Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 100: Light of decomposition

This is the second more! Go out, even two chapters!


"Thirty-four, hum!" Tongtian leader snorted!

Seeing the stars in the starry sky, the instinctual spirit of Tongtianjiao's heart, although dismissive of Gu Hai's strength, but Gu Hai's chess formation, had to admire. After all, the metamorphosis of the Dragon Warring States was only thirty-three. Now, thirty-four?

Tongtian has regretted it a bit, but years of pride have left Tongtian unable to wipe his face.

"Tiantian leader, the thirty-fourth team, I also can't control it, please withdraw the swords, otherwise, I don't guarantee what will happen, quickly, withdraw!" Gu Hai frowned anxiously.

"Tongtian, don't be incapable!" The Supreme Master shouted anxiously.

However, the more so, the more uncomfortable it is.

"Oh, okay, the master also wants to see, how powerful is your chess matchup? Will there be a dragon warring country?" Tongtian said coldly.

Non-stop in hand, Qixian Seven Swords continued to chop off the strenuous Taiji.

"Too high, future Buddha, dodge!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.

With a big drink, he waved his hand.


The ancient celestial vault shrouded Taiji, Hetu and Kong Xuan in an instant.

"My Qianding Ding!" Taiji said in anger.

However, Qian Kunding was left by the ancient sea outside the ancient immortal vault, and Tayi suddenly felt light in his hands, showing horror.

It is not that the ancient sea cannot be brought into Qiankunding, the key is that Qiankunding has been held dead by the slain of the Three Immortal Swords and cannot be brought in, unless the Tongtian master is brought in together.


But when I saw the starry sky, more than a thousand stars suddenly converged, as if consuming powder, and a huge beam of light condensed in the center. The beam fell from the sky and came straight to the crowd.

When the future Buddha heard the warning of the ancient sea, he immediately flew backwards.

But the Tongtian leader is not, the Tongtian leader may be face at this moment, and is extremely inflated in front of the ancient sea.

To the six true monarchs, I have the power to fight one by one. If you launch the ancient sea, I will flee? joke.

Tongtian didn't leave, and he was even more powerful and wanted to retreat.

However, the Supreme Master has always been right when it comes to seeing people, and the warning to the ancient sea is instantaneous.

"Tongtian, aren't you obedient?" Taishang waved an angry detective suddenly.


The power of Taiji will immediately bring the area out of the sky.

"Brother!" Tongtian called uncomfortably.

If it is someone else, it must be broken, but it is too good, and it is not easy to struggle.

But at this moment, more than a thousand stars in the sky, white light at the cost of turning into powder has been approached, not seeing much power, light white light, and instantly fell on the sword of the ancient fairy that cut to the ancient sea.


With a loud bang, the 弑 仙剑 evaporated instantly.


Tongtian froze slightly.

The immortal sky was urged by the ancient sea to illuminate its ability. White light immediately passed through it, as if it had not touched the immortal sky.

The slaughter trapped the four swords and avoided them.

Then destroy the fairy sword, empty fairy sword, have also been passed by Baiguang.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

The second sword also evaporated.

White light touches a sword and consumes a part of it. The three swords have melted and half of it has been consumed. The other half of the white light rushes into the sea.


Suddenly, a large amount of aerosol emerged on the sea. A huge swirl formed.

Tongtian and Taishang all looked ugly.

However, I saw that the swords of the fairy, the sword of the destroyer, and the sword of the emptiness were evaporated and turned into an energy and disappeared.

Tongtian's heart-feeling suddenly changed his face, because at this moment, the three sword's induction was gone and completely melted away?

"Thirty-four majors?" Tai Shang asked the eyelids.

The ancient sea was thought to have reached its end, but he didn't expect that he still had a second hand? That bone knife, what are these thirty-four major battles? So violent?

弑 The three swords of annihilation, that is one of the strongest swords in the world, and the strength is stronger than everyone's physical body. How would it happen if Baiguang fell on us just now?

Quiet on Thursday.

The ancient sea released Taiyu, Hetu, and Kongxuan from the immortal dome.

He Tu hides far away from the ancient sea, but Taiji looks at the ancient sea with a stun. The previous annoyance suddenly became much smaller, and the person in front of him was not sick at all.


Above the sea, there was a loud noise, and from the bottom of the sea, a volcanic column soared into the sky.

"The hole penetrated the bottom of the ocean and reached the heart of the earth? The demons are so powerful?" He Tu's face changed.

"Have you penetrated the earth's heart?"

In the distance, Tongtian received the remaining four swords, and his face was ugly.

Tai Shang also watched Guhai alertly.

"Tongtian leader, offended!" Gu Hai took a deep breath.

"Well, you have such a means, why didn't you use it to deal with the Six Roads?" Tongtian leader glared and scolded.

At this moment, Tongtian finally faced the ancient sea. If it was n’t for the Master ’s pull just now, he might have been gasified?

"To deal with six true kings? Oh, did the Tongtian leader not see?" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

The leader of Tai Shang frowned and said, "This white light can only be unexpected. Once used, it will not be effective for the six true monarchs. The six true monarchs also have immortal vaults. If you have defense, you can use the immortal vaults to escape like the ancient emperor? Ancient Emperor, what is your white light? So powerful? "

"I do n’t know. For the thirty-fourth array, after I arrange it, I can condense this white light, but I can't control it. White light can decompose matter and gasify directly into energy. Oh, I call it 'decomposed light '!' Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"A good light of decomposition, a big team of thirty-four? If I guess correctly, it should be the time of the big team of thirty-four, you can directly call the rules of chess and dismantle everything by the rules! Power of the rules?" Too picky.

"Maybe!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Tongtian teaches the master, there are many offenses, Taiyi is indeed the wife of the next, whoever commits my wife, no matter who I am, I will do my best!" Gu Hai saluted Tongtong.

"Huh!" Tongtian snorted.

At this moment, Tongtian can be considered to believe what Gu Hai said, but he can only suffer a dumb loss.

"Since the ancient emperor said so, then, see Fuxi's negotiations, let the ancient emperor come!" Tai Shangjiao said.

The Tongtian leader turned his head and ignored it.

"Thank you!" Gu Haiwei smiled.

Not far away, Taiji put away Qian Ding and looked towards the ancient sea, his complexion was complex for a while.

He Tu opened his mouth. At this moment, he didn't dare to say anything to Gu Hai. After all, Gu Hai just had a chessboard formation, but it was too fierce.

"Too stubborn, I know, I do n’t believe what I said, but it ’s okay, after all, you have n’t experienced it yet, but this time, we really want to see Fu Xi, time is urgent, and no one can afford this time The price! "Gu Hai solemnly looked to Taiji.

Although Tae-hyun rejected Gu Hai as his husband's business, he was rescued by Gu-hai just now, and he had much less bad feelings about Gu-hai, and for some reason, from the eyes of Gu-hai, Ta-tsi saw a sincerity. The sincere look looked too trembling in his heart.

"I didn't stop you intentionally, but the elder brother retreat. The elder brother said that this time the retreat is not a trivial matter. No one is allowed to disturb, even the sky is down and not disturbed!" Too frowned.

"Retreat?" Gu Hai's face sank.

Not far away, the future Buddha was anxious: "But now, the innocence is going to collapse, and the six true monarchs are going to kill the sky. According to them, Cangtian is really going to be killed by the six real monarchs. What a good thing!"

"You fart, how could Liudao Zhenjun kill the sky!" He Tu suddenly argued for Liudao Zhenjun.

Gu Hai looked at Tai Chi, hoping that Tai Chi was accommodating.

But Taiji was also extremely embarrassed at this moment: "Even if the six true monarchs kill the sky, that is, the sky in my elder brother's mouth has fallen, but the elder brother said that even if the sky falls, you must not disturb him!"

Everyone: ".........!"

"Perhaps this is an exaggeration by Fuxi!" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

The innocence is going to fall, isn't he really looking for you?

"Roar, roar, roar ...............!"

At this moment there was a roar on Huaying Island.

Then, a thousand coffins flew up from the island, visible to the naked eye.

The coffin flew to the side of Tae-hyun and floated in the air, exuding a dark air.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

There was a loud noise, and the coffin was all opened at once. At the moment of opening, a tumult of corpse burst out of the coffin.

"General Chen Zombie?" Gu Hai sank.

That's right, it's the atmosphere of the courtier. In the past, Long Aotian brought the zombie emperor to the imperial heavenly capital. This is the atmosphere, and each of the thousand pieces is not lower than the zombie emperor. It's just that these zombies are dressed differently.

"A thousand generals and zombies in the heavenly atmosphere!" Kong Xuan also changed his face.

As soon as a thousand zombies emerged, they formed a mysterious array, as if forming a whole, exuding a monstrous corpse, instantly freezing the surrounding sea surface.

Miles of the sea, instantly calm.

The leader of the Supreme Court sank, and immediately felt like an enemy. From this zombie formation, he felt a huge threat.

"Island guard, are you deaf? Have you been here so long?" He Tu was furious.

This group of zombies is the island guard. If it was not the ancient sea just now, when the archipelago guard came, they would have finished playing.

"Mother, what do you tell me?" The first zombie voice stiffened.

"Catch them, hurry up, catch them!" He Tu cried suddenly.

However, the thousands of zombies didn't bother at all, but continued to look at Taiji.

Too frowning and frowning slightly.

Just as Taiji was about to speak, another voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Oh? Master Tongtian? Gu Hai? Kong Xuan? You are all here. What is going on? Such a big battle? Hahaha!" A laugh came from a distance.

But I saw five figures flying in the distance.

Jiang Lianshan, Baidi, Chidi, Huohuang and Murongyan. In addition to Murong Yan, the four had some scars on their faces. Perhaps they had changed their clothes, and the clothes were fairly clean.

It was Jiang Lianshan who just laughed.

Suddenly, five people arrived in front of everyone.

"Jiang Lianshan? Have you fought over six true monarchs?" Tongtianjiao frowned slightly.

"Yes, we were with Ji Dihong before, we slaughtered a six true monarch together!" Jiang Lianshan nodded.

PS: The post bar is blocked, and the watch chess is actually dived all year round. No, I go almost every day. Seeing that everyone gave me a lot of comments, whether it is criticized or praised, watch the chess all with a smile. Yes, although there is a concentration of piracy, watching chess has not been exclusive, because it feels like everyone is around, a feeling of a big family. Today's achievements in watching chess are actually indispensable for posting Qigong. It is true and not exaggerated. This time it was blocked, which is beyond the control of chess. You can add my WeChat public account, which contains the latest free updates of Wanguxianqiang, and some foreign versions written by readers. There are many things this month. Starting next month, I will write some characters on WeChat public account. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

Add WeChat public account program, open WeChat ---- click on the '+' in the upper right corner-click on 'Add a friend'--click on 'Public Account' ----enter 'aiguanqi' search ----- With attention, it appeared, the icon is my wedding photo with my wife.

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