Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 104: Conspiracy

This is the second more! ——

"Let me kill all six true monarchs, everything in this world is mine, the sky is dead, I watch chess, it is the new sky, I will reverse everything! My lover, you are waiting for me!"

My lover, you are waiting for me! In the last sentence, the old man who watched chess shouted extremely desolately.

However, in addition to Murong Yan crying, others listened to the words in front of the old man who watched chess.


The picture burst apart and the smoke suddenly disappeared.

However, there was silence for everyone.

"How can this be? What is the old man watching Qi Qi doing?" Chidi stared blankly.

"He is a demon, see it! God makes them, they are demon, then the old man watching chess is the biggest demon. He is going to kill six true kings, he is going to kill the sky. This is what he said, take them down! He Tu screamed anxiously.

Tae-hyun's face was ugly for a while, but he looked at Hetu and said, "Hetu, have you made a mistake?"

"Can't be wrong, the future is becoming blurred. I have used Qian Kunding to urge the maximum strength. I cleared the clouds and saw the inside, mother, didn't you see that? The old man who watched chess said everything!" He Figure anxiously.

"What about a year later?" Too groaned.

"A year later? I can't see it anymore!" He Tu suddenly looked for a moment.

"What's the meaning? It's more troublesome to investigate the truth. It's hard to just look at the casual scene one year later." Too frowning.

Hetu, however, was a spirit, suddenly showing a shocked face: "After looking at it for a year, could it be that I am dead? One year later, when I die, I cannot predict the future, and I will be killed?"

Thinking of this, He Tu suddenly looked terrified.

"Demon, do you want to kill me? Or is the old man watching chess wanting to kill me?" He Tu suddenly looked terrified.

The four beasts suddenly looked at Gu Hai and his party fiercely.

At this moment, Gu Hai, Jiang Lianshan, and the leader of Tongtian are also at a loss.

Isn't the old man watching chess going back to kill Liu Daojun? No, he wants to take the whole world?

"Old man watching chess? Oh, it's really big!" Tongtian Jiaozhu said cheekily.

"Count heaven, count earth, count ancient times, count today. Hahahaha, his goal is actually Chengxian? Borrow my hand, Chengxian?" Jiang Lianshan also looked ugly.

"But I waited for the future, or Liudao Zhenjun succeeded, didn't he?" Gu Hai looked to Tongtian Shen.

"Six Immortals? No, history has changed since we came 800,000 years ago!" The Master of Tongtian hated.

"Not necessarily!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Gu Hai.

"If history changes, will you still exist?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Uh?" Tongtian froze slightly.

The ancient sea itself may not be affected, after all, the ancient sea comes from the fairy heaven, but everyone here is not. Without the foundation of history, how can there be the future? The crowd did not disappear, indicating that history is still there.

"God, let's report six true kings at once, and quickly wipe out all these demons!" He Tu said anxiously.

Gou Chen, Ziwei, Changsheng frowned, but Houtu's face was ugly: "Hetu, didn't you lie to me?"

"Cheat? Do you suspect that I have deliberately lied to you just now? How could I guarantee my life, absolutely true? Besides, Qian Kunding can only predict where I can be faked? And, one year later, I also died? I was also killed? Definitely it was them. The old man who watched chess had to kill Liu Daojun and Cangtian, they were the devil! "He Tu shouted madly.

Whoever is certain that he will die will be emotional.

The four great beasts looked coldly at Gu Hai and his party. Shot?

Although the four great beasts believed the prediction just now, they still had doubts.

"The old man who watched chess was the culprit, and now the most important thing is to notify the sky!" Houtu suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Cangtian must be notified!" Gou Chen Shen said.

"But Cangtian is not in this immortal sky, and the body of the six gods of the gods went to nothingness. They went to find the perfect place for the creation world." Ziwei anxiously said.

"Why do you want to create the world at this time? The immortal vault of Liudao Zhenjun has not yet survived perfectly in nothingness, but there is such a monster as watching chess! What can I do if we can't contact Cangtian?" Changsheng looked anxiously.

"Notify Liudao Zhenjun? His Tianshen body followed Cangtian to the Netherland. Through the other bodies of Liudao, notify Cangtian?" Gou Chen looked.

"I want to inform you that Liu Dao has already notified me. I'm worried that something else will happen!" Houtu showed anxiety.

"What then?" Everyone worried.

"Go to nothingness, Houtu, you go to nothingness. You go to heaven!" He Tu cried suddenly.

"Going to nothing?" Hou Tu frowned slightly.

"Yes, Cangtian can only reverse the sky. We have to do a few preparations. You go to Cangtian because he believes in you most and has the most trust in you. If you go, he will definitely come back!" He Tu eagerly said.

The back soil frowned deeply.

"As soon as you entered nothing, you couldn't contact us, and it was dangerous ...!" Gou Chen worried.

"You don't want to save the cat Tianyun? You want to watch Cangtian die? Houtu, you go, I have a hunch, if you go to Cangtian, all history will be different!" He Tu eagerly said.

"You say, all history will be different?" Houtu stared at Hetu.

He Tu's face was stale, this is his own vision, but he can predict the future, only if he is sure, they can believe it.

"Yes, I predict that when you go, everyone can live, Cat Tianyun can live, Cangtian can live, six true monarchs can live, all of us can live!" He Tu affirmed hard.

Because one year later, I am going to die, and any means of self-help must be tried.

"Okay, I'll try it, from Huangquan Road, step into nothingness!" Houtu Shen said.

"Let's go too!" Gou Chen called.

"No, you can stay, just go later. You can stay, you can hold the old man watching chess, and you can do many things!" He Tu eagerly said.

Hetu needs to use Gou Chen and others to deal with Gu Hai and his party. Naturally, they do not want them to leave.

"Predicted again?" Hou Tuchen said.

"Good!" He Tu said arrogantly.

"Okay, we'll listen to you for a while. If you come back, I find that you lie to me, I will make you more uncomfortable than death!" Hou said coldly.

"Absolutely did not lie to you, you must be fast, please return to Cangtian!" He Tu bit his teeth.

If you die, any threats you make are useless. He Tu naturally bite.

Houtu took a deep look at the river map, stepped in shape, disappeared in place.

"What about people?" He Tu frowned.

"Houtu went to Huangquan Road in the Underworld, and went to nothingness!" Gou Chen explained.

"That's good!" He Tu sighed softly, but still looked ugly at this moment.

"Mother, do you want to ask the master to come out and destroy the old man who watched chess?" He Tu looked forward.

"Shut up!" Too narrowed his eyes.

"My brother has explained before, everyone must not disturb, no matter what, even if the sky is down, it is not allowed. Moreover, you ask Zouyi they can't agree!" Too coldly.

The zombie leader finally took the initiative to say, "Is the island owner accountable, if anyone dares to disturb the island owner's retreat, I can't wait to share it!"

Everyone looked ugly.

"Murong Yan, the picture just now, I remember the old man watching Guan Qi said finally," I will reverse everything! My lover, you are waiting for me! "What does it mean? You are not the old man watching Guan Qi? He's together? "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Murong Yan together.

Murong Yan's eyes were slightly red. Biting her lip is very sad.

"Don't say it, don't say it!" Jiang Lianshan said softly.

"No, she must make it clear! The three ambassadors, he is the wife of the elder demon guanqi, she must know a lot of situations, and won him!" He Tu eagerly said.

"Shut up!" Too scolded Hetu.

Jiang Lianshan looked at the river map with a cold face, and the river map suddenly looked agitated.

Gou Chen, Changsheng, and Zi frowned slightly, but he was not used as a gun by He Tu. He Tu asked Houtu to find the sky just now. That was righteousness. The three did not say anything, but how can they be your minions now?

Murong Yan shook her head and looked at Gu Haidao: "I? I'm his wife, but not! I'm Murong Yan, but I'm not really Murong Yan!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked.

Everyone was stunned.

"Those who were killed by Liudao Zhenjun have lost their three souls. Even if the husband has a monstrous ability, he can't find my three souls!" Murong Yan said in anger.

Suddenly, Gu Hai thought of the eyes of life and death of the six true monarchs. The three souls were taken away by someone who, like himself, killed himself?

"Well, aren't you ...?" Jiang Lianshan frowned slightly.

"My soul is agglomerated by chess. He is the three souls most like Murongyan in his heart. I am Murongyan. He used to treat me well, but he always hurt me every time he held me. Tears, I understand, he has been deceiving himself until one day, he can no longer deceive, he will ignore me. I am just a substitute! "Murong Yan cried.

Although Murong Yan is the result of the formation of a chess game, Murong Yan has almost the same feelings as a real person.

"He didn't dare to look at me, but I couldn't convince him, because I was fake after all, why, why I wasn't real!" Murong Yan cried sadly.

"Fake?" Baidi and Chidi looked at Murongyan in surprise.

Jiang Lianshan seems to have known it for a long time, looking at Murongyan for a while, but his eyes are still very soft. There was a touch of love in his eyes.

"Fake? No wonder, no wonder the old man who watched chess. I saw you last time and ignored you. Ha, Yan'er is dead? I hate it, I hate why I let Yan'er leave Dayan at the beginning, I'm fine Hate! "The Emperor of Fire suddenly grieved.

"The old man who watched Qiqi keeps thinking about it, or Murong Yan? He has a perseverance in his heart and must save the three souls of Murong Yan? Now that you have been determined to be false, why does he let you exist?" Gu Hai frowned.

"I, I don't know!" Murong Yan shook her head.

"He can't bear it, otherwise he won't avoid you intentionally, indicating that he has you in his heart!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"What did you say?" Murong Yan suddenly looked at Gu Hai with a bright eye.

"I guess, the old man who watched Qi had you in his heart, not the dead Murong Yan, but you. However, with the pouring of affection towards you, he was scared, afraid to forget that Murong Yan, and afraid to treat you as that. Murong Yan avoided you because I had you in my heart, so I didn't wipe you easily. He just persisted in his heart, never forgetting it! "Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Really?" Murong Yan suddenly burst into tears, her previous frustration suddenly disappeared.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Gu!" Murong Yan laughed and wiped her tears.

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