Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 128: Half step thirty five

The future is unpredictable, and any small change will cause a huge deviation to the future, but Hetu and Luoshu can predict the future.

This is not the power of a rule, but an extremely transcendental ability. Even river charts and Luoshu can not predict everything accurately, but even if there is only a vague future, it is already a beacon of wisdom to the transcendent intelligent.

Gu Hai and the old man who watched chess each manipulated Yi Tianqi and closed their eyes to fight.

The rotation of countless stars has changed again. Previously, because of Luoshu, the old man who watched chess expected the enemy's opportunity this time, even though the ancient sea was laid out countlessly, unfortunately the old man did not lose his chess skills at all. He predicted the future and broke the balance , So that the old man watching chess has taken the lead.

Nowadays, the ancient sea also has a river map, and the body of the six Taoism deprives it of its ability to predict. The old man who watched chess can predict the layout of the old man, and the old man can also predict the layout of the old man.

The prediction was very vague, but for the two, it was enough. For a time, this thirty-four major duel was held for eight days and nights, and there was no result.

On the ninth day, the old man who watched chess opened his eyes first, and the opposite Gu Hai also opened his eyes.

"Repeat, repeat, there is no use except for burning the brain!" The old man watching chess said lightly.

"Hetu, Luoshu? The end is mysterious!" Gu Hai frowned.

Obviously, in a duel, the two actually won.

"Yi Tiange Lord, your chess skills, I have been taught. Here, I begged and sent me back to 800,000 years, I will not fight with you any more!" Gu Hai Shen said.

The old man who watched chess shook his head: "It's useless. When I came, I wasn't ready to go back, so I didn't leave a trace of time at that time. For the future, I have no coordinates."

"Coordinates?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, the rules of time are unpredictable, even the sky can't get through. Do you think I can understand it thoroughly? If I can understand it thoroughly, I'll just go straight to the death of the inner person, why not? Why bother? The old man shook his head.

"If what, what if I have coordinates?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Oh?" The old man watched his eyes narrowed and didn't believe it.

"I have coordinates, coordinates after 800,000 years, can you send me back?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"It's impossible. All the power of the rules was brought by me. Just for this battle, I can't afford to lose. I didn't leave a point!" The old man watching Guanqi shook his head.

Gu Hai was a probe, taking out half of the pens, which were obtained from the earth and sealed the memory. The last time I used these half pens to communicate with the half pens 800,000 years later, I sent a ray of gods to the Dragon Warring States. Read it over.

"This is a ray, after 800,000 years, look at it!" Gu Hai tentatively waved.

"call out!"

Those pens flew towards the old man who watched chess.

"Slap!" The old man watching chess took it.

Gu Hai didn't taboo at watching chess old people, because the law of time can't cast himself at all, and the power of time in this pen is very poor. If you want to go back, you must get help from the old people who watch chess. It doesn't matter if half a pen is used to detect the old man who watches chess.

The old man watching Guanqi took it, and immediately found out.

After investigating for a while, closing his eyes slightly, suddenly, a ray of divine thought was felt in it.

"Oh? It ’s really a time rule? Alas, no, your time rule is a little strange and different from mine!" Said the old man who watched chess surprised.

"What's different?" Gu Hai wondered.

The old man who watched chess frowned, pondered for a while, and shook his head: "It's really different. It seems like the law of time in the mirror, it looks the same, but it's the opposite. Is it the same as my previous rule of time? Strange, is there a second law of time? "

"Anyway, can you feel the position after 800,000 years? 800,000 years later, and this half of the pen, can you operate?" Gu Hai looked forward.

"It's not difficult to operate, you can do it in the opposite direction. Indeed, where did you come from after 800,000 years?" The old man who watched Qi Shen said.

Gu Hai shook his head, apparently reluctant to say.

Gu Hai didn't say, the old man who watched chess didn't ask deeply, everyone had his own secret.

"Can you send me back?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"After sensing 800,000 years, it means that history has not changed, oh, send you back? Sorry!" The old man watching chess shook his head.

"What?" Gu Hai frowned.

"In your half of the pen, the power of time is too small. To open the door of time, you must have a huge power of time. But now, my power of time is gone, it has completely burned, and there is no trace of it. The old man watching chess shook his head.

"Impossible, the power of time will not disappear from nothing!" Said Gu Hai anxiously.

"The power of time? Naturally, it will not disappear from nothing, but it is gone in the world. It is in chaotic time and space. The power of my burning time is fully integrated into chaotic time and space. Unless you open the chaotic time and space, I take the power of the law of time. Use your coordinates again to open the door of time for you, but chaotic time and space, apart from the power of burning huge time rules, can not be opened at all. No more, you ca n’t go back, do n’t think about it! ”The old man watching Guanqi shook Shake his head.

Can not go back?

Gu Hai's eyelids jumped wildly. Staring at the old man watching chess.

After looking at it for a while, Gu Hai frowned: "No, you have a way to open the time and space of chaos and take out the power of time inside?"

"Huh?" The old man at Guan Qi frowned slightly.

"I can see your style of chess just now. Everything is everything, and any desperate situation will be left behind and never exhausted. This is your style of chess, and it should also be your style of dealing with people. There is always a line. This has been formed. With an instinct, that chaotic spacetime, you must also keep your back? A secret that only you know? "Gu Haishen said.

"You're all guessing!" The old man watching Guan Shen said.

"Yes, guess, but am I right?" Gu Hai stared at the old man watching chess.

Taking a deep breath, the old man watching chess shook his head: "You think wrong, I ca n’t help it, and even if there is a way, I wo n’t do it. Once the chaotic time and space are opened, the heavens and gods come out, and my plan fails. Now, I can't give up my lover for your lover! "

"That said, our game of chess is not over yet, we have to continue!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Oh? Thirty-four chess games, isn't it your limit?" The old man who watched chess narrowed his eyes.

"Thirty-four chess games is the most complete integrity I have at my disposal, but sometimes completeness may not be the ultimate!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Black pinch in his hand.


The stars all around suddenly rose up, spinning quickly, and blooming with countless dazzling lights.

"Thirty-four horizontal, thirty-five vertical? Oh, surely the limit is more than the full thirty-four. Your current chess power is between thirty-four and thirty-five? Half-step thirty-five?" squint.

While talking, the old man watching chess pinched white.


Among the countless stars, hundreds of millions of fogs erupted in an instant. In an instant, the stars and the two during the period were wrapped, and the inner part was not clear.

"Thirty-four is not even the limit?" Chidi in the distance was surprised.

In the thick fog, the ancient sea also showed surprise, and he reached the limit, and the cloth chess was also complicated many times in an instant, and the old man who watched the chess immediately followed.

"How much is your chess power?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Look at it, don't you know? Your chess style and I have become more and more divergent! How about one and a half steps and thirty-five?" There was a shock in the eyes of the old man watching chess.

"Thirty-five? What step did you take?" Gu Hai was surprised.

You know, from thirty-four to thirty-five, the ancient sea stayed for 100 million years to enlighten, and for 100 million years, it failed to step out of that hurdle, only half a step, thirty-five, but now, watching chess The old man actually crossed over? This suddenly made Gu Hai take a deep blow. My own talent in chess is so much worse than the old man watching chess?

"Wen Xiu, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Chess is different from the other three. Chess is not played by one person. I am also surprised that you can reach the current level with one person alone. You can only make you break through when you are stronger. My opponent is the future self. What about you? Self-consciousness? Oh, you can do this step, your talent is really horrible!

"Talent? Oh, what's the use of talent if you can't win?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"This game, you admit defeat. You can wait for more than 200 million years in the eighteenth hell. It's not difficult to wait for 800,000 years. After 800,000 years, see your relatives again?" The old man watching chess shook his head.

"After 800,000 years? Ha, is that still my loved one? How many opponents and difficulties have I encountered so far in Guhai? It is not my talent but my character that I refuse to accept. How? I must win this game! "Gu Hai Shen said.

During the conversation, Gu Hai ignored the old man, and his mind sank completely into the game.

At this moment, Gu Hai's spirit is highly concentrated and unprecedentedly serious. In his mind, every trace of changes in the chess game is constantly being mentally calculated.

Half a step, only half a step, but Gu Hai lost.

Black lost and lost again.

"There are so many black chesses, how long can you defend them? When I extract all of your black chesses, you will have no children left!" The old man watching Guan Shen said.

Gu Hai didn't bother, and every time he fell, he thought for a long time.

Chess course really needs opponents. At this moment, Gu Hai has reached the limit. Although he has reached the limit, he can have endless inspiration when playing against the old man who watched chess. This endless inspiration is driving the increase of ancient sea chess power. .

With each drop, Gu Hai's chess power is increasing.

At this moment, among the ancient sea itself, there are 100,000 pieces of endgames brought by the earth, and there are only 10 pieces left. But these ten pieces are already extremely complicated, but suddenly they trembled.

Inspired by the chess skills of the old man who watched chess, these ten endgames began to match in eight tremors, the board changed, and the four or four merged.

The fifth day of Gu Hai playing chess with the old man. Gu Hai's black chess was a thousand miles away.

"Well? Your chess power has increased?" The old man watching chess was suddenly surprised.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

But it was in the eyebrows that the eight-board chess suddenly merged into four, turned into two big chessboards, and was rapidly merging.

Although Gu Hai was in the midst of a rout, the increase in chess power made him less and less obvious, and slower and slower.

PS: The college entrance examination is coming. I wish all examinees who are concerned about the novels of Guanqi will be able to win the title.

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