong Xuan, don't you know what to do, be stubborn!"


Kong Xuan was surrounded by monstrous enchantment and ignored the future Buddha at all. He opened his mouth and sucked suddenly.


The huge Jiupin Jinlian was swallowed by Kong Xuan.

"What? Dare, that is the nine-pin gold lotus in my holy place in Lingshan. Spit it out right away, otherwise, no one can save you!" The future Buddha's face changed.

"Oh!" Kong Xuan sang. The wings patted in an instant.

"Shangguanhen, you are too kind. Treat this bald donkey, don't be soft-hearted and treat me like this!" Kong Xuan screamed loudly.

During the big drink, Kong Xuan fluttered a wing, and suddenly a black wind fanned out, and the black wind went straight to the future Buddha.

"Miscellaneous accounts!" The future Buddha slammed into Kong Xuan.

However, Kong Xuan opened his mouth and took a big breath as the black wind rolled in.


The future Buddha was swallowed by Kong Xuan.

In the distance, all the monks seemed stupid.

"Kong Xuan swallowed the Buddha?"

"I'm dazzled. That is the future Buddha. Is the future Buddha swallowed by Kong Xuan?"

"No, help!"




The monks were screaming.

"I will not only swallow the Buddha in the future, I will swallow the Buddha, I will swallow the Buddha, everything in Lingshan Holy Land, I will swallow, swallow, swallow, swallow!" Kong Xuan shouted.

The wings fanned out the black wind again, and the black wind was engulfed by a group of escaped monks, all of which were instantly caught in Kong Xuan's mouth.

The huge peacock swallowed all the monks in an instant.

On the side, Shangguanhen looked stiff.

Is Kong Xuan enchanted? So fierce? That ’s the future Buddha.

At this moment, Kong Xuan's anger was violent, and he swallowed the future Buddha, so that the evil in Kong Xuan's heart was relieved, but how could the evil that was suppressed for nearly one hundred years be eliminated.

Kong Xuan was full of hatred, and wanted to go up from the sixteen layers of hell, layer by layer, swallowing, all swallowing.

When Kong Xuan's fighting spirit soared, and his hatred was boundless, a loud voice sounded.

"Just swallowed like this? Aren't you afraid you can't digest it?"

A voice came suddenly, but it was provocative to Kong.

"Who?" Kong Xuan turned his head and looked blankly.

"Your Majesty!" Shangguan marks was a joy on his face.

"Ancient sea?" Kong Xuan suddenly looked rigid.

"Congratulations to King Daming, you got out of prison!" Gu Hai suddenly stepped on with a smile.

Looking at the ancient sea, Kong Xuan pumped his face.

Although Shangguan Mark had been stuck for a long time, most of them were speculative. Although Kong Xuan recognized him, he did not convince him. But Guhai is different. He doesn't have the talent of Xuangui, but it is a real 250 million years.

Not even half of the time I endured in the ancient sea.


Kong Xuan instantly turned into a human form.

"Gu Hai, are you really alive?" Kong Xuan said with an ugly face.

"Yeah, unfortunately, this is no longer what I expected, otherwise, it is a great place to cultivate!" Gu Haiwei smiled.

Kong Xuan: "……………………!"

"Your Majesty, don't tell me, I'm going to vomit here!" Shangguan Mark said bitterly.

"Shangguan marks, how many have you reached now?" Gu Hai looked at Shangguan marks.

"Reluctantly, after seven or nine!" Shangguan Hen smiled bitterly.

"Sixty-three? Yes, it's better than Sun Wukong!" Gu Hai laughed.

"It's sixty-four, but it's still far from the perfect seventy-two!" Shangguanhen said immediately.

"Nice, much better than you were!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Of course!" Shangguanhen laughed.

After Gu Hai said, he looked at Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan's face was ugly and silent for a while.

Gu Hai didn't speak, just looked at him like that.

Shangguan Mark aside smiled: "Kong Xuan, Your Majesty has saved your life, and you have made a bet with His Majesty. Why, do you rely on your account?"

Shangguan was ridiculous, and Kong Xuan suddenly sank: "Who said that I want to rely on my account?"

"Yes, Gu Hai, you have stronger willpower than me. You can really boil. You are terrific. I will obey you. For fifty years, I will be your master for fifty years. Kong Xuan, meet Your Majesty! Xuan Dun worshiped.

Although it seems that the repair of the ancient sea has not yet reached the heavenly palace, but Kong Xuan has not watched the repair at this moment. What if the ancient sea cannot be repaired? Better than yourself, just stronger, no need to shirk. Fifty years or so.

"That being the case, he sealed the hole and proclaimed himself the fifth army commander of the Dahan Emperor.

The title was only the Viscount. That was because the Dahan emperor had not yet established his career. Today, the Viscount is an exception, and he was named the fifth army commander.

"Chen, Kong Xuan, meet Your Majesty!" Kong Xuan solemnly saluted.

You can worship better than yourself. At this moment, although Kong Xuan is still a little uncomfortable, he can do it.

"That being the case, let's go!" Gu Hai said.

"Your Majesty, I want to find revenge on the Buddhas in Lingshan Holy Land!" Kong Xuan was still in his heart.

"Go out first!" Gu Hai shook his head, dismissing Kong Xuan's idea.

The group flew towards the first hell.

Kong Xuan still had some dissatisfaction.

"You are sharpened in hell, but you are definitely better than the current Buddha? He can sit in the Holy Land of Lingshan. Do you think he has the same role as the future Buddha?" Gu Hai Shen said.

Kong Xuan was dissatisfied, but did not refute.

A group of people soon came to the first hell.

The ancient sea explorer took out the pure lamb's jade bottle left by the poor Buddha.

PS: Tonight, my friend is getting married. QQ chat was advanced yesterday, so you do n’t have to wait! Talk to you next Thursday! Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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