Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 103: Scary old man watching chess

Everyone agreed with Tai's proposal!

In Guhai's view, if the future can be predicted, the future facts will certainly convince everyone, and Houtu obviously does not believe what Guhai and others have said, but the recent inquiry has made Houtu extremely tangled.

Tai Chi did not allow everyone to go to Hualiu Island, and everyone did not force it. In the future, the Buddha took out a huge flying boat, and everyone fell on the deck.

"Qian Kun Ding is a treasure made by my brother. There are gossips on it, including Qian Kun. Hetu, you have the ability to predict the future. Now, you have to urge. I want to know what will happen in the future. God? And, that day, was Yun captured or killed by six true monarchs? ”Taiji lowered Qiankunding and said in a deep voice.

"Help me find out Tianyun's life and death, and where is it?" Houtu worried.

"You wait, not only me, you can see it!" He Tu said suddenly.

Then, He Tu put his hands on Qian Kunding.


Qiankundun suddenly trembled, and the gossip pattern on it suddenly burst into a burst of colorful light.

"The smell of this gossip is strange?" Jiang Lianshan looked at the gossip in surprise.

"Cat Tianyun? Master the principle of fire? I'll check it out!" He Tu closed his eyes and urged Qian Kunding to sense.


Qiankun Dingkou suddenly burst out of the energy of the fire, and immediately rushed to the top of Jiuxiao. Then, the fire seemed to become the root of a tree, entangled in the void. Gently pulling, the void was suddenly pulled out of countless flames.

"Fire rule? The origin of the direct rule? Qiankunding? Hetu? So good!" The Supreme Master lamented.

"Hetu predicts the future, is it accurate?" Kong Xuan wondered.

"It is said that Hetu is a heaven and earth breeding spirits. On it there was a mysterious mysterious figure, which was later understood by Fuxi and created gossip. Later, Fuxi turned the Hetu into a fine point, turning his dead object into a living person. Mysterious, will have the ability to predict the future, manipulating Qian Kun Ding refined by gossip, will be even more powerful! "Hou Tu explained.

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked slightly surprised at He Tu.


After a while, Qiankunding suddenly trembled, and then it seemed that countless information was dragged into the tripod from the flame of the void.


Dingzhong suddenly heard a weak voice.

"Oh? Tianyun's voice?"

"Alive, but it doesn't seem to be in good shape!" He Tu frowned.

"Where? Where is he?" Houtu eagerly said.

"Looking!" He Tu closed his eyes and continued to urge Qian Kunding.

At this moment, Gou Chen, Ziwei, Changsheng, and Houtu were all worried because everyone thought of one person, Liudao Zhenjun.

No matter how unbelievable the crowd was before, when Cat Tianyun finally disappeared, he did say bad things about the six true kings, and it was very likely that they were in the hands of the six true kings.

Speaking of which, when Cat Tianyun had just returned from 800,000 years ago, he met Liudao Zhenjun.


Weak sound came from Ding Zhong, and Ding Zhong slowly appeared a trace of picture.

In the picture, he saw the appearance of Mao Tianyun dimly. In the picture, Cat Tianyun is struggling weakly in a bubble at this moment.

The air bubble wrapped the cat sky cloud, so that cat sky cloud could not escape. At this moment, cat sky cloud was injured, very weak, and seemed to be out of strength. When he was lying there, he could only make a weak meow, as if shouting. Helping.

"Where is this?" Changsheng anxiously said.


At this moment, a right hand suddenly appeared in the picture. The right hand grabbed the air bubble and grabbed it together with the black cat.

"See clearly, who is it?" Hou Tu anxiously.

"Is it six?" Fire Emperor frowned.


The picture finally cleared, revealing the face of Cat Tianyun.

The moment he saw that face, Gu Hai and Jiang Lianshan all changed their faces.

"Impossible!" Tongtian said with a surprised stare.

"Old man watching chess?" Tai Shang said in astonishment.

In the picture, Cat Tianyun is not the Liudao Zhenjun imagined by everyone, but the old man watching chess?

But at this moment, the old man who watched chess looked a little embarrassed, holding the black cat in one hand, and there was a hint of sigh in his eyes.

"Fu Jun?" Murong Yan suddenly sobered from her previous sadness.

Looking at the old man watching chess in the picture, Murong Yan flashed a strong love in his eyes. It was more of a grudge.

"What does the old man watch the cat grab the cat Tianyun?" Too frowning doubtfully.

But in the picture, the old man who watched chess suddenly opened his mouth. At the next moment, everyone looked as if he had been fixed, and his scalp became numb.

But it was the old man who watched chess. He grabbed the black cat and slowly put it in his mouth. He swallowed it together with the bubble.

"No, no!" Ziwei exclaimed suddenly.

"He ate Tianyun? Damn!" Gou Chen also exclaimed suddenly.

"It's not true!" Changsheng also looked horrified.

There was a sudden chill in everyone.


In the picture, the old man watching chess swallowed the black cat and swallowed it. There was an ups and downs in the throat.

"Swallowed?" Tongtian leader said blankly.

"He really ate Tianyun?" Houtu also changed his face.

The four gods suddenly made their faces look angry, and there was a flash of horror in their eyes.

"The old man watching chess, why did he swallow Cat Tianyun?" Taiji wondered.

However, after seeing that the old man watching chess in the picture swallowed the cat Tianyun, suddenly the pores around his body seemed to burst into a fire. Once the fire was out, everything around him was burned. The outermost fire is yellow, the central fire is blue, and the inner fire is pink.

"Viewing the old man's body, that is the power of fire, only Cat Tianyun can play" heart fire dry spring "? Old man watching Qi swallows Cat Tianyun, depriving Cat Tianyun's control of the fire principle? He Robbed Cat Tianyun's ability? "Changsheng's face changed.

"Where is he? Tell me, where is he, I'll kill him!" Hou Tu said suddenly.

Gou Chen, Ziwei, and Changsheng all looked at the picture fiercely. The old man watching chess swallowed the cat Tianyun, and the four of them wanted to destroy the old man.

At this moment, Gu Hai, Jiang Lianshan, and the leader of Tongtian were all shocked. This old man who watched chess seemed different from what he knew?

"Hetu, where is he?" Houtu glared again.

"He's here, he's here ...!" He Tu was inductive.

"I, I sensed it!" He Tu suddenly opened his eyes.

But just as He Tu was about to open his mouth, in the picture, the old man watching chess surrounded by numerous fires seemed to have a sense, suddenly turned around and looked over.


The crowd suddenly became excited.

The old man watching chess in the picture seems to see it through Dingzhong's picture, as if he saw everyone. Gazes circled around everyone.

"This, this, this is impossible!" He Tu suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone's face changed too.

But in the picture, the old man watching chess suddenly smiled coldly. Seems to ridicule everyone.

"He really watched it?" Gu Hai sank.

But in the picture, the old man watching chess suddenly shook his sleeve and brushed.


The picture of Dingzhong suddenly disappeared.


The river picture seemed to be spewed by a spit of blood that disappeared and disappeared.

"What's the matter, where is he?" Hou Tu stared.

"No, I can't find him, he, he found my prying eyes, and just cut off all my induction, I can't find him, I can't find it!" He Tu said suddenly bitterly.

"Can't find it?" Everyone's face changed.

"The demon really is a demon, even the gods will eat it, he will eat it!" He Tu faced horrified.

"Murong Yan, you are the wife of the old man who watched chess. What do you say the old man who watched chess?" Shen Tiantong said.

There was a sadness in Murong Yan's eyes, but she shook her head and did not speak.

"Murong Yan!" Tongtian leader stared, seeming to force Murong Yan to speak.

"Tongtian!" Jiang Lianshan's face became cold, and he immediately stood in front of Tongtian.

"Huh? Jiang Lianshan, until now, you are still protecting her?" Tongtian leader stared.

"Don't force her. Something came to me. Also, you have been accounted for by the old man who watched chess. If you have the ability, go to him. Don't be ashamed!" Jiang Lianshan said coldly.

"Huh, Jiang Lianshan ...!" Tongtian seemed to be angry.

"Okay!" Houtu yelled.

Everyone looked backwards together.

"Hetu, can't you find the old man who watched chess?" Houtu said ugly.

"You ca n’t find it, the four envoys, did you see it? Did you see it? The old talents of chess watching are the biggest demon. These people are all demon, slandering the six true kings and killing the six true kings Tianyun God, they also made up lies, can't let them go! "He Tu cried suddenly.

"Huh?" Gu Hai and others looked at Hetu coldly.

"There is so much nonsense, hurry up and continue to calculate the future. I want to know the situation one year later, is it true that the six true monarchs are going to kill the heavens!" Taiping Shen said.

Tae-hyun has a good opinion of Gu Hai. At this moment, he does not immediately deny Gu Hai, but the Four God Beasts are cold to Gu Hai and others.

"Okay, just look at it. Just now I was tracking down the God of Heaven. The following is predicting the future. Don't touch me! I want to urge Qiankunding!" He Tu called.

Then, He Tu closed his eyes again to urge Qian Kunding to rise.


In the trembling of Qiankunding, a lot of white mist suddenly appeared.

"It's not right, the future is chaotic? It's so difficult to predict, it's hard!" He Tu said anxiously.

The crowd waited patiently, and at this moment Hetu seemed to be in a difficult situation, sweating heavily. Anxious face.

After about an hour, a vague picture slowly formed.

In the picture, he is still an old man watching chess.

"It's him again?" The four beasts sank.

In the picture, the old man watching chess seems to be fighting with whom. On the occasion of the battle, a trace of madness appeared on his face.

"Let me kill all six true monarchs, everything in this world is mine, the sky is dead, I watch chess, it is the new sky, I will reverse everything! My lover, you are waiting for me!"

PS: I'm going to a meeting in another field today. The update is irregular. Forgive me.

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