Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 133: Liu Dao Xian Ren

When a person doesn't even care about his life, the power that he blooms is the most terrifying.

This is the case with Jiang Lianshan. Whatever is the best in the world, and what is Chengxian, what I want is gone. Give me the whole world, and I will not be happy.

Realizing the importance of Murong Yan, Jiang Lianshan tried to forget her, but Murong Yan was like a lingering nightmare, always following herself.

Marry the old man who watched chess? restraint!

Killed by the sky? restraint!

The old man watching chess avenged Murong Yan? restraint!

Dragon Warring States avenge Murong Yan? restraint!

Murong Yan resurrected, old man watching chess revenge again? restraint!

Murong Yanning would rather die than watch the old man watch chess, rather than live with herself?

Restraint? How much more restraint?

At this moment, Jiang Lianshan didn't want to restrain himself. His Majesty Shennong showed his resentment, planned the world, and the immense layout. In the end, everything was vain, and only by force, Jiang Rulai betrayed himself. Ji Dihong also betrayed himself and even stopped others.

Only Murong Yan is the most real, but now Murong Yan has been killed by the people in front of her.

Six gods? It was him who destroyed everything and destroyed everything.

It's better for the world to come back to me.

"I want you to die!" Jiang Lianshan cut out his hoe.

"Want to grab me Xianyuan, let me die!" Tianshen Liudao also hit Jiang Lianshan in irritability.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

The Six Gods of God are so powerful that even today they are seriously injured and still powerful.

Jiang Lianshan lost the power of the Quartet, but also burned his own life, even the power of the soul, in order to revenge for Yan'er and kill six. Jiang Lianshan's power also climbed to its peak. A flame of energy spreads all over the body.


With a **** down, Tenjin suddenly flew into the ground below. At the same time quickly chased the past.

"Roar!" Tianshen roared in the six lanes.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

I saw that it seemed like two huge meteors were in constant collision.

At the boundary of the fairy dome, the space and time here are thin, and the void cannot be torn. They can go away as the two fight against the earth. The void instantly shatters countless black holes, one after another, fiercely fighting.

The leader of Tai Shang stood in the starry sky, frowning downward.

At this moment, the Supreme Master did not help Jiang Lianshan, everything was too late, and he was powerless.

Finally, the two men's battlefield hit the sky from the sky to the ground.

The people have regained their physical strength by borrowing a few days, but their emperors and suzerain are ushered in, and the sea of ​​luck is falling, and all countries are crying.

"What is that? Demon? Not done yet?"

"I have the portrait of that person, and who, who is the skeleton skeleton?"

"The man shouted‘ Six Ways to Die ’. Is the skeleton the six true kings?”




People are surprised.


The battlefields of the two powerful men arrived in the city.

"do not come!"

"Six true lords, help!"

"Ah, not good!"




In the anxiety, there was a loud noise.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The entire city exploded in an instant, and a huge black hole shattered everything in the city.

However, the battle between the two has not ended, and the battle continues, fighting from one place to another.

For a while, the earth shook, and countless cities were devastated.

"Explosion, explosion, explosion ...............!"

The land of Shenzhou suffered a devastating catastrophe.

How many people instantly lost their homes and how many people died instantly.

The two men fought, and both died.

But over time, after three days and three nights, the battle shifted.

Jiang Lianshan is the power of burning Shouyuan and soul, and his strength is getting weaker and weaker.

The six gods forcibly merged with xianyuan. Although it has suffered 800 damages, it has already been hit hard. However, xianyuan absorbed the laws of heaven and earth and integrated into the six gods.

The heavens and the earth are nourished by the laws of heaven and earth. The power is also growing.

The six gods of the gods began to suppress Jiang Lianshan.

"Ha, ha ha ha, Yaner, I did my best, and I worked for you too. I'm so tired now, I'm coming to see you, wait for me, okay?" Jiang Lianshan's eyes made a soft voice with tears in his blood.

Suddenly, Jiang Lianshan hugged Tianshen Liudao.

"Dead!" Tianshen struck down with one hand.

"Burst!" Jiang Lianshan roared.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With all his strength, Jiang Lianshan exploded and burst into a blast. A super huge explosion even instantly smashed a piece of ground below them.

And here, it was the former Qiandaohai continent, which was exploded into countless islands at this moment.

The void exploded into a huge black hole, absorbing debris from the continent and seawater slowly filling it up.

Jiang Lianshan blew himself up.

The Supreme Master of the Heavens closed his eyes slightly and sighed slightly.

At the center of the explosion, the flesh and blood that had just emerged from the Six Gods of the Heavens was blown up again, and the whole body's bones were exploded.

"Ah ~~~~~~~!" Six gods yelled in pain.

It's too tragic. Although they won in the end, the soul of the sky has suffered great trauma. Even these laws of heaven and earth cannot be repaired.

No enemies.

Six Gods of Ten Heaven refining Xianyuan quickly. Xianyuan absorbs the laws of heaven and earth and manipulates them to repair the body. Three days later, a flesh is born.

However, the appearance is restored, but the inner soul is still hit hard.

"Who am I? Where is this? Who hurt me? Roar!" Tianshen roared painfully, covering her head.


Instantly, the Six Gods of Heaven disappeared in place.

The Supreme Master of the Stars cannot find its place.

The mournful sorrows, the six gods endure the pain, quickly walk the world, gather the news in the sorrowful sorrows, and collect everything that happened in the past.

"I'm the six true monarchs? Giggle, I remember, I killed Cangtian, ha ha ha ha ha, now I'm the new Cang Tian, ​​but what happened behind me, what happened behind me? What demons? What? Also, these portraits? "Tenjin Liudao clutched his head in pain.


Above the stars.

The leader of Tai Shang looked at the starry sky around the ruins and smiled slightly.

Tongtian, the present Buddha, the past Buddha, the cat Tianyun, and Taiji woke up gradually.

"What happened? Brother? Why are there so many corpses?" Tongtian covered his head and looked around.

Seems like a dream, but can't remember anything.

"What's wrong? What happened to the Buddha in the future?" Now the Buddha rubbed his head.

"My brother is dead? My brother is dead, no, why am I here?" Taiyi looked blankly around.

"Meow, the sky's breath has changed? How could this happen?" Cat Tianyun was surprised.


Suddenly, a strong wind came.

It was Tian Shen's six red eyes that suddenly appeared.

Around him, countless bodies were among those portraits that he had collected.

"Congratulations to Zhenjun, refining Xianyuan and achieving the position of immortal!" Tai Shang said respectfully.

"What?" Everyone's face changed.

Taiyi, Taichu, and Future Buddha are also respectful worship: "Congratulations to the Six Immortals!"

"Meow? Fairy? You, what did you do to Cangtian? Cangtian?" Cat Tianyun exclaimed.

"What's going on?" The six immortals looked coldly at the Supreme Master.

"When Zhenjun went to nothingness, a demon sect emerged in the world, and the leader was the old man who watched chess. The nine bodies of Zhenjun fought fiercely with them, and they were extremely violent. Yes, they arranged a large array of stars. I waited to gather the strength of life to assist Zhenjun. Until Zhenjun you returned from nothing, you almost lost. But in the end, Zhenjun merged with Xianyuan and killed the Quartet. I waited. It is preserved. Now the Buddha, the past Buddha, and Tongtian seem to be even more severely amnestic! "The Supreme Master respectfully said.

Taiyi, Taichu and Future Buddha also nodded: "Congratulations to Zhenjun, we have won a great victory. We have won!"

"Meow, in nothingness, I remember, you, Liudao Zhenjun, you lied to Cangtian, you killed Cangtian?" Cat Tianyun exclaimed suddenly.

The six immortals looked at Cat Tianyun coldly.

"The Demon Sect? You are the demon, they must have revenge for the sky, you are the demon!" Cat Tianyun screamed and rushed forward.

The six immortals waved.


Suddenly the laws of heaven and earth condensed a ball of light, trapping Cat Tianyun in it.

"Well, in this way, do you know a lot about these demons? Well, since you know, you say everything, otherwise, I will always trap you in the cage!" The six immortals said coldly.

"Roar, six demon, you killed everyone, killed everyone, you must not die!" Cat Tianyun shouted with a furry hair.

The six Taoist immortals ignored it, and waved it into their sleeves.

Around, there were countless dead bodies, too. A group of people had previously fought with the Six Immortals. They were covered with blood and looked terrible, as if they were tortured by the Six Immortals and the demons.

Before the ancient sea left, they even lost Chaos Bell and Shifang to Taiyi and Taichu, Chaos Bell and Shifang to extinction. These two treasures were full of cracks, and it seemed that the fighting was extremely fierce.

"Wangshou Taoism? Sun Temple? Lingshan Sect? You are doing well, protecting the immortals, such as protecting the immortal, the immortal Fengcier and other generations to protect the world, be protected by the immortals, eternal prosperity!" Said six immortals.

"Thanks to the Six Immortals!" Said everyone respectfully.

The six immortals turned to look at the Taiyuan who was crying for Fuxi, her face was cold.

"The Six Immortals, Fuxi is dead, I don't know why. Taiji has promised to enter my Sun Temple, I will look at him!" Taiyi respectfully said.

"Huh!" The Six Immortals just put away their doubts.

Now the Buddha and the Master of the Heavens are murky, and the six immortals frown slightly, feeling instinctively too close to themselves.

"In the first battle, Benxian was seriously injured. He needed to open up a heaven, heal himself, and the entrance to the heaven, temporarily guarded by the Sun Temple!" Shen Shen of the six Taos.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"Liu Dao Ren, these corpses, let me clean up!" Tai Shang said.

The six immortals squinted, always feeling a little weird.

"You ruined their bodies!" Six coldly.

Liu Dao hopes to see from Tai Shang's attitude that he is telling the truth or sham. Do these demon corpses know too well?

These corpses, others do n’t know, are too clear but they are all cloud beasts that ancient seas gathered with Yitian chess.

There is no psychological burden at all, too. The Shangmao fire was burned for a while, all burned clean.

"Huh!" Liudaoxianren dispelled this doubt.

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