Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 117: Heaven and earth die, world is sad

The veto of Wu Lao did not let the old man watching Qi Qi give up.

"Predecessors, Feng Ye and Shangguanhen returned, presumably you already know the future, the Xuanwu tribe withered, and then prospered because of the alliance with Yitiange, but before, all of you here were ridiculed, not that it was not an accident Close yourself, there will be no evil from heaven! "The old man watching chess shook his head.

"Oh? I know a little bit about it in the future, but can you guarantee that I was not killed because of my cooperation with you?" Wu Lao Dandan said.

"Can't guarantee!" The old man watching chess shook his head.

"No? Oh, if according to history, I should have died in the hands of Liu Dao because of you?" Wu Lao Shen said.

"Historical future may mess up anyway, or maybe the future will change completely. I don't know. I came here and just wanted to seek cooperation with my predecessors!" The old man of Guanqi solemnly said.

"No interest!" Wu Lao shook his head.

"The seniors didn't drive me away, which shows that they are still interested, aren't they?" The old man Guanqi laughed.

"Oh?" Wu Lao stared at the old man watching chess.

"Presumably, Feng Ye has explained everything to you, why I am at odds with Liu Dao." Watching chess is a look of disgust.

"Murong Yan? Aren't you resurrected?"

"She was condensed by the matrix method, not a real person, so she made a desperate effort, seniors, fighting with the six roads, as long as I save Murong Yan, everything else is not important to me, and everything else belongs to the seniors? "The old man watching chess groaned.

"Other? What else?" Wu Lao sneered.

"Xianyuan!" Said the old man watching chess.

"Xianyuan?" Wu Lao narrowed his eyes.

"Wu Lao, you have the Jiugong Luoshu on your back. Presumably you can also predict that the heavens are dead. Xianyuan was obtained by the Six Ways. Once the Six Ways return, melting the Celestial Dome from Xianyuan will become the immortal and the heaven and earth dominate!" Chess man solemnly said.

Wu Lao did not speak, but looked at the old man who watched chess.

"Xianyuan, it is useless to me, only the seniors will help me to rescue Murong Yan after I get Xianyuan!" The old man of Guanqi solemnly said.

"Haha? I have Xianyuan?" Wu Lao sneered at the old man who watched chess.

"Because of Xianyuan, Xuanwu is the master of heaven and earth, the first family of heaven and earth, the predecessors have no heart?" The old man who watched chess looked at Wu Lao.

Wu Lao stared at the old man of Guanqi, Xianyuan, Wu Lao did have an idea. However, instead of cooperating with the old man of Guan Qi, he took advantage of the fishing income and could be ordered by the old man of Guan Qi, but Wu Lao was slightly surprised.

"Why not do it to you? Why should I cooperate with you to deal with the six?" Wu Lao Dandan said.

"Because I know the place where Liu Dao came back, the way to come back, and where to go back, I can stop him!" Said the old man of Guanqi solemnly.

"You know?" Wu Lao narrowed his eyes.

Wu Lao owns Luo Shu and cannot predict the way that Liu Daozhen will return. How could he know the old man who watched chess?

"I have mastered the eight bodies of the six true monarchs, and can sense their position!"


"Should the seniors listen to my plan before making a decision?" The old man Guanqi laughed.

"Plan? I heard Feng Ye said that you have countless plots. You use people as a chess game. With one trick, all the strong people will become your chess pieces after 800,000 years. Tell me, how do you count me?" Wu Old indifferent.

"The predecessors said this, but they didn't dare to take it. The previous ones were just for this last fight. And for the predecessors, they didn't dare to count." The old man watching Guanqi shook his head.

"Is that so?" Wu Lao disagreed.

"The predecessors do not need to shoot first. Let me fight with Liu Dao. I firmly believe that with my strength, I can hold a relationship with Liu Daojun for a period of time. Please predecessors to take a shot, stunned six, took Xianyuan! "The old man who watched chess solemnly.

"Oh? You and Liu Dao, let me pick up a ready-made one?" Wu Lao revealed a trace of unbelief.

Although this effect is what I want, the words from the old people who watched chess made the veteran unacceptable.

"I have sent my sincerity to you, please don't doubt my predecessors!" The old man watching chess solemnly said.

Wu Lao squinted at the old man who watched chess.

"I will use all the means, Liudao was injured by the sky, I have this opportunity, but he did not have much time to hold him, please predecessors to kill with one hit." The old man who watched chess solemnly again.

"Oh, would you be so kind?"

"Senior, just to resurrect the insider, that's all. Besides, can seniors predict the future and can lie next?" The old man who watched chess solemnly said.

Wu Lao was silent for a while, thinking about the pros and cons, as if calculating the future, staring at the old man who watched chess, always feeling that this pie was too big.

The old man who watched chess gave himself up, helped himself to gain the source of the fairy, and achieved the dominance of heaven and earth? No, is he going to resurrect Murong Yan, waiting for alms after helping himself?

But Wu Lao was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"Senior, I remember, there is another general in this world?" The old man of Guanqi solemnly said.

"Oh? You will use me to suppress me?" Wu Lao looked cold.

"Don't dare, I'm just guessing, if the seniors don't go, then the general minister may be willing to go!" The old man watching chess shook his head.

If you don't cooperate with me, I'll go to the generals for cooperation?

Knowing that Wu Lao and the generals were deadly opponents, he had to say something when watching chess, but he was forcing the Wu Lao to agree.

Once the minister took the sky, it was a great disaster for Xuanwu.

Wu Lao looked coldly at the old man who watched chess. Obviously, the threat from the other side worked.

"Of course, in the Xiayi Pavilion, I received countless help from the Xuanwu tribe, and there was no reason to cooperate with the generals. Moreover, I believe more in the strength of the seniors. What are the concerns of the seniors, though, to explain the doubts of the seniors!" Guan Qi old man laughed.

Threat, hold it. A big stick and a sweet date, if at another time, the veteran scoffs at it, but at this moment, he may care about it, but chaos. How can he not grasp this opportunity?

Xianyuan? Dexian source. You are the master of heaven and earth, and you can use the power of the laws of heaven and earth. What about the generals? Didn't you say you can destroy it?

Veteran was excited.

"Also, if I guessed the body of the six true monarchs, he would definitely return in advance, and he would definitely not go back in the path that he had traveled in the past, and he would surely cover his whereabouts with Xianyuan. Everyone knows his position! "The old man watching chess solemnly said.

Wu Lao stared at the old man who watched Chess and gave a sneer: "Boy, Feng Ye said that you are terrific, and you really calculated step by step, but if I cooperate with you, I still don't worry, I will put a lock on you "Spell, if you deceive me, I will let you die immediately, what?"

"Senior, did you agree?" The old man watching Guan suddenly laughed.

"Look at you!" Wu Lao Shen said.

"Even though the predecessor cast a curse, as long as he can save my wife, he will die forever!" The old man who watched chess solemnly said.

The veteran looks slightly strange, is it true that the old man who watched chess is really sincere? After thinking about it, Wu Lao seemed to have placed a 'Lock Heart Mantra' on the old man who watched Qi in front of him.

"Senior, success or failure is here, please wait for good news! I will inform you as soon as there is news!" The old man who watched chess solemnly.

Veteran nodded.

The old man who watched chess was sent away, and Wu Lao was silent for a while.

"Wu Lao, are you excited?" Shangguanhen frowned.

"Shangguanhen, what do you mean, such a good thing, everyone will be tempted!" The other heads suddenly called.

Wu Lao was slightly silent: "Cangtian is dead. Although the six lines are overbearing, I am not inferior to him. Now, he is seriously injured, and the old man watching chess is willing to stand in front. There is no reason to argue! "

"Yeah, I always worry. Otherwise, you look for my Majesty, Gu Hai, and let him analyze it? Locking the Heart Curse may not be omnipotent." Shangguanhen worried.

"No, I have a Luoshu, but I can predict a bit of the future. Although I ca n’t predict it too far, I can do it nearby. Locking the heart curse? I did n’t count on it. Know, one more variable! "Wu Lao Shen said.

"Yes!" Shangguanhen was helpless for a while--

After eight months.

In the entire land of Shenzhou, how many suzerains and monarchs were invited to help, and the news of watching the old demons spread throughout the world. The whole world was filled with indignation and indignation, and I wish I could eat the flesh of the old demons and drink his blood. , Will smash the demons to tens of thousands of corpses.

The heart was full of anger, and seemed to send a primer.

At the top of a mountain, Mo Yike and Heipao frowned at a city in the distance.

"Your Majesty, most of the monarchs and monarchs in the world have been eaten by you, and it will be difficult to find some more!" Mo Yike frowned.

"It's almost there, no need to look for it anymore, and I have a feeling that the six gods' bodies are coming back!" The black robe said Shen Shen.


As Mo Yike frowned, the sky made a loud noise.


There was a loud noise. Suddenly, the wind and clouds changed color, and the sky suddenly covered with rolling blood clouds.


As soon as the cloud of blood came out, a drop of blood rain suddenly fell into the sky. Then it gets bigger and bigger.


In the void, there was a sound of wailing horns.

"The sky rains? The sad sound moves the sky? What's wrong? Why do I suddenly feel sad?"

"Sadness? So uncomfortable, I want to cry!"

"What's wrong? It's sad. It seems like someone is dead. How can I feel this way?"




The people of Quartet stared blankly at this day.

"Cangtian is dead, heaven and earth are sad?" Suddenly someone looked pale.

"Cangtian is dead? Impossible, why could Cangtian die?"

"The old man who watched chess killed Cangtian? Did Liudao Zhenjun fail?"




Cang Sheng seemed to guess the result. Innumerable people immediately knelt down. All the people who were suppressed by a great sadness rose up in sorrow, and many of them began to cry.

"His Majesty, Liu Dao is back? The news of Cang Tian's death has also been completely sensed by the laws of heaven and earth, blood rain, and sorrow angle? Liu Daozhen really returned?" Mo Yike's face changed.


I heard a sudden loud noise above the distant starry sky, but I saw a super huge opening tearing above the void, and a huge shock rushed in all directions, and the rolling clouds of blood were shaking and exposing A crevice allowed Gu Hai to see the starry sky.

"Liu Dao Tian Shen's body is back, and the old man watching chess is fighting with him? Has it started?" Six robes in Heipao's eyes narrowed.

"Sir, what do you do now?"

"Protect yourself, let's go!" Six black robes took a deep breath.


"call out!"

The six robes of the black robe turned into a streamer and went straight to the starry sky. In that direction, the old man who watched chess and the six true princes had formally battled each other.

PS: It will start tomorrow!

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