Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 74: Welcome to 800,000 years ago

"I have no time to play any games with you!" Wanshoutong said coldly.

"It's not whether you want to play or not, but it's already started. No one of you can quit, it's death! Whoever it is!" The old man watching Guan suddenly sneered.

"Dead? Oh, so big, relying on you?" Ji Dihong's eyes narrowed, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

The colorful streamer enchantment actually cut off everything, even the eyes of heaven couldn't penetrate into the general world, and everyone was cut off from the outside world?

"Game? You prepared for a thousand years, just to call everyone to play a game? Kill Guanqi Jiuzi?" Jiang Lianshan said in a deep voice.

Everyone was staring at the old man watching chess. Look at the nine chess players together.

These nine people don't see much ability. To have strength, to have no strength, to have wisdom, is also extremely limited.

Aren't they disciples of the old man watching chess? Why kill them?

"Master, where did the disciples do wrong?" Wuyazi and others all anxiously said.

"You did nothing wrong, but they underestimated you!" Laughed the old man watching chess.

"Underestimate us?" Nine frowned slightly.

Nine sons now, nine people suddenly covered their heads, one by one suddenly pain.

"Ah, Lord, why are you dealing with us?"

"My head hurts!"

"Buddha, help!"

"Gudi, help!"




Guan Qi Jiuzi suddenly shouted.

The strong players in the Quartet have not yet shot, but the old man who watched chess gave a slight sigh, Shen said, "It's not me who deals with you, but at this time, you have a headache!"

"Ah, ah, my head!" Jiuzi grimaced in pain.

People who are familiar with Jiuzi, when they are about to make a shot, suddenly someone glared: "No, Jiuzi's face changed?"

Everyone had a meal, and looked at Guanqi Jiuzi in surprise. The faces of the nine people were distorted. Slowly, the looks of the nine people changed, and they became unified, becoming a look, and at the same time, the nine people emitted a variety of light, red, blue, green, purple, and so on, constantly changing.

"Yi Tiange, what did you do to them?" Gu Hai frowned.

Among them, there is the ancient Qin.

The old man watching chess looked at Gu Hai and shook his head: "I didn't do it!"

"Who aren't you? How did they change their looks? Who are they?" A crowd of powerful men suddenly shouted, seemingly to step forward.

"Meow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The black cat in midair suddenly burst into furry and growled.

Everyone looked in amazement. What crazy was this black cat?

No one dealt with the black cat, and the black cat was shocked to see the change in the appearance of the nine sons.

"This is impossible ~!"

Wanshoutongtian, the past Buddha, and now the Buddha all exclaimed.

What is impossible? There was doubt around them.

Throughout life, all the Buddhas in the past and now are all horrified. Startled? How could they be horrified?

"Six? Meow, they are six!" The black cat exclaimed.

"Six Immortals? How is that possible!" The Buddha stared in the past, revealing an incredible color.

"Six Immortals? What six immortals, who are watching chess?" The people looked at the black cat and the past Buddha in amazement.

However, he saw that the old man watching Guan Qi swept his hand, and suddenly, the nine sons were shrouded in a colorful streamer.

After suffering for a while, after the face was unified, Jiuzi seemed to calm down suddenly, and his face was gloomy.

"Welcome to the resurrection, the nine avatars of the six true monarchs!" The old man watching chess suddenly laughed.


Jiuzi looked up at the same time, looking coldly at the Quartet.

Xiu Wei is still that Xiu Wei, but at this moment, the eyes of the nine people suddenly flashed a great deterrence. The big deterrence came out, with only one eye, suddenly all the powerful people suddenly burst into their hearts. A breath of heavenly power suppressed.

"How is that possible? Just for a while, how do they look? Why am I a little scared?" Someone exclaimed.

The Heavenly Master and the Third Buddha all turned wild.

"Meow!" Cat Tianyun was also glaring and screaming.

"Six immortals? Nine avatars?" Jie Tongtong was surprised.

The looks of the nine people are exactly the same. If it weren't for that fierce look, the whole person looked very kind, a feeling that people could naturally believe.

Nine people looked around in a circle, suddenly turned to look at the old man who watched chess. In his eyes, it was extremely cold.

"Don't look at me like this. I made you resurrect, didn't you? Now, these people have written down? They are here to kill you, and they want to take the 'sky soul' from your hands!" Chess old man laughed.

Jiuzi looked at the black chess in his hand together. Among the black chess, there are all the souls of the 800 years. The previous strong men helped them just for the soul of their hands.

"It's getting closer and closer. It seems that your memories are getting clearer and clearer. So, let's go back to each one first. You have an intentional connection. You know where they are and they know where you are, right?" The old man watching chess laughed.

He laughed and waved his hand.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!" ……………………………………

Watching Qi Jiuzi was suddenly flooded by colorful streamers and shot into the sky enchantment.

"Oh!" "Oh!" ………………

In an instant, the nine disappeared into the streamer and disappeared. This time, it was not crushed into powder.

"Watching the chess, what happened to those nine people just now? Nine avatars? What nine avatars?" Wanshoutong roared out of the air.

"Six immortals 800,000 years ago, can anyone remember?" The old man watching chess laughed.

"Meow, 800,000 years ago? There are ten six true monarchs, one for the body, nine for the avatars, no, ten should be independent of each other, and the six true monks practice what they do n’t know. The seven souls are separated, each with one body, a total of ten bodies, one master, nine points. Ten bodies, one battle against the sky, nine bodies are destroyed, but the last one survived and killed the sky, Instead? "Cat Tianyun said coldly.

"Yes, the nine avatars are all destroyed. Therefore, in this 800,000 years, the six Taoxian talents must make up and return to make themselves more perfect before they can fall asleep. He is repairing his body and waiting for him to wake up, It was perfect. Eight hundred years ago, I played against it. The game seemed like I lost, but it wasn't finished yet. I lost? But that was my intention! ”The old man watching Guan laughed .

"Stealing six souls?" Jiang Lianshan sank.

"Almost, in that game, I found the nine avatars of the six immortals in the past, condensed them into nine seeds, and integrated them into my heritage. Of course, there are the memories of the six true kings themselves!" The old man laughed.

"Seeds? Is it the Jiufen inheritance from Jiuzi who watched chess?" The Buddha looked ugly in the past.

"Yes, that's the nine seeds that created the nine sons, and this kind of son will slowly merge with them. Gradually, the nine people will merge with the avatars of the six immortals. Without distinction, they are six avatars. The six avatars are these nine people! "Explained the old man Guanqi.


There was a sound of gassing from the flying boat.

Resurrecting the Six True Kings? The old man watching chess is so crazy.

"Aren't you looking for Tianhun? Now you find them in the nine avatars of Liudao Zhenjun, and you will find the one you want!" The old man Guan Guan laughed.


Just then, the sea of ​​Qiandaohai suddenly trembled. It seemed to stop.

"You want us to kill the clones of Liu Daozhen? Oh, ridiculous, why do you kill them?" Wanshoutong said coldly.

"If you don't kill them, they will kill you, because the purpose of your trip is to kill them, and the game we play is to kill the six!" Said the old man watching Guanqi with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Ji Dihong's eyes narrowed.

The old man watching chess looked at Mao Tianyun: "You are one of the five gods, but what do you feel?"

The black cat fluttered suddenly.

"Meow? They, they are still alive, aren't the other four gods dead?" The black cat stared with surprise.

"Welcome everyone, come to 800,000 years ago! The year before the six true monarchs rebelled!" Suddenly the old man at Guanqi suddenly looked away.


There was an uproar all around.

"The old man watching chess is crazy? What nonsense is he talking about? Eight hundred thousand years ago?"

"What 800,000 years ago? Why don't I understand?"




The strong men all around were bewildered, but Jiang Lianshan, Ji Dihong, the Master of Heaven, and the Third Buddha all changed their faces, as if they had guessed something.

"The law of time? You, you master the law of time?" Jiang Lianshan's face changed.

"It's hard to master. It's just a hint of fur and a little chance! Where you are born, you will appear where you are. Those who survived 800,000 years will return to the body, just like the six true monarchs just now. Previously, your minds were connected. Every ten days, there will be a sense. He can sense your position, you can sense his position. "The old man watching chess laughed.


Gu Hai's face sank. What was previously called to help Guan Qi Jiu Zi to compete for the soul of the sky was simply a trap that allowed Guan Qi Jiu Zi to establish an ideological connection with himself.

In this way, can they be hunted down?

"The rule of the game is that you have a year to shoot, kill all six true kings, or be killed by six true kings. One year later, six true kings have not died, and you will be wiped out by the power of time, including several of you. "The old man who watched chess looked at the third Buddha, the Master of Heaven and the cat Tianyun.

"What kills? Kill us?" Everyone's face changed.

"The game has begun, everyone, remember, you only have one year. Welcome to 800,000 years ago! Hahahahaha!" The old man watching chess laughed with a trace of pain.

He laughed and waved his hand.


Countless streamers went straight to everyone, and in an instant, streamers took everyone in all directions in an instant. Under the shroud of time, there is no resistance at all.


As soon as Qiandaohai converged, it disappeared, leaving only the old man who watched chess standing on a vast sea, showing a trace of painful smile.

"The law of time? Oh, Yaner, success or failure is all in one fell swoop!" The old man watching chess shed a trace of painful tears.


The next moment, the old man who watched chess disappeared.

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