Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 75: Horrifying fear

Wanshou Taoism, outside a main hall.

Several Wanshou Taoist disciples walked around the hall.

"Three days respect, have been taught by the leader again?" A disciple whispered.

"I've also heard that the three days of Zunxian held the Xianxian sword, from the first moon altar of the Miyue sect to the eighteenth month altar, and even the land of the general altar, all slaughtered! After returning, his body was covered with blood , The founder found that there was a period of punishment, punishment in the Yangxin Temple, copying the scriptures, and cultivate the mind and heart! "Another disciple whispered.

"What did Mi Yuezong do? Why is San Tianzun so annoyed?"

"What else can the monks of Miyuezong like to move right and wrong, thinking that they are great, and slandering San Tianzun and Liu Daojun for their last time to save suffering and disasters is to conceal misfortune, and to save others, but to harm others. The six true monarchs, the Mi Yuezong slandered the three heavenly lords, and actually went to defame the six true monarchs.

"It is also due to the Miyue Sect. Now the whole world is praising the six true monarchs, including the heavenly praises to the six true monarchs. The Miyue sect doesn't know how to die ..."

"Unfortunately, San Tianzun bumped into the leader, and the leader said he was too suffocated to ask him to think about it!"

"I want to have that skill, and I want to seek justice from Miyuezong, three days is right!"




A group of disciples passed by outside the Hall of Yangxin, whispering in their mouths.

The door of the main hall was closed, and the interior was rather dark, and only a golden candle was burning slowly. A man in a black robe sat cross-legged in the middle of the hall.

Men are not bystanders, but they are undoubtedly the masters of Taoism of Wanshou Taoism.

The Master of Tongtian gritted his teeth and seemed to copy the scriptures.

"I'm right, how could it be wrong? Huh, brother, why did you punish me?" Tongtian instructed the whisper uncomfortably.

"The group of bald donkeys in Miyuezong, the people of the Quartet were affected. They didn't save it, and Liu Daozhen went to save it. He also said that Liu Daozhen hides mischief. Huh, huh, huh, a group of black and white things upside down, what's wrong to kill them? Say Liu Daojun is the worst of the world, go to your mother! "


In the anger, the writing brush in the hands of Master Tongtian was broken.

At this moment, the leader of Tongtian seems to be quite impulsive, and seems to be a little bit angry.

At this moment, there was a gust of wind in the closed hall.


The weird wind rushed through the Heavenly Master, and caused the candle flame to sway strongly, as if extinguished at any time.

"What ...!" The Tongtian Master suddenly changed his face and seemed to feel bad.

It's as if something is in your body.


The Master of Heaven shuddered, and then the whole person was there.

It was so settled for a while, and the Master of Tongtian awakened.

Waking up, the Tongtian leader's previous indignant expression disappeared, leaving only a blank and solemn.

At this moment, the Tongtian Master frowns into a Sichuan word, his pupils freeze, he looks at his hands, and the whole person seems to have matured in an instant.

He looked around and looked at the candlelight overhead.

"Too condensed candle? It was completely consumed 800,000 years ago, why ...?" The Tongtian leader stunned slightly.

Then, Master Tongtian looked at the scriptures on the desk in front of him. There is also a crushed brush in hand.


Tsuten suddenly stood up.


Suddenly, seven swords floated around Tongtian.

Tongtian grabbed the seven-handed sword in his hand, and a flash of accident flashed in his eyes: "No fragment of the axe? My practice has also taken a step back? The repair is the next, and it can be restored in a short time.


As soon as Tongtian threw his sleeve, the door of the hall opened suddenly.

Outside, some Wanshou Taoist disciples suddenly stared.

"Three days respect, time is not yet up, you can't come out, otherwise the leader will be angry!" Suddenly a disciple cried out worried.

Tongtian Jiaozhu's eyes narrowed, and the appearance of the person in front of him could not be remembered. After some memories, he suddenly remembered it.

"Is it you? You haven't died yet?" The Tongtian leader stunned slightly.

"Dead? What is it? Three days, what are you talking about?" The disciple said blankly.

"Three days respect? You call me three days respect?" Tongtian instructor frowned, looking up at the sky.

In the sky, the luck of Wanshou Taoism is still, but at this moment, it is just the amount of luck in Zhongzongmen.

"Wangshou Taoism? Zhongzong Gate? Three Heavenly Respects? 800,000 years ago?" Tongtian Master suddenly shrank his pupils.

I immediately remembered.

Everything around is not exactly what happened 800,000 years ago?

At that time, he was the three-day deity of Wanshou Taoism. At that time, he was not the master. You are not the leader?

"Boss, what are you talking about, Master? I asked you to retreat and meditate. Why did you come out?" There was a sudden cold drink.

However, I saw a man wearing a gorgeous robe not far away, and suddenly appeared, with a red dot in his brows, his eyes condensed, quite expensive.

"Meet the two-day respect!" Said a number of Wanshou Taoist disciples respectfully.

"Yuanshi Tianzun? Are you still the same? Haven't changed at all? Hahahahaha!" Tongtian suddenly opened his eyes.

"What nonsense!" Yuan Shitianzun stared.

"It seems to be true, old man watching chess? You are really a great means, the law of time? Come back, really come back!" Tongtian suddenly showed a horror.

"Boss, are you going to make trouble again?" Suddenly another majestic voice came.

Instead of being angry, the Master of Heaven taught him to be angry, but suddenly he became stiff and turned to look at the place of sound.

However, not far away, an old man in a white loose robe was looking angrily at the Tongtian leader.

"Mi Yuezong just said a few words in his heart, and you didn't agree with him, and destroyed his whole sect? How did I teach you? The upper body and the heavenly heart, safe and sound. Are you so violent, destroying Zong? One does not stay? Qi Death me, I want you to think about it, copy the scriptures and meditate, you just copied a few words? Come out again? Who are you going to kill this time? Otherwise, even kill me together, OK? "Old man in white Staring at Tongtian God.

After a few meals, the leader of Tongtian didn't look back, but his eyes suddenly became wet.

How did San Tianzun cry?

In the four weeks, Wanshou Taoist disciples bowed their heads and did not dare to look at them.

"Oh? The third child was actually scolded and cried. This is not your personality, aren't you thick-skinned?" Yuan Shitianzun frowned and wondered.

The Tongtian leader did not bother him, but stared at the old man in white. Suddenly, the Tongtian leader knelt down.

"Brother, Tongtian knew that it was wrong to see you again. It's great that you hit me, you scold me, brother, Tongtian misses you so much!" The Tongtian leader suddenly burst into tears and cried.

"Well?" Yuan Shitianzun stunned slightly, revealing surprise.

The old man in white not far away is naturally the master of Taoism of Wanshou Taoism at this moment.

Tai Shang is also surprised to see Tongtian: "What do you want to do? What tricks do you want to play?"

"When Master died, my second elder brother and I were still young. It was my elder brother who brought me both up and passed on to the master and took care of the two of us. My elder brother was not sensible, and I tried to bother the elder brother, my brother, you hit me Come on, you fight, my brother is sorry for you! "Tongtian suddenly cried terribly.

Yuan Shitianzhuang opened his eyes wide, and didn't understand how this young man who often caused trouble to his master, and competed with himself for everything, suddenly became like this?

The leader of Tai Shang still stared at Tongtian, but suddenly he saw that Tongtian was so abnormal, and he immediately forgot to drink.

"What's going on? Someone bullied you? Who is it?" The leader of Tai Shang was cold. Seems to be angry for the sky.

Seeing the expression of the leader of Tai Shang, Tian Tian suddenly felt warm, and his nose was sore.

"No, no, I just want to be a big brother, big brother, I have made trouble for you before!" Tong Tian taught the master with red eyes.

"Really?" Taishang said suspiciously.

"No, no!" Tongtian immediately shook his head.

"Since there isn't, what are you crying for? Well, go and pack yourself and follow me to sacrifice the spirit of Miyue Sect, oh!" Too slightly sighed.

Apparently, Taishang Renxin was extremely guilty of Miyuezong and wanted to sacrifice for them. As for the former punishment of the God of Heaven, but now there is no idea of ​​punishment. Obviously, it is too spoiled.

He wants to nod instinctively.

But the next moment, Tongtian suddenly got excited: "No! No! I must leave Wanshou Taoism immediately, I must go immediately, big brother, Yuanshi, you do n’t want me, do n’t look for me anymore, even if I die outside, also Don't come and look for it! "

Suddenly, Tongtian suddenly thought of the old man who watched chess.

The rules of the game, in the year before Liu Dao captured the sky, kill the six true kings. The mission of this trip is to kill the six true kings. Similarly, the nine avatars of the six true kings should also be attached to their own bodies. Remember everything.

Eighty thousand years later, people came to stop them from going against the sky. Isn't Liu Daojun doing something to everyone? Liudao Zhenjun knows everything, and must clear the group of tumors from 800,000 years later.

He knew everything, and Liudao Zhenjun certainly knew it.

Presumably, Liudao Zhenjun will arrive at Wanshou Taoism soon.

Go, leave here right away, otherwise, everyone in Wanshou Taoism will be implicated?

Tongtian's panic-like expression changed the face of Yuanshi Tianzun and the Supreme Master.

"My third son, apart from Miyue Zong, have you caused any trouble again?" Yuan Shi Tianzun abruptly sank. Seems extremely concerned about the sky.

"What's going on? This isn't your style, why do you look so expressive? Who is it? Who wants to move you? Tell me, I'll help you find his theory!" Taishang Master said coldly.

Obviously, for a moment, the Supreme Master had grasped all the fears of Heaven.

Tsuten suddenly moved, and shook his head the next moment: "No, this time, it's Liudao Zhenjun who is going to kill me and never die!"

"Liu Dao Jun? How is that possible?" Yuanshi Tianzun showed surprise.

The leader of the Supreme Master also showed a hint of confusion.

Just as everyone was wondering, suddenly there was a loud shout from outside.

"Liu Dao, see Wanshou Taoism, the three deities!" Suddenly, a loud shout came from outside.

Wanshou Taoism has a large array. No one can enter the guardianship. From the outside, a voice seems to be extremely polite, but in Tongtian ears, it sounds like a death bell.

Liudao Zhenjun, here comes the kill?

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