Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 66: Celestial Master vs Celestial Master


Among the black holes, step out one foot, and the other step out, accompanied by more purple and black gas to the sky. At the same time, hundreds of millions of sword qi suddenly emerged out of thin air, surrounding a figure that stepped out slowly.

The beginning of the ancient sea formation, the Master of the Heavens has not taken it seriously, after all, in this world, his own Xianxian Sword Formation is the invincible first Kendo fierce formation.

In the battle that lasted six years ago, the celestial axe, Qiankunding, Chaos Bell, and all the pieces that were destroyed in all directions, but all incorporated their own Qixian Seven Swords, and they are self-confident. Nowadays, no magic weapon can compare to their own Qixian Seven. sword.

Even if the elders watch chess, they can surely chop it, let alone a little ancient sea?

When Gu Hai said, "If you ask the Master to teach Heaven," the Master of Heaven knows what kind of formation, isn't this the formation of the old man who watched chess?

Use the formation method to condense the cloud beast? Emulate the strong one?

Watching the old man playing chess, you are not afraid of yourself, let alone your chess team?

To imitate the strong, you need to know everything about the strong. Do you know about me? ridiculous. Even the old man who watched chess did not dare to talk about uniting me. How dare you unite me?

Originally, the leader of Tongtian looked down on this cloud beast.

However, when the one stepped out of that foot, the Tongtian leader suddenly shrank his pupils.


Yes, there is a fierce air around the sword beast of the 'cloud beast'. This is their own means. The 'cloud beasts' will gather in front of me?

Sword gas condenses, guarding the whole body. Obviously, the "cloud beast" that has not yet appeared has begun to cover up and protect itself.


With a loud noise, the coherent array of ancient seas receded abruptly, and the black hole also disappeared. However, the 'cloud beast' had already emerged.

The purple and black air surrounds it, and it is similar to that of the God of Heaven.

However, as it settled, the sword and black gas around it gradually decreased.

Slowly, a man of extraordinary black robes was also exposed. The man stepped in the air and did not show much momentum, but it gave people a sense of standing. As if there is only him left in the world.

The sky is boundless, and countless long swords tremble suddenly.

"Buzz, buzz ...............!"

Countless people covered their long swords with horror.

"My Tai Chi Sword? Is this ...?" Zhang Sanfeng pressed his sword in surprise.

The East's undefeated fine needles also trembled.

"What's going on?" Dugu surprised.

"Sword? Seems to be worshipping the king!" Simon Blow Snow frowned.

"Baijun?" Dongfang's undefeated expression sank.

"Yes, this man in black is like the king of swords in the world. His appearance moved with hundreds of millions of swords, and he seemed to worship him!" Simon blows his eyelids.

The man in black stepped on the air without seeing anyone. Instead, look up at the sky.

Take a deep breath.

"Six Immortals? Ha!" The man in black seemed to laugh a little excitedly.

"I've seen the Master of Heaven!" Gu Hai cried suddenly.


The man in black turned his head.

"Uh?" Everyone looked stiff.

"This is the Master of Heaven? It's nothing like that!"

"Yeah, except for the kendo breath, it looks a bit different!"

"Is this your Majesty's Cloud Beast Master?"




Everyone suddenly felt a sense of seeing the cottage. The point is, this cottage is nothing like it at all.

Although he was full of hesitation, no one spoke.

The man in black saw the ancient sea, but suddenly smiled slightly, and then gave a slight ritual: "Interception, Tongtian, met Mr. Gu!"

"This time Dahan encountered a calamity, he had to ask the Lord, and I also hope the Lord forgive me!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha? No need to do this, I am happy to find me!" The man in black laughed.

"Because the attacker is also a master of heaven, you should know him!" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"Oh?" Jiejia Tongtian turned to look.

As I looked, the scrutiny of glances in Tongtian Tongtian ’s eyes did n’t have much impact on Wanshoutongtian, but Xuandu on the side was suddenly agitated, as if Tianwei was under pressure and almost kneeled .

In the distance, Ao Sheng and Fengjing Supreme have already opened their mouths at this moment.

"This, this breath? Isn't it weak?

"Really, so strong?"



As the two talked, they were at a loss at the moment. Is this alive?

Master of Heaven? And then there came a Master of Heaven?

Hell there are mosquitoes in the distance.

Suddenly, the mosquitoes became numb.

"Why, how can you become a heaven, you can become a heaven? This breath is basically the same. Uh, no, it's different, but the same metamorphosis is a metamorphosis!" The mosquito Taoist was shocked.

A glance at the cut-off of Tongtian Tongtian, although it did not pose much threat to Wanshou Tongtian, but that look made Wanshou Tongtian's eyes freeze.

"Tongtian leader? How old are you? Why doesn't this leader know?" Wanshou Tongtian suddenly said coldly.

This person does not look like himself. Is it the other God of Taoism of Wanshou Taoism during his reincarnation? After all, those who have gotten through to heaven only have their own inheritance, not their first generation, they just look for the kendo mood for themselves. But there were no one in front of them.

Jeetong Tongtian looked at Wantian Tongtian with a hint of curiosity.

In the fairyland of the earth, Jietong Tongtian also knows about the Six Immortals, and I have heard that Gu Hai has said that there is a person with the same name as himself. Is it him?

"Huh, no matter who you are, this **** can only have one master who is heavenly!" Wanshoutongtian said coldly.

Speaking, the big sleeves fluttered.


Above the right hand, a purple long sword suddenly emerged.

The long sword is simple, but it has a breathtaking breath. Formerly dealing with the fire emperor was just a phoenix sword light, but now it is the entity of the cymbal sword. It can be seen that the degree of emphasis on jejunicism is extremely important.

Xun Xianjian out.

Countless swords in the Quartet are even more violent, this time, as if worshipping this Xunxian sword.

Xuan Du stepped back with a touch of horror.

No matter how the cloud beasts condensed on the opposite side of the ancient sea, but from the leader so much attention, it can be seen that the next level of fighting is horrible, Xuan can not dare to be escaped and quickly escape.

Xi Xianjian, the world's first sword. Developed by Wanshou Taoism, no matter which force in the world must retreat.

The powerful men on the borderless sky are worried. Even Gu Hai, at this moment, clenched her fists and waited.

"Oh? Ye Xianjian?" Chujiao Tongtian's eyes brightened.

The next moment, I saw that Chujiao Tongtian is also a big sleeve.


On the right hand of Jieduan Tongtian, a purple long sword suddenly emerged.

The long sword is quaint, exactly the same as that of the immortal sword of Wanshoutongtian, the same purple air soars, and the surface of the sword is covered with countless purple thunder and lightning.

Exactly the same?

If the appearances of the two masters of Heaven were not the same, they thought they were looking in the mirror.

"Another sword?" Kong Xuan shouted.

Beyond Kong Xuan, everyone in the Quartet was aggressive. The Tongtian leader of the ancient sea condensed the cottage, and the cottage also has a sword.

"Is it really a fairy sword?" The mosquitoes' eyes in the distant forest were protruding.

Others can't distinguish between true and false, but the mosquitoes have suffered from Xianxian Sword, plus some racial magic, but they are determined at a glance.

In the world, is there a second sword of Xianxian?

Wanshou Tongtian's feelings at this moment are not much different from others. Some depressed buns.

Do you think Wu Xianjian is so good at making? It is only after so many years that I have this sword, and the ancient sea formation can also condense.

The cottage in front of itself seemed to be getting more and more evil.

"Gu Hai, your chess game is really good, oh, unfortunately, the fake is ultimately a fake. Can you eat this sword?" Wanshoutong looked cold.

While talking, the body fluttered, and the Xianxian sword in his hand was chopped off.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The Master of Tongtian gave his sword with all his strength. How terrible, one sword was cut out, not with the sword, but with a sky.

A sword was cut out, and the sky on the back of the Master of Tongtian seemed to collapse, and he fell into Jixian Sword, venting to Jeet Tongtong.

That sword is the end of the world and the great destruction.

When I saw that sword, how many strong people shivered. When facing this sword, I didn't think of resistance, but simply despair.

It was at the moment that Wanshou Tongtian was beheaded, and the censorship of Tongtian also moved.

"Cut the power of the world for your own use? Cut the sword? Me too!" A flash of battle excitement flashed through the eyes of Chujiao Tongtian.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Jedi Tongtian also wielded a sword.

A sword is cut out, and the sky on this side seems to fall down, with this sword being cut off towards the other side.

The same Xunxian sword, the same swordsmanship, with the same powerful power, burst into a collision in the void.

This time, Xuandu, Aosheng, and Fengjing Supreme all had scalp tingling. At the same time, he was extremely afraid: "Which am I wrong? I dared to come and destroy the borderless sky?"

The two swords collided in the void, and the moment they collided, at the point of the sword, the void ripped open suddenly.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Numerous cracks tear the void, and everywhere they go, everything tears into pieces. A huge black hole suddenly radiated in all directions in the big bang.

"No!" Gu Hai's face changed.

Quickly use a trap knife to protect the borderless sky. Even so, Wu Tiantian was instantly shrouded in black holes, as if to be crushed.


Over the borderless sky, Jinyun roared with anger, rushed towards the periphery of the large array, and the large group swayed. This barely preserved the boundaryless city. However, it will not last long.

Fortunately, after the two swords of the Heavenly Master collided, they withdrew their swords.


The rolling storm rolled up countless mountains and trees to fill the broken black hole.

It took a while before the huge black hole filled up in countless fumes.

The borderless sky shivered and almost collapsed.

Gu Hai was frightened for a while, just now it was dangerous.

The fog slowly dissipated, but the others seemed to have forgotten the thrills just now, and couldn't wait to look at the two Masters of Heaven.


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