Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 77: The Heist of the Ziyuzong

"Where is this?" Gu Hai frowned at the people in front of him.

"Where? Hahahaha, this boy is confused, who knows him?" Everyone laughed.


At this moment, Gu Hai's thoughts have been completely clear. Take a step and slowly fly into the sky.

Fly high into the sky and look in all directions.

The vast expanse of land, with mountains and rivers stacked on top of it, is extremely vast, and suddenly it is strange to be here.

"What year is it?" Gu Hai looked down at a group of people who were looking at jokes.

"What year? Are you confused? Look, the scars are not good and they start flying again!" One laughed.

Gu Hai ignored the crowd: "Know the Six True Kings or Dragon Warring States? Who have you heard of?"

There was a stun in the surroundings.

"Dragon Warring States? What? Are you stupid? Liudao Zhenjun don't remember?"

"Boy, you ask Liu Daozhen what he does? Have you ever received his great favor?"

"Six true monarchs of great mercy and sorrow, haven't your kids heard of it?"




The crowd fell into pieces.

Gu Hai's heart sank suddenly.

it is true? The old man who watched chess really brought himself back 600,000 years ago?

What a time rule, what a terrifying power.

Let's kill six true kings? Stop him from going uphill? Annihilation of six true monarchs from the source?

But looking around, everyone seems to worship the six true monks crazy, as if being brainwashed. These six true monarchs have such great charm?

"No, Liudao Zhenjun also has our memory, especially Jiugongzi and Gu Qin. The six bodies they integrated can sense my position every ten days. Even if we are a group of people who destroy him, he will be full The world looks for us! "Gu Hai sank.

"Where is the largest gate in your area!" Gu Hai cried.

"Zongmen? What is the biggest?" Everyone said suddenly.


The ancient sea suddenly emerged from the atmosphere, and the eighth power of Zhongtian Temple was not comparable to some ordinary practitioners. Suddenly, the faces of all practitioners were suppressed as earthy.

Just now laughing at this person who can't fly, but this person has such strength? The hearts of the people shuddered, and under the momentum of Gu Hai, there was a sense of despair, as if Gu Hai's hands were pinched, he became a flesh.

"Here, which is the biggest gate?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Five hundred thousand miles to and from the east, Ziyuzong, Ziyuzong is the biggest, there ...!" Said a mourner as earthy.


Gu Hai didn't delay in the slightest, stepped in shape, and shot away in the distance.


Instantly disappeared in place.

The monks who were previously suppressed by the ancient sea momentum suddenly slumped on the ground with a look of thriller--

There is a lot of golden luck floating in the purple jade sect.

At the entrance of the Ziyu Palace, a man wearing a purple robe looked at the large array of purple air with great satisfaction.

"Congratulations to the lord, this is a big team. Once there is a guardian team, I can go to the next level!" Said a robe student.

"Yeah, my Ziyuzong has also been in Xiazongmen for a long time. In this area, thirty-six Xiamens are the strongest. My zongyuzong has reached five places. Yun is also accumulating to the point of condensing the gods, so he sent a big team to defend the mountains. Now, the suzerain is asking for this big team. My Ziyuzong can finally be promoted to the Zhongzong gate! .

The Lord Ziyu nodded, and a hint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes: "Let's avoid the six true kings. At the last Boone meeting, the six true kings took me to save countless refugees and kill the demons. In fact, I did n’t do much, but the six true monarchs still gave us our masters, one for each one! "

"Six true princes are really kind and compassionate. This purple smoke is a big battle. Even if you come to the heaven palace, you can't break it, right?" A disciple laughed.

"That is of course, the purple smoke Luo array, but the extremely powerful one of the chess pattern, even if it is on the third floor of the Tiangong, don't even want to break it!" Ziyu Sovereign proudly said.


But at this moment, a large wind was blowing over the sky, but suddenly a black robe figure stepped on the air.

It was only a short time before the ancient sea arrived.

"Who? Dare to come to Ziyu Zong's wanton?" One Ziyu Zong disciple chuckled.

Above the sky, Gu Hai looked coldly down at Ziyan Luo.

"Qidao array method? Really good!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

Step on, and rushed towards the large array.

"Stop, don't stand anymore, the big array will break you into pieces!" A Ziyu disciple shouted coldly.

However, Gu Hai didn't listen at all, and continued to step forward.

"Huh, I don't know what to do, let's go!" Someone yelled.


Outside the large array, a faint burst of purple smoke erupted, like a heavy fog, rolling towards the ancient sea.

Ziyu Sovereign said in a cold voice: "I don't know if you live or die, let you taste the power of Ziyan Luo!"


The purple mist billowed past, it was beautiful. However, everyone knows that this beautiful smoke has a terrifying corrosive force. Even if the newcomer to the heavenly palace is enveloped, it will instantly turn into blood.

"Sovereign, those things that don't know life and death should be turned into blood and blood!" A disciple sneered.

Lord Ziyu nodded and was about to speak.


But I saw that in the fog in the distance, a figure emerged from the ancient sea.

The purple mist passed around in the ancient sea, and did not touch the ancient sea at all. The ancient sea has stepped, and has reached the inside of the large array.

"What? Impossible!" A crowd of Ziyuzong disciples exclaimed.

"Is there a problem with the big team?" One of the practitioners was surprised.

Probe, a boulder into the purple mist.


The boulder was corroded for a while, and the sound of ablation and destruction was heard.

"Isn't it a big problem?" Everyone said in astonishment.

"Who is the sovereign?" Gu Haishen said.

Time is tight, and Gu Hai doesn't want to delay too much here, so once you step into the battle, you can also remind Ziyu Zong that it is not a pointless conflict.

Perhaps the Ziyu Sovereign did not realize the horror of Ziyan Luo, easily entered the ancient sea, but also mixed with boundless anger, looking at the ancient sea is also gloomy: "Who is your lord, dare to break into my Purple Jade?

"Oh? Are you the Sovereign? Yeah, I have something to look for you!" Gu Hai flew forward.

"Presumptuous!" Sovereign Ziyu stared.

"Hum, boy, do you know that it's a crime to break into my Ziyuzong? Come here, take me down!" The Ziyuzong eyes chuckled.

"Yes!" Suddenly, a crowd of Ziyuzong disciples soared to the sky, as if to catch the ancient sea.

Gu Hai frowned, and looked strangely at the Ziyu Sovereign. This one feels too good about himself? I have broken your chess team, thought you were a soft persimmon?

Spreading the hand, Gu Hai gently squeezed his finger, as if he was pinching a thin purple line. But it was the ancient sea that connected Qiyanluo with chess.

The rules of chess did not disappear until 800,000 years ago. The ancient sea chess power and the power of maneuvering the rules were too easy.

Purple thin line, gently pull.


The purple smoke suddenly burst out of the purple mist, and hurricanely rolled away in all directions.


Visible to the naked eye, when all the buildings around it touched the purple mist, they instantly melted away, and some strong men took out their swords and cut into them. Slapping.


The sword instantly corroded. The slapping was instantly destroyed.

One of the Zhongtian Temple was laid down by the palm of his hand.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Under the corrosion of purple mist, there is no resistance at all.

For a moment, the entire Ziyuzong was wrapped in purple mist.

However, the ancient sea control was also extremely precise, and Ziwu stopped suddenly a foot away from everyone.


The entire disciples of Ziyuzong suddenly showed horror and did not dare to move at all.

Ziyan Luo burst into battle, and instantly held the entire clan.

Everyone was afraid to breathe, his face was terrified, and his life was in the thought of Gu Hai.

Even the Purple Jade Hall was melted away instantly. A crowd of strong Purple Jade Sects were trapped above the square, showing their fear.

Ziyu Sovereign did not dare to move, his face was shocked.

At this moment, the Ziyu Sovereign finally understood the power of Ziyan Luo's battle, and the person in front of him was even more powerful.

"It turned out to be a master of chess? Predecessors, seniors, you, what do you want to do? Who asked you to come? Death, you also let me understand!" Said the master of Ziyu in shock.

"Seniors spare their lives!" The others knelt in horror.

"I said it, just to find something for you! Find something for you." Gu Hai shook his head.

"Do you want the treasures of Zizong's Zhenzong, Ziyushu? Okay, I'll give it to you, but you don't want to hurt my Ziyuzong disciples anymore!" Ziyu Zongzhu's face was ugly.

"Master, no!"

"Sect master, Ziyushu is the foundation of my Zongli Zong!"

"A big deal with him!"




Several Ziyuzong disciples immediately anxiously said.

However, the Ziyu Sovereign ignored the others. Despair was on his face. I just hope that this person got the Purple Jade Book, not to kill anyone.

"Who said that I wanted the Purple Jade Book?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

"Uh?" Everyone looked rigid.

Ziyu Sovereign also said blankly: "What else do you want? I have no other treasures!"

"I want to find a map of this world, a detailed map! That's it!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Lord Ziyu: "………………!"

Disciple of Ziyu Zong: "...............!"

Did we hear wrong?

When the ancient sea waved, the purple mist all around disappeared.

No one was injured, but many buildings were corroded.

"Manipulating this purple smoke Luo array is just to calm you down, and it ’s more offensive. Lord Ziyu, you are the largest gate in the neighborhood. Presumably, you also have the deepest understanding of the world. Mark, it should be the most detailed, is there? "Gu Hai solemnly said.

Ziyu Sovereign is a little embarrassed. If you make such a big move, you need a map?

"Are you there?" Gu Hai asked again.

"Yes, yes, seniors, inside ..., uh, here, please, I'll pick them up right away!" The Sovereign Ziyu looked at the corroded Ziyu Hall in front of him, and said weirdly.

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