Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 105: Six again

Two in one. That's it for today! ——

It is the third day that Lihetu deduces the future!

After getting the news, everyone was upset. Although they did not break into Hualiu Island anymore, the crowd did not leave, but set up around Hualiu Island.

It is also a wish for everyone to stay outside Huajing Island. It is hoped that Fuxi will be able to get out of the customs when fighting.

Although he has no friendship with Fuxi, he believes that Fuxi will not let Liudao kill the sky easily.

Outside Huaying Island, a group of flying boats were parked, and everyone was stationed on the flying boats.

Too high, above the sky flying boat.

Tongtian frowned and looked at the flying boat where the ancient sea was far away.

"Oh, those three beasts, and they are mingled with Guhai again?" Tongtian frowned slightly.

"After 800,000 years, there must be a reason to be able to become friends with Gu Hai. Moreover, it is still Gu Hai, and his means must be extraordinary!" Too sinking.

"Brother, are we going to help Gu Hai in another seven days?" Tongtian God frowned.

"If you don't want to, we'll help Jiang Lianshan. Anyway, it's all six kills!" Shen Shang, the leader of the Supreme Master.

"Huh!" Tongtian nodded his head.

"Oh? That's, Murong Yan?" The Supreme Master suddenly looked, looking at a woman who flew to the ancient sea in the distance.

"Isn't Murong Yan with Jiang Lianshan? How did he go to the ancient sea?" The Tongtian leader revealed a hint of surprise--

On the ancient sea flying boat, in a hall.

Gu Hai looked at the three in front of him, Gou Chen, Ziwei, Changsheng.

"Three, 800,000 years later, I have described it to you again, and there are still three, what else do you want to ask?" Gu Hai looked at the three.

"My singing is so unpleasant? No, this" Little Radish ", you gathered it up with the formation method, I sang it just now, it's very good, the piano is the best, the sound of gold sounds good! Good song! Frown.

"Get off, don't sing in front of me in the future, see that Kong Xuan can't stand going out!" Changsheng stared suddenly.

"You're so embarrassed to say me? You almost hit your trick just now, what do you draw!" Gou Chen stared at him suddenly.

"You know that fart, it's a mixture of vitality and chaos. That egg can create life. I can't think of it. I can hide the power of the law in the future! The egg is really the most wonderful thing in the world!" Changsheng said immediately.

Aside Ziwei dismantled the platform and said, "Well, the body of your **** and beast is an egg shape. No wonder you will draw eggs after 800,000 years! After 800,000 years, I will be miserable by you."

"You can't get better, the poems you recite have almost turned us into fertilizer." Changsheng cried.

"That's fertile soil!" Ziwei stared.

"You look like a divine beast now, it's rotten fertile soil, and it won't make us feel better after reincarnation!" Changsheng stared.

Gu Hai looked at the three and talked, and found that after three hundred thousand years, the three did not look at each other pleasing to the eye, not without cause, and started from now on.

"Three people, I said just now, you believe it?" Gu Hai wondered.

The three stopped talking.

After a moment of silence, Gou Chen nodded: "Actually, before we see you, we believe it!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai froze slightly.

"In order to find Cat Tianyun, we have found a number of people like you, intimidating, tempting, and even refining the soul. We have been questioned many times, but it was unacceptable at that time. Otherwise, you thought Hetu was so easy to be caught by Hetu When fired? "Gou Chen Shen said.

"Just believe it!" Gu Hai took a deep breath and nodded.

"How could we never have imagined that Liudao Zhenjun would actually kill the heavens against him? Previously, his image was too tall. There are legends of Liudao everywhere in the world, and he is extremely respected, but who would think of ... He kept up with heaven and said that he wanted to open up a new perfect immortal vault and give the world a wider world. He wants to create a world and create a new world that can survive in nothingness! Just like our immortal vault! Gouchen explained.

"There is a little fairy dome in Liudao, but the law of the little fairy dome is incomplete! I heard that at the edge of the fairy dome, time is slowing down, and space is distorted and deformed. It is the opposition of 'nothingness' and 'existence.' Perfect Immortal dome, with countless rules to replace each other, can support the immortal dome not be consumed by the outside world's "nothingness." How can a little fairy dome resist the consumption of nothingness and achieve the world of creation? "Gu Hai frowned.

"He said that he could, Cangtian was deceived by his appearance, trusted him, gave him help in all aspects, made the six Taos strongest, made his little fairy dome more perfect, and made him out of our world. After going into nothingness, as soon as he entered nothingness, Cangtian cut off the connection with Cangsheng, and many powers were no longer needed, maybe he was killed there! "Changsheng looked ugly.

"Are you going to hit the six true kings?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

The three looked at each other and remained silent for a while.

"According to history, we have been reincarnated. The three of us may have died because they resisted the six true monarchs, and because they resisted, they would die!" Ziwei Shen said.

Gu Hai nodded.

The three of them were silent for a while, and Chen Chen said, "Although it will die, but without resistance, we will live in the nest for a lifetime. You said that we can be resurrected after 800,000 years? Why not fight together? "

"Yeah, I can't guarantee that history must be the same!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Haha, wouldn't it be better if we won?" Changsheng laughed.

Looking at the determination of the three, Gu Hai stood up and solemnly saluted the three.

"Ancient emperor! Don't do this! We are also for Heaven, and Heaven is killed. I can't wait to do everything to save him without being indifferent? Not worthy of his appreciation for us then." The three cried suddenly.

"No, this gift, I must thank the three righteousness!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

The three looked at each other and eventually stopped blocking.

"There are still seven days, I hope three will help me!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Do your best, to be honest, the three of us may not be the opponents of the six true monarchs. He is too powerful now!" The three laughed bitterly.

"Enough!" Gu Hai laughed.

As everyone talks.

"Your Majesty, Murong Yan, please see!" Kong Xuan called outside the hall.

"Oh?" Gu Hai stepped out of the hall.

Outside the main hall, Murong Yan stood quietly, watching the four people coming to Gu Hai, and gave a small gift: "I've seen Mr. Gu!"

"Murong Yan, don't have to be polite!" Gu Hai avoided immediately.

At the same time, the ancient sea looked at Jiang Lianshan's flying boat in the distance.

At this moment, an uncomfortable look flashed in the eyes of Fire Emperor.

"Gudi, let's leave now!" Gou Chen solemnly said.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

The three immediately stepped away temporarily.

"Murong Yan, why not, let's go to the gazebo over there?" Gu Hai didn't ask Murong Yan to be like a palace.

Murong Yan smiled and nodded.

The two walked to the gazebo not far away.

In the distance, the fire emperor saw that Murong Yan had not entered the main hall of the ancient sea, and her brows slightly eased.

"Murong Yan, I wonder what you are looking for me?" Gu Hai wondered.

The two sat down, and Murong Yan was silent for a while before she said, "Mr. Gu, let me tell you a story about Murong Yan. I hope you don't dislike it!"

"Oh? You can't do it!" Gu Hai flashed his eyes suddenly--

On the Phoenix Island in the East China Sea, there is a peony flower that has been nourished by the heaven and earth for a long time, and gradually has spirituality. Before it turns into a demon, the peony is fragrant and scattered around. Attracted a lot of monsters and tigers, at the moment when the peony turned into a monster, they swooped up together. If they wanted to swallow and improve, they would destroy the peony flowers in the hands of the beasts. But at this moment, a **** fell from the sky, and all the monsters around him were immediately run away.

At that time, the peony was transformed into a monster. It was the moment of despair. When he was rescued by this uncle, his heart trembled. Thank you for your tears. It was Jiang Lianshan who waved.

"It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful peony!" Jiang Lianshan was instantly fascinated by peony flowers.

"Thank you, Grandpa!" The Peony Demon immediately thanked him.

"What's your name?"

"I don't have a name. I will never give up. Give me one?"

"One of you laughs, is so beautiful, it's better than thousands of flowers, just call it Yaner!"

"Thank you, Father!"

"Yan'er, you have just changed shape and haven't cultivated yet. It's not safe to walk around. In this way, let the good guys do it to the end, and arrange for you to be with the fire emperor. Let me handle the affairs of the North Korea and then pick you up!"

Yan Lianshan naturally did not refuse the arrangement of Jiang Lianshan, because at that time, Yan Er's mind was limited, Jiang Lianshan's fall from the sky, and Yan Er's heart fell on Jiang Lianshan. The world of sensory transformation is extremely beautiful.

Phoenix is ​​a beautiful race, but the arrival of Yan'er is overwhelming by all the beauty, and the fragrance of peony is distributed throughout the body, which makes the Phoenix family love it very much. At that time, how many phoenixes pursued Yan'er, but Yan'er had all his heart on Jiang Lianshan. No one agreed.

Even the Emperor of Fire at the time, fell in love with Yan'er because of her innocence and kindness.

Confession several times, Yan Er did not agree, but the heart of Jiang Lianshan, never let anyone into the heart.

Jiang Lianshan also often comes to Phoenix Island, and every time he comes, Yaner is extremely happy.

Until one time, Jiang Lianshan suddenly had an arrangement for Yan'er. I hope Yaner can help herself to complete a big task. Asked what Yan'er meant.

Let Yan'er seduce other men? Because Yan'er is so beautiful, and the innocent temperament on her body can infect many people.

Yan'er was sad, but this was Jiang Lianshan's request, and Yan'er agreed with a grievance.

Jiang Lianshan used ** to deliver Yaner to the home of an official in the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom. The official surnamed Murong.

Yaner casts Murong Yan.

Although Yaner's appearance has changed somewhat, it is difficult to conceal her popularity.

Jiang Lianshan arranged a series of coincidences so that Murong Yan met the Dragon Warring States. The coincidence again and again, moved the heart of the Dragon Warring States.

At this moment, the Dragon Warring States discovered that the Murong family was a fine work sent by Jiang Lianshan, and there was evidence of treason, so he offended the Murong family. No matter how Murong Yan pleaded, he would ignore it.

At first, in order to attract the attention of the Dragon Warring States, Murong Yan opened poetry clubs in the Dagan Dynasty, attracting many worldly talents. When Murong's family was offended, Murong Yan was also arrested, motivated by many talents, including the Emperor Xiyu of the Yuan Dynasty.

In order to calm down the restlessness, the thunderous means of the Dragon Warring States killed the rest of the Murong family.

Designed by Jiang Lianshan, Murong Yan left Dagan Tianchao and rushed to Yi'ange near the 'Escape!'

Because of "coincidence", I met the old man who watched chess at that time.

Originally, it was to attract the attention of the old man who watched chess. However, the old man who watched chess was too obsessed with chess and remained indifferent. Murong Yan tried his best to get the favor of the old man who watched chess.

Murong Yan is extremely innocent. Her acting can't lie to the Dragon Warring States or the old man who watches chess, but the old man who watches chess is slowly attracted by her innocence and kindness.

Murong Yan also discovered the kindness of the old man who watched chess under a series of 'all-out tips', and unknowingly fell in love with the old man who watched chess.

The two sublimated their emotions. Unconsciously, the two came together, and even became married.

After Jiang Lianshan heard the news, he was so annoyed that when they got married, they came to a big fight.

No, there were the Dragon Warring States and the Fire Emperor at the time, and they wanted to grab Murong Yan together.

However, Murong Yan has fallen on the old man who watched chess.

The Dragon Warring States regretted it, and should not have killed the Murong family in order to establish authority.

The fire emperor regretted it, and should not let Murong Yan go.

Jiang Lianshan regretted it, but Murong Yan could never return.

Murong Yan's heart has been completely tied to the old man who watched chess. The old man who watched chess loved Murong Yan even if he was the enemy, and he did not want to let Murong Yan go.

At that time, they had a good fight, but no one knew the result.

In the end, the old man who watched chess was shocked by everyone, and took out a ‘fairy sky’, which was regarded as a gift, and also regarded as Murong Yan but hit a wish and gave the fairy sky to everyone—

In her memory, Gu Rongyan listened quietly with a smile.

"Only the old man who watches chess knows how to cherish the people in front of him, Dragon Warring States, Jiang Lianshan, and the Emperor of Fire? Oh, only when he loses does he know how to cherish! Or the old man who watched chess thinks so thoroughly!" Gu Hai said silently.

"He? He's just a fool. Except for playing chess, he doesn't pay attention to anything! How can he think it through?" Murong Yan smiled with a bit of nostalgia.

"Fool?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Yeah, for emotions, he is an elm head. How many hints did I give him before, but he could n’t understand, and he was always polite and clumsy, but when the moment we confirmed the relationship, the husband suddenly It has changed. I have been obsessed with Go in the past, and have been obsessed with me since then. I have to take me around the world and let me give him a lot of babies, and all my names are up! "Murong Yan brought a smile of excitement on her face.

"Take you to travel around the world? The old man watching chess is really nice to you!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes, that's good. He told me everything. He would always accompany me, or would he play chess with himself!" Murong Yan recalled her happiness.

"Play chess with yourself? It's so leisurely to be alone!" Gu Hai laughed.

"No, not alone, but playing chess with yourself!" Murong Yan shook her head.

"Oh?" Gu Hai froze slightly.

Is n’t it just one person to play chess with yourself?

"When playing chess, there were two husbands, one was the deity, and the other, he said, that's him tomorrow!" Recalled Murong Yan.

"Tomorrow him? Two old men who watch chess?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

"Yes, another husband at the time was vague and smoke-like. The husband said that he used the rules of time to play chess with himself in the future. Only he knows himself best, and only he can make himself fastest. Chess power increased! "Murong Yan explained.

"The law of time? Leading to the future?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

At this moment, I finally know why the old chess player is so powerful. Because he has 100,000 endgames, because of a series of chess records, he only strengthened in the eighteenth layer of **** for more than 200 million years.

Is the old man watching chess playing against himself in the future to strengthen himself?

"Fu Jun's chess skills are getting stronger and stronger, and he gradually understands the six reincarnations. Those dead souls have been devastated and devastated by the six immortals. He also told me. He told me not to worry about it. But I didn't hold back! "Murong Yan suddenly cried.

"You have been known by the Six Immortals and killed by the Six Immortals? The old man watching Qi is going to take revenge on you? Is he crazy to take revenge on you?" Gu Hai looked intently.

"Huh!" Murong Yan nodded.

"Wait, I remember listening to Long Zhanguo, you want to show the conspiracy of the Six Immortals to the world? But the old man watching Qi is by your side. Since he chose not to worry about his affairs, he must be careful about you. When the old man didn't pay attention, he told the world? It was impossible to hide the old man who watched chess? "Gu Hai wondered.

"It was Jiang Lianshan who helped me!" Murong Yan said bitterly.

"Oh? Jiang Lianshan? He's using you?" Gu Hai frowned.

In this way, the Dragon Warring States is against the sky, and the old man watching chess is against Murongyan, but the black hands behind the scenes are Jiang Lianshan? Was Jiang Lianshan instigating the Six Wars again and again?

What a big hand, the Dragon Warring States were used by Jiang Lianshan, and the old man watching chess was also used by Jiang Lianshan?

"No, I remember, Jiang Lianshan looked at you with a kind of admiration. How could he let you die? With your death, stir up the world?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"At that time, it was Heidi who came to help me, and it was Jiang Lianshan who asked him to help me, but unfortunately, you know later!" Murong Yan smiled bitterly.

"Hei Di? Hei Di conspired and was murdered by Jiang Lianshan. Is it because Hei Lian was carrying Jiang Lianshan on his back when he was hesitating?" Gu Hai sank.

In this way, the black emperor was ridiculed, and everything made sense.

"Maybe!" Murong Yan said bitterly.

"Everything is really complicated. Jiang Lianshan counted the old man who watched chess, but in turn was counted by the old man who watched chess!" Gu Hai sighed.

"Mr. Gu, I'm here to ask you something!" Murong Yan suddenly knelt down.

"Don't, just tell me if you have something, I can do it, I must do it, don't kneel me!" Gu Hai suddenly smiled away.

"Fu Jun said that this time back to 800,000 years ago, he had reported his determination to die, and set up a game of" destroying immortal chess. "This was a dead end. With his determination, he would die completely if he failed. . And this deadlock could only be solved by him, he couldn't solve it by himself, but later said that your chess skills are amazing, and you might be able to solve it! "Murong Yan looked to Gu Hai.

"Extinct chess game?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, therefore, I ask you, if your husband is defeated, please help him to solve the dead situation, I don't want him to die, even if I replace him, please, please help me!" Murong Yan kneeled Gu Hai cried.

"Murong Yan, you still get up!" Gu Haixu mourned Murong Yan with a bitter smile.

"Mr. Gu, please, it ’s not the husband in the picture three days ago. He is not bad. He has never been evil with people, and he has never argued with others. He used to be a foolish person playing chess alone. He didn't meet me. He even hid in the house every day to play chess. If it weren't for me dying, he wouldn't have done such crazy things. He is a good man, please save him! "Murong Yan cried.

"I can't guarantee anything to you, but I believe that the essence of the old man who watched chess is not bad, but I haven't seen the chess game, how can I help him? I try my best ..." Gu Hai smiled slightly. Road.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Gu!" Murong Yan cried and wiped her tears before she got up.

"I can't guarantee anything, but only if I can save myself and do what I can, I will shoot!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Thank you, enough, enough!" Murong Yan thanked with tears.

far away. Above Jiang Lianshan's flying boat, the Fire Emperor saw Murongyan kneeling down on the ancient sea in the distance, holding her fists and preparing to pass.

"Fire Emperor, don't go!" Jiang Lianshan's voice came from behind the hall.

"But, holy ...!" Fire Emperor anxiously.

"唉 ~~~~~~~~~~~!" In the hall, there was a sad and sigh of Jiang Lianshan--

Ten days passed in a flash. Gu Hai's injury was also better.

Ancient seas, Jiang Lianshan, Taishang, Tongtian, Future Buddha, etc. immediately stood on the deck of the flying boat like an enemy.

"Mother-in-law, Murong Yan will take care of you!" Jiang Lianshan was grateful to Mrs. Tai.

"Rest assured, Murong Yan is on the island with me!" Too loudly Shen said.

"Come here!" Gu Hai looked utterly.

"Boom!" A violent storm swept through, and in a moment, a figure of robe appeared on the sea not far from everyone.

"Six true princes, the demon is there!" River Tu in the distance suddenly excited.

The sudden Liudao Zhenjun turned cold and looked at everyone in front of him.

"Jiang Lianshan? Ancient sea? Tongtian? Too high? Huh, you guys got together?" The six Zhenjun looked coldly.

"You are mingled with the emperor? Who is your body?" Jiang Lianshan sank.

"Qing Emperor? Oh, Jiang Lianshan, you are really good at calculating, but unfortunately, you finally calculated yourself!" Liu Daozhen sneered.


"You used the trace of Qingdi's soul to raise a Qingdi Emperor once again. This Qingdi does not have a trace of affection for you, but he knows you well? He won't help you, I am a **** of fire! Today Do n’t even want to run any of you! Hum! ”Liu Dao Zhenjun snorted.

At the time of Liudao Zhenjun's cold humming preparations.


For a moment, another gale struck, but the second six true monarchs suddenly appeared.

"Ancient Qin?" Gu Hai sank.

The second six true monarchs flew in the air, looking coldly at everyone around.

At this moment, the first six true monarchs were weird to salute the second six true monarchs.

"Human body? Even you were dispatched?" Vulcan body surprised.

The human body seems to have a higher status, and the nose just ‘um’. His eyes were shaky, and he aimed at everyone.

PS: This chapter is two-in-one today. There is only this chapter.

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