Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 15: Pool Demon

"Uncle Huohuang! Guhai, let me out!" Jing Wei hissed in sorrow.

Watching the fire emperor die for himself, how could Jingwei collapse? During this time, Father Sheng had no news, and everyone betrayed himself, only the Emperor of Fire had been on his side. The emperor of fire almost became his pillar.

But now, the Fire Emperor is dead? Can I just watch?

Gu Hai heard Jing Wei's voice, but did not release Jing Wei, it was too dangerous outside.


In the center of the flame, a transparent phoenix spreads its wings.

"Phoenix God?" Di Shitian, who was seriously injured in the distance, blinked.


The ancient sea has a large sleeve, and the Phoenix God is drawn into the ancient fairy sphere by the ancient sea with the flames.

"Gu Hai, how dare you!" Di Shitiannu shouted.

At this moment, a big bang hit nearly everyone.

More than a hundred strong men were killed in a dozen instants. The remaining group was also injured throughout the body, lacking arms and legs.

Emperor Shitian and Chidi vomited blood and stabilized their bodies. In the future, the Buddha will only have skin trauma, and it is even more harmless.

"The emperor of fire? It's about 100 times since it exploded? Well, your son Phoenix Phoenix will help you repay the debt!" Chidi wiped his blood.

"Gu Hai, where is Jingwei?" Di Shitian also said coldly.

"Hum, don't talk nonsense to him, take it!" Chidi sang loudly.


The severely injured subordinate rushed out and hurled towards the ancient sea.

While talking, Chidi flew towards the ancient sea.

But at this moment, the ancient sea detective pulled out his chest and suddenly pulled out a stalk knife.

"The Red Emperor? Of the five emperors, you have the least quality!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Seven Sundays!"

The void suddenly burst into countless swords, and with the sword of the ancient sea, it was chopped towards the Red Emperor.

"Huh, nothing? You have the right to say me?" Red Emperor snorted, and the detective took out a fiery red sword and cut it off.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and the void shuddered, and the swords collided with each other. The knife spitting around all of a sudden scratched everyone.

Everyone was just injured by the knife gas, but then, a black gas poured out of the bone knives, and instantly rushed to the strong.

"What?" Someone exclaimed.

It was dark, and countless little skulls were eating away at their respective wounds.

"Not good, ah, got into me!" Someone exclaimed.

The most recent person, only a few moments ago, ** was swallowed up by black gas.

"Be careful!"

Caution is useless, black gas rushes in, as if there is a rule of law, no one can escape, and suddenly, the strong ones are shrouded in black gas.

"Hurry away, run away!"

However, they couldn't escape, they couldn't escape the speed of black gas, and everyone was shocked.

"Kill the ancient sea, just kill the ancient sea. This must be a curse, a curse of the witches!" Someone rushed towards the ancient sea in horror.

Gu Hai did not bother, but continued to cut to the Emperor.

As soon as the sword was cut off, Red Emperor was suddenly close to the enemy, and at this moment when he was close to the enemy, when the ancient sea waved his hand, a blood light suddenly appeared, but the killing knife came out, and the **** illusion filled the Red Emperor's mind.


Red Emperor was excited, and the bone knife was instantly cut.

"Be careful!" Di Shitian snorted and punched.


With a punch, he banged heavily on the bone knife. Help the Red Emperor avoid the bone knife.

"Please baby turn!"

"call out!"

The cut-sharp flying knife shot out instantly, headed towards Chidi's neck.

"Not good!" The Buddha's face sank in the future.


He waved his hand instantly and patted him on the palm of his hand, letting the red emperor avoid the flying sword of the ancient sea.

"call out!"

The flying sword flew back, and Red Emperor was awake in an excitement, and looked at Gu Hai with a look of shock.

"Impossible, when did you become so powerful?" Chidi was surprised.

"I have always been like this, but only limited to repair before!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Oh, the cultivation is limited? You have the highest priority in Tiangong Palace now? So big heaven soul, you can only go to Tiangong Palace in your life forever, and you can never break through!" Buddha said coldly in the future.

"Someone said this when they were next to Tiangong Palace, and some people said that when they were in Zhongtian Palace. Didn't I just reach Shangtian Palace the same way?" Gu Hai said coldly.

The future Buddha's face sank.

"I'm actually curious, Buddha in the future? I think you're Xiuwei, and you're going to the Heavenly Palace. It doesn't seem to be as high as Emperor Shi Tianxiu. Vishnu, Shiva are even higher? If you are a veteran of Lingshan, the qualifications are there, but you only got a chance to be selected more than a thousand years ago. How can you do it? "Gu Hai Shen said in a voice.

"Hum, how do you know that I'm not as good as them?" The future Buddha said coldly.

"Close your eyes to the Pure World Zen?" Gu Hai suddenly squinted.

"I really know a lot. In the world today, only I can close my eyes to the pure world Zen!" The future Buddha said coldly.

"Close your eyes to the Pure World Zen? Not only you can practice it, but also the same way of playing, I see if you dare to die with me!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Gu Hai, you have just entered the Heavenly Palace. I don't believe you. You are really my opponent. Huh, let me die!" Chidi showed his face, fluttered, and headed for Gu Hai.

The speed is too fast, and in a blink of an eye, I came to the ancient sea.

"Then try!" The ancient sea was exposed, and at this moment, the whole body was mobilized, and the dead knife was cut again.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Two swords collided suddenly in the void.


Gu Hai's body retreated a hundred feet before stopping. Chidi did not, and was still in place, but Chidi suddenly spit blood.


The Red Emperor was spewed by the blood of the earthquake, and looked at Guhai in horror.

"Come again!" Gu Hai's eyes fluttered again.


"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

The ancient sea was chopped off again and again, but the ancient sea was not a big deal, but the Red Emperor was shocked to vomit blood.

"How can your physical body be so tough?" Chidi exclaimed.

The Red Emperor did not know that the last battle against the six true monarchs, Gu Hai had already strengthened the physical body to the peak by the spirit of the peak.

Although the power was a little worse than that of Chidi, the ancient seas did not have any traumas after repeated earthquakes.

Emperor Shitian and the future Buddha did not rush to shoot. After all, there was only Guhai's opponent, and Chidi did not have much disadvantage, so they looked coldly.

"So powerful flesh, hum, stronger than the last Xihai Dragon Palace!" Di Shitian's face was gloomy.

"Di Shitian, can you deal with him?" Shen Fu said in the future.

"The Red Emperor was seriously injured by the fire emperor. I don't have it. Guhai is indeed a wizard. He can explode beyond the cultivation of so many powers. Guhai's current power is equivalent to the fifth-largest power of the heavenly palace, but he Already proud, I can destroy him with one hand! "Di Shitian coldly said.

"Then do it early!" The future Buddha folded his hands together.

Gu Hai collided with the Red Emperor again and again. The Red Emperor was getting more and more injured. How about going crazy and being forced by a person who entered the Heaven Palace? Shouldn't be like this, shouldn't be like this.

The Red Emperor rose up in anger and wanted to kill Gu Hai, but Gu Hai had already made a great breakthrough in power at this moment, and could not be hurt at all.

Not far away, a group of strong men were swallowed up by the skull in the black gas on the death knife, leaving only the skeletons to fall to the ice-breaking ground below.

In this scene, the emperor's interpretation of heaven is getting more and more ugly.

"Go ahead, Emperor Shitian, win the ancient sea! We have to ask Jingwei where he is!" Shouted the future Buddha.

Emperor Shi Tian nodded his head and wanted to take a shot.

While the crowds were fighting, they didn't find it. At the height of the clouds, there was still a figure standing at the moment, but it was a slightly embarrassing God of Heaven.

Standing in the clouds, Tongtianjiao looked gloomily towards the ancient sea.

"Hehe, the smell of being too good is here, Gu Hai, you can't run away. Frame me? Good, good, good!" Tongtianjiao's face showed a ruthless look.

Even though Gu Haixiu broke through to the Heavenly Palace, it is still not enough in front of Tongtian, because Tongtian's cultivation is too high.

However, Shou Yuan's oil pond, which Gu Hai had previously sat in, was exhausted, and the bottom had been cracked and cracked, emitting a hint of black gas.

Looking at the black gas, Tongtian Jiaozhu's eyes narrowed. There was a hint of doubt. Because from that dark air, the Master of Heaven felt a touch of familiarity. Familiar with?

Below, the Red Emperor was hit hard, but repeatedly collided with the ancient sea.

"Red Emperor, you can't do it!" Said the ancient sea.

"Gu Hai, find death!" Chidi roared.

Emperor Shitian did not clash with Gu Hai directly, but attacked from behind.

With a sneer on his face, Emperor Shitian punched Gu Hai's back with one punch, punched it, and a huge air wave was stacked in the void. His fist passed through the waves, as if the ancient sea would be hit in an instant.

But at this moment, below, the crack in the oil pool burst open and a dark fist soared into the sky.


There was a loud noise, and the black fist rushed across the hall from Emperor Shi Tiantian. Black gas instantly filled the Quartet.

"how come!"

The power of Emperor Shitian's fist collapsed instantly, and he stared at the fist punched out of his chest with a stunned expression.

"Huh, I hate the villain who sneaks behind me the most, and dare to sneak into the person I like in front of me?" A chill came out of the crack.


The cracks were torn apart, and the black gas gusted out from below. Once the black gas came out, the whole world was instantly blackened.

The punch in the dark air was so striking that everyone's face changed.

Emperor Shitian, that is Emperor Shitian, the leader of the eight dragons in the Holy Land of the Holy Mountain, and experienced in the eighteenth floor of hell. Now that he has become a highly exalted person, he was so easily punched through?

"Who?" The Buddha's face changed in the future.

"Oriental life?" Chidi suddenly changed his face.

But I saw that the pinched figure holding the pinched figure in the center of the fist that passed through Di Shitian's chest, and the pinched figure was struggling in the fist, exposing a bloody, almost deformed skull. Is it Oriental Shou?

Dongfang Shou came out of the underworld and was about to sneak up on the ancient sea. The master of the fist held it in his palm and squeezed it?

"Is he?" Tongtianjiao's pupils on the clouds shrank.

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