Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 106: Devour

Two six true monarchs stood coldly in the sky, overlooking a crowd of powerful men! Murderous in his eyes.

"Did you form an alliance?" Vulcan sneered.

"Union? Oh, it's just the same purpose, you will not die, you will be killed!" Jiang Lianshan said coldly.

"The people of Wuhe!" Vulcan said coldly.

"Wuhe people, also cut off your three bodies, didn't you?" Jiang Lianshan said coldly.

"Shuishen body? Jinshen body? Wooden body? The three weakest ones, haha!" Vulcan body coldly.

The six bodies of the human deity looked at Huaying Island with a narrow eye.

"Oh? Fuxi hasn't come out yet?" The **** of humanity said in a deep voice.

"Zhenjun, my family's retreat, they are all here to die!" He Tu suddenly cried.

"Shut up!" Too narrowed his eyes and stared at Hetu.

"Oh? Fuxi retreat? It seems I'm on this trip, so much more?" The brow of the human god's body slightly frowned.

"What do you mean? Liudao, do you still want to deal with my brother?" Too narrowed his eyes.

"Too embarrassing? Didn't they tell you about the future?" The human body sneered.

"Did they? Are they telling the truth?" Taiji stared suddenly.

"Impossible, Zhenjun, how could you kill the sky?" He Tu froze, apparently shocked.

"Anyway, don't even want to run any of you. Since Fuxi is ridiculed, it must have been me who killed, huh, how about being together? No one of you can escape!" The human **** said coldly.

"This, this, how is it possible?" He Tu was shocked.

The six true monarchs I have been defending, are they going to kill us?

"No more nonsense, come on, Liudao Zhenjun, since you killed you last time, presumably, your avatars must have the memories of the past, my world of change. Open!" Jiang Lianshan yelled.


Suddenly, there were countless sixty-four hexagrams in the void, and the void was wafting. Slowly, as if forming a transparent giant ball, Jiang Lianshan enveloped it.

"Arrange a small world with sixty-four hexagrams? Hehe, you and Ji Dihong did kill the golden **** body last time, but it was just restraint. Do you really think that the world can be restricted by me this week? The same trick, It's useless to me! "Vulcan groaned coldly.


Vulcan body suddenly entered the small world of Zhouyi. The small world instantly chaos. It looks like a huge mud ball floats in the air.

Fire Emperor, Red Emperor, and White Emperor stepped into them immediately.

"Brother?" Master Tongtian looked at the Supreme Master.

The Supreme Leader looked at the human body not far away.

It can be seen from the salute of Vulcan body just now that this human body should be countless powerful, at least more powerful than Vulcan body. Do you really care about the ancient sea?

However, Tongtian has a bit of resentment against the ancient sea, and waits for too much response to step into it.


Entered the Zhouyi World.

"Oh!" Too bitterly smiled and could only follow.

Compared with others, Taishang cares more about the safety of Tongtian. Moreover, if he concentrated the fire and killed the Vulcan body, then immediately return to the ancient sea.

In the air, only the human body is left.

"Too high? Tongtian? This time did not help you?" The human body looked sneerly at Gu Hai.

"I have a bad relationship with Tongtian, and naturally he won't help me." Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Oh?" There was a hint of doubt on the human body.

"I want to know, is Gu Qin in your body good?" Gu Hai Shensheng asked.

"At this time, you are still thinking about the ancient Qin? Really do not know life and death, the water **** body, is my weakest body, do you think there can be another miracle? Oh, he is still, you still want to save him? Fortunately, as last time, if you beat me to weakness, how can I let his will take the lead and wake him up? "The human body sneered.

"So good!" Gu Hai sneered.

"You? Kong Xuan? The Buddha of the future? The three beasts? Oh, there are so many? Oh, and Hualiu Island!" The human body looked sneer at everyone.

"Without them, I'm enough!" Gu Hai said coldly.


Gou Chen, Changsheng, and Ziwei all snapped their hands on the back of Gu Hai. A wave of energy poured into the ancient sea.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Gu Hai's sudden painful face screamed loudly.


Gu Hai's whole body instantly exuded a powerful breath, and once the breath came out, the precipitous sea of ​​the Quartet set off a huge wave.

"Is it the soul and soul monopoly again? Is it the peak of the air? Hahaha, in the past you urged the peak of the air, even the water **** body can't deal with it, you still want to deal with me?" Human **** body sneered.

"This time is different. The last time of the Dragon Warring States was limited, and we could only keep it for one hour. But this time, the power of the peaks motivated by the power of the three great beast transfer rules can keep me a day!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"One day? How about one day? Do you know how to use the power of the human soul?" The human body sneered.

"Kong Xuan, tearing the **** road reincarnation, we are going to enter the eighteenth layer of hell!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

Now the ancient sea is full of power. On September 9th, the power even broke a galaxy. Such a powerful power cannot naturally be exerted here, and the damage is extremely huge.



With a shout, Kong Xuan instantly turned into a huge peacock of three thousand feet, and when the whole body was enchanted, the sky was instantly blackened.

When the peacock's claws were torn, it suddenly tore a void in the void.

"Oh? Aren't you going to ask Fuxi for help? Good ambition, but I also look forward to beheading Fuxi, roar!" The human body shouted loudly.

In the mouth of the human god, a monstrous suction force is suddenly generated, and when the suction force comes out, the void is suddenly sucked and tears out.

"What?" Kong Xuan's face changed.


Kong Xuan also opened his mouth wide and suddenly sucked wildly.

Kong Xuan's swallowing was extremely arrogant. In the past, he too swallowed Taiyi, the second generation of the future Buddha, and countless big monsters, but in front of the human body, it was nothing.


Kong Xuan's figure was pulled, and rushed to the human body.

In front of the suction in the body of man and god, Kong Xuan could not resist at all.

"Impossible, no!" Kong Xuan called in horror.

"Chou Tianjiu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The ancient sea sword slashed away.


The purple light is clear. The human body is about to be chopped in an instant. Gou Chen, Changsheng, and Ziwei immediately slap their hands into a slap, and the slaps will drive the power of the law. How much is the difference between Zhou Tianjiu. Hit the human body together.

"It's up to you?" The human body hummed.

Strike straight.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a violent collision, the void was instantly torn out of a monstrous mouth. A huge black hole instantly absorbs endless seawater and enters.

The human body is still in place.


With a sip, Kong Xuan was swallowed by the human body.

"So strong?" Tony's face turned wild.

The future Buddha folded his hands and looked ugly.

"Impossible, why is he so strong? None of us can shake him?" Gou Chen was surprised.

"Have you eat Kong Xuan?" Gu Hai glared in his eyes, flashing a remorse.

"Don't worry, he can't die yet!" The human body sneered slightly.

"Not dead?" Gu Hai looked.

"Yes, it's not dead yet, but these five-colored gods are a bit interesting!"

In a sneer, suddenly, the robes on the surface of the body of the gods of God changed color and became green.

A huge threat erupted immediately.

"Human soul monopoly? Oh, you haven't reached the peak of the day, you don't know how powerful the human soul is, do you think it is just power? And, for example, the five-colored **** light!" The human **** body sneered slightly.

While talking, he swung his hand.

"Brush ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The five-colored divine light, like a Tianhe waterfall, descended from the sky and brushed towards the ancient sea.

"What? Five-colored light? Not good!" Changsheng's face changed, and the emerald palm slapped with green emerald palms.


With a loud noise, the palms of the hands burst into pieces.

The five-colored Shenguang is not fast and continues to fly towards everyone.

"Five colors of light? Even worse than Kong Xuan?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"He swallowed Kong Xuan and mastered Kong Xuan's ability?" Gou Chen's face changed and he shot it with a single palm.


Palm slapping crashed on it.

"I'm coming!" Ziwei and Changsheng hit each other with one palm.

"Boom, boom!"

Three palms slammed against the five-colored **** light, which prevented the waterfall-like five-colored **** light that day.

"The Golden Rule is indestructible!" Gou Chen yelled.

The void behind Gou Chen turned golden, and the power of the rolling law suddenly came.

Gou Chen's slapping zoomed in a hundred times.

"Boom!" Wuguang Shenguang was then knocked back for a while.

"Oh? The power of the rules? Oh, it's really a waste for you, you won't use the rules at all!"

In a sneer, he waved his hand.


The five-colored Shenguang skyrocketed more than a hundred times in an instant, as if the ocean fell down.


The three big palms burst into pieces.

"What?" The three horrified.

The five-colored **** light came over the sky, as if we were about to drown everyone.

"Light of decomposition!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.

A huge light descended from the sky, crashing into the five-colored **** light.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The five-colored **** light crashed and dissipated, apparently decomposed by the decomposing light.

The battle stopped abruptly, leaving only a black hole in the void.

The three great beasts were shocked.

"Human body? So arrogant?" Gou Chen was surprised.

"Light of decomposition? Is this the law of chess?" The human body looked up at the countless stars that were annihilated in the starry sky.

"Three big beasts? Oh, I was really blind in the past, letting you master the three rules? There are rules, but you do n’t know how to use them? Ignorance, stupidity! Using the rules is not as good as the ancient sea chess formation, ridiculous!" Ren The **** body sneered.

"Liu Daojun, if you don't want to enter the eighteenth hell, what if we enter the starry sky?" Gu Hai said coldly.

The human body and the human body smiled coldly: "Just go to you, the light of decomposition, I can accompany you, but before that, I will swallow these three gods, they will not use them, but I will, hahahaha! "

The faces of the three great beasts changed.

The human god's body swallowed a Kong Xuan, and the five-colored Shenguang played so powerfully. If it swallowed the three great beasts, who else could resist?

"You step back and let me come!" Gu Hai immediately blocked the three behind him.

The strangeness of the human **** body has already chilled everyone, and it is no wonder that the fire **** body must also worship, and in his ability, it is unmatched.

"You can't stop me!" The human body sneered.


Outside Hualiu Island, two big six true monarchs fought with a group of powerful men.

But no one noticed that there was a figure standing on a white cloud in the distance. But it is another six true monarch.

The third six Daojun was standing above Baiyun, standing with his hands on his back, hiding his figure, staring coldly at the fighting crowd, expressionless, his eyes cold.

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