Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 115: General

Murong Yan ran away!

Crying to a small stream, watching the reflection in the water, in the reflection, he was terrified, helpless, with a sadness.

"Fu Jun, didn't you say that you would never leave me? Whoops! ~~~~~!"

"Oh, Fu Jun said she will never leave. She is real. I am just a fake. Why am I just a fake?" Murong Yan was extremely uncomfortable crying.

There was a roar of noise in the distance, and it seemed that the fire emperor and Jiang Lianshan clashed.

I don't know how long it took, the Fire Emperor came to the stream where Murong Yan was.

"Yaner, you have drunk too much wine, don't go in your heart!" Huohuang said quietly.

Murong Yan turned her head to look at the Fire Emperor. There was a flash of love in the eyes of the Fire Emperor.

"Brother of the Fire Emperor, Yaner, please do something!" Murongyan suddenly solemnly said.

"You said!"

"Take me out of here and take me to my husband!" Murong Yan said with tears in her eyes.

"Do you know where the old man watching chess is?" Huohuang wondered.

"No, I don't know, I just don't want to stay here anymore! I'm worried ...!" Murong Yan took a hint of fear.

The Emperor of Fire looked at Murong Yan, her heart softened: "Are you worried about Holy?"

"Oh, if you don't want to, just forget it, sorry, when I didn't say it!" Murong Yan shook her head.

After all, the Fire Emperor is the supreme beast of the Great Yan Dynasty. Let the Fire Emperor betray Jiang Lianshan? Totally impossible.

"No, I'll take you away!" Fire Emperor suddenly gritted his teeth.


"Hehe, Yaner, I know that you have always regarded me as your eldest brother, and never thought of anything else, but, it doesn't matter, I also know myself, I can't compare to the Holy, I can't compare to the Dragon Warring States, and I can't compare to watching chess The old man, but as long as you are happy, it is enough for me. I will take you to the old man who is watching chess. I will not go with the Holy Ghost. Wherever you say, go, I listen to you! Road.

"Really?" Murong Yan burst into tears.

Speaking of the previous words, the Emperor of Fire still faintly felt sorry for Jiang Lianshan, but when she saw Murong Yan's smile, the Emperor suddenly found that everything was not important. As long as Murong Yan laughed, everything in the world was not important.

"Really! Go now!" Fire Emperor affirmed.

"Thank you, Brother Huohuang!" Murong Yan wiped the tears in her eyes.

"Let's go!" The fire emperor beckoned, with Murong Yan suddenly flying into the sky, and flew towards the distance.

call out!

In an instant, the two disappeared into the sky.

The fire emperor left with Murong Yan.

It wasn't that Jiang Lianshan didn't know, and even watched the two fly away and saw Murong Yan leave, Jiang Lianshan's eyes became red again. A great distress was stuck in my heart.


Jiang Lianshan spit up with heartache and depression.

After spitting his mouth, Jiang Lianshan seemed to be lonely for a long time. He slowly walked back to the main hall and closed the gate of the main hall—

The land of Shenzhou, in a quiet valley.

The dragon gods and dragon gods both sat cross-legged, and there was a corpse of corpses all over their bodies.

I don't know how long after that, the dragon **** shivered, and a white lotus rose from the head of dragon **** Wu. Lotus radiates six colors and is extremely dazzling.


The two breathed in at nearly the same time, and the lotus flower over their heads sucked into their mouths.

Slowly, the two opened their eyes.

"Second-generation general? A drop of blood actually increased my strength so much?" Long Shenwu said with surprise.

Long Shenzhang seemed to know the result long ago, took a deep breath, and slowly stood up.

"Long Sanqian's induction, is it still there?" Long Shenzhen looked at Long Shenwu.

"It has been erased by God! Isn't yours too? Otherwise, Liu Daojun has already come!" Long Shenwu said in a deep voice.

Dragon God frowned and nodded.

Both were the sons of the Dragon Warring States. Back to 800,000 years ago, they naturally returned to their birthplaces, and they were all dynasties. Also, there was an unexpected person there.

The two got up to check their own strength, and they all got a huge improvement.

At this time, a guard-like man stepped forward: "God is already waiting for the two, and the two will follow me!"

Long Shenyu and Long Shenwu looked at each other and nodded.

With a drop of blood from God, he is as powerful as a reborn. How strong is this God? General? Ancestor General! When they got the news of God, they were naturally very careful.

Follow the guard to an ordinary field, kites flying in the air, and a group of young children flying kites.

"Hahaha, my highest, my highest!" A group of childish children shouted proudly.

"No, it's the highest of Primary Six!" The children said in surprise.

But I saw that the youngest child, five or six years old, was proudly flying the highest kite. No, it should be a man in a white robe next to him, teaching him the same.

"Uncle Chen, uncle Chen, you see, our highest, the highest!" Xiao Liu shouted excitedly.

"Uncle Chen, you are partial, help Primary Six, don't help me!"




Suddenly, a group of children kept calling.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The man in the white robe laughed happily.

At this moment, Dragon God, Dragon God Wu and the guard were behind the men in white robes when the children didn't notice.

"Well, Xiao Liu, hold on to this, I have something to do!" The man in the white robe smiled.

"Well, Uncle Chen, I'll wait for you, we'll be the first when you come back!" Xiao Liu said happily.

"Uncle Chen, hurry up!"

"Haha, uncle, when you come back, I must be number one!"




A group of children shouted proudly.

The man in the white robe smiled and said goodbye to the children, and came to the front of the Dragon God Wu and Dragon God Wu.

Both are emperors, and they have long lost their childlike innocence, and they ca n’t understand it. The ancestor general, such a powerful figure, can play with a group of naive children.

"Refined?" Laughed the white robe general.

"Yes, thank you seniors!" The two respected.

The guard immediately took out three extremely comfortable white chairs, and at the same time took out a huge wine rack. The wine rack was huge and placed close to a thousand pots of fine wine. More importantly, the wine rack is also white, and the jug is also white, as if Jiang Chen has a hint of whiteness.

"I like the‘ clear stream puree ’, which has been aged for 300 years. The entrance is fresh and the fragrance is lingering. You see, this is my cellar. If you like it, take it yourself!” Jiang Chen took a pot of laughs.

"Uh?" Long Shenwu and Long Shen frowned slightly.

General Chen looks too casual, right?

The two brothers who saw nearly a thousand kinds of wine in front of them for a while were confused. Although they had their own labels, they did not care much about the wine and took two pots at will.

Leaning on a chair, holding a glass of wine, he smiled at them.

"Just in front of me, don't be sober, toast!" Jiang Chen laughed.

They were slightly surprised and nodded.

"Senior, do you know about us? Liudao Zhenjun, kill the sky!" Dragon God frowned.

"Kill the sky? No, you came through after Cangtian's death!" Jiang Chen drank the wine and shook his head. At the same time, the thighs were raised with two legs, unspeakable.

"What? Cangtian is dead?" Long Shenwu was surprised.

Jiang Chen didn't care, and watched the two react.

"Senior helped me to practice, but why?" Long Shen frowned.

"You practiced my exercises? That's good. But you only have three generations of generals. I will help you evolve your blood to the second generation. You should be able to improve your strength. As for you? Oh, think carefully, but it doesn't matter. I'll wash the blood for you, too! "Jiang Chen laughed.

"Thank you senior!" The two frowned.

"I don't know seniors, why do you help me?" Long Shen frowned.

"Nothing, I'm happy!" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Uh?" The two froze slightly.

"Oh, by the way, in less than a year, the body of the six gods of the true gods will return from nothing. He should bring 'xianyuan', who can control the xianyuan. Many people fight, if you are interested, you can also go! "Jiang Chen laughed with a drink.

"We? What about the seniors?" Long Shen frowned.

"Me? I'm not interested in Xianyuan! I won't go!" Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Uh?" The two froze slightly.

Some cannot understand, Xianyuan, Chengxian? Take control of the entire Celestial Dome? You say you are not interested?

"Okay, I'll get to know you today. Maybe there will be a meeting in the next day, please. Please, Xiao Liu called me there, his kite fell, and I'm going to help him!" Drop off.

"Uh?" The two looked stunned.

see a visitor out? Because you're going to fly a kite with a bunch of naive children?

"Uncle Chen, Uncle Chen, come and help me!" Xiao Liu said anxiously from a distance.

"Two, please!" Jiang Chen once again drove humanely.

The two can only stand up and pay respects to the general: "Thank you senior!"


The two flew away immediately. An instant disappeared into the sky.

"God, why should you help them? That's your essence, and this brings them to the second generation?" The guard said blankly.

"I'm happy? Haha!" Jiang Chen laughed.

With a smile, he glanced at the two leaving, and there was a hint of meaning in his eyes.

"Uncle Chen, Uncle Chen, come and help me!" Xiao Liu anxiously.

"Come here, watch Uncle Chen help you get revenge!" Jiang Chen smiled and walked towards a group of childish children.

The guard carefully put away everything around him. Respectfully stands not far away--

After the dragon gods and the dragon gods flew out, the two brothers seemed to have their own mustaches.

"Jianchen ancestor, what do you mean?" Long Shenwu frowned.

"How do I know!" Long Shenxi shook his head.

"What's your plan? Xianyuan, will you go?" Dragon God martial arts.

"I don't know where, how do I get there?" Dragon God said lightly.

Long Shenwu glanced at the Dragon God Clan, although Dragon God Clan couldn't say anything, but Long Shen Wu knew this elder brother, and he was already thinking. Xianyuan? The deity controls immortality into immortality. More than big brother? I was also excited.

"Since you don't believe me, how about we go our separate ways?" Long Shenwu laughed.

Dragon God smiled coldly.


The two soldiers split in two paths and flew away.

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