Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 79: Peacock Supreme

"Stop!" Two roars came from a distance.

But it was a lion demon, a leopard demon leaped from a distance, and when he came, he carried a huge smell of wind.

"Lion is invincible? Leopard is permanent?" A lot of peacocks suddenly changed their faces. Obviously, the two demon kings were famous.

"Come, come and save me, ah!" Golden-winged Dapeng exclaimed.

"Elders of the Peacock clan? Who are you? Why don't I know you?" The Lion invincibly stared at Kong Xuan.

"What nonsense, quickly, slaughter him, otherwise, if the old peacock knows, we will be bad!" Leopard shouted forever.

"Huh, that old thing, and this hole card, but today is your death!" The Lion invincibly roared.

While talking, the lion was invincible, and the leopard suddenly flew over to Kong Xuan.

"The elders are careful, they can block the five-colored divine light, be careful!" The peacock king just rescued anxiously.

Kong Xuan looked coldly at the two strong men. Instead of stepping back, he took a step forward.

Stepping out, Kong Xuan's body suddenly burst out of black gas, and when the black gas came out, it suddenly turned into two strong winds.

"What?" The lion was invincible, and the leopard felt a little strange forever.


Kong Xuan's eyes widened and the black wind rolled, and he immediately rolled the two strong men into his mouth.

"Ah, no good, let's go!" Lion Invincible's face changed dramatically.

However, the suction in Kong Xuan's mouth was so great that the two strong men had no resistance at all. Suddenly he was swallowed by Kong Xuan.

Around, the flying peacock suddenly changed his face. Is this elder too bullish?

The lion is invincible, the leopard is permanent, but the well-known demon king, I do not know how many peacocks have been killed, and now, swallowed by the elders?

How strong is this elder?

After the horror, there was great joy, because this is the elder of the Peacock tribe.

"Elder Shenwei!" A crowd of peacocks shouted excitedly.

"No, no, impossible, why ...?" The golden-winged Dapeng, who had broken his feet and wings, showed horror.

Kong Xuan turned his head and looked coldly at Jinpeng Dapeng.

"I won't say it, and I won't say it if I kill it!" Golden-winged Dapeng suddenly looked pale.

Kong Xuan frowned slightly.

Say? I didn't ask you to tell me, you told me who instructed, I don't know. But the golden-winged Dapeng suddenly showed panic, and even forgotten the serious injuries.

"Thank you elders!" The former Peacock King was grateful.

More and more peacocks flew around.

Kong Xuan frowned: "You remember, you just saw nothing, but remember?"

The peacock flew around for a moment, wondering what the elder meant, but nodded desperately.

"Elders rest assured, we will rot in the stomach just now!"

"Elders rest assured, I don't say anyone!"

"Yes, elder!"




The peacocks responded.

"What kind of peacock king are you in?" Kong Xuan frowned at the rescued peacock.

"Maocheng, I'm the peacock in charge of Macheng. In front of the elders, it's not a king! Just call me old." Peacock King in Macheng immediately bowed his head and was ashamed.

"Take me to see the Peacock Extreme!" Kong Xuanshen cried.

"Ah?" Lao took a moment's notice. Then nodded: "Yes, elder, please!"

The old man turned into a peacock of five hundred feet, grabbed the golden-winged Dapeng in flight, and Kong Xuan stood on his head.

In the face of Kong Xuan's stepping on his head, Lao Ma didn't reject it at all, and the Peacock tribe was respected. Lao Ma was even more grateful to Kong Xuan.

Flying towards the sea, more and more peacocks were encountered around.

The Peacock King of Maocheng is holding the golden-winged Dapeng in blood, which also attracts the attention of the peacock clan, one by one showing the light of doubt.

At this moment Kong Xuan, surrounded by a black gas, the peacocks could not see clearly, but it also caused countless peacocks to be curious.

"Old man, what's going on?" Some familiar peacocks flew closer and laughed.

"This Golden-winged Dapeng snipes me on the road. I suspect it has something to do with the recent fall of the Peacock King!"

"Oh?" All the peacocks suddenly looked cold and looked at the old golden-winged Dapeng.

"The lord of the city, give him to our law enforcement hall, let's ask!" A peacock flew coldly.

"There is work!" The master of the city nodded and threw Golden-winged Dapeng to him.

"There is nothing to worry about. This is what we should do. So many city owners have died unexplained. We are worried and have nowhere to start, but you have done a great job!" Peacock Law Enforcement Hall immediately thanked.

Lao Ma continued to fly towards the central island.

"Stop!" Suddenly, a group of peacocks stopped.

"You guys, I want to see the Supreme!" Old take respectfully.

"Extreme retreat, no guest for the time being, you wait, after two days the supreme exit, you come again!" Xianglan Peacock sank.

"But there are really big things, please be acquainted with it. It is related to the safety of the Peacock family!" The old anxiously said.

The peacocks who stopped each other said impatiently: "Did you not hear what I said? See you, and who is this black gas, do you want to bring this unknown person to the Supreme? Do you understand the rules! "

When the old man did not know how to explain it, a distant voice suddenly came from the distant island: "The guest is approaching the door, there is a long-distance welcome!"

"Extreme!" All the peacocks looked respectfully into the distance.

"Don't stop, let the VIPs come over!" The old voice said deeply.

"Yes!" A group of peacocks gave way respectfully.

Lao ventured to look around, taking Kong Xuanfei into a huge square on the island.

Around the square, a large number of peacocks guarded, one by one looking at Kong Xuan, enchanted with doubt.

Kong Xuan stepped down on Lao Mao's head and walked above the square, with a strange flash of color in his eyes.

"Peacock Temple?" There was a hint of surprise in Kong Xuan's eyes.

"Guests forgive their sins, and they ca n’t move easily. Please enter the temple yourself! Other peacocks are guarding outside, and no one is allowed to disturb them!"

"Yes!" A group of strong peacocks outside the temple respectfully said.

Kong Xuan stepped into the Peacock Temple.


The gate of the hall closed.

Kong Xuan saw that in the center of the hall, an old man in a green robe was sitting on a chair at the moment, and there was a foul odor all over his body.

"Kekekekeke, old and old, a little embarrassed, forgive me!" Qingpao old man smiled bitterly.

"Heaven and man are declining? You really have run out of money, the limit is approaching!" Kong Xuan frowned.

During the conversation, Kong Xuan suddenly dissipated the dark air, revealing his original appearance.

The old man in the green robe stared at Kong Xuan, with a hint of doubt flashing in his eyes: "The peacock family, I have seen all the strong people in the Heaven Palace, but Your Excellency, but never before, there is a terrible magic in your body. Yes, and more importantly, why is there a peacock in your body? "


Kong Xuanmei suddenly heard a peacock tweet.


Kong Xuanmei's heart suddenly burst into endless blue light. Among the blue light, a transparent peacock flew from the eyebrow, flew for a while, and suddenly flew back to Kong Xuan's eyebrow.

"I am also the supreme peacock family!" Kong Xuanshen said.

The old man in Qingpao's eyes brightened, but tears suddenly burst into excitement: "Ha ha ha ha, cough cough cough, ha ha ha ha, my peacock family will die, and my peacock family will die!"

The old man in the Qingpao burst into tears, sulking with joy.

"Senior, what do you mean?" Kong Xuanshen cried.

"Lao Shi had a dream not long ago, and I dreamed that my big Peacock family was about to be destroyed, and Lao Shih spent another month of Shou Yuan. I used the Peacock God to meet Fuxi's predecessor and got the result, but it was with me in my dreams. Similarly, these days, I'm ready to dismiss the Peacock clan. I don't want to, because of your variables, I don't know where you came from, but to me, it's not important anymore. When you come, the Peacock clan can be saved. Here! "The old man in green robe excitedly said.

Kong Xuan frowned slightly and shook his head: "Maybe you are disappointed. I am here and may not be able to help you. My stay is short!"

"Ah?" The old man in Qingpao looked stiff.

Kong Xuan looked at the old man in Qingpao for a while and said, "Can I believe you?"

"The old rotten heart belongs to the peacock family, as long as it is beneficial to the peacock family, I will do everything!"

"No, I want to explore your Peacock God!" Kong Xuanshen said.


The old man didn't hesitate, suddenly a large amount of blue light appeared from his brows, a peacock **** larger than Kong Xuanmei's heart, and a dazzling peacock **** emerged suddenly.

"You curse!" The old man solemnly said.

Let Kong Xuan cast a curse. This is the mystery of the Peacock tribe.

Kong Xuan was silent and shook his head: "Forget it, I believe you!"


The peacock **** flew back to the old man's brows.

"I call your predecessor, not a compliment, but the fact, maybe you are still one of my ancestors, not necessarily!" Kong Xuan solemnly said.

"Oh? There are only eight days left in the old age. If you have something to say, I will die. You don't need to keep it!" The old man solemnly said.

"Senior, I am from 800,000 years later. At that time, the Peacock tribe has withered to become a little monster beast group, and my talent is still okay. The practice is relatively fast, and the Peacock tribe has been propped up. Destroyed! My name is Kong Xuan! The peacock is supreme after 800,000 years! ”Kong Xuan solemnly said.

"After 800,000 years?" The old man froze slightly, seemingly unbelieving.

Kong Xuan was not in a hurry, waiting for the old man to straighten his mind. After a while, the old man's eyes slowly recovered, but it was no longer the case to look at Kong Xuan's eyes. There was a trace of sorrow and a trace of gladness in the eyes.

"Can you tell me about the future?" The old man solemnly said.

Kong Xuan nodded and described everything he knew.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha, the peacock family, actually withered to this point? Six true monarchs? Great compassion and great sorrow six true monarchs? Actually, actually ........., cough cough!" The old man coughed for a while.

"It's too old to stop the Six Ways. How many days are there to live? Oh, sin!" Said the old man with an unsightly expression.

"Senior, you don't need to do this, you can reincarnate, maybe ...!" Kong Xuan comforted.

"Rebirth? Haha, rebirth, as you said, is my rebirth useful? Six masters control reincarnation, and I will be swallowed even by rebirth, alas!" The old man sighed slightly.

"Things are man-made, everything is not necessarily it!" Kong Xuanshen said.

The old man suddenly looked at Kong Xuan: "I'm about to die, the Peacock family, but this generation has some strong Peacock Kings. You are here, just right, help me lead the Peacock family. I pass on you, my Peacock God, Into your God! "

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