Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 134: Too ridiculous

The Six Immortals temporarily put down their doubts and used the power of the law to open up a celestial world near the Sun Temple.

Taiyi and Taichu had the memory arrangement left by the ancient sea. The first thing was to clean up the demon clan at the former Sun Shrine. Some demon kings who knew their own affairs were killed.

Tae-hyun was jealous of the six immortals, and died with a heart of disgrace, staying in the Sun Temple.

As for the peacock family, except for a small part of the fairy sky that entered the ancient sea, most of them still had no time to follow the ancient sea, and were massacred by the Sun Temple. After all, history is exactly the same.

The emperors and sovereigns of the world were almost dead. For a time, the Sun Temple, Wanshou Taoism, and Lingshan Sect rose smoothly.

Sanzong was soon promoted to Shangzongmen, and Lingshanzong was renamed Lingshan Holy Land.

However, for Tongtian, the present Buddha, and the past Buddha, everything is too baffling.

Have you helped Liu Dacheng immortal?

Regardless of the outcome, the three major gates successfully determined the world and have prospered from generation to generation.

There is only the Supreme Master, who knows everything that happened in the past.

"History? It never changed, ha, ha ha ha!" The leader of Tai Shang showed a bitterness.

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Tongtian came, curious.

The Supreme Master shook his head. It is impossible to tell anyone about the past.

"Brother, how can I be here when you destroy the Three Swords?" Tongtian frowned.

"Run in slowly, maybe the sword mutated during your previous battle!" Tai Shang shook his head.

"Oh, okay!" Tongtian nodded.

However, after a moment of silence, Tongtian still bit his lip: "Brother, you said, Liudao Zhenjun, why did you kill God? I ...!"

In the past, Tongtian was the one who most admired the six true monarchs, but now, suddenly, he is strange to the six true monarchs, killing the sky? He actually killed the sky?

That past worship has all been put down, all that remains is a burst of horror and rejection.

"Don't think about it that much. You only need to know that today's heaven is the Six Immortals. Our immortal sky is called Six Immortals. Any other thoughts are put down. I also live in Taoism, and thanks to the six immortals, I can set the world. Everlasting prosperity! "The Supreme Master Shen cried.

"Yes!" Tongtian nodded, and the undulations in his heart were completely suppressed.

"Why is Brother Two retreating all the time?" Tongtian worried.

"Yuanshi? He might have gotten some adventure. Don't disturb him, let him retreat!" The leader of Tai Shang shook his head.



Holy Mountain Holy Land. Nobita treasure hall.


Now the Buddha shuddered a little, and the whole body suddenly exuded a peaceful atmosphere.

"Good is coming?" The past Buddha and the future Buddha stunned.

Now the Buddha is a dual personality, and the former two phases of the personality dominated the body. At this moment, it is good to wake up.

"You, you, you helped kill the sky? You helped Liudao kill the sky?" Shanrulai suddenly roared.

Now the Buddha's breath has changed again, and the evil is sober.

"Well, without me, where's the Lingshan Holy Land prosperous forever?" Evil Ru Shen cried.

"Presumptuous, you actually did such a bad thing, I'm ashamed of being with you!" Shouted Shanrulai.

"The wood is a boat and everything is over. What's the use of your shouting? Do you think that I like to be with you?" Eru said coldly.

"Someday, I will cut you out of me, you demon, you demon!" Shanrulai said in a cold voice.

"I'm waiting for this day, you come early!" Eru said coldly.


Humane mystery.


Cat Tianyun was trapped in a bubble and was thrown into a secret place of humanity. An eye popped out of the sky.

"Six, you must not die, you have killed Cangtian, you have killed everyone else, you must not die, I will fight with you!" Cat Tianyun screamed in the sky.

"Cat Tianyun, you'd better make everything clear, what happened to those demons, the last generation Cangtian, what secrets, if you don't say, eternal world is here, I can see how long you can survive!" With a cold drink.

"Roar, dream, dream!" Cat Tianyun growled angrily.


A year later, hell.


Houtu returned from nothing. The whole person showed the color of collapse.

Cangtian is dead? Really dead?

"Six? Six?" Houtu showed a look of despair.

Stepping, Houtu crosses the sun.

There are too many life in the world, and suddenly there is an extra earth, the six immortals do not pay attention.

Hou Tuta walked the world, walked to the Quartet, and inquired about the Quartet.

However, the world at this moment is no longer the world of the past, and everything has changed. Everything has changed.

The sky has changed, and so has the power of the world.

Cat Tianyun's life and death are unknown, Ziwei is dead, Gou Chen is dead, and long life is dead.

"Hetu, you liar, tricked me into nothingness. Cangtian scorned long before I went. If I do n’t go, they wo n’t die if you do n’t go, Chen, Ziwei, Changsheng. I find you You must kill you! "Hou Tu resentful.

After traveling around the world, he can't find the whereabouts of the river map after all.

Eventually, Hou Tu met Tai Shang in Wanshou Taoism.

The leader of Tai Shang didn't say what happened that day. He was worried that Liu Dao listened with ears and eyes. He just clicked on the back soil and let everything go into his stomach.

Houtu lost his soul and returned to the underworld.

"Brother, that was the former soil?" Tongtian wondered.

"Yeah, she's gone, don't worry about it!" Tai Shang shook his head.


"Tongtian, I'm going to retreat too. From now on, Wanshou Taoism, you will take over!" The Supreme Master slightly sighed.

"Brother, is there a breakthrough?" Tongtian was surprised.

The leader of Tai Shang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I want to comprehend a song, a song that I didn't have time to listen to!"

"Music?" Tongtian froze slightly.

Too long to live! Unfortunately, I was not able to listen to Gu Hai playing at the beginning, but now that I know another fairy sphere, I have a goal after all, maybe I can understand it soon?

The leader of the Supreme Master began to retreat.

At this point, the Taoism of Wanshou rose to the helm.

Everything is developing, as if history should be like this, it is so ordinary, and slowly moving forward.

A thousand years later.

"Oh!" The Supreme Master spit blood. Come out of the retreat.

"The Supreme Master?" Suddenly, countless Wanshou Taoist disciples exclaimed.

In this millennium, Wanshou Taoism has developed tremendously, and disciples have enrolled countless people. At this moment, it is a matter of the whole religion to go too far, and countless disciples have put down all the great gifts that come to watch the Taoism.

"Brother, you are finally out, let me wait!" The leader of Tongtian rushed in excitement.

But when he was near, the leader of Tongtian also changed his face: "Brother, what's going on, how did you become like this?"

However, the Supreme Master suddenly became countlessly old, with spots on his body, a stench coming, not far from death.

"Too disciples!" Shen Tao, the leader of Taishang.

"Master, you, why are you doing this?" Said a disciple who was too good.

Tai Shang is a finger on his hand, point at his brow.


It's like passing something on to him.

"This is the" Tai Sheng Chang Sheng Yin ", passed down from generation to generation. This is the root of the Tai Shang pulse. Even if you do not understand it, it will be passed down. Only those who inherit the Tai Sheng Chang Sheng can be the master of the Tai Sheng pulse. The new one is too high! "The leader of the high world Shen said.

"Master, disciple doesn't understand, Master!" Said the disciple anxiously.

"The third child, Master died early. In the future, Wanshou Taoism will depend on you and Yuanshi!" Too weak.

"Impossible, impossible, brother, we can reincarnate and rebuild, you can be reincarnated, you will be fine, I will live Taoism, and prosperity forever!" Tongtian Master anxiously said.

"call out!"

Suddenly, another person appeared in front of the Supreme Master.

"Goodbye, Yuanshi Tianzun!" A number of Wanshou Taoist disciples respectfully said.

"Brother?" Yuan Shitianzun quickly grabbed Tai Shang's right hand.

"Second, you are finally willing to come out!" The Tongtian leader is angry.

Yuan Shi Tianzun did not bother with the sky, but instead explored the Supreme Master, and finally frowned.

"Heart is hard? Brother, why do you?" Yuan Shitianzun frowned.

"Some things have to be done, don't they?" Tai Shang said weakly.

"Sacrifice for them, is it worth it?" Yuan Shitianzun flashed an unwillingness in his gritted eyes.

"No value is not worth it. This is my mission. I am dead. Maybe I have a chance to live again. Maybe the eternal world melts away. The power of the three souls and seven souls is consumed by me. Oh, after all, I did it. The leader of Tai Shang shook his head.

"For whom? Second child, what do you say, why don't I understand?" Tongtian stared.

The leader of the Supreme Master looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and solemnly said, "Second Brother, I know, I know you got an incredible exercise, but you have to know, why did you get it? Everything has cause and effect. You borrow it. Debts, after all, will be paid by you one day. Although the technique is good, don't lose yourself, don't lose yourself! "

Yuan Shi Tianzun raised his eyelids and nodded.

"You and Tongtian have always been at odds with each other, but I know it ’s just a character, after all, it ’s a brother, after all, I ’m gone. If Tongtian is inadequate, please mention it, do n’t blame, he is your brother, you in this world The only loved one! "Tai Shang said weakly.

"Brother, I will. From now on, I won't fight him again." Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes reddish.

"Boss, you are not good at expressing emotions, but, I know, you care about our three brothers more than anyone else, ha ha ha, wish to have a future life, and Cang Sheng will no longer be a slave! "Everyone is a fairy, and Datong is the world!" The leader of Tai Shang closed his eyes slowly with a smile.

"Brother!" Yuan Shitian Zun suddenly cried with red eyes.

"What's wrong with my brother? What's wrong with my elder brother? What's wrong?" The Tongtian leader also cried in sorrow.


The cloud of air over his head was tumbling for a while, and a large amount of air was dissipated, as if he was telling the Supreme Master ’s ridicule.

"Congratulations to the Supreme Master!" Countless Wanshou Taoist disciples bowed down in grief.

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