Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 129: Send you back

In Guhai ’s eyebrow space, ten endgames, of which eight and four are merged into two large chessboards. After the merger, they need to be concentrated, and the chess pieces that can be removed are concentrated into two small chessboards. From quantitative change to qualitative change.

Although inspired by this game of chess, 100,000 endgames have been concentrated so far, almost every child is the essence, and it is not so easy to remove.

A little bit of culling, but it still takes a long time.

"What a great understanding!" The old man watching Guan Qi stunned slightly.

Although the ancient Hailuozi is slow, the defeat is getting smaller and smaller, so that the chess power increases, which really sighs the old man watching chess.

From the outsiders' point of view, the two are sitting in the void, pressing Yi Tianqi with their hands, and the stars are spinning around.

In the eyes of the old people of ancient seas and chess, this is not so simple.

In the twenty-eighth battle, the chess course can create a prototype of the world. Now, at thirty-four, thirty-five, the chess world has been perfected to an extremely fine level.

No one else can see it, but the ancient sea and the old man who watched chess saw a world of chess. This world is different from the 'fairy sky', but every detail is clear.

The ancient sea and the old man watching chess are the creators of the entire world. They are manipulating the operation of the whole world, watching races, races, and lives in every chess world. They are making decisions about their fate under the control of two people.

Nowadays, the most obvious confrontation is that the two nations are fighting. The army, military strategy, strategy, commercial war, and spy war are all in everything, no matter how small, and they are all perfect games.

Among them, the two even sent souls under their control to assist.

In this chess world, there are countless kings and suzerains of ancient Qin, Kong Xuan, Ziwei, Changsheng, Yan Qingshan, Ao Shun, Mao Tianyun, and even the six Taoism.

They all seem to have amnesia, and are only completing the explanation of the ancient sea and the old man watching chess.

Here, divided into two factions, participating in the war between the two countries, conspiracy, scheming and deterrence, continue.

At the beginning, the country manipulated by Guhai was frustrated, but with the increase of Guhai's chess power, the frustration gradually eased.

"Mr. Gu, do you know that although the ancient Qin consciousness is used for you, but he is loyal to me! And it is still the subconscious instinct, you dare to use it?" The old man who watched Qi said lightly.

But as the old man watching chess uttered a whistle, the ancient Qin in the chess world suddenly got excited. Then, respectfully worshiped: "Meet the Lord!"

Between electricity and light, the ancient Qin turned against each other and led his army to kill the country manipulated by the ancient sea. Suddenly, because of the rebellion of the ancient Qin, the battlefield changed suddenly, and the army of the ancient sea kingdom suffered heavy losses.

The ancient Qin was a pioneer, leading a large number of enemy forces into the ancient sea kingdom. For a time, the ancient sea army fell thousands of miles.

"Eh? No!" The old man watching chess frowned slightly.

How did the ancient sea kingdom collapse so fast?

"Gu Qin? I have found him for so long. Do you think I haven't released the seal in his soul?" Gu Hai suddenly laughed.

But I saw that in the chess world, the enemy forces brought by the ancient Qin into the ancient sea country seemed to enter a large encirclement, and in an instant, they encountered an ambush from the ancient sea country army.


Quickly struck.

At this moment, the ancient Qin did not help the old man watching chess, but once again turned against each other.

"Oh? Introduce the monarch into the trance?" The old man who watched chess looked slightly heavier.

But even after a big ambush, watching the country of chess still occupies most of the territory.

At this moment, the attackers were swallowed up, and the ancient Qin led the army away and arrived at a huge Guanxia. Guan Qingxia was blocked by Yan Qingshan's army.

"You have lost 30% of the situation, and at this level, you can stop all armies!" The old man watching Guan Shen said.

"Perhaps, there is a relationship, you don't know yet!" Gu Hai suddenly said in a deep voice.


But I saw that above the Guanxia tower, Yan Qingshan suddenly waved: "Open the gate!"


Suddenly, the gate of Guanxia suddenly opened, and the ancient Qin led his army suddenly rushed into Guanxia.

"Yan Qingshan?" The old man who watched chess frowned.

But he saw that Yan Qingshan suddenly worshiped in the direction of the ancient sea. But it was the Halloween Convention in the past. Gu Hai had seen Yan Qingshan in a secret place of humanity. Gu Hai helped Yan Qingshan solve the chess game. Yan Qingshan was saved from a crisis. Yan Qingshan owed a favor to Gu Hai. Fortunately, Yan Qingshan remembered it in his heart and remembered it in his subconscious. Gu Hai sent someone to try, and Yan Qingshan was willing to rebel.


Under a mass of slaughter.

The ancient sea kingdom recovered the lost land, and once again balanced with the old man who watched chess.

At the same time, Gu Haimei was in the heart. Two loud noises.

"Boom, boom!"

The two big chessboards merged by four or four, finally condensed into small chessboards. Gu Hai's chess power instantly jumped to a new height.

There are only four small chessboards left in the eyebrows. On each small chessboard, there is a chess figure, and the four chess figures are like entities.

The chess game is condensed, and the ancient sea is also at this moment, which can be chopped down to ten days a week.

The chessboard integration also represents a qualitative leap in ancient sea chess power.

"This step, I have already passed, thank you Lord Yi Tiange!" Gu Hai laughed.

Outside, countless stars suddenly trembled. During the tremor, the original trajectory changed again, and it became silent again.

Everything became calm. The strength of Gu Haiqi and the old man of Guanqi were equal again.

"Thirty-five?" The old man who watched chess frowned slightly.

"In the chess world, because of luck, you and I are balanced again. Now, my chess ability has reached thirty-five. Lord Yi Tiange, you are right, one person is different from two people. Cheers for pointing , Continue now! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

The old man who watched chess did not continue, but looked at Gu Hai: "Mr. Gu, what if I have thirty-six? Do you continue to play?"

"Thirty-six?" Gu Hai sank.

"Yeah, I'm thirty-five, you're half-step thirty-five, you don't want to give up, and you're going to die, that's how you can take this step, but if I have thirty-six, or even thirty-seven, not What can you comprehend? If you are powerless, what will happen to you? "The old man watching chess stared at the ancient sea.

"What can't be done? Oh, if there is a moment, I still fight desperately, the meaning of everyone's existence has its own attachment, doesn't it? It's like, you are attached to Murong Yan?" Gu Hai was not frustrated, but his eyes flashed After a stubborn.

"Even if you give your life?" The old man who watched chess looked at Gu Hai.

"Despite all deaths, I have no regrets!" Gu Hai's eyes flashed firmness.

"Despite all deaths, you have no regrets? Oh, it really looks like me. What is copied is what is copied. If it is accepted, what is the real thing to do? She is also a living person, so is she lost? There was a sadness in the eyes of the old man watching chess.

Gu Hai stared at the old man watching Guanqi for a while, and frowned, "Did you ever think of the old man watching Qiqi, even if you copy the exact same history, Murongyan who was born again is also copied, not the original one! "

"Shut up!" The old man who watched Qi stared suddenly, and countless stars around him instantly rioted.

"You also know? The copy of Murong Yan in the future and the Murong Yan you gathered with the matrix method are actually the same, they are both copied. You just don't want to accept it!" Gu Haishen said.

"I'll let you shut up!" The old man watching chess spit fire in his eyes again and waved his hand.


Numerous stars all around suddenly flashed.

"Boom! Click! Click!"

Instantly, countless stars exploded.

The stars that exploded were all stars that came from the ancient sea and belonged to Black's set.


Implicated by the destruction of the stars, Gu Hai's blood spewed out.

"You, are you more than thirty-five?" Gu Hai stared in surprise.

Gu Hai spewed blood, but the old man who watched chess opposite seemed to be awake from anger.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The old man watching Qi suddenly laughed with a bleak smile, and in his laughter, two lines of tears slipped.

"Fu Jun!" Murong Yan also cried in the distance, as if more uncomfortable.

"Yi Tiange Lord?" Gu Hai cried worriedly.

Desolately laughed for a while, and the old man who watched chess bitterly said, "You are right, maybe I lost from the beginning, but I do n’t want to admit it!"

"Yi Tiange Lord, although this Murong Yan is your cohesion, but she is really Murong Yan, do you reject her? Explain that you have fallen in love with her? Since you fell in love, why do you want to avoid it? Real If Murong Yan knew it, she would definitely like you two to live well! "Gu Hai comforted.

"Don't say it, don't say it, oh, I'll take you back!" The old man watching chess seemed to be struggling for a moment.

For Murong Yan not far away, still dare not go to see.

"You're sending me back 800,000 years later?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

"You broke my dream in my heart and made me unable to reunite with Yan'er, but I will send you back 800,000 years to reunite you with your loved ones? Ha, ha ha ha ha, I am really crazy!" In sorrow.

"Thank you Lord Yitiange!" Gu Hai was grateful.

The old man watching chess fluctuated greatly. After a while, he calmed down slowly.

I looked around and smiled slightly: "No matter what happens in the future, I will continue to stay, I will be the six immortals, I will continue to be exactly the same future, so in this world, all different things need to be out of order anyway!"

"Anyway out of order?"

"The chaos bell and all ten sides are in your hands?" The old man watching chess looked at Gu Hai.

"Yes, although it is broken, it is being repaired by itself." Gu Hai nodded.

"I will leave it to you!" The old man watching chess shook his head.

Gu Hai froze slightly, then nodded: "Okay, thank you Lord Yi Tiange!"

The chess game between the two is no longer possible, but Gu Hai has already gained more benefits than winning chess. The old man who watched chess promised to send himself back.

Gu Hai pinched Yiqi.


Countless stars gathered quickly around them, slowly arranging a huge galaxy group, 35 horizontal and 35 vertical.

"Surely the 35th big team?"

But I saw Gu Hai's hand pressing.

In the thirty-fifth large array, a sudden burst of purple gas suddenly emerged, and the purple gas quickly gathered to the center.


In the purple air, slowly it seems to condense an object.

In the distance, the leader of Tai Shang narrowed his eyes and said, "Is this a way to gather people with chess?"

"In the past, the ancient sea had gathered Zhang Sanfeng, Ximen Bingxue, Tokgo defeat, and the East undefeated. At that time, it was only the 30th team. Now thirty-five, should it be more powerful?" Tongtian leader frowned.

As the crowd frowned.

"Wow ~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, in the center of the purple gas, a huge crow called, a three-footed Jinwu fluttered out of the purple gas and flew out, and a raging sun really appeared around him, instantly illuminating the Quartet.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi?" Tongtian leader surprised.

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