Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 65: Yes, Master of Heaven

When the Tongtian leader talked to Xuandu, Kong Xuan whispered to the ancient sea.

"His Majesty, this master of Tongtian is the first generation of Tongtian. Wanshou Taoism and the Sun Temple have clashed many times in the 800,000 years. Tongtian beheaded Taiyi several times, and Taiyi beheaded Tongtian several times. However, those who were beheaded Tongtian is not the first generation of Tongtian, like Zang Yulian who is too good. It is not the first generation of too good. However, Taiyi has always been that one. "Kong Xuan whispered.

The ancient sea was suddenly sinking.

Kong Xuan said very clearly that the leader of Tongtian is better than Taiyi.

However, it can also be seen from the performance just now that the Fire Emperor over there is extremely jealous of Tong Tian Ji.

"Immortal dome?" The Tongtian leader suddenly looked, and turned to look at the ancient sea.

At first glance, the leader of Tongtian suddenly felt a great oppression storming into Tiandian Square.

Dahan Qunchen suddenly changed his face, as if oppressed to bow down.


Kong Xuanzhou's breath was released, instantly helping everyone block the eyes of the leader of Tongtian, but the ministers were still sweating.

Under great pressure, Gu Hai was blocked by a great will.

"Dahan Emperor Dynasty, Guhai, I have seen Tongtian God!" Gu Hai took a step, solemnly.

The master of Tongtian Church stared at Gu Hai: "Is Taiji of Taishang Dao in your hands? Is the fairy dome of Dragon Warring States also in your hands?"

"The immortal dome of the Dragon Warring States has been destroyed in the heavens and is known to all in the world. Tai Chi Taoism? Oh, I haven't seen it before! Your wisdom is all over the world, and it is not difficult to see that it is the excuse of Xuandu." Gu Hai shook his head.

"The Taiji Picture must be in the hands of you and Zang Yulian! That fairy dome was said by the Fire Emperor!" Xuandu stared at him suddenly.

Xuan Du understands the deception of the Tongtian leader, and naturally roars out as soon as possible.

"Oh?" The Tongtian leader suddenly looked at the Emperor of Fire.

Seeing the Fire Emperor, Tongtian suddenly sneered: "Fire Emperor? It seems that the immortal sky can't be wrong."

"Huh?" Gu Hai sank.

What's wrong with Xianqiong?

The Tongtian leader did not explain to Gu Hai, but looked at the Emperor of Fire: "I didn't have the ability to take it, and now you are not qualified. Look at Jiang Lianshan's face, let's go!"

The Emperor of Fire suddenly stared: "Tongtian, do you want to grab my fairy?"

"Well, it ’s not that the Lord is looking down on you, just because of your patience, and you want to compete for the immortal sky, and leave immediately, otherwise, do n’t blame the Lord, you are welcome!" During the conversation, the detective waved.

"Don't think ...!" The Fire Emperor stormed in anger.


Heaven and earth were instantly dyed purple.

A faint purple sword light can be seen faintly toward the emperor.

The Emperor of Fire suddenly changed her face and turned into a Phoenix of Fire.


With a loud noise, the Phoenix burst out in an instant, and the whole body shone with billions of thunder and lightning.


The purple sword light converged, and returned to the big sleeves of the Master of Heaven, but the fire emperor was too embarrassed and full of blood.

"A trick?" Kong Xuan sank.

I always knew that the Tongtian leader is powerful, but I never thought it was so fierce, that he defeated the Fire Emperor in one move? Fighting with him for a long time.

"Ahem, alas, Master Tongtian, you wait, wait ...!" The Fire Emperor flew towards the south sadly.

"Well, if it wasn't for Jiang Lianshan's face, you just reunited with your six elder brothers with the sword just now!" Tongtian said coldly.

One sword defeated the Fire Emperor.

Everyone was shocked all around.

Feng Jing Extreme and Ao Sheng looked ugly, standing in the distance, dare not interfere.

Master of Heaven?

The power shown is not that weak in the old Dragon Warring States? Such a strong one, isn't its one enemy?

Xuan Du didn't dare to plug in.

One sword defeated the Emperor of Fire, and the Tongtian leader once again looked at the ancient sea at Chongtiandian Square.

At this moment, everything in the Quartet seems to be under the control of the Master of Heaven.

Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, Ao Shun, Mo Yike, Chen Tianshan, Gao Xianzhi, Mengtai and others all looked ugly.

It is not a level at all, even if the murderer of Kong Xuan is not the main opponent of Tongtianjiao.

I ’m a fish, but a knife?

In the face of the strength of the Master of Heaven, everyone felt almost a sense of helplessness.

Too strong. Nothing to shake.

Gu Hai's eye of life and death can't be used now, and Gu Hai understands that even if he used the eye of life and death, he could not be the opponent of the Master of Heaven.

The ability to defeat the Emperor of Fire at will is not what he can counter.

"Ancient sea? Oh, the founder may have heard of you for a long time. From the time the Dragon Warring States used you as a close friend, you have become famous all over the world, but sometimes, the reputation cannot be eaten. The Dragon Warring States ridiculed. You should know You are in a good position, and you will hand over the Taiji diagram. Besides, you will suffer for the blessing of the Dragon Warring Kingdom, and give it to the lord of the gods! "

The tone of the God of Heaven is full of indisputableness, as if ordering the ancient sea and letting him hand over everything.

"Oh, ha ha ha, Master Tongtian? By virtue of Xuandu's words alone, do you think these two things are on the body? Is it too arbitrary? He only makes a blind statement for the sake of life, isn't you at your mercy? "Gu Hai suddenly said coldly.


Gu Hai scolded Tongtian faint?

Xuandu was stunned. In the distance, Maple Supreme and Ao Sheng were stunned.

Is this ancient sea greasy? In the face of Tongtian's questioning, dare to swear? This is not a bad thing. If you want to destroy you, destroy you.

Kong Xuan and others behind were also anxious, wondering why His Majesty was so good.

Does Your Majesty Think You Can Fight? Mobilize the trend of the Dahan Emperor? No, the trend of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty, three hundred cities, even if all the people lend their power to His Majesty, it is not enough. This is so powerful. Like the Dragon Warring States, how to fight him?

Everyone dare not intervene.

In the distance, between a mountain and a forest, the mosquito path turned into a small mosquito, hiding in the crack of the stone, and was also shocked.

"Gu Hai is not ready to hide its strength? This is the rhythm of tearing up with the Master of Heaven?" A gleam of light flashed through the eyes of mosquitoes.


The Tongtian leader also suddenly felt a cold. Tongtian is not like the Dragon Warring States admiring the ancient sea. With the killing nature of Tongtian, killing if you want to kill, never hesitate in your heart.

"Well, based on what you just said, the Lord has no reason to spare you, Xuandu lied? Oh, he didn't dare to lie in front of the Lord. So the Lord believes him and give it away immediately, otherwise, the Lord asks you to A city, even with you, is broken into pieces. "

"Break it into pieces? Oh, ha ha ha ha ha, good Master of Wanshou Taoism, I heard Zang Yulian said that in the past, Wanshou Taoism was governed by Taishang Tao, too living in the world, the heavenly body, and the sentient beings. It has never been for the evil world, and I do n’t want to be too high anymore, the Master of Heaven is so murderous! ”Gu Hai said coldly.

"Oh, it ’s really an intractable thing. No wonder the Dragon War parliament values ​​you, but this is useless to the founder. If the founder wants to kill, he can kill. You do n’t say, the founder started from your subordinates. A kill? "Tongtianjiao's mouth sneered, looking at the people behind Gu Hai.

Shangguan Hen, Ao Shun, Kong Xuan, Gao Xianzhi and others all changed their faces.

Kong Xuan's eyes were furious and he seemed to be approaching.


Ancient sea detective stopped Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan froze and was about to speak, but Gu Hai looked at the Tongtian leader and sneered: "Tongtian leader, do you really think that no one is your opponent above the borderless sky?"

"Huh?" Xuandu stunned in the distance.

On the other side, Fengjing Supreme and Ao Sheng also sank.

"What does Gu Hai mean?"

"On the borderless sky, there are people who are the opponents of the Master of Heaven? Impossible, right? Why didn't they come out before?"

Even Ao Shun, Kong Xuan, and Shangguan's marks also appeared blank.

It seems that he is not the main opponent of Tongtianjiao, who else? What masters are there in Wutiantian?

Gu Hai's tone was resolute, and in the face of the Tongtian leader, he did not shrink back, it seems that he really has to rely on it.

However, the world is so big that there are only a few of them who can reach the level of Tongtianjiao, and those few are not likely to defend the country for the ancient sea. Besides, it may not be the opponent of Tongtianjiao.

Where does Guhai rely on?

The Master of Tongtian is also blindfolded, and his cold eyes are scanned in the borderless sky.

"Foreign and strong, ah, in the past, you used the words to swindle the kid, but now you also want to swindle the master? The master also gives you a chance. If you have no boundaries, if you can With the sword of the present leader, the leader Raoer cannot wait to die! "Tongtian leader said coldly.

"Take your sword? Oh, if you can take the sword of the Master of Heaven, do you still need your forgiveness?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Yeah, you do n’t need the forgiveness of the master to take the sword. Well, if you can take the sword, the leader will leave you, regardless of your affairs. "Tiantian leader sneered slightly.

Can't connect, all died. No one can save it.

The borderless ministers finally panic. Looking to the ancient sea, I don't know what to do.

"That being the case, I'll invite someone!" Gu Hai chuckled slightly.

Aside, Xuandu looked at the ancient sea, just like looking at the dead. How dare you talk to the teacher about the conditions? This ancient sea must have got mad. The leader is also strange, why did you agree to Gu Hai so? The character of the leader has always been whatever he wants. Gu Gu is so troublesome that he would have to die before he changed it.

Gu Hai please?

Wujiangtian has no masters, how to invite people? All the courtiers appeared blank.

But he saw Gu Haishou grabbing the trap knife. The detective twisted.


Suddenly, Dazhen changed rapidly around him. In the transformation, the mist was exploding. At the center of the mist, a huge opening suddenly opened, like a void and black hole.

As soon as the black hole came out, Zhang Sanfeng and others avoided it.

In the eyes of Shangguanhen and Ao Shun, it was strange. Isn't this the channel that passed Sun Wukong last time? Is it necessary to teleport Sun Wukong back?

But when he saw Gu Hai suddenly said, "Dahan Emperor Dynasty, Gu Hai, please‘ Tiantianjiao ’!”

As soon as Gu Hai asked ‘Tiantianjiao’, countless subjects of the Quartet were amazed.

What do you mean?

"Large formations, cloud beasts?" Mo Yike said in shock.

Consolidate the cloud beast? In the past, Zhang Sanfeng was united and the East was undefeated. Now, is it necessary to unite a master of heaven?

Use the cloud beast to master the sky, against the real master of the sky?

Yes, but is this OK?

Xuandu not far away also opened his mouth, this ancient sea is crazy? Chess cloud beast? Aren't we unaware, but you have united and want to fight with the real Master of Heaven? Are you crazy?


In the mouth of the hole, a burst of purple and black gas suddenly burst out, and a mighty mighty power slowly radiated from the hole.

Everyone thought it was the leader of the cosmic cloud beast. But only Gu Hai understands that this time, instead of condensing the cloud beast, it was summoning and teleporting, teleporting the heavenly master of the earth's fairyland.

Take the Supreme Qing Lingbao Celestial Master of the Earth's immortal world, and fight against the Taoist masters of Wanshou Taoism.

Boom boom ~~~~!

At the mouth of the black hole, the purple and black air soared into the sky. In this purple and black air, suddenly stepped out a right foot.


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