Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 53: Out of hell

First Hell Mouth!

The Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva and the ghost kings are waiting.

"You said, is Kong Xuan obediently obedient to the Buddha's orders now?" Caution Bodhisattva smiled.

"It goes without saying that the sixteenth layer of hell, how much is there? The **** there is countless times more than that of the first layer, and it has been incarcerated for nearly 100 million years, oh, it is terrible to think about. As long as it is not crazy, Definitely crying and shouting to worship the Buddha! "I heard the Buddha sneer.

"The two Bodhisattvas are wise!" Said all the ghost kings.

As everyone waited, the first floor entrance was far away.


Suddenly three figures flew out.

"Are you back? So fast?" A ghost king was surprised.

"No, it's the ancient sea, it's Shangguan marks, and there, that, that's Kong Xuan?" Sudden Bodhisattva's face suddenly changed.

Why did they come out?

But I saw that a distant ancient jade bottle was taken out from the ancient sea.

"Where's the Buddha?" I heard the Buddha's face sink.

"No, they must have escaped from the Buddha, and the ancient sea is still alive? Kong Xuan ran out, and the Buddha must be notified immediately." Caution Bodhisattva sank.

"Buddha, Kong Xuan has reached the first floor, come quickly!" I heard a loud roar.

The sound formed a weird frequency and went straight to the second hell, and then straight to the third hell.

In the distance, Kong Xuan, who was suppressed by the ancient sea and resentful, suddenly turned his head.

"Ha? Bald, roar!" Kong Xuan growled.

With a wave of detective, a black wind burst out. Kong Xuan took a breath.

"Ah!" A group of monks and ghost kings were immediately hurled by the black wind.

"No, I can't break free, save me!"

"Buddha, save me!"





The crowd screamed, trying to break away from the black wind and maddening.

"Your Buddha is in my stomach. To find him, look for it in my stomach!" Kong Xuan took a breath.


All were sucked into Kong Xuan's mouth.

Gu Hai: "………………!"

"Kong Xuan, do you have such a big grudge? This group of young monks, do you swallow it?" Shangguanhen smiled bitterly.

"Would you like to control it?" Kong Xuan froze coldly.

Shangguanhen smiled bitterly, and didn't say more.

Guhai opened the lamb fat jade net bottle, which originally had a flower bud of a reincarnation lotus flower.

250 million years.

At that moment, the flower bud was completely bloomed. No, it had already bloomed, and formed a lotus flower. It also bred new lotus seeds, and then the lotus seeds grew, and five lotus flowers grew.

Five flowers bloom.

"It seems that in the eighteenth floor of hell, it grows slower!" Gu Hai laughed.

More than 200 million years have grown five? However, it is enough.

"Your Majesty, when the Buddha opens the reincarnation exit, we rush out immediately, and I swallow him!" Kong Xuan said with resentment in his eyes.

"Now Buddha? Kong Xuan, don't provoke him for now!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Why?" Kong Xuan was still unwilling.

"Let's go out first!" Detective Gu Hai picked a reincarnation lotus. .


The picked flower path withered instantly.

At the same time, the reincarnation lotus that was picked was also rapidly withering, withering and blooming with colorful light, and a passage suddenly appeared before the three.

"This is it?" Kong Xuan wondered.

"Let's go, this can go out!" Gu Hai explained.

The three immediately stepped forward.


Soon, the three passed through one passage and appeared at the other exit of the passage.

After a while, the passage suddenly disappeared.

The three stood on top of a mountain and looked at the land of the Quartet and Pingchuan.


The three sniffed breaths at nearly the same time.

"This aura is just this feeling. The land of Shenzhou, ha ha ha ha, come back!" Shangguan Hen suddenly felt refreshed.

It's too hard in Hell.

Kong Xuan's radon was better. Finally came back and the whole person was much better.

"Here is ...?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

The pitying Buddha said that through the reincarnation of the lotus flower, it would appear randomly on the land of Shenzhou.

It is not marked here, but I do not know where it is.

"Shangguan marks, you go to inquire!" Gu Hai Shen cried.


"call out!"

Shangguanhen instantly flew to a distant city, and soon flew over again.

"Your Majesty, it's really far away. This is the border of the Huanghuang Heavenly Dynasty. We have reached the southwestern part of the land of Shenzhou!"

"Let's go and meet with Ao Shun and Chang Ming first!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Okay!" The two responded.


The three turned into three streamers and disappeared into the sky.


Secret Hell Road, Yan Luo Diankou.


Suddenly, a mouth suddenly appeared.

The present and past Buddhas brought a group of bodhisattvas and Luohan into the first hell.

"Huh? What about people?" The Buddha frowned in the past.

There was a mess around, and Yan Luodian collapsed, and ghost soldiers and ghosts would evade everywhere.

"Buddha? Buddha, you finally came, you finally came!" A ghost king stumbled and ran over from a distance.

"King Yan Luo? What about the others? How did you do that?" The Buddha said in the past.

"Gu Haixuan, Shangguanhen, Kong Xuan, they fled, they fled, and everyone else was eaten by Kong Xuan. Eat!" King Yan Luo said in surprise.

"Eat? What did you eat? Kong Xuan ran away?" The Buddha's face changed in the past.

"I don't know the future Buddha. I, I went down and watched it before. No, maybe it was eaten by Kong Xuan, they fled!" King Yan Luo said in horror.

"What's going on, make it clear, what about the Buddha?" The Buddha anxiously said in the past.

King Yan Luo did not dare to conceal it and said everything he knew.

After finishing speaking, the Buddha's face was gloomy and terrible in the past: "This ancient sea is really a scourge!"

Now the Buddha closed his eyes, as if sensing something.

"Buddha, has the Buddha really been eaten in the future? It shouldn't be, he still has" Closed Eyes Pure World Zen "!" The past Buddha anxiously said.

"I'm alive, and I'm using 'Immortal Golden Dharma'." Now the Buddha shook his head and made a sound.


The speed of the three people reached the boundary of Lingshan Holy Land in more than ten days.


The three fell on top of a mountain and rolled up a strong wind. In the forest, countless bats flew out.


Countless bats gathered and quickly gathered into a black robe. It is Changming.

"Your Majesty, you have come out, great!" Chang Ming suddenly surprised.

"Oh? Just you alone?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Ao Shun will be back soon. On that day, we acted separately and saw you in the distance ... Ao Shun was going to rush up and was stopped by me. These days, Ao Shun is going out early and returning late. I'm waiting for the news! "Chang Ming immediately laughed.

"Daming King God?" Chang Ming suddenly frowned at Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan looked cold, but did not speak.

"Now, the Dahan Emperor, the fifth army commander!" Gu Hai explained.

"Oh?" Chang Ming looked for a moment and nodded.

The crowd waited patiently, but Gu Hai started to set up.

In the evening, Ao Shun came back and saw the ancient sea, suddenly surprised.

"Shangguan Supreme, have you repaired it?" Ao Shun was surprised.

"Yeah, Your Majesty passed on my exercises, it's been a long time!" Shangguan said bitterly.

Eighteen floors of hell, really is not a place for people to stay.

But, Ao Shun doesn't know, suffering? You also called suffering? It's only been more than ten days, and you have never cultivated to the heavenly palace. How dare you say hardship?

Ao Shun didn't understand, he looked strange, and couldn't pull his face to ask.

"Your Majesty, what are we going to do now?" Chang Ming Shen said.

"Catch Sun Wukong!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Gudi, I'm going this time!" Ao Shun suddenly asked.

"Your Majesty, I can be transformed into a bat, but I can hide my body!" Chang Ming asked.

"Your Majesty, let's go. It shouldn't be hard to catch a monkey!" Shangguanhen also said to himself.

"Your Majesty, come on!" Kong Xuan also asked.

Although Kong Xuan called for help, Gu Hai saw a different kind of feeling from the eyes of Kong Xuan, resentment, and a monstrous resentment. Although he was suppressed by himself, he was still relentless.

Persuade Kong Xuan to give him facts and reason? Kong Xuan's personality must not be heard.

"You can go, but I want to ask you, then the Buddhas in the future, are they really alive?" Gu Hai Shen said.


Kong Xuan opened his mouth.

Suddenly, the future Buddha was spit out, but at this moment, the future Buddha seemed to become a golden sculpture, motionless, and surrounded by countless black magic.

"Other monks and ghosts have already digested. As long as he‘ does n’t destroy the golden body Dafa ’, he will be able to survive for a while, but sooner or later he will be digested! He ca n’t hold on for long.” Kong Xuanshen said.

"There is still a nine-pin gold lotus?" Gu Hai looked at Kong Xuan.

"Then Jinlian, I want it, Your Majesty, won't you grab my trophy?" Kong Xuan frowned and looked at Gu Hai.

"Well, if you want to keep it, you can keep it!" Gu Hai laughed.

Kong Xuan nodded. Obviously, Jiupin Jinlian is impossible to turn in.

"Give me the future buddha, you and Shangguanhen, go to Huaguoshan and catch Sun Wukong!" Gu Hai Shen chanted.

Kong Xuan glanced at the future Buddha and nodded: "Okay!"

"Be careful on the road, try to keep it secret, the monkey is extremely savvy, but don't be fooled by his appearance!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Your Majesty rest assured!" Shangguan Mark nodded.

Huaguoshan, Shangguan marks know, monkeys, Shangguan marks also know. The monkey has seventy-two changes, and may be able to deceive others, but Shangguan marks also repairs ‘eight, nine mysteries’, and it ’s higher than Sun Wukong ’s practice. Naturally can not escape the Shangguan mark palms.

"call out!"

The two turned into a streamer and disappeared in place.

"Ancient Emperor, the repair of Shangguan marks has increased a lot!" Ao Shun looked at the back of Shangguan marks and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Prince Ao Shun, I don't know, what are your plans for the future?" Gu Hai looked at Ao Shun and asked.

"Me, later?" Ao Shun was slightly silent.

"Now that Ao Sheng is the Dragon King of the North Sea, if you don't give up, how about entering the Dahan Emperor's dynasty? Like Shangguan marks, it is the supreme beast of the Dahan dynasty. I remember that a country may not have only one kind of national beast! Looking to Ao Shun, invited.

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