Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 73: Chess game

"Master, I'll wait for your inheritance, why kill us!" Wuyazi suddenly changed his face, exclaimed.

Guanqi Jiuzi was panicked, but no one dared to take a shot at the old man.

Disciples of Yitiange and Fengxu Supreme also changed their face.

what's the situation? Court mainly kills nine sons?

Even the strong Quartet was shocked and couldn't understand.

Things seem to deviate from everyone's expectations, aren't these nine people disciples of the old man watching chess?

The old man watching chess looked at the nine people, and there was a dignity in his eyes.


Just then, the sky suddenly made a loud noise, as if a giant thunder bombarded the Qiandaohai array, and above the sky, the colorful streamers trembled suddenly and quickly separated.

As soon as everyone looked up, suddenly, a vast eye suddenly appeared outside the gap between the colorful streamers.

Heavenly Eye?

As soon as the eyes of heaven appeared, a super-coercion rushed straight down, and there were countless strong people in the Quartet. There was an urge to kneel immediately.

"Watching chess? Are you dead?" A roar rang from the sky.

Gu Hai's face changed. The Six Immortals are awake again?

Intercepting Tongtian's eyes closed for a moment, a war of thoughts skyrocketed, "This is the Six Immortals?"

As soon as Tianwei came out and a big repression was about to appear, the old man watching chess smiled slightly. With a wave of his hand, "Six, the game has begun!"

Watch the chess old man waved.


The previous colorful streamers suddenly filled the sky again and covered the enchantment. For a moment, the eyes of heaven were no longer visible. At the same time, the Tianwei oppression suddenly disappeared.

Everyone felt that the colorful streamers around were turning wildly.

The whole Qiandaohai seemed to float. Fluttering fast. Everyone was jumping in their hearts.

"What's wrong, what's it like? Even my heart beats up?" Jie Tongtong looked ugly.

"What?" Gu Hai's face sank and looked to Jeet Tong Tongtian.

What's the strength of Intercepting Tongtian? My heart has been sharpened like the earth, but my heart beats faster?

Not only do we cut off the teachings, but also the longevity in the distance, the Third Buddha, Jiang Lianshan, and Ji Dihong all turned wild.

"Old man watching chess, what are you doing?" Wanshou Tongtian glared angrily.

"Resurrection meeting? I'm not going anymore, I'm gone, I'm not going crazy with you!" Suddenly a sect's face turned skyward.

At this moment, everyone can see that there is a huge enchantment in Qiandaohai. The monarch of the gate suddenly soared into the sky and wanted to break out of the enchantment.

Can just touch the enchantment.


The lord of that door suddenly turned into a piece of scattered sand, opened with an explosion, and turned into dust.

"His!" Countless powerful people in Quartet changed their faces.

"Don't move, don't break!" The old man watching chess smiled slightly.


Thousand Island Sea.

Countless strong men did not go to the resurrection meeting, but watched from all directions.

The sky was overcast with thunder and lightning, and a great devastation landed on the Qiandao Sea.

At this moment, countless colorful streamers suddenly flow out of the Qiandaohai enchantment. The colorful streamers are very fast and rotate around the enchantment. The seawater was trembling all around.

There was a sudden jump in the hearts of the outside powers, and I didn't know what happened.

Right now.


Countless thunderclouds suddenly split into two from the middle.


A huge eye suddenly appeared.

As soon as the eye of heaven emerged, a great suppression came out, and the enchantment was just above the enchantment, tearing apart instantly, and the eye of heaven looked in.

At the same time, countless strong men in the Quartet suddenly changed their faces and bowed down.

Heaven's Eye, is this Heaven's Eye? Is the old man watching chess resurrected? The eye of heaven appeared, and the old man watching chess was dead.

"Watching chess? Are you dead?" A roar rang from the sky.

But it was the sound of sky rage.

In the fury of the sky, all the strong in the Quartet shivered. The might of heaven is too horrible. With a rage, his soul will shatter.

At a time when everyone thought there would be a shocking battle.


Above the enchantment, the streamers soared countlessly again, closing the part torn by the eye of heaven.

The colorful lights flow fast and faster.


Suddenly, the enchantment disappeared. No, the whole Qiandaohai disappeared, all the islands, and even all the sea water, disappeared in an instant.

"Huh?" The eyes of heaven suddenly shrank.

Qiandaohai disappeared as if it had been dug out, and a super pit appeared there.

"Wow la la la!"

Numerous seawaters filled the large pits in the Qiandao Sea area.

At this moment, the waters of the four seas are pouring down, and the sea is setting off huge waves.

"It's gone? Why isn't it? The island is gone?" The outside strong face changed.

The eyes of heaven stared at that place, but it was gone. There was a icy flash in the pupil of the eye of heaven.



The eyes of heaven slowly closed, and the dark clouds gradually dispersed.

Tianwei disappeared.

All the strong men were able to stand up, and looking at the empty Qiandaohai, everyone suddenly swallowed.

It took exactly ten days for the sea to fill the large area of ​​Qiandaohai, and at this moment all the islands of Qiandaohai were gone.

Countless powerful men who went to Qiandaohai also disappeared. None of them.

At the same time, the earth of Shenzhou was a great event.

Sky without borders.


With a loud noise, the fortunes of the borderless heavens burst apart, including the huge golden dragon.

"What happened? Luck has disappeared again?" Countless officials suddenly showed horror.

The people were also panicked. Why was their luck gone? problem occurs?

"Master, luck is gone, is your Majesty ...!"

"Master, no, luck is gone!"





Fortunately, Dahan had an experience, and Chen Tianshan was in no hurry.

"Noisy, not inexperienced, shouting?" Chen Tianshan stared.


"No, but your Majesty retreats with luck, who dares to talk? All the officials will do their best to appease the people, and those who dare to gather trouble and slander the king during this period, cut off!" Chen Tianshan sang.

"Uh, yes!"

"What to do and what to do!" Chen Tianshan stared.

"Yes Yes!"




Mosquitoes looked at the sky blankly: "Gudi, you are always like this, my heart can't stand it!"

Dahan calmed down quickly.

But the other forces in the world were suddenly confused.

In the Great Yan Dynasty, the air fortune suddenly collapsed, disappeared, and the country became confused. Countless officials went straight to the Temple of Fire.

Jingwei was also anxious at this moment, but promised his father to keep the country and naturally scolded the ministers.

"Is the loss of luck the same as the death of the king? The last time Dahan luck disappeared, did the ancient sea die?" Jing Wei glared and yelled.

"I, I, but ........." The ministers were anxious.

"Well, do your own thing, and then someone will dare to say something to the Holy Trinity!" Ji Wei stared.

"Yes!" The ministers answered.

Rhubarb heaven. The Great Emperor Wu Dynasty, the Great Emperor Emperor Dynasty, and even the Holy Land of Lingshan. Suddenly everyone was heartbroken at this moment.

The strong men kept going to Qiandaohai to inquire about the news, and kept in touch with their respective kings and suzerainers, but they couldn't reach each other and no news at all.

The strong man who once stood in Qiandaohai was immediately caught by the tiger and wolf strongmen from the Quartet, forced to confess, and asked what happened to Qiandaohai.

The Qiandaohai strongmen suddenly disappeared. Although their respective forces suppressed the chaos, there were still numerous chaos in the land of Divine Land.


Tianyuan Island.

A suzerain rushed towards the colorful streamer enchantment, but his body exploded in an instant. It wasn't flesh and blood, but it seemed to be the original atomic and molecular structure.

Such a scene made everyone in the enchantment suddenly panic.

"Old man watching chess, do you count us?"

"What resurrection meeting, are you lying to us?"

"Yi Tiange, you look for death!"




The strong ones roared fiercely.

There were several people who wanted to leave because of their strength, but as soon as they soared into the sky, they instantly turned into powder, and some people rushed to the old man who watched chess. However, the old man watching Chess threw a hand, and a colorful streamer poured in, and the strong man also fluttered into powder.

The enchantment is like a cage, and all the people are trapped. The old man watching chess is like a god, standing in the cage, whoever wants to die is as dead as anyone.

"Resurrection meeting? Oh, watching chess, what do you deceive us into your Qiandaohai? What do you really want to do with me?" Jiang Lianshan said coldly.

The four strong players are not the opponents of the old people who watch chess. It does not mean that Jiang Lianshan, Ji Dihong, Tongtian Master, the Third Buddha and others have no resistance. Everyone has been waiting for an explanation from the old man watching chess.

The old man watching chess loosened Murong Yan, patted her shoulder, slowly looked around everyone's face, and smiled slightly: "Resurrection Conference? Today, a thousand years ago, I was preparing, everything is everything In my calculations, of course, there are some small flaws in the process, but the overall direction has not changed! "

The old man who watched chess looked at Gu Hai with a smile, as if the little flaw was the ancient sea.

"It was prepared a thousand years ago? In other words, the game against heaven was just a part of your layout?" Ji Dihong frowned.

"You can say that!" Laughed the old man watching chess.

"The end of Qiandaohai was also left intentionally by you? For the formation of today's battlefield?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Good!" The old man watching chess nodded.

The Quartet's strong face was ugly for a long time.

"You haven't said, why are you waiting for me to come here? Are you afraid we will be against you?" Wanshoutong said coldly.

"Actually, I already talked with Liu Dao just now, and invited everyone to come, just to participate in a game!" The old man watching chess laughed.

"Game?" Everyone in the Quartet froze.

"I have no time to play any games with you!" Wanshoutong said coldly.

"It's not whether you want to play or not, but it's already started. No one of you can quit. Exit is death! No matter who you are!" The old man who watched chess suddenly sneered.

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