Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 7: Nanming Lihuo

Shennong City, Yan Temple!

"You are not my brother, go out, get out!" Jing Wei screamed angrily, staring at the crowd in the hall.

Jiang Rulai folded her hands and smiled slightly. Turned his head and walked out of the hall with the future Buddha.

Out of the hall, the future Buddha frowned: "Buddha, Jingwei doesn't cooperate? But how is it good, will there be any changes tomorrow?"

"Ji Dihong has the same purpose as mine. As long as Jingwei does not leave, everything is under our control. She is also normal in temper, and she is safe to keep Jingwei away!" Jiang Rulai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Buddha answered in the future.

Watching Jiang Rulai leave, Jing Wei's face was ugly and extremely annoying.

Not long after, the fire emperor stepped into the hall.

"Princess, Jiang Rulai came to force you to cooperate with him again?" Huohuang frowned.

"How kind-hearted I used to be, when the Father was there, he kept sending people gifts to me, ha, ha ha ha ha!" Jing Wei's face was ugly.

"Jiang Rulai? Turning his face faster than turning the book? Oh, Holy had misunderstood him that year." Fire Emperor looked ugly.

"Uncle Huohuang, they will start tomorrow. Is there no news from the Dahan Dynasty?" Jing Wei anxiously said.

"This may be the only good news!" Fire Emperor smiled bitterly.


"The ancient sea is here, and I want to see you!" The Emperor of Fire solemnly said.

"Oh? Finally here?" Jing Wei's eyes brightened, and a look of joy flashed on his face.

"However, people outside Jiyan Temple have been arranged by Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai, and the censorship is extremely strict!" Huohuang's face was ugly.

"How do you bring them in?" Jing Wei looked ugly.


At this moment, there was a slight ripple in the void behind the Emperor of Fire.

Suddenly, the two people who came out from the inside were Gu Hai and Lin Waner.

"You?" The Fire Emperor was surprised.

"I came in with you!" Gu Hai laughed.

With the ancient immortal dome, the ancient sea action is extremely secretive.

As for Lin Wan'er, Gu Hai didn't dare to stay outside alone, because the Master of Heaven could not find when.

Come in, although the fire emperor was shocked, but this result couldn't be better.

Jing Wei immediately looked at the ancient sea.

In the past, Jingwei was cautious about the ancient sea. He even encouraged Jiang Lianshan to kill him as soon as possible. After all, leaving a danger here is too dangerous. Unexpectedly today, but asked to come to the ancient sea?

"I have seen Princess Dayan!" Gu Haiwei smiled.

Gu Hai also looked carefully at Jing Wei, the look of a little girl carved in pink. Seemingly extremely cute, Gu Hai didn't underestimate her.

"Thank you for your help!" Jing Wei said slightly brightly.

"You said in your letter, as long as you are taken away from here?" Gu Hai looked at Jingwei.

"Yes, you can rest assured that I have infinite amount of life. Only me and Father Sheng know that place, and no one knows it, including Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong!" Jingwei was extremely sure.

"That being the case, let me take you away!" Gu Hai nodded.

"You may not know the situation, look at my wrist!" Jing Wei stretched out his right hand.

But I saw two tattoos on his right wrist, a golden lotus, and a golden sword!

"this is?"

"Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai's imprints on me, I can't get out of the sky, no matter where they go, they can find immediately, you just used the immortal sky, right? Even in the immortal sky, it is useless Don't believe you try! "Jing Wei smiled bitterly.

Gu Hai waved his hand and covered the Jingwei into the ancient immortal dome.


In the hands of Jing Wei, the patterns of golden lotus and golden sword suddenly gave off soft golden light.

"Jingwei, are you cracking my restraint?" Jiang Rulai's voice suddenly heard outside the hall.


The ancient sea released Jingwei from the ancient fairy dome.

Jing Wei yelled at the outside with a stare: "I want you to control, hum!"

"Tomorrow ceremony, take a rest!" Ji Dihong's voice came from outside the hall.

Jingwei no longer answered, nor did the two outside talk.

Gu Hai frowned.

Fire Emperor quickly laid out a soundproof enchantment.

"Fire Emperor, you can't lift this thing?" Gu Hai frowned.

Fire Emperor shook his head.

Lin Waner also stepped forward to check, and found a little force to enter.

"It shouldn't be solved, unless it reaches Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai's cultivation!" Lin Wan'er frowned.

"So troublesome?" Gu Haining frowned.

"That's why I'm looking for you. If you can untie it, I will take over the position tomorrow. I will mobilize the power of a country. I can try to break it. But tomorrow, everything will be late." Ugly.

"Can it be unlocked tomorrow?" Gu Hai frowned slightly, thinking.

Jingwei was surprised to look at Lin Wan'er: "The breath of too much, are you Lin Wan'er? The new life of Wanshou Taoism?"

"Not now!" Lin Waner shook her head.

"Huoding's body." Jing Wei's eyes widened and he grabbed Lin Wan'er's hand, seemingly extremely excited.

Lin Waner frowned slightly, as if to pull away her hand: "Princess Jingwei, please let me go!"

"Huh?" Gu Hai was slightly surprised not far away.

But at this moment, Jing Wei suddenly slammed into Lin Waner.

"What are you doing?" Gu Hai's face changed, and she immediately stepped forward.

However, between the electric light and flint, everything was too fast, Jingwei seemed to be blurred in an instant, and instantly entered Lin Waner's body.

"Presumptuous!" Gu Hai's face changed.

But Jingwei has disappeared.

"Princess?" The Fire Emperor was surprised.


Lin Waner suddenly released a lot of fire in her body, and a huge flame burst into all directions instantly.

"Jingwei, you come out!" Gu Haixian covered Lin Wan'er into the ancient fairy vault.

At the same time, it was **** with rattan from the rattan gourd, and the hands were shot on Lin Wan'er's back, and an energy poured into Lin Wan'er's body.

"Gu Hai, don't move, you don't want Lin Wan'er's body to be damaged!" Lin Wan'er cried instantly, but the sound made was Jingwei's voice.

"Come out of Waner, Jingwei, don't you want me to save you? Do you want to die?" Said Gu Haimian.

"Don't move, Lin Waner is fine, she is really fine, but I will borrow her for a while!" Jing Wei's voice came again.

"What did you say?" Gu Hai looked ugly.

"Huoding's body? Haha, this will allow my spirit to stay temporarily. You don't have to worry, I will occupy her body for a while, it will bring her great benefits." Jingwei cried.

"No need, no benefit from you, come out immediately!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Princess, how do you ...?" Fire Emperor was surprised.

"Uncle Fire Emperor, you forgot that I was already dead on the sea that year, the corpse sank into the sea and disappeared, and the soul became the essence. Speaking of it, I was just a body of the soul. Father Father has been helping me find fire. The body of Ding has never been fruitful, unexpected, unexpected, ha ha ha ha ......... "Jing Wei was suddenly ecstatic.

"Believe it or not, I killed you now, and I can save Waner again?" Gu Hai's eyes were cold and his hand was pinching Jingwei's neck.

"Stop!" Fire Emperor shot to deal with Gu Hai.

However, as soon as I reached out, I suddenly caught a vacancy.

But in the immortal sky of the ancient sea, the fire emperor could not touch it at all.

"Cough cough! Let go of me!" Jing Wei blushed in shock.

"Jingwei, I came here to trade with you, not to be counted by you. Now that I can come out, I can't be a killer?" Lusen said in the ancient sea.

"Keekeke, I didn't want to harm Lin Waner, she's okay, I just found a body to temporarily store it, I retrieved the corpse and came out immediately!" Jingwei horrified.

Gu Hai stared at Jing Wei, but ignored him at all.

"Only by using my physical body can I get the greatest strength of Qi Yun, and I can compete for things of Qi Yun Yun Hai, and now I can't get out!" Jing Wei anxiously said.


But saw Lin Waner suddenly burst out of air.

"Shangtian Temple?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"In order to condense the spirit of me, Father Sheng incorporated a seed of" Nanming Lihuo ". When Nanming Lihuo, I gave Lin Wan'er the refining, her spirits, refining Nanming Lihuo. She got great benefits!" Jing Cried Wei.

"Nanming leaves the fire? Impossible. After Suzaku's death, there will be no Nanming leave the fire in the world!" The Fire Emperor suddenly surprised.

"Father Holy was the Emperor Yan in the past and collected all the tinders in the world. Although Nanming Lihuo is rare, he still found a copy. Lin Wan'er is the body of Huoding and must be nourished. Her three souls are now fully merging Nanming Lihuo. In! "Cried Jing Wei.

"I let you out!" Gu Hai stared.

"I ca n’t come out. Without Nanming leaving the fire, I can solidify my soul. I will fly away immediately after coming out. And, Gu Hai, you better let go of me right away. I know that you have the ability to collect the three souls. Use the game of chess to repair the flesh, kill me, and then save Lin Waner? You can do it, but you have to know, now that Lin Waner's three souls are merging from Nanming to leave the fire, with a little carelessness, they immediately fly ash! Road.

"What did you say?" Gu Hai said with a gloomy face.

"I'm the dove to occupy the nest, but you can't take me right now, you're going to die, I'll die with her!" Jing Wei stared at Gu Hai.

"Okay, okay, okay, little girl, I still underestimated you?" Gu Hai looked coldly at Jingwei.

Detective patted Jing Wei's body, a force poured into Lin Wan'er's body.

Jingwei was struggling, but after Gu Hai inspected it, he couldn't help it.

"Gu Hai, our transaction continues, rest assured, I will return you complete Lin Waner, as long as I find my body, I will come out immediately!" Jing Wei Shen said.

"If you can't find it? Jiang Lianshan hasn't been able to find it for so many years. Your body may have been eaten by fish!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"No, I can sense it, or, when I find my sister, my sister can help me reshape my body!" Jingwei cried.

"Now you and Waner are living together?" Gu Hai was depressed.

"Yes, I occupy her body, and her three souls are refining Nanming Lihuo. Nanming Lihuo, the strongest flame in the world, is really Nanming Lihuo, not those fake Nanming Lihuo. When I come out, she will Mastering the most terrible flame in the world, have you seen it? As soon as she refined it for a while, it hit the heavenly palace! "Exclaimed Jingwei.

Gu Hai stared at Jing Wei, his face was gloomy and terrible, but there was nothing he could do.

"Oh, Jingwei, if Waner is unpredictable, I will let you die!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Be assured, I didn't want to harm her!" Jing Wei said in a deep voice.

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