Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 130: Heaven and earth

With chessboard formation, the ancient sea condenses a cloud beast Donghuang Taiyi!

Jin Wu made a loud noise, fluttered his wings, and flew over the large array. The ancient sea once again condensed the array, and once again vacated a figure of the beginning from the purple air.

From the moment when Tai was condensed by the formation, everyone in the distance guessed it.

The old man who watched chess promised Gu Hai, and wanted to send Gu Hai back?

After 800,000 years?

For a moment, everyone looked stunned. Looking at the "xianyuan" in front of the old man who watched chess, everyone knew that there was no chance at this moment.

Today, Gu Hai and the old man watching chess seem to have reached some kind of tacit understanding. They have grasped the power of life, and it is almost impossible to grab Xianyuan from them.

Gu Hai is leaving?

Not too far away, anxious: "Gu Hai, what's my elder brother's letter? What does my elder brother say in the letter. Can my elder brother be rescued?"

Too loudly shouted, Gu Hai suddenly gave a slight sigh.

Tae-hyun flew quickly, but Gu Hai didn't stop him. He opened his mouth and spit out a letter.

It was Fu Xi's letter.

There is a prohibition, as if it had its own breath induction, and the ancient sea was sensed, and the prohibition disappeared instantly.

Torn the envelope, Gu Hai looked up.

Only one line was written above--

Before I went back, I was so embarrassed to settle. I can't do anything but rely on you to protect her! ——

Just a line of words, you can pick the ancient eyelids in this line of words.

"Impossible!" Gu Hai was surprised.

Fuxi knew he was going back? Wrote this letter long ago? Can he confuse the prophet? Is it possible that Fuxi had already arrived at the game with the old man of Guanqi today?

"What did my brother say, what did my brother say?" Too anxious.

"There is no way to save Fuxi!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, you show me, you show me!" Too suddenly burst into tears and grabbed the letter.

Seeing what was written in the letter, Tai Chi suddenly burst into tears: "No, no, you lied to me, my brother must be saved!"

But Gu Hai turned to look at the old man who watched chess: "Yi Tiange, can you walk with me?"

"When you come back from 800,000 years, it is against time and violates the order of time laws. It is considered a hole. If she follows you, but within the time sequence, I cannot guarantee that she will live to 800,000 years Rear!"

Gu Hai's face sank. She was too embarrassed to follow her at all, otherwise she would be dead halfway.

Take a look at Taiyi and Taichu in the large array.

Gu Hai once again urged the formation.


Taiyi, Taichu suddenly shouted in pain.

"Now, I plant a ban in your consciousness. For the next 800,000 years, I will protect you too much, and you must not have any bad intentions for her. Her life is better than you two!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.


Taiyi, too early, murmured loudly, as if having this mark in the memory.

"Yi Tiange Master!" Gu Hai looked again at the old man who watched chess.

"Thank you for using the time rule in my half pen to help Taiji seal all our memories!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

The old man who watched chess looked at him with too much eyes: "The power of time in your pen is limited, you can only seal one person's memory, otherwise, you cannot connect the coordinates of the other half pen after 800,000 years!"

Suddenly a flick of the hand.


A white light suddenly rushed into Tai's mind.


Too stunned, the whole person passed out.

"Too sloppy!" Gu Hai hugged anxiously.

"Don't worry, she just feels sad! Sealed this memory, and when she wakes up, she forgets everything during this time!" The old man watching Guanqi said lightly.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Since you go back, everyone who is alive will go back! The God of Heaven, now the Buddha, you are the consciousness. Once you wait for the consciousness to break away from the body at this moment, your body will forget everything in this period. Eight hundred thousand years after being brought back by you, today's body will have no memory of this period of time! "Said the old man of Guanqi.

In the distance, the Master Tongtian and others nodded, and nodded.

"Any future Buddha?" Now the Buddha looked towards Guhai.


Gu Hai once again gathered a chubby Buddha in chess. It is the future Buddha who used the closed-eye Pure World Zen not long ago.

The ancient sea opened its mouth, spit out the Tonghui Scepter, and immediately flew into the hands of the first generation of the future Buddha replica.

"Others, just leave it to me. Wait for me to get back some of the time from‘ Chaos Time ’and open the door of time for you!” The old man watching Guanqi sighed slightly.

Not far away, Jiang Lianshan said coldly, "Oh, let's come, just come, let's go, just go? Watch the old man, you want to send me away, have you ever asked for our consent?"

The old man watching chess glanced at Jiang Lianshan, but didn't bother him, but looked at Murong Yan.

Seeing Murong Yan, the old man who watched chess picked up and sent Murong Yan away? Leave her?

"Fu Jun, I don't want to leave, I want to accompany you, let me stay with you, okay, Fu Jun!" Murong Yan suddenly burst into tears.

The old man watching chess felt that his whole body trembled, and his heart felt like a knife cut for an instant.

As Gu Hai said, the old man who watched chess couldn't let go of Murongyan in front of him, and he would just run away. Now, send her away? Heaven and man are forever separated? The old man who watched chess felt so uncomfortable that he didn't want to send her away, but how could she have the determination to find the true Murong Yan if she didn't leave? Even if that was fake, even if it was self-deception, the old man who watched chess still wanted to finish. Listening to Murong Yan's sorrow, the old man watching chess felt that the whole person was about to collapse.

"No, you and Jiang Lianshan, let's go, forget me, forget me!" The old man who watched chess seemed to be countless old in an instant.

"I can't forget, I can't forget!" Murong Yan cried sadly.

Not far away, Jiang Lianshan was a stunner. The old man watching chess asked Murong Yan to go back with him? He stayed alone?

In an instant, Jiang Lianshan no longer rejected.

"Dayan Holy, you have to go, first return me and wait for the treasure!" Tai Shang said.

There was no resistance in his heart, and Jiang Lianshan was very good at talking at the moment.

Between the openings, the treasures and energy such as Jiupin Jinlian, Xuanyuanjian, and Taijitu were spit out and returned to everyone.

The old man who watched chess did not dare to see Murong Yan's cry, and instead turned to Gu Hai, and the explorer took out three black Go and one white Go.

"The Chen Xianer you are looking for, I am sealed in this white chess alone. Oh, considering that your chess is very powerful, you are going to be in a chess game, turn the situation around, and finally forget it, these other heaven spirits are also given together. You! "The old man who watched chess gave a few puppets at the moment.

"Xianer?" Gu Hai suddenly hesitated. Take it very carefully.

Previously, in the chess world, it was the design of the ancient Qin and Yan Qingshan. It seemed that he had a winning ticket. However, if the old man watching chess took out Chen Xianer's soul, he would definitely lose ground because Chen Xianer was his dead point. The old man watching chess is useless and disdainful.

"Thank you!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

The old man who watched chess shook his head and sighed slightly: "Well, I'm drawing time from the chaotic space!"

"Chaos time and space? You draw, will the six gods escape?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Chaotic time and space, the internal time is chaotic. In these days of work, perhaps the strength has passed billions of years, and the power of time in it has consumed the soul. He is now alive, and he has been ruined!" The chess old man shook his head.

"Well, then you be careful!" Gu Hai nodded.

Watching chess, the old man probes, it is time to cast.

"Small, be careful ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! A sudden voice came from a distance.

The crowd turned their heads, but saw that the dragon **** was covered with blood, surrounded by six colors of light, and shouted a voice with difficulty.

"噗 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Shouting to play, Dragon God spit out a burst of blood and seemed to be fatally injured.

"what happened?"

"Liu Cai? This is the light of the previous power of the Six Gods of Heaven?"

Suddenly, everyone's face changed.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

But it was in front of the old man of Gu Hai and Qi Qi, that two palms suddenly popped out of the void, and suddenly inserted into the chest of the old man of Gu Hai and Qi chess. No, it should be inserted into the six robes of the white robe and the six robes of the black robe.

The old man who watched chess and Gu Hai stared at the hands in the chest with their eyes wide open. This is the breath of Tenjin. Even if the two hands only have the bones of the forest, the two understand instantly. This is the breath of Tenjin. .

At the beginning, six hands of Tianshen also came up with two hands. Now four bones are coming out, two are inserted into the black and white six chests, and the third hand is holding a looming golden energy rope that is connected to the distant one. Dragon gods.

"He was connected with Long Shenwu's bloodline through me, and he had not completely sealed him before!" Long Shenzhang twisted all over his body, making a clicking noise.

That energy rope made Tianshen Liudao find a hint of hope to return.

The fourth hand, however, grasped Xianyuan.

"No!" Everyone's face changed.

Gu Hai, the old man who watched chess screamed in surprise.

"Protect Yaner!"

"Protection is too rampant!"

They both screamed. Jiang Lianshan, the Emperor of Fire, Taiyi, Taichu, and stunned suddenly rushed to the two women to protect them.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, whoever is against me, burst!" A roar suddenly sounded.


The void suddenly shook a huge shock wave.

Under the shock wave, the stars previously arranged by the ancient sea and the old man watching chess all exploded.

Six black robes and six white robes were the first to bear the biggest explosions.

"Boom, boom!"

The old man who watched chess and the black and white manoeuvre manipulated by the ancient sea exploded instantly. There wasn't even time for resistance, and it burst instantly.

The center of the explosion once again exposed the huge chaotic space-time entrance, a void hole blooming with colorful energy rings.

Six gods of heaven, six black and white bombed, holding out Xianyuan in his hand, the other hand, the pinched deformed dragon **** Wu flew out.

A fierce breath blasted in all directions. The body of the six gods of the gods almost changed shape, and there was no flesh and blood, except for the sensen bones. In the scarlet eyes, a towering resentment was transmitted.

"I'm back, I'm back, everything is mine, it's all mine, roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The Six Gods of Heaven sent out a scream of horror.

PS: The college entrance examination is coming. I wish all examinees who are concerned about the novels of Guanqi will be able to win the title.

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