Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 67: son?

The two Masters of Heaven, still standing in place, looked at each other coldly.

The surroundings slowly restored calm, but no one can forget the power of the two swords colliding. It's too fierce, and the mess surrounding the earth has it all. Even the borderless sky has moved across a distance.

In the distance, some dragons and basalts even vomited blood from this aftershock.

The two Masters of the Heavens stood so coldly face to face, no one dared to approach.

"Is this a cloud beast? So powerful?"

"Stopped the sword of the Master Tongtian? How is this possible?"

Feng Jing Extreme and Ao Sheng were all horrified.

In the distance, the mosquitoes were completely stunned. What rhythm is this? If the ancient sea condenses with a cloud beast, can it compete with the Tongtian leader? No way?

Mosquito-spoken people were even more frightened by Gu Hai.

"Never believe that he is in the Palace of Heaven, otherwise, you don't even know how to die!" The mosquito whispered in the trembling of his heart.

In the distance, Wanshou Tongtian's right hand has been hidden in his sleeve, and Xianxian Sword has been put away. No one can see that Wanshou Tongtian's right hand is now trembling slightly. It was not fear, but the power of the collision just now was so great that his right hand was numb.

Not far away, Jedi Tongtian also hid his hands in his sleeves, and presumably suffered great damage.

The two did not fear, but in their eyes there was even more aggression.

Fight again?

Gu Hai didn't want them to fight again.

"Tiantian Master of Wanshou Taoism!" Gu Hai yelled suddenly.

"Huh?" Wanshou Tongtian's eyes were cold and he turned to look at Gu Hai.

At this moment, Wanshou Tongtian no longer has an ancient sea. Based on this cloud beast, Gu Hai is enough to make himself pay attention.

Consolidate another master of heaven? What means is this?

"Please also invite the master of Wanshou Taoism to fulfill the promise!" Said Gu Haishen.

"Promise?" Wanjutongtian suddenly sank.

Earlier, I didn't like Gu Hai's strength at all, and I boasted that Haikou said that as long as he caught his sword, he immediately turned around and left.

However, you must have enough qualified people to keep your promises.

If it ’s an ordinary person, the Master of Heaven will ignore the promise and just continue to kill. But at the moment, this weird ecclesiastical pedagogy has made him have to be careful, and also elevated Gu Hai's status to the highest moment, even if he is not as good as himself, he is weak and limited.

war? war? station?

Wanshou Tongtian looked at Jedi Tongtian, a flash of warfare flashed in his eyes, but he was extremely careful. It's not your own style to retreat now. Just want to ignore, kill the cottage in front of himself.

"Master of Taoism Taoism, the resurrection meeting is imminent, please call for a truce. After the resurrection meeting, if you have any doubts, come to see you again, how about it?" Gu Hai Shen said.

Wanshou Tongtian looked at the ancient sea with his eyes narrowed.

Resurrection Conference? Wanshou Tongtian naturally attaches great importance to it. It is still a few months before Wanshou Tongtian arrives in advance. Shows its importance.

After the Resurrection Conference? Competing again?

Wan Shou Tongtian pondered for a moment, then revealed a sneer: "Yeah, the resurrection meeting, the master will teach you the means, hum!"

Wanshou Tongtian snorted, his sleeves fluttered, and his figure slowly disappeared into place.

As he disappeared, Wanshou Tongtian stared at Jeetong Tongtian. Seeing that Cejiao Tongtian didn't act, he suddenly left.

Wanshou Tongtian will not fight, and the censorship will not fight.

This war suddenly ended.

However, the sword of the two masters of Heaven was deeply engraved in the hearts of everyone, and no one dared to point at anything.

As soon as Wan Shou Tongtian left, Xuandu's face suddenly changed, revealing his fright.

The leader is gone? Why can't the leaders of the ancient sea?

"Leader, wait for me!" Xuan Du blasted away in horror toward the northeast.

I don't dare to wait for a moment, Gu Hai, no, what about the cloud beasts that are gathered by the matrix method, what if you kill yourself? That is the existence of a winner and the leader.

Xuan Du left in horror. The ancient sea was not blocked.

Wanshou Tongtian left without any intention to wait for Xuandu, and along the way, he also remembered all the details of the previous truncation of Tongtian.

"Almost the same as a real person? And, although there are many generations of my Daoist heart, there are none of the Heavenly Masters of all generations. But this cloud beast has it? Even the unique Qixian sword is exactly the same No, there is a slight difference. His sacred fairy sword doesn't seem to fit into the celestial axe shard? "Wanshoutong was contemplative.

"He said, he is a censorship? No, what does censorship mean? Wanshou Taoism, I have a vein, it is not a censorship," Wanshou Tongtian frowned deeply.

Even after leaving, Wanshou Tongtian wondered, turned his head and looked at the distant Tiandu.

Everything seems too weird. What's going on? Why is there such a person like yourself?

In the distance, Tongtian Tongtian, who is outside the borderless sky, also looked at Wanshou Tongtian, leaving his eyes cold, and didn't say anything. He flew into the borderless sky.


When Gu Hai waved his hand, a lot of fog gathered around him. Covered everything.

When the interception came to heaven, Dahan's guards turned around.

The advent of Kong Xuan's dissecting teachings was a sudden jump of eyelids. Cheeky alertness.

"Kong Xuan, don't worry!" Gu Hai shook his head and smiled.

"call out!"

In the distance, a dark shadow rushed forward, but it was the mosquitoes who approached suddenly.

Mosquitoes were astonished when they saw this eclipse.

"Ancient, ancient sea, is this?" Mosquito swallowed with a trace of fear.

The mosquitoes did not dare to say that he was a cloud beast, because the Tongtianjiao seemed to be a real person, with flesh and blood, and even the mosquitoes could smell his blood. Extremely tempting, but extremely dangerous.

"I mentioned to you, the purpose of leaving Wudu Tiandu this time!" Gu Hai said with a smile.

purpose? Recruiting horses?

Suddenly the mosquitoes opened their mouths, thinking that it was enough to pervert Kong Xuan, but now, this ..., isn't he? But where did you get it?

"This is a mosquitoist, you should have heard of it!" Gu Hai introduced.

"A mosquito mosquito? A mosquito mosquito who swallowed the main disciple," Mother Turtle Spirit "?"

The mosquitoes suddenly changed their face: "The Lord forgive me, no, no ........."

The Mosquitoist was suddenly frightened, his disciples? Wasn't that the disciple of the Master of Heaven? Is it the same person?

Suddenly, the mosquitoes were shocked and inexplicable.

"What are you afraid of without saying you!" Tongtian instructor said coldly.

Talking about it, ignore the mosquitoes.

The mosquitoes were suddenly pardoned, but the next moment, they had a fight in their minds again. What did you say did not say me? Are there other mosquitoes who can eat the Virgin of the Turtle?

The mosquitoes were puzzled, but dare not ask.

Gu Hai is a probe.

The Tongtian leader nodded, and as the ancient sea stepped into the Chongtian Hall.


The gate of the hall closed and everyone was left outside, but at this moment, no one dared to follow.

In the cupola, only Guhai and Tongtian are the two masters.

The Master of Heaven then took a deep breath and reached out his right hand.

Above his right hand, the tiger's mouth of the Tongtian leader cracked, and a hint of blood came out.

"Are you injured?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Just shattered my skin, it's okay!" Tongtian instructor looked ugly.

Longevity, but numb hands. However, it was bleeding from the tiger's mouth.

"He is better than you?" Gu Hai frowned.

"There is something wrong with his sword, and his Jianxian sword is stronger!" Jie Tongtong looked ugly.

"Oh? I think of it. His Jianxian Sword is different from yours. It incorporates the fragments of sky axe, chaotic bell, Qiankunding, and all ten!" Gu Hai recalled.

"Oh?" Tongtian taught the Lord a look.

"Thank you very much just now!" Gu Hai thanked again.

"Don't thank me, I already explained it to my deity. I just didn't expect that once I met, I met him. Oh, good means, but I don't know how his swordsman swordsman array? Next time, I must teach him Sword formation! "A strong expectation flashed in the eyes of the Master of Tongtian.

"Tongtian leader, do you need to go back? Or stay temporarily?" Gu Hai asked.

"A rare visit, how could you go back so easily? By the way, Zang Yulian broke your child!" Tongtian taught the master a look.

"Ah? Really?" Gu Hai suddenly opened his eyes.

"Yes, but it's still early in Linpen. You left, but in ten days, that Monkey King was teleported back. We know that it's not far from you calling others. I can't think of the first one as me!" Satisfied.

"In my impression, in the battle against God, your fighting ability is the strongest, so ..." Gu Hai laughed.

"Sun Wukong went back. I didn't know what was going crazy, as if he had suffered a grievance. He would go to the eighteenth level of **** training, but that's fine. They saved them trouble." The Master of Tongtian nodded.

"Sun Wukong? Be brave and brave, and hope to become a climate in the future. I have left? It's been more than a year since I came back, and the earth is only a dozen days away?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"No, it's only twelve days on Earth's fairyland!" Explained the Master of Heaven.


The ancient sea froze slightly, smiled slightly, and sure enough, it was still early to leave Zang Yulian.

son? son?

For a moment, Gu Hai's eyes flashed impatiently. In Liudaoxianqiong, Guhai has sons, ancient Qin, ancient Han, ancient Tang, and ancient Ming, but those who are righteous sons, even if they are raised in front of their own sons, but suddenly heard the blood of their parents and children, Guhai is still excited and anxious to go back immediately That's good.

However, how difficult it is to go to the heaven of heaven.

"Let someone explain this to me. It's really strange here. The resurrection meeting you said earlier? Is it the old man watching chess in your mouth? He is going to live?" The Master of Tongtian Shen said.

"Next, I'll tell you everything, even if I don't have time, people will tell you. Old man watching chess? Yeah, it's going to be resurrected, and this time it seems menacing, I feel, his The bow has been pulled into a full moon, and the arrow is waiting for the day of the resurrection meeting! "Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Reverse the sky? Oh, ha ha ha ha, it is a coincidence that this is a great event, how can you miss it!" A flash of excitement flashed through the eyes of the Master of Tongtian.


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