Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 70: Heaven Soul Returns

This is the second more!


"Gudi, you are finally here!" Guan Jiu fell on the ancient sea deck with a smile.

"I've seen nine boys!" Gu Hai laughed.

"I have been looking forward to it for a long time, and thought you were not coming!" Guan Jiu laughed.

"How come, Gu Hai's commitments in the past and Jiu Gongzi are remembered in the heart. If he is capable, Gu Hai will do his best!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Guanjiu suddenly exclaimed: "Thank you ancient emperor, you can rest assured, if you can get Chen Xianer's soul, I will do my best for you!"

"Thank you!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"In addition to the ancient emperor, I may have promised some other people and will help me. The ancient emperor don't mind, I promised their request and will not conflict with you!" Jiugongzi solemnly said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked.

"The two suzerains over there and the three emperors over there have reached a consensus with me. This time, the return of the patron saint will bring back all the heavenly souls of these 800 years!" Jiugongzi solemnly said.

"Jiugong don't have to worry. It is good to have more people to help you. I naturally won't mind!" Gu Hai laughed.

Jiu Gong nodded his head. Although he found other helpers, he paid the most attention to Gu Hai. Obviously, Gu Hai's past achievements explained everything.

"In addition to me, other people have also found their own helpers. Obviously, it is about life and death, and every ninth player who has watched chess is prepared!" Jiugongzi solemnly said.

"What about the ancient Qin?" Gu Hai looked to the ancient Qin in the distance.

Gu Qin did not recognize himself, but, after all, his son.

"He? Unclear!" Jiugong shook his head.

In the distance, other people who watched Qi Jiuzi also saw that some powerful men came to say hello, and asked the strong men to help themselves at that time.

"When is the old man watching chess resurrected?" Mo Yike wondered.

Jiu Gongzi looked at the chess hall not far away.

"One more time, ancient emperor, have you seen the Temple of Chess?" Jiugong Shen said.

Gu Hai nodded.

"In the hall of viewing chess, there is a coffin. On the coffin, there is a chessboard. On the old chessboard, there are all blackspots. The owner of the court shattered the treasures of Yitian Che and spilled them on the four sides of the world. As the chess power increases, the blacks slowly become whites. When all of them become whites, it is when the master resurrects! "Jiugongzi explained.

"Oh? Collect chess skills?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Yes, now it's all together, but with a little surprise, when you first entered the congenital realm, what did the ancient emperor encounter? At that time, there was a time when the chess power was collected too fast. The **** in place is bursting! "Jiugong frowned.

"A **** burst?" Gu Hai looked.

At that time, when I was enlightened by the chess course, I met an old man who watched chess and thought about it. At that time, he wanted to copy his own 100,000 endgames and was finally blasted by the game. Mo Fei, was that time?

"White chess at the 'Ninth Five-Year Plan' has burst, and it may become a flaw in the patron! However, I don't know how it is now, ancient emperor, pay attention to yourself!" Jiugongzi solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded.


In the distance, another flying boat came quickly, and stopped on the sea instantly.

"call out!"

One person at the gate of the Temple of Chess immediately flew into the sky. But it is the Halloween Convention in the past, like the boundless son of the ‘watching old man’.

Wujizi got on the flying boat instantly, and gave a small gift to the owner of the flying boat, but it was almost set.

"Shenghuanghuang, Ji Dihong?" Shangguan Mark frowned.

In the distance, Ji Dihong also looked around, and when he saw Jiang Lianshan, he gave a small gift: "I've seen the Great Flame Lord! Red Emperor, Bai Emperor, and Emperor of Fire, long time no see!"

Ji Dihong gave a gift, White Emperor, Red Emperor, and Fire Emperor frowned slightly, instead of returning the gift, they looked at Jiang Lianshan.

"On the rhubarb? It's polite!" Jiang Lianshan laughed.

Jiang Lianshan spoke politely, and the white emperor, the red emperor, and the fire emperor returned a gift.

Ji Dihong smiled and turned to Gu Haifeizhou. The main thing is to look at the Jeet Tong Tongtian next to the ancient sea. Obviously, I also received the news. Looking at Jeet Tong Tongtian, a little flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at Gu Hai: "Dahan Emperor Dynasty, Guhai? Long heard the name!"

"Dahuang Sheng laughed!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

Ji Dihong nodded a bit, then turned his head and chatted with Wuyazi.

Wujizi, who was also employed in the Huanghuang Tianchao in the past, now has Jidihong's full support.

"Yellow Emperor? Yan Emperor? Oh, Yan Huang Ermai really looks like a Chi You, really dead?" Zhuan Jiao Tongtian's eyes narrowed.

"Oh? Isn't Juyou dead?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

The ancient sea asked naturally that Chiyou of the earth's fairyland.

"Suppressed at the bottom of the East China Sea, alive!" Jie Tongtong nodded.

Jietian Tongtian said that nature is the Chi of the earth. But in the distance, Jiang Lianshan and Ji Dihong, who were talking, suddenly narrowed their eyes and turned their heads.

Although the two seem to ignore the ancient sea, they are always paying attention to the direction of the ancient sea. Although Jeetun Tongtian speaks lightly, the two listen to it with all their strength, but they listen clearly.

Chi You is not dead?

The two looked dull at the same time. Amazed at the same time.

Gu Hai saw the eyes of the two in the distance and smiled slightly. We are not talking about Chi You at all. What are you nervous about?

"The hour has come, and the nine sons are back!" A loud drink came from Guanqidian Square.

However, the elders of Yitiange have summoned all the disciples of Yitiange to watch the chess hall outside.

"Gudi, I'll go first!" Jiugongzi solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded.

"call out!"

Jiugongzi flew to the distance in an instant and landed at the gate of Guanqi Hall.

Landed in the forefront.

The elder still wears a black robe. Looked up at the moment. He looked at the numerous flying boats in the Quartet and took a deep breath.

"Sacred Lord Yan Yan, Lord Huang Huang, Master of Heaven, Buddha III, and everyone here, thank you for being invited to the Lord's Resurrection Conference!" The elder respectfully saluted everyone.

Quiet quietly around, no one speaks, the hour is up, is the old man watching chess about to be resurrected soon?

"Next, please don't make too much noise, the Lord resurrected, and brought back the soul of all those who died for 800 years. It is too noisy and may shock these weak souls. Please forgive me!" Solemnly.

Everyone nodded around.

The elder turned his head and looked behind him at the chess hall.

"The Lord is on. Today, the disciples will temporarily preside over the opening resurrection meeting, and set up a chess cloth ceremony!" The elder saluted in a respectful manner at the Temple of Chess.

Disciples of Yitiange are all excited at this moment, and pay respects to the Temple of Chess.

After waiting for 800 years, just for today, the resurrection of today ’s patron saint will lead everyone back to their former glory?

"Thirty-three days in the sky, thousands of islands gather on the sea! When the scorching sun shines all over the sea, Wanyang all enters Yitiantai!" The elder shouted loudly.

Four sentences, no conflict, but these four sentences seem to have magic.

With the elder shouted.


The Qiandao Sea is like a black wind blowing from the sky. The wide range of black wind covers the whole Qiandao Sea.

"That's it?" Kong Xuan frowned suddenly.

Black wind? That ’s not black wind, this is a demon? In the past, now the Buddha has put it into the demon of his own body, but there are too many here than before, as if there are billions, endless.

The endless demons are flying wildly around Qiandaohai. It seems to be avoiding something, and fleeing in terror, but here, it is like a headless fly, and I do n’t know where to run, but can only scurry around.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! ...............!"

When the demons appeared, the four directions of the sun seemed to converge into a thousand beams of light, heading for thousands of islands in the Qiandao Sea. Suddenly, all the islands were dazzled.

Thousands of islands are bright, as if there is a thousand rounds of sun, floating on the sea.

The thousand rounds of sun only dazzled for a short time, and then emitted the dazzling light, and came straight to Tianyuan Island, or went straight to watch the chess hall. But the angle of this reflection is quite strange.

For a moment, at the chess hall, the thorns were extremely bright.


That huge chess hall is actually collapsing quickly. No, it is not collapsing, but deforming. The masonry of the palace seems to be pulled by a force, and it falls to the ground to form a huge altar.

The Guanqi Hall disappeared and turned into a huge Yitiantai.

Countless sunlight illuminates Yitiantai, making it extremely eye-catching.

On the Yitian platform, a coffin was placed. Above the coffin, there was a chessboard. On the chessboard, all positions were filled with white chess except for the vacancy of the ninth five-year plan.

The elders and a group of Yitiange disciples all immediately knelt down, with great respect and excitement.

"That's the chessboard and coffin that Jiugongzi just said? Will it be the body of the old man watching chess in the coffin?" Mo Yike frowned.

"Should not, wasn't the old man who watched chess was destroyed by the six immortals in the last time? If it was the old man's body, why do you need to take away nine chessmen?" Gu Hai frowned.

Mo Yike nodded. Keep looking into the distance.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you I you I I I you I my you I you my you I'd like to be in my life, ...

Suddenly, the chessboard seemed to form a huge suction, like a whale sucking water, and sucked into the chessboard all the billions of sky magic.


After absorbing the infinite amount of magic, the chessboard fluttered slightly. The above Bai Zi is beating quickly, and is generally in the exchange position. It took a full hour before it stopped.

While everyone was quietly waiting, a pale blue transparent body suddenly appeared on the chessboard.

The soul slowly emerged from the chessboard, and a flash of blankness flashed in his eyes.

"Murong Yan? Murong Yan's soul!" Not far away, the Emperor of Fire suddenly stared, showing ecstasy.

The fire emperor shouted, making the soul tremble like a candlelight in the wind, extremely fragile.

"Shut up! Fire Emperor, do you want her soul to dissipate? Don't make a loud noise and startle this soul!" Bai Di cried suddenly.

"Oh!" Fire Emperor suddenly covered his mouth.

He was reprimanded by Baidi, without any dissatisfaction, but full of gratitude. He turned to look at the heavenly soul on the chessboard, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

"I see, Heaven Soul? Heaven Soul? After people die, Heaven Soul returns to heaven and is taken away by Heaven, there is no whereabouts. It turned out that these Heaven Souls were turned into Heaven Souls by Heaven? The billions of Heaven Souls just now are countless Is the soul back? "Mo Yike moved.

"Returned? In that game of chess?" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with excitement.

Murong Yan's heavenly soul has returned. What about Chen Xianer's heavenly soul? Also in that game?


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