Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 72: Chess elderly resurrection

"No, Qiandaohai area has been sealed up by the large array!" Chujiao Tongtian looked up at the sky and said in a deep voice.

Everyone looked up and looked at the sky together, but the sky was the same as before, and no abnormality was seen.

The ancient sea turned his head to look at the Sifang Island. At this moment, the Sifang Island was also slightly trembling, and the sea water flowed mainly around it faster.

"Oh, it was sealed, old man watching chess. What a martial arts pattern, thirty-three days of vertical and horizontal formation? Sure enough perfect!" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed in a deep voice.

"Are we covered?" Kong Xuan frowned.

With Kong Xuan's strength, there was no clue.

"The outside world may seem windy and sunny, but this may not be the case. This is an illusion. Old man watching chess, what is he doing?" Gu Haishen said in a loud voice.

"Whatever it is, it's time to determine who has been taken away!" Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

Gu Hai nodded.

Everyone looks at the nine chess players together-

Thousand Island Sea.

"Meow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A black cat stepped in the air and stared up at the sky.

Above the sky, the clouds were thick and the thunder and lightning were shining. A mighty cataclysm rushed down and Dadao thunder and lightning chopped in the Qiandaohai area.

However, Qiandaohai now seems to have a monstrous enchantment, covering the whole Qiandaohai.

Inside, all the powerful men such as Gu Hai saw the wind and the sun, but in fact, the outside world was on the verge of destruction.

Endlessly angry. Thunder and lightning.

The black cat stepped in the air, looking at Qiandaohai's enchantment with suspicion.

"It's a little late, and the resurrection meeting has started? Meow, what should the old man watch chess do? Once again, this is the second time that he has been playing against the Six Immortals?" The black cat stared.

There was a huge enchantment in front of me, and the black cat was babbling for a while. From the dark clouds in the sky, we can see that there will be a huge battle in the future. Heaven may look down again.

Go to the resurrection conference? Or run away?

"Meow, Liudao has been detained for 800,000 years. I came out and hid him everywhere. What's the difference with detention? Fuck, the old man who watched chess before had dared to fight against Liudao, and I still ran away. The reason? Huh! "The black cat hummed.


The black cat's claws snapped sharply, and the enchantment seemed to tear a rip.


The black cat drilled into it instantly, but the torn rip was restored to its original state instantly.

As soon as the black cat entered it, he suddenly found that the outside and the inside saw nothing at all.

"Interesting? Hahaha, old man watching chess. This is to deceive everyone? Good deceit, hum, Lingshan Holy Land? Wanshou Taoism? I believed you so much, but at the end I betrayed Heaven, betrayed us, hum The black cat showed his face, and rushed towards Tianyuan Island.

The black cat is fearless, but thousands of islanders are still wandering at the moment.

Resurrection Conference?

It's not only Gu Hai who can see the determination of the old people to watch chess. There are countless smart people in the world. Naturally, many people can see it. Some people have participated, but many people are watching outside.

At this moment, when the sky was covered with dark clouds and the lightning flashed, I knew that something must have happened inside, but fortunately I didn't step in.

Everyone waited patiently and wanted to know what would happen--

Yi Tiantai.

Watching nine chess players each got a blackspot. At this moment, everyone was worried.

After all, with sunspots, I don't know who has more heavenly souls and who has fewer. Everyone looked at Murong Yan together.

Who is the old man to watch chess?

Although the powerful people felt a touch of ideology with Guan Qi Jiu Zi, at the moment, they suppressed their doubts. Even if someone finds himself in a large array, as if he is a censor, he doesn't care.

The old man watching chess will soon be resurrected.

"Master, who were we selected?" Wuyazi worried.

"Master, who is it, and when does Master start?" Hanshan Boss frowned.

At a time when all the players are watching the game, all nine players are extremely anxious.

Murong Yan smiled slightly bitterly, and then she seemed to be guilty and solemnly saluted to the nine sons.

"Master is not!"

"Master, what is this?"




Suddenly, there was a bad feeling among the nine players.

"The husband resurrected, no need to take away! Sorry!" Murong Yan suddenly said.

"What?" Watching Qi Jiuzi and everyone in the world showed surprise.


But at this moment, countless colorful streamers suddenly appeared in the sky, and once the streamers came out, they suddenly exposed the Qiandaohai array.

Suddenly, the sea water was like a mirror, and it was extremely calm. It was quiet and quiet, and only saw countless colorful streamers in the sky.

"Yan'er, you don't need to feel guilty to them!" Suddenly, a voice seemed to come from Jiuxiao, and it spread across the whole array.

However, I saw that all the light beams on the Yitian platform suddenly converged on the central coffin. Above the coffin, the thorns were extremely bright, and there was a faint condensed smoke.

"Grandmaster?" Yi Tiange's disciples suddenly exulted.

"The old man's voice watching chess?" Kong Xuan frowned at a distance.

No one knows what medicine is sold in the old gourd of Guanqi, just feels like everything is out of everyone's previous expectations.

"Watching chess, what are you doing?" Jiang Lianshan did not know why. Suddenly there was a irritability in his heart, and he had a bad hunch.

"Jiang Lianshan, it's gone for 800 years, don't come here!" In Bai Guang, the voice of the old man watching chess came again.

"Is it really you?" In the distance, Wanshou Tongtian sank suddenly.


Suddenly, countless white lights converged, as if inhaled into a body.

It was the mouth of the coffin, and suddenly there was an old man in white robes, and the old man slowly walked down from the coffin. It's normal, and you can't see much momentum, just like the grandfather next door.

"Fu Jun!" Murong Yan came over with a touch of excitement in her eyes.

When Murong Yan came, two lines of tears slipped in her eyes.

"Meet the Lord of the Pavilion!" Guan Qi Jiuzi also suddenly worshiped.

Disciples of Yitiange are even more excited and mad, shouting to see the host!

The old man who watched chess gently wiped tears to Murong Yan with a smile: "Well, don't cry, it won't be beautiful if you cry again!"

"Fu Jun, stop fighting, okay? I'm afraid, I'm afraid of losing you again!" Murong Yan said with tears in her eyes.

The old man who watched chess stared at Murongyan for a while, then revealed a stunned smile: "You won't lose me, there are things that I must do. After all these years, how long can I give up on this day?

Murong Yan bit her lip, but she could only stop, her head buried in the arms of the old man who watched chess.

The old man who watched chess stroked Fu Rongyan's hair. Holding Murong Yan, look at the strong one in the Quartet.

"Jiang Lianshan? Ji Dihong? Master of Heaven? Buddha III? It's a pity that it's too soon, and the Dragon Warring States is gone, but you are enough!" Said the old man with a slight smile.

Although the image of the old man who watched chess was a bit old, his body was thin and his appearance was very elegant. Even if he was older, he still had an extraordinary charm.

"Old man watching chess? So you can resurrect yourself? Condensing the flesh yourself? Why do you have to hold this resurrection meeting?" Now the Buddha is looking at the old man watching Guanqi in doubt.

"Because I'm waiting for you!" The old man watching chess laughed.

"Wait for us?" Everyone looked at the old man who watched chess puzzled.

On the other side, Jiang Lianshan and the Fire Emperor saw the old man watching chess holding Murong Yan in his arms, all of them looking somber for a while, seeming to be extremely uncomfortable.

"You are the ancient sea?" The old man who watched chess looked at ancient sea.

When looking at the ancient sea, the old man who watched chess also looked at the censorship and the sky beside the ancient sea, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Gu Hai, I have seen the Lord of Yi Tiange. In the past, I was instructed to guide the game of heaven and earth, and benefited a lot!" Gu Hai took a deep breath.

"Yes, your chess course surprised me. From Jiuzi's memory, I learned that on the thirty-second, you all came by hand, thirty-three, you have studied it thoroughly?" The old man watching Guan suddenly laughed.

"Slightly familiar with chess, if Yi Tiange master does not give up, Gu Hai is willing to discuss with the court master, please enlighten Yi Tiange master." Gu Hai Shen said.

"There will be time, don't worry!" The old man watching chess laughed.


Suddenly, a black cat jumped from a distance.


The black cat landed in the air not far away, staring at the old man watching chess in the distance.

"I'm late? Are you resurrected?" The black cat frowned.

"No, you are here just now, the resurrection meeting has just begun!" The old man watching chess laughed.

"Just started? Old man, so troublesome, what do you want to do?" The black cat wondered.

"Everyone here, do you know?" The old man Guanqi laughed.

The black cat turned around and looked at the Master of Heaven, and when he saw the Third Buddha, he suddenly stared: "Well, do you not know the beast who betrayed Heaven! If I knew your wolf ambitions, I would have swallowed them You guys! "

"Bulgarian Buddha!" ​​Now the Buddha's face was sullen.

"Hum!" The Tongtian leader of Wanshou Taoism snorted, and seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with the black cat.

"Don't worry, look back and you have your grievances and resolve them yourself. Now, you are still comrades in arms!" The old man watching Guanqi laughed.

"Comrade-in-arms? Who are their comrades-in-arms!" The black cat stared suddenly.

The old man who watched chess was not angry: "The cat Tianyun, 800,000 years ago, was one of the five great beasts of the last generation, and was given the guardianship of life. In those days, you were not so impatient!"

"Huh!" The black cat snorted, seeming to be very unhappy with the indifferent attitude towards the old man watching chess.

"Comrade in arms? Dare to ask Yi Tiange, what is a comrade in arms?" Gu Hai frowned.

The old man who watched chess looked at the crowd and looked at the nine sons of chess, showing a smile: "Kill their comrades!"

"What?" His face changed.

Countless strong people around were also dismayed.

"Old man, are you crazy? They are the nine sons of chess, your disciples, you let us kill them?" Cat Tianyun stared.

"Master, I'll wait for your inheritance, why kill us!" Wuyazi suddenly changed his face, exclaimed.

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