Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 116: Wu Lao

Shenzhou East, Daqi Tianchao! Outside the capital, on top of a mountain.

Heipao Liudao looked coldly at the distant sky, not far away, Mo Yike flew quickly.

"Your Majesty, the situation is a little bit wrong. The pilgrimage of the Daqi Heavenly Kingdom is not in the dynasty. I heard that it was invited by the six white robes. He followed them to kill our demons!" Mo Yike frowned.

"Six robes come a step ahead?" Six robes sank.

"Yes, Liu Dao's face is too big after all. We came late, but, Your Majesty, there were four heavens and eight holy places 800,000 years ago, should we go to another house?" Mo Yike frowned.

Heipao Six Road was silent for a while, and shook his head: "No need, how intelligent is the old man watching chess, I can think of it, he can certainly think of it. Heavenly dynasty, holy place? It is already in his pocket."

"Now ...?" Mo Yike frowned.

"Retreat and start with the imperial dynasty, dynasty, Xiazongmen, and Zhongzongmen. The quality is better than him, and he will exceed him, and go!" Six robes with black robes flew far away with Mo Yike.

Soon, came to a middle gate.

He did not alarm others, and Heipao Liudao went directly to the ancestral hall of Zongmen.

"What?" An old man in white robes stared, as if to shoot.

As soon as I saw the person coming, I suddenly had a meal in my hands and was surprised: "Zhenjun, why are you here?"

"Raksha Sovereign, the demons are mad and want to be detrimental to the heavens, but here they are looking for Raksha Sovereign to help, and go with me to Ran Mo!" The black robe six solemnly said.

"Oh? Zhenjun is invited. Do n’t dare to obey him, please tell me!" Lord Raksha said in surprise.

"I set up a formation in your case, and if you explain to the disciples, you will follow me to the demon!" The black robe six solemnly said.

"Well, Zhenjun, please wait!" Lord Rakshasa was excited to go out and ordered.

Six robes of black robes arranged a chessboard array in the lord's hall.

When the Lord Rakshasa returned, the two left Rakshasa.

The two kept on their feet, and then went to the surrounding areas of Xia Zong Men, Zhong Zong Men, Dynasty, and Emperor Dynasty. Although it was strange that Liu Dao Zhen Jun would even invite Xia Zong Men, but none of the strong men asked, the personality of Liu Da The charm is fully reflected.

Until nearly a hundred people gathered, they reached a hidden mountain forest.

"True King? Where is the demon? What are we doing here?" Lord Rakshasa wondered.

"Everyone, offended!" Six black robes suddenly said.


The black robe roared six times, and suddenly a huge suction was produced in his mouth.

"Zhenjun, what are you doing?"

"Zhenjun, we are here to help you!"

"Zhenjun, I'll come out with you, Zong Nei knows all!"

"Don't eat me, ah!"




When everyone was screaming, all six of the black robes were swallowed into the mouth.


In a blink of an eye, all the powerful disappeared.

Not far away, Mo Yike flew over.

"Your Majesty, how is it?" Mo Yike worried.

Taking a deep breath, the black robe shook his head six times: "No problem, I don't need to refine their consciousness, just raise them in 'water polo eggs', let's go, the next area!"

"Yes!" Mo Yike answered.

The two quickly left, repeating all these things.

For a while, the power of the world was continuously invited by six true monarchs, one by one disappeared.

The reputation of the old chess-monitors has also become famous all over the world, because the old chess-monsters who watch chess are leading a group of demons who are trying to make enemies against the sky, and prisoners are born.

The horrors of the demons are spreading around the world.

At the time of the world, people were trembling--

In the North Sea, inside an extremely dark underwater canyon.

The Quartet has a large number of basalts, and as they swim under the sea, they drive away monsters to the depths of the sea valley.

"Roar, roar, roar ...............!"

Numerous basalts were exposed, and each of the siren fled to the sea valley in terror.

As soon as it entered the sea valley, it was immediately sucked into the depths by a suction.

"Ah, don't eat me!"





The Krakens shouted in horror, but everything was useless, and in a moment the silence in the depths of the sea valley disappeared. Apparently all Siren have been swallowed clean.

"Ancestral ancestors, do you still need them?" A multitude of basalts respectfully asked Haigu.

"No more!" An old voice came from deep in Haigu.

"Yes!" All Xuanwu answered, hovering outside the sea valley, guarding.

"Shangguan marks? Why don't you eat?" The old voice came.

"I can't eat it, you can eat it, isn't it enough?" Shangguanhen's voice came.

"He won't eat it. After following Gu Hai, he won't eat these innocent monsters. Hahaha, he didn't practice Buddhism. What kind of compassion?" Another voice came, but it was Fengye's supreme voice.

"Not eating has the benefit of not eating, Feng Ye, you are too evil in your heart, and you will be infected with too much cause and effect!" An old voice came.

"Cause and effect? ​​Oh, I don't believe it!" Feng Jing shook his head.

"Cause and effect exist. In the past, when I led the Xuanwu clan, it was because the sin was too heavy that I was condemned by this day!" The voice of the old man came.

"Don't you say that Cangtian is dead? Cangtian is dead, so he is making too much evil?" Feng Ye did not believe.

"Cangtian is lazy, this is the only disaster!" The voice of the old voice came again.

"I never thought that the ancestor of the Xuanwu tribe actually looked like this? So, am I also the ancestor of the Xuanwu tribe?" Shangguanhen frowned.

But I saw that at the moment in the depths of the sea valley, a huge basalt was circling, but this basalt looked very strange.

Xuanwu is divided into two parts, Xuan turtle and Xuan snake.

But now, this black snake has nine giants, all of which are black. On top of each giant, there is a blood-colored sarcoma. The black turtle also has nine heads, most of which are blue and black. sarcoma.

Hydra and Hydra?

One of the heads of Jin Chancan's black turtle is Shangguanhen, and one of the blackest snake heads is Fengjing Supreme.

The nine heads of the black turtle have the largest one, which is more than three times the size of the other heads. On the turtle's back, there is a picture of the nine palaces.

The voice of the old is the hair of the largest black turtle.

"My basalt family is a nine-headed immortal. When my life is exhausted, you wait for a head to be decided. At the same time, you will grow a new head! Shangguan marks? Your skills are strange. ? "The giant looked at the golden head of Shangguan with a doubt.

"Eight or nine Xuan Gongs, Wu Lao, if you want this work, I can give it to you!" Shangguanhen did not conceal.

The giant Wu Lao shook his head: "No, you can't practice this technique a day or two. You can practice it yourself. I hope you can rise when my life is exhausted!"

"Wu Lao, Shangguan Hen was the weakest before, why is he?" A group of black turtles and black snake heads reluctantly said.

"He has a good body of King Kong. If he gets his head, it will be a good thing for you!" Wu Lao Shen said.

The Xuan snakes and Xuan were uncomfortable for a while, but Wu Lao did not dare to confront him.

"Wu Lao, so to speak, I was originally Xuanwu Supreme reincarnation? Same as Fengjing Supreme?" Shangguanhen frowned.

"It stands to reason, yes, or you will not return to the body! But, the old man who watched chess was chosen by the heavens to return to revenge?" Wu Lao looked to Feng Ye Supreme.

"I, I also do n’t know. Wu Lao, if Liu Dao Zhen Jun is a fairy, it must be turned upside down. You think, after 800,000 years, only me and Shangguan are scarred. It means everyone is dead. Why not fight How about? If you do n’t fight, you will be killed by six! "Cried Feng Jing.

"Yes, martial arts!" The heads of black snakes and black turtles called out for a while.

Wu Lao was slightly silent.

Just as Wu Lao thought silently.

"First ancestor, there is a man who claims to be 'Old Man Watching Chess', see you!" A basalt cry came from above Haigu.

"Huh?" Wu Lao sank.

The turtle head and snake head all showed surprise.

"Old man watching chess? How did he know here?"

"Impossible, even the Xuanwu people, only a few people know!"

"Wu Lao is in formation, covering up the secrets, even Cangtian doesn't know this place!"




Among the heads of surprise, Wu Lao looked thoughtfully towards Fengjing Supreme.

"Wu Lao, I don't have it, I don't have ...!" Exclaimed Feng Ye Supreme.

"I know you haven't. How can you pass a message when you have been in front of me these days? It can only be explained that you have the power in him in your body, and he found it with his own power!" Wu Lao Shen said.

"Eh? Me, me, the old man who watched chess helped me to improve myself, but those are all my own strength!" Feng Jing said anxiously.

"I said that the evil power in your body is weird, huh, the old man watching chess used you to find me!" Wu Lao frowned.

"Wu Lao, I'm sorry! I, I didn't expect it!" Feng Jing Supreme frowned.

"Well, now that you are here, see you, old man watching chess? I'd like to see what kind of character, dare to compete with the six!" Wu Lao Dandan said.

Soon, the old man watching chess was called down.


A white-haired, gray-haired old man who watched chess fell in front of Xuanwu's ancestor.

"Watching chess, meet seniors!" The old man watching chess was polite.

Wu Lao looked coldly at the old man who watched Chess, but the other heads did not have sockets.

"Excuse me, old man watching chess? Oh, is it really a good way to bring a group of people back from 800,000 years ago?" Wu Lao said coldly.

"It's all arranged by the sky, I just happened to be there!" The old man watching chess shook his head and said modestly.

"Well, don't stop talking nonsense, explain your intention!" Wu Lao said coldly.

"Cangtian is dead, Cangsheng is killed, I am here to invite seniors, follow me to revenge for Cangtian, to survive for Cangsheng!" Said the old man of Guanqi solemnly.

"Cangtian? Hahahaha, if it weren't for him, my basalt tribe wouldn't dormant here, Cangsheng? You are talking about human beings, human beings die, why did you do anything to me, why did Cang die? Why do you want to use me? You deal with Liu Daojun? But I have no complaints with Liu Dao, why bother getting burned? "Wu Lao Dandan said.

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