Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 78: Super God Peacock

Ziyu Zong.

Gu Hai looked at the map sent by the Lord Ziyu and frowned deeply.

The maps 800,000 years ago, and 800,000 years later, have changed greatly. Of course, the general outline can still be seen.

The land of Shenzhou is still the same, but the mountains and rivers have changed, and some of the gates are different.

The ancient sea is still in the former Qiandaohai area, but there is no Qiandaohai here, but a super huge continent.

"Everyone, go back to where you were born?" Gu Hai looked, but recalled what the old man who watched chess said before.

Where was it born?

I am not born in this world, but my position should be the first place to cross the land of Shenzhou.

What about the others?

Recording the map silently, Gu Hai looked at Ziyuzong's disciples aside.

At first, everyone doubted that, until Gu Hai was really studying the map just now, everyone felt a sense of infallibility. Did this predecessor retreat for hundreds of years? Did Ziyuzong encounter this?

Gu Hai looked at the Ziyu Sovereign and took a deep breath: "I have caused damage to your ancestral gate, I'm very sorry!"

"No, no, my predecessors are all grass and wood buildings, not much!" Ziyu Suze suddenly laughed.

Let the seniors pay, but they have no courage.

"Let's go, I'll help you perfect this chess pattern, it's considered a gift!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Ah?" Everyone froze slightly.

But seeing the ancient sea explorer Ling Xu nodded.


The purple smoke Luo burst into a rapid tremor and suddenly rose, faintly visible a few purple lines suddenly.


Suddenly, the big team converged and disappeared.

There was a trace of purple smoke before, but now it seems to be gone.

The ancient sea detective sprinkled some ink on a piece of paper, and suddenly a lot of graphics and fonts appeared on the paper.

"You chess power, I have increased it five times for you. This is the formation map, you study it yourself!" Gu Hai handed out the formation map.

"Uh, oh, okay, okay!" Lord Ziyu took it blankly.

"Farewell!" Gu Hai gave a cold drink.

"call out!"

In an instant, the ancient sea soared into the sky and disappeared.

Everyone looked at Gu Hai leaving, but eagerly looked at the array in the hands of the Lord Ziyu, showing a strange look for a moment.

Ziyu Sovereign studied it a bit and found that today's map is really powerful, five times? It may be more than that, as long as you master it, don't say that the third place of the Heavenly Palace, the fifth place comes in and there is no return!

Some plants, buildings? How much are these things worth? This map is priceless.

Even the treasures of the Zongzong and Ziyushu are not comparable to this picture.

I thought it was a disaster of extinction, but now it is a heavenly fortune.

"Master, do you need to ask Liu Daojun to chase and kill the person just now?" A disciple whispered.

"Stupid! I didn't lose anything from Ziyuzong. Besides, let me inform you that what happened today should not be mentioned to anyone else, otherwise, don't blame this suzerain!" Ziyu suze said coldly.

"Yes!" A crowd of disciples answered--

The ancient sea was flying at high altitude. In my mind it was turning fast.

"I want to find other people as soon as possible. Jedi ’s position in the borderless sky is nowhere to be found. There is no need to find him. No one can find him. Even if he goes, he will definitely leave. Shangguanhen? I don't know him Which one was born, and he has seventy-two changes, should be safe. Mo Yike's wisdom, presumably can also make himself safe. Now only Ao Shun and Kong Xuan. Ao Shun must be in Beihai Dragon Palace. Today's supreme dragon family should be In the previous days of Ao Tianhuang, between father and son, we should be able to cover each other. As for Kong Xuan? He must be in the Peacock family, near the Sun Temple, and the closest to this place, it is best to find, then go to Kong Xuan! "Gu Hai There was a flash of light in his eyes.

"call out!"

The ancient sea quickly flew towards the peacock family station——

The land of Shenzhou, a large seashore near the Sun Temple.


Kong Xuan, like a shooting star, slammed the ground.

"Oh!" "Oh!" ………………

Suddenly, a large group of peacocks surrounded the meteor, one by one, staring at the falling objects.

Kong Xuan rubbed his head and crawled out of the rubble.

"Who are you, and who is it?" A huge peacock yelled suddenly.

Kong Xuan's head was awake, and he looked up at the exposed peacocks.

Although he was fierce to himself, the peacock did not blame at all. This is a peacock. After 800,000, he is the peacock supreme and guards the peacock family himself. How can you breathe for a peacock now?

"Well, the southwest peacock king just died, and the killer has not been found. Now, this person's origin is unknown, there must be a problem!"

"Yes, take it!"

"My peacock family, no one dares to insult like this!"




The peacocks were furious.

Suddenly, a wing of the first peacock.

"call out!"

A green light suddenly appeared, as if a long whip was thrown away towards Xuan Xuan.

"Oh? Cultivation has been cultivated? Good!" Kong Xuan smiled.

As Xuanguang fluttered, Kong Xuan snapped a little.


The glaring long whip burst suddenly.

"Wow, Brother Qingshenguang, what?" A group of peacocks suddenly appeared close to the enemy.


Kong Xuan screamed with a peacock, and the detective threw.


Suddenly, the five-colored Shenguang threw out and rushed towards the peacocks.

"Ah!" The peacocks screamed suddenly, a death threat shrouded their hearts.

However, the five-colored Shenguang did not encounter any peacocks, and the peacocks were safe and sound.


The five-colored **** light disappeared.

The peacocks did not fear, but they were overjoyed: "It was just five colors of light? Only elders can do it? Elders?"

"Meet the elders, I'll be rude!" A plethora of peacocks bowed respectfully.

"Well, get me some clothes!" Kong Xuandan said indifferently.


Suddenly, a group of peacocks flew away, and soon found clothes for Kong Xuan, and changed clothes for Kong Xuan.

The elders of the peacock family, the peacocks are naturally waiting for dispatch.

After bathing and changing clothes, Kong Xuan set foot on a mountain and looked around. Behind them, a group of peacocks were reporting all news to Kong Xuanyu.

"800,000 years ago? Sure enough, back!" Kong Xuan looked at the Quartet with narrow eyes.

"Elder, what are you talking about?" Said a peacock next to him blankly.

"Here is a small tribe of the Peacock tribe? Oh, the vicissitudes of the sea have changed. The Peacock tribe, now I don't know what's wrong!" There was a flash of worry in Kong Xuan's eyes.

After all, after 800,000 years, the peacock family is extremely withered.

"The elders have just been in retreat for a long time. I am a peacock family, but now they are poultry families. In this world, only the Phoenix family can be compared. Are other races comparable to my peacock family? Moreover, my peacock family can be every 10,000 years. The appearance of a super **** peacock guarantees me that the peacock family will last forever! "The peacock laughed behind him.

"Super God Peacock?" Kong Xuan frowned.

Why haven't you heard of it, what a super peacock?

"The elders don't know?"

"Don't talk nonsense, say it!" Kong Xuan frowned.

"Oh, the super **** peacock will cultivate the" six colors of **** light "! The sixth color!"

"Sixth color?"

"Yes, the elder's five-colored light can brush everything, but when the sixth color, you can tear the samsara. Everything is destroyed, birds, the Phoenix family, dare not fight with my family, the Supreme now has Six colors of light! For the super **** peacock! "Explained the peacock.

"Six colors of light?" Kong Xuan frowned slightly, this was the first time he heard.

"Unfortunately, the Supreme Limit is approaching, and reincarnation is about to happen. Somehow, the Peacock clan has been attacked one after another recently, and one peacock king has been killed!" The peacock looked ugly.

"Oh?" Kong Xuan frowned slightly.

"The Supreme is now sending people to investigate thoroughly, but the Peacock family is in crisis!"

"Extreme? You just said he was about to come. What do you mean?" Kong Xuan wondered.

"I heard, maybe, just in these two months, I don't know exactly!" The peacock sighed slightly.

"So fast?" Kong Xuan was surprised.

"Yes, but my peacock family has a strong heritage, and all the elders are overbearing. Presumably, as long as tens of thousands of years, the next super peacock will be born." The peacock laughed.

"Is there a Sun Temple nearby?" Kong Xuan wondered.

"Eh, yes, the solar temple has expanded extremely in recent years. The two main palace masters, one is Taiyi, the other is Taichu. I heard that the strength is extremely great, especially that Taiyi, relying on the strong strength, I do n’t know how much to conquer The demon king! "Said the peacock.

"Oh! Help!" In the distance, a huge peacock, hairless all over his body, roared and flew towards the depths of the peacock.

Followed by a golden-winged Dapeng chasing.

The golden-winged Dapeng grabbed a bang on the back of the peacock.


The peacock couldn't escape immediately, and seemed to be captured.

"Ah, that's the Peacock King who is in charge of the city. Not good, quickly, save the Peacock King in the city!" A group of peacocks suddenly exclaimed.

However, how can the speed of the peacocks around the winged peacock? As the sky soared, with a flap of the wings, the Golden-winged Dapeng had reached 90,000 miles away.


"Notify the elders!"

"Not good, stop him!"




Countless peacocks rushed out in exclaim, but that Golden-winged Dapeng was too fast and no one could catch up.

"Hum!" Kong Xuan snorted.

During the step, Kong Xuan moved.


At an extremely terrifying speed, Kong Xuan came to Jinpeng Dapeng almost instantaneously.

"Roar!" The golden-winged Dapeng stopped abruptly, showing a terrifying look.

"Who are you? Dare to stop me?" Golden-winged Dapeng looked coldly at Kong Xuan.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that you make me angry!" Kong Xuan said rudely.

"Make you angry, look for death!"

Golden-winged Dapeng grabbed the Peacock King in Maocheng with one claw, and the other claw rushed towards Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan's face was exposed, and his hand flicked.


A five-colored divine light brushed over. Suddenly, the two giant claws of the Golden-winged Dapeng were brushed clean and disappeared.


Blood squirted from the legs of the golden-winged Dapeng, and his appearance was distorted.

"My claws, ah, you are doomed!" In the pain of the Golden-winged Dapeng, he still shouted, as if having a lot of support.

"Not enough?" Kong Xuan said coldly.


The five-colored Shenguang flew again, and suddenly, one of the wings of the golden-winged Dapeng was wiped out.

"Ah!" Jin-wing Dapeng retreated in pain.

"Again? Kong Xuan sneered.

"Brush!" Another five-colored Shenguang threw out.

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