Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 101: Three six true monarchs ridicule

"Yes, we were with Ji Dihong before, we slaughtered a six true monarch together!" Jiang Lianshan nodded.

"Slaughtered a six true monarch? You!" He Tu exclaimed suddenly,

"Oh? Too bad? This is, the Supreme Master? Are you the future Buddha?" Jiang Lianshan looked and recognized everyone.

"Multitude Shou Buddha!" ​​The future Buddha folded his hands together, giving a slight gift!

"I've seen the Lord of the Great Flame, the Lord of the Lower Prince, and I don't know the six ways your beheaded and killed?" Taishang Dingding said.

How powerful is Liu Daojun, a group of people have also beheaded one, and the strength is overbearing.

"Oh? You killed one?" Jiang Lianshan looked.

"Thanks to the ancient emperor, I was lucky enough to grind the body of the water **** of six true monarchs!" He nodded too much.

Jiang Lianshan looked at the ancient sea with a condensed look.

"The Dragon Warring States was condensed in the chess game formation method. Unfortunately, it was almost in the end. As a result, there were three seniors who watched chess, and the bodies of the six true kings were taken away!" Gu Hai explained.

"An old man watching chess again?" Huohuang stared.

"You've encountered it too?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, we met four old people who watched chess. Three of them were beheaded with the holy sword by the golden gods of the six true monarchs. The last one was picked up cheaply and received six true monarch bodies!" Jiang Lianshan nodded.

"Golden body? Holy sword?" Tongtianjiao sank.

The holy sword is the biggest pain in the heart of the master of the heavenly religion. He claimed that he was the first in the world of Kendo, but was so vulnerable in front of the holy sword. That is not the body of the golden god. The holy sword is used for the body of the golden god. Domineering?

"Holy Sword, blocked by Xuanyuan Sword, we found the opportunity. That golden **** body, isn't it great!" Huohuang nodded.

"Xuanyuan Sword? Ji Dihong's Xuanyuan Sword? The fifth magic weapon in the world? Isn't that the Xuanyuan Sword is only a ritual, the sword of the king? Why ...?" Tongtian sank.

Xuanyuan Sword is the fifth, and the Seventh Sword of the Nianxian is the seventh. At first, Tongtian did not think that the Xuanyuan Sword was very powerful, because it was a ritual vessel, which was used by Ji Dihong to gather the luck and heart of the people. It is not a combat sword. Under the Holy Sword, its power is naturally above the Seven Swords of Jixian. Ji Dihong hides so deeply?

"The holy sword was collected by Ji Dihong and integrated into Xuanyuan Sword, Xuanyuan Sword should be even more powerful!" Jiang Lianshan explained.

"More powerful?" Tongtian felt uncomfortable for a while.

"So, six true monarchs have died two?" Tai Shang frowned.

"It should be three!" Jiang Lianshan shook his head.

"Three? Who killed one of the six true monarchs?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I don't know. The old man who watched Qi arrived before leaving!" Jiang Lianshan shook his head.

"The game of watching chess, it's a good idea to kill someone with a knife!" Tongtian teaches the master eyebrows.

Although this old man watching chess may not be the strongest, his calculations are earth-shattering. So three powerful six true kings have been counted dead by him?

"The old man who watched chess has died a lot!" Kong Xuan frowned.

"A lot dead? Oh, maybe, a little!" Jiang Lianshan shook.

"Not ten?" Kong Xuan wondered.

"There are four on my side, three on your side, and the other six beheaded, aren't there more than three? There are already ten of them, and the other six real kings are not monitored by the old man watching chess?" Jiang Lianshan Analyze.

"This ...!" Everyone showed a hint of horror.

"The old man who watched chess also said that the three souls are the main and the seven souls are supplemented. Therefore, the six most powerful are the heaven and earth people, the three souls body, and the seven souls body, even if the **** king body is not the three souls opponent, We are careful! "Huohuang smiled bitterly.

"That is to say, ten days later, we may usher in even stronger six Taoist revenge?" Gu Hai frowned.

Fire Emperor nodded.

When everyone was talking, Tai Chi showed surprise. The river map was in panic.

"You, you, you have killed three six true kings? You devil, you must not die, Island Guard, take them down!" He Tu burned in anger.

A group of zombies did not pay attention, waiting for Taiji to order.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, none of these demons are good people, let's take it down!" He Tu's anxious request was too embarrassing.

Tae-hyun didn't pay attention to Hetu, but looked at the crowd: "Since you can kill the six true monarch yourself, don't disturb my brother, please!"

Too far off. However, Jiang Lianshan suddenly looked at Taiyu and Hetu.

"Too bad, this is about to drop off guests? This time, I'm looking for Fu Xi to discuss sixty-four hexagrams!" Jiang Lianshan laughed.

"My brother retreats, I don't see anyone! Everyone, please!" Taiji said off again.

"What if I don't leave?" Chidi sneered.

"Then don't blame me, stiff one, if anyone dares to take another step to Huayu Island, without mercy, just kill it!" Too coldly said.

"Yes!" The head soldier answered.


Suddenly, the generals gave out a sensation of corpse and looked coldly at the crowd.

"Oh, just these broken zombies? Little girl, you haven't gone out yet, believe it or not, as long as they dare to shoot, I scratch your face and see that Fuxi still can't come out!" Chidi smiled coldly, threatened Too bad.

For a girl like Taiji who has not been on Hualiu Island, scratching her face is more horrible than killing her, and her unconscious body stepped back.

The next moment, Taiji was angry for his timidity, and was about to drink back, but Gu Hai was cold in his eyes.

"Kong Xuan, applause!" Gu Hai said coldly.


A five-colored divine light rose straight towards Chidi.

"What?" Chidi's eyes glared, before the time to respond, the five-colored Shenguang had approached.

Jiang Lianshan and others, no one thought, Gu Hai suddenly turned his face.

"Stop!" Jiang Lianshan stared.

However, everything is too late.


With a loud noise, under the five-colored light, Red Emperor was immediately flung out, his clothes shattered more than half, and his face was bleeding with the five-colored light.

This is still merciless to Kong Xuan, otherwise, it is not a problem of bleeding on his face.

"Kong Xuan? The ancient sea?"


The Emperor of Fire and Bai Di also stared at the magic weapon and looked at Gu Hai and Kong Xuan coldly.

"Huh!" Jiang Lianshan snorted.

There was a tremor in the void, and a sonic wave rushed towards the two of the ancient seas.


Kong Xuan yelled, and a magical spirit soared into the sky, blocking Jiang Lianshan's sonic air.

At this moment, the Master of the Heaven did not intervene, and the Master of the Supreme Master did not intervene. In the future, the Buddha folded his hands and said nothing.

"Gu Hai, what do you want to do?" Jiang Lianshan said coldly.

Gu Hai looked at Chidi coldly: "Taiyi is my wife, so keep your mouth clean, otherwise, it will not be as simple as a palm next time!"

"Your wife? Huh, ha?" Chidi smiled angrily.

Jiang Lianshan's face sank, and he looked at the Tongtian leader and the Supreme Master.

When someone's face insulted and threatened his wife and was beaten, naturally nobody could say anything.

However, Jiang Lianshan also asked for evidence.

"I don't know!" The Tongtian leader didn't show up, but a faint sentence. It seemed like I had to sit back and watch the tiger fight. Obviously, the enthusiasm just now hadn't faded.

The Lord of the Supreme Master smiled slightly bitterly, and did not want everyone to intensify their contradictions. So solemnly said, "Maybe it is true. Just now, offensive to the goddess of the goddess, just destroyed by the ancient sea. It's your subordinate, and your mouth is too owed! "

"Huh?" Jiang Lianshan's pupils narrowed and looked at Gu Hai.

Earlier I heard that it was because of Gu Hai that one of the six true monarchs was destroyed. It had not been taken seriously. Now, Gu Hai has destroyed the three swords of annihilation? That's the treasure of Heaven. What happened before? Tongtian strength, even suffered a big loss in the hands of Gu Hai?

"Hum, Gu Hai, remember it alone!" Chidi said coldly.

Bai Di looked a little complicated looking at the ancient sea.

On the side, Murong Yan was absent-minded, as if there was no conversation with the audience at all. At this moment, one was looking at the distant sea with a touch of solitude on her face, and a heart-broken sadness was written on her face. Everything else outside does not care about the general.

Although Taiji also rejected Gu Hai's "wife", his disgust against Gu Hai was countless again. At least when Chi Di said not bad, he stood up and gave himself a back and gave Chi Di a Meet the headache.

"The Red Emperor can't speak, but he is wrong, but the sloppy ones, it's not your turn to learn!" Jiang Lianshan looked coldly at the ancient sea.

While talking, Jiang Lianshan waved his hand.


Suddenly there was a golden pattern of sixty-four hexagrams around the void.

Just at this moment, a golden hexagram rushed straight to Xuan Kong.

Kong Xuan seemed to be unable to move at this moment, and seemed to have been blocked by the sixty-four hexagrams.


Kong Xuan was struggling and snorting.

The void was like glass smashing, it burst open instantly, Kong Xuan broke away instantly, but the golden flame hexagram hit Kong Xuan like a huge fireball, and drowned Kong Xuan instantly.


Kong Xuan crashed and flew out, and the whole body robe shattered suddenly and became extremely embarrassed.

"Huh?" Gu Hai's face sank, and the detective waved the raw knife, manipulating the stars and stars.


Stars lined up, and a huge killer came straight to Jiang Lianshan. The starlight is bright, and it is the light that will soon condense and decompose in the thirty-four major arrays.

Jiang Lianshan could not tolerate the ancient sea, and the ancient sea could not tolerate Jiang Lianshan. Sixty-four hexagrams surround the surroundings. Thirty-four large groups of starry sky condense and kill, and the two sides are at war.

"Stop!" The leader of Tai Shang sang anxiously.


The figure of Taiji suddenly formed the power of Yin and Yang, which stopped in the center of Jiang Lianshan and the ancient sea.

"On the Great Yan Emperor, the ancient emperor, the six true monarchs are the greatest threat at this moment. Personal grievances are to be resolved later, is it okay?" Tai Shang called anxiously.

Tai Shang came out to block, and the God of Heaven could only fly around Tai Shang in reluctance.

Guhai and Jiang Lianshan face each other coldly.

"Your Majesty, you have nothing to do with it!" Kong Xuanfei came, Shen said.

Although Kong Xuan hated Jiang Lianshan, he still wanted to take care of the overall situation for the ancient sea and did not pursue it. However, as soon as Jiang Lianshan shot, Kong Xuan knew that his strength was overbearing. No wonder he could kill six.

"Ancient Emperor, Kong Xuan is not a big deal. He just hit the Red Emperor, and it was all right. How?" Tai Shang advised with a bitter smile.

"It was the Red Emperor who let Kong Xuan hold the palm, because the Red Emperor insulted my wife, that's the peace! Jiang Lianshan hit my courtier again, how can it be peace?"

"Ancient sea? What do you want? I give you face, not for you to pretend to be against you!" Jiang Lianshan said coldly.

The ancient sea baht must be compared, not because of vindictiveness, on the one hand, to be too embarrassed, but on the other hand, to establish the status of the next battle.

A light of decomposition, let Tongtian no longer belittle himself, nowadays, Jiang Lianshan is still high above him, although he is polite, he does not look down on himself at all.

It is like just now, if he was the Dragon Warring States, the Red Emperor insulted the Dragon Warring States wife, and the Dragon Warring States gave him a slap, would Jiang Lianshan and the Dragon Warring States turn his face and torture them?

No, because the status is equal, the people below are not sensible, and lessons should be learned.

The six battles are a life-and-death battle. Gu Hai must emphasize his position in order to not become a discarded **** in the next battle.

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