Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 71: Scramble

"Murong Yan?"

Jiang Lianshan calmed down when he saw the woman. Eyes stared at him, not seeing the slightest fluctuation, but Gu Hai saw a hint in the distance, Jiang Lianshan hid his hands in his sleeves.

"This Murongyan is so charming!" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with surprise.

In the distance, Murong Yan's looks are indeed very beautiful, with a distressing impulse in a smile, but beauty is beautiful! The world is not necessarily incomparable, at least the women that Gu Hai knows are not worse than her.

However, after such a woman, after marrying the old man who watched chess, how many people still let her hang on?

Emperor Xiyu, Dragon Warring States, Fire Emperor, and this Jiang Lianshan?

Murong Yanzheng looked around, and looked down at a coffin below.

The coffin lid of the coffin under the chessboard suddenly slipped and opened slowly, slowly revealing the internal scene.

"It really is not the body of the old man who watched chess!" Shangguan Mark frowned.

However, in the coffin, at this moment was lying the body of a woman wearing a Yunsi robe. The body looked exactly like Murongyan's heavenly soul.


Murong Yan's heavenly soul slowly fell into the corpse, and as soon as it entered the corpse, it slowly blended.

After a while, Murongyan's body slowly opened her eyes.


Murong Yan breathed a long breath, as if sighing quietly, slowly rose from the coffin. Step out slowly.

"Meet my mother!" Said Yi Tiange disciples excitedly.

Outside, the Quartet strong is also extremely excited.

Is Murong Yan resurrected? Wouldn't it be that those who care about themselves can be resurrected?

Murong Yan stood on the high platform, looked around, and frowned slightly when she saw Jiang Lianshan flying.

"Murong Yan, I've seen the Great Yan!" The woman suddenly saluted Jiang Lianshan.

The woman's voice was very nice, as crisp as a lark.

With a little gift, the fire emperor in the distance was very excited: "It's her, live, really live!"

The fire emperor was shaking with excitement.

Jiang Lianshan stared at Murong Yan and didn't speak, as if he was worried that his speech was leaking. He just nodded, but his eyes never left Murong Yan.

Murong Yan explored a move.


The chess over his head immediately fell in front of Murong Yan.

A seemingly ordinary game of chess, but by no means ordinary, Murongyan's heavenly soul came out of it, as well as countless other heavenly souls, also inside.

"Where is the Nine Son?" Murong Yan suddenly said.

"Boundless son, meet Master!"

"Ancient Qin, Long Sanqian, Qingdi, Yan Qingshan, Hanshan, Guanjiu, see Master!"

"Tang Tian, ​​Huang Kun, see Master!"

Watching chess and nine sons, all respected and worshiped in respect of Murong Yan.

Murong Yan nodded and looked at the nine sons in front of her, saying: "The husband has previously conveyed my thoughts to you. You and nine people, please choose one on this board!"

Nine people froze slightly, then nodded.

Each detective took a white piece on the board.

In the same place where Bai Zi was taken out, there was a whirlpool in the ground. Vaguely, we could see countless days of souls struggling in the whirlpool.

"Fu Jun said. Later, when you put Baizi back in place, when you wait for your thoughts to enter the chessboard, there are countless heavenly souls in the chessboard. , Deposit in the pieces you and others are waiting for, and win or lose according to the number! "Murong Yan said.

"I'm waiting for nine people to fight for the soul of heaven? Is the quantity determined to win or lose? Yes, how to judge the results?"

"Whoever fights for the least souls, there is no need to exist, the husband will find him back!" Murong Yan solemnly said.

Murong Yan spoke and watched Jiuzi immediately moved.

Whoever loses wins?

That ’s right, the old man who watched chess did n’t care how much of your skill. After he returned, he was the same after winning the house. Abandoning the weakest, there are eight strong disciples.

"Yes!" Nine responded suddenly.

"Of course, those with weak ideas can ask outsiders for assistance. The husband doesn't watch the process, only the results!" Murong Yan said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Nine said with a hint of nervousness.

Please someone help? If you lose, you will be taken away. Naturally go all out.

"However, please invite each other. After a scent of incense, Luo Ziyan wins the battle for the soul!" Murong Yan solemnly said.

"Okay!" Nine people suddenly said dignifiedly.

Turning his head, watching the Jiuzi immediately looked at the strong players in the Quartet. The old promises to the strong players in the Quartet were now fulfilled, and they were quickly saluting to those who were allied with themselves.

Wujizi salutes Ji Dihong.

The emperor saluted Jiang Lianshan.

Han Shan saluted to the present Buddha.

Three thousand dragons worshiped the dragon **** martial arts.

Yan Qingshan is the master of heaven who worshiped the Taoism of Wanshou.

Watch Jiubai went to the ancient sea.

Of course, after everyone worshiped, they worshiped some others.

Gu Hai nodded towards Guan Jiu, and looked to the ancient Qin in the distance.

Ancient Qin also paid tribute to three ancestors. But it seems that the background is too shallow, not too many allies are invited. Gu Hai frowned slightly.

For a while, a flash of time passed.

"Okay, it's almost time, put the **** back in place, close your eyes, feel with your heart, and fight for the soul with your mind!" Murong Yan said.


Nine people each held a white man, and slowly landed in the previous position.


The moment they fell, the nine suddenly closed their eyes.

Closing one's eyes for a moment, it seemed that hundreds of thousands of shouts came from the board.

"Ah, don't grab me, don't grab me!"

"Save me, save me, ah!"




Hundreds of thousands of souls are crying.

Each of the nine people tried their best to absorb the heavenly soul, but saw that the white man holding each other was like a vortex, one by one, and as the heavenly soul poured in, each white man was slowing down. Slowly changing color, slowly dim, and gray.

Jiuzi scrambled for a while, and now in the distance, the Buddha took the first shot.


With one palm, he hit the Hanshan Bodhisattva in the air. The Hanshan Bodhisattva did not struggle, and the palm owl was suddenly put on the back. A big idea suddenly poured into the body of Hanshan Bodhisattva.


The Hanshan Bodhisattva pointed at the chess piece, and the speed of competing for the sky soul soared innumerable. The chess piece at his finger became darker and changed to black.

"Not good!" The four strong ones sank.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ……………………

The strong men quickly patted each other on the back of Guanqi Jiuzi, and their ideas were connected to help them quickly compete for the soul.

Jiu Gongzi already has eight palms on his back, but it is not enough.

Gu Hai glanced at Jiugongzi, and then looked at Gu Qin, who had only three palms, and frowned slightly.


The left palm hit, and suddenly appeared on the back of Jiu Gongzi.


Gu Hai didn't need to do anything, Gu Hai felt that his thoughts seemed to have been connected with Jiu Gongzi, like a thin line connecting himself and Jiu Gongzi.

With this connection of thoughts, Gu Hai felt the chessboard world instantly.

The ancient sea saw a dark world. In the dark world, there is a large array of super complicated chess courses that are shining. Countless demon pass through this chess course, and automatically remove the magic of the body, and then turn into a heavenly soul, dancing in the interior.

However, this big battlefield seems to have a gap. It is in the position of the “ninth five-year plan”. In the position where the ancient sea explodes, some demons have become net-lost fishes. However, the chess-row array moves continuously, and those fish-loss nets quickly Purified again.

"It turns out that this white chessboard is used to purify the demon!" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Jiugongzi pressed the chess piece, but it looked like a huge container, and with the tentacles of the mind driven away, he drove countless days of magic into the container.

In this chess world, the stronger the idea, the bigger the tentacles, and the more celestial souls you catch.

The idea is in the heart of the eyebrows, the seventh soul of the three souls and the seven souls, and ordinary people have not practiced much.

Although Guhai is only the Heavenly Palace, the power of the idea is not weak. Anything in the heavenly palace is touched, and the tentacles of the idea of ​​Guanjiu have soared more than 100 times.

"Wow, ancient emperor, you are still great, hahahaha!" Jiu Gongzi received countless days of soul in an instant, excited.

Watching the Jiuzi, the weakest is the ancient Qin, after all, only three people helped him.

Gu Hai watched Gu Qin fall to the end, sighed slightly, and pulled out his right hand.


With one palm, Gu Hai pressed his right hand on the back of the ancient Qin. Suddenly, it was a connection of ideas.

The ancient sea billowed into the body of the ancient Qin.


The number of ancient Qin fighting for the soul of the sky suddenly rose sharply.

For a moment, Gu Qin knew what was going on. Although there was no emotion left, I don't know why, when Gu Hai took a palm shot on his back, he suddenly felt warm. Childhood memories flowed in instantly.

"Father, father!" Gu Qin frowned slightly.

In the distance, Gu Hai smiled a little. No matter what happened in the future, at least Gu Qin's father at this moment made Gu Hai full of relief.

"The idea is to grab the soul of the sky? This old man who watched chess, so it was mysterious!" Frustrated Tongtian, beside Gu Hai, frowned.

"Leader, Kong Xuan, Shangguan marks, you don't have to take a shot for a while!" Gu Hai Shen said.

The crowd nodded.

The chess pieces under the ancient Qin and Guanjiu fingers have quickly turned black, not the last one.

As long as it is not final, it is enough.

Looking at the nine pieces of chess, the pieces under the finger are constantly turning black, and gradually and completely black, and there are hundreds of thousands of heavenly souls in these nine pieces.


At the moment where all the heavenly souls were divided up, the chessboard rang suddenly and suddenly, and it broke apart.

"Huh?" Guan Qijiu's face changed. The detective grabbed the sunspot full of heaven's soul.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

The chessboard quickly cracked, and after only a little effort, it turned into powder and disappeared.

Nine pieces of black chess fell into the hands of the nine players who watched chess. All the strong men in the Quartet also withdrew their palms and withdrew their own ideas.

"Who is more and who is less?" All of them stared at Guan Qi Jiu Su.

Of course, Gu Hai and some strong men were blindfolded.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" Kong Xuan wondered.

"I don't know, there is a trace of ideological connection between Gu Qin and Guan Jiu. The connection of that consciousness has not been broken!" Gu Hai frowned.

Not only the ancient seas, but the quartet powers gradually discovered that something was wrong. How could they not break their minds with the nine chess players?

"No, Qiandaohai area has been sealed up by the large array!" Chujiao Tongtian looked up at the sky and said in a deep voice.


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