Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 8: Shinto

Gu Hai released Jingwei! But the look towards Jingwei was still cold!

Jingwei rubbed his injured neck, looked at Gu Hai, and smiled evilly. Then quickly opened the sleeves.

On the wrist, there are still patterns of golden lotus and golden sword.

"Oh, Jiang Rulai? Ji Dihong? Does this mark really follow me all the time?" Jing Wei looked ugly.

"Remember me, if there is a difference in Waner ...!" Gu Hai's face turned dark.

"You can rest assured, find my sister, I will return you a complete Lin Waner, now, you still think about how to take me away!" Jing Wei laughed.

Gu Hai frowned slightly, enduring the anger in her heart.

"Tell me everything you know, including Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong. What's their purpose?" Gu Hai Shen said.

Jingwei nodded.

At this moment, Jingwei chose to believe in the ancient sea and described everything again.

"Oh? There are big treasures hidden in the sea of ​​luck? What?" Gu Hai wondered.

Jingwei was silent for a while.

At this moment, you don't need to guess to understand how precious the things in Yunyun Yunhai are. Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong came to fight for it themselves, which shows their importance.

Gu Hai is so savvy, just one thing is not easy to be confused.

"Shinto ritual!" Jingwei took a deep breath.

"Shinto rituals? Impossible, that thing was destroyed as early as the battle of the gods in ancient times!" Huohuang exclaimed with a stunned expression.

"No, just found by Father Sheng!" Jing Wei shook his head.

"Impossible, the witches are all destroyed. How can Shinto shamanism exist?" Huohuang said with wide eyes.

"Then what do you think my sister is doing?" Jing Wei said in a deep voice.

"Uh?" Fire Emperor's face changed.

"Shinto shamans? What?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Ancient emperor, have you ever heard that in the ancient times, the demons controlled the world, and the human race was slaves. Later, there were a group of people in the tribe who chose to study the" cultivation path "of the demons and founded the Wu race? Shouchen, led a large number of witches, and almost ended up with the demons? The battlefield was in the underworld, and the underworld was almost completely destroyed. It was a mess. After the war of the witches, the two races were completely gone! Only the human race rose! "Jingwei asked Road.

"Oh? I seem to have heard it!" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"The Shinto Scriptures are the sacred traditions of the Witches. They contain countless secrets of the Witches. Generals are one of the most prominent representatives of the Witches. The self-curse of self-cultivation is the art of corpse self-cultivation!" .

"Huh!" Gu Hai nodded frowning.

"The curse of self, the art of self-refinement as a corpse, has four branches, earth fire feng shui. Their ancestors were generals, droughts, maggots, and Hou Qing. Hehe, presumably the four types of zombies have seen the emperor? "Jingwei looked at the ancient sea.

"Dragon God 嬴, 妭, Emperor Xiyu, Hou Qing?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Although the witches created the four veins of the zombie, in the ancient times, only the minister had repaired the ground vein. My sister Jiang Yan, the first time the fire vein was repaired, when it was first cultivated, it turned into a flame devil. So she was called Drought at the time. 嬴 嬴? I haven't seen Xiu's veins. Father Sheng knows where he is. Maybe that Emperor Xiyu also knows. After all, he repaired the body of 嬴 gou. Finally, Hou Qing, huh, he is in love with my sister, my sister turned into a drought, he repaired the wind and became a ancestor! "Jing Wei explained.

"In the Shinto Scriptures, are these four veins inherited?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Jingwei shook his head.

"These four veins are no longer available in Shinto Witchcraft, because their heritage is not a piece of text, but a Shinto seed! Since the four veins have ancestors, then the Shinto seeds are used. They are so strong that they only use them. Just a seed! "Jing Wei explained.

"Nothing? What else is in the Shinto shaman?" Gu Hai frowned.

"I said, these are all things created by the Wu tribe. The zombie four veins are only part of the mystical magic of the tribe. There are countless other tribal magics in this Shinto ritual! For me, the biggest treasure of the Yan Dynasty, An inheritance of the entire witch tribe! "Jingwei explained.

The ancient sea has slumped.

Witch's Treasure? This is not unusual. No wonder Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai are so looking forward. One of the four-veined zombies created the monster, General Chen? You know, Fu Xi said last time that he fought with his officials once, regardless of victory or defeat.

How many powerful secrets are there in this Shinto book?

"Jiang Lianshan possesses such treasures, is he useless?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Why is it useless? Do you think the Witch Mystics is so good at cultivation? It depends on people. Not everyone can cultivate, many people will die. And, how do you know that the Father ’s Holy Father has not arranged it? ? "Jingwei frowned.

Gu Hai frowned slightly, slowly thinking about it.

Jingwei waited patiently.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Hai took a deep breath and said, "You want to escape, this Shinto scripture, you can't ask for it!"

"What? Why?" Jing Wei said anxiously.

"Although the treasure is heavy, you can't stand it!" Gu Hai said lightly.

Jing Wei's face changed, and his face became gloomy. Gu Hai was right. Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong, the two most powerful people in the world, stared at them. They could not protect themselves at all, but made escape even more dangerous.

"You can't help me get the treasure, then what do I want you to do? Throw out the Shinto Scriptures, Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong will fight, I won't run by myself?" Jing Wei frowned.

"Thinking is simple, will they let you run?" Gu Hai laughed.

Jing Wei's face sank and he no longer spoke. Indeed, he was the most trusted person of the Father. How many secrets did he know, how could Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong release themselves?

"Shinto Witchcraft is gone, it is capable, and it will be recaptured!" Said Gu Hai Shen.

"But ..." Jing Wei was anxious.

"In the past, Jiang Lianshan did not use the Shinto Scriptures so much that it was not easy to use them. Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong, they may not be much better than Jiang Lianshan. Let them fight and regain it later!" Gu Hai Shen said.

Jing Wei's face was cloudy for a while, and he was silent for a while before he said coldly: "Okay, as long as my sister comes back, she will be able to take it back from them!"

"You can do it with determination, then listen to me!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Huh!" Jing Wei nodded.

"Fire Emperor, I hope you can use the power you can master to find some news in the city!" Said Gu Haishen.

"Tongtian Leader?" Jing Wei's face frowned.

Still others coming to rob Shinto?

"He just happened, but the more chaotic, the better?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Good!" Fire Emperor nodded and stepped out of the hall.

"What now? My body is Lin Wan'er, should you cover it up?" Jing Wei frowned.

"Are you worried now?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Well, I didn't think you had a way. You took me out tonight. After a long day of busy work, you still want to let the Shinto Scriptures go?" Jing Wei was dissatisfied.

"If you do not succeed and do not mobilize the power of a country, how do you unlock the marks of Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai? If you want to escape, the handcuffs of this positioning must first be lowered!" Gu Haishen said.

"But what I am today ...!"

"You look? Oh, what's the matter? You possess Waner, even if Waner's looks? It's enough that you can help them to obtain Shinto scriptures. They don't care so much. Their goals are clear. They do n’t even need to speak to you, they can help you deer for the horse. No one dares to question your appearance, saying that you are Jingwei, then the original Jingwei is like this, you think, they have sorted out these months, big How many people in the Yantian Dynasty rebelled against them? "Gu Hai sneered.

"Okay! I listen to you, Gu Hai, rest assured, as long as I can go out, I will give you immeasurable life." Jing Wei solemnly said.

"Wuliangshouyuan? I don't give up hope now, you girl, no, you are much older than me, but your appearance is the same, you have too many eyes, I just want Waner to recover normally!" The ancient sea sank.

"Oh, I ca n’t do it authentically, but when I say it, Wuliang Shouyuan will definitely give it to you, and, as long as you find my sister, Lin Waner will be as good as ever!" Jing Wei immediately promised.

"Hopefully!" Gu Hai frowned slightly, not fully convinced.


The second day. Shennong City.

Countless troops are stationed in the city, and civil and military officials are gathered outside the temple of the flame god.

At this moment, the civil and military officials were divided into three factions, standing behind Jiang Rulai, Ji Dihong and Huo Huang.

The three factions, each showing their hatred, looked at the gate of the Yan Temple not far away.

Over the past few months, the blood of the Dayan dynasty has flowed into the river, but, after all, was controlled, Nuo Dayan did not fall apart, and everything was for the princess' succession hall today.

"Jishi is here, please princess Jingwei out of the hall!" Ji Dihong sang immediately.

There was a quiet moment all around, looking at the door of the Yan Temple.


The door of the temple opened suddenly.

On opening, a large number of maids came out from inside, strewing flowers. A grand festival celebration.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Not far away, officials of the ceremony department played the horn to show the solemnity of the succession ceremony at this moment.

In the hall, the maid stood on both sides respectfully, Jing Wei was wearing a dragon robe, wearing a pingtian crown, and slowly came out with a box in her hand.

Seeing Jingwei's appearance, the civil and military hundred officials suddenly changed his face.

"No, he is not a princess!"

"Who are you? Dare to pose as a princess?"

"Bold madman, where is the princess?"




Annoyed all around.

Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong's eyes narrowed slightly, the hands were slightly urged, and the gold lotus and gold sword marks on the wrists of Jing Wei shone slightly.

"Wuliangshou Buddha!" ​​Jiang Rulai suddenly gave a Buddhist chant.

"His Royal Highness?" Cried some officials loyal to Jiang Rulai.

"She is Princess Jingwei!" Jiang Rulai solemnly said.

"Ah? What?"

"Yes, he is Jingwei!" Ji Dihong also said.

Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai opened their mouths, and the officials behind them immediately forsaw their doubts and calmed down.

Not far away, Baidi and Chidi changed their faces.

"She's a princess' possession!" The Fire Emperor explained.

"Oh?" The two looked surprised.

A crowd of heroes suppressed the doubts of the ministers. Wait for Jingwei to step out step by step.

At this moment, on a floating island in Shennong City.

The master of Tongtian Church stood with his hand in his hands, and looked sneerly into the distance: "Ji Dihong? Jiang Rulai? Really lively, and, Gu Hai, Lin Waner? How quickly you integrate!"

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