Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 16: Chiyou

Ancient Fairy Dome!

Jing Wei was crying uncle Fire Emperor, and Gu Hai explored a move to engulf the transparent Phoenix God with the same fire into the ancient fairy dome.

"Uncle Fire Emperor, Uncle Fire Emperor, how are you? How are you?" Jingwei flew up.


The Phoenix God screamed, and the flames quickly gathered around him. Without physical support, the Phoenix God would collapse.

"Jingwei, I'm the Phoenix God, you don't need to blame yourself. The Fire Emperor has already given birth to death. The self-explosion just now is also a relief!" Phoenix God shouted.

"What? Impossible!" Jingwei was surprised.

"You do n’t know. I am the Phoenix God. I have all the memories of the Emperor of Fire. I know it best. The moment he came back from 800,000 years ago, it was like a walking dead. Oh, Murong Yan, a woman, really Hongyan is a disaster, the fire emperor regrets that he did not leave six deadly battles like Jiang Lianshan. Rather than kill the enemy, your father is a hero! "Said Phoenix God.

"But, but my Father Sheng owns the inheritance of this world, why do you use the stupidest way ...!" Jing Wei cried.

"No stupid is not stupid, only the value is not worth it. In your eyes, the world is the most important. Perhaps Jiang Lianshan also thought so before, but at the end, he found that the whole world is not as important as Murong Yan, and he controls the whole world's retrograde sky When the six ways of fighting against the immortals alone are not much different, he doesn't have to return! "Phoenix God explained.

"Why is that Uncle Huohuang?" Jingwei cried.

"The Fire Emperor regretted it. He regretted that he did not stay there with Jiang Lianshan and has always been loyal to you, but only in return to Jiang Lianshan. He lived in the thought of Murong Yan every night, alas, and now he is relieved. , But, the Phoenix family! "Phoenix God bitterly said.

"Relieved?" Jing Wei's eyes were red.

"Before the Fire Emperor dies, let me get in your body! Help you gather the seventh spirit!" Phoenix God explained.

"The seventh soul?"

"Yes, the former Wu people cultivated gods. The so-called **** was the seventh spirit, which was hidden in the eyebrows. Because of ordinary people, it is difficult to cultivate the seventh spirit. The monsters have gods, and the humans rely on self-cultivation. People rarely have a solid seventh spirit, but they can be transformed into a seventh spirit, and I will help you. This is the last look of the fire emperor, and I hope you will be good to the Phoenix family in the future! "Said the Phoenix god.


"Without being refined by you, I will dissipate immediately, quickly, quickly, relax my mind, let me get into the body, the simplest spiritual practice, Jiang Lianshan should have taught you, quickly cooperate!" Phoenix God drank.


With a sound of Fengming, the Phoenix God suddenly flapped his wings and fluttered towards Jingwei's brows.


The fire and the Phoenix God suddenly disappeared into Jing Wei's eyebrows.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~!"

Jing Wei suddenly covered her head in pain. The whole body was instantly shrouded in fire.

However, Lin Wan'er's body was the body of Huo Ding, but this fire could not burn **, but suddenly opened the eyebrow space, some could not stand.

"No, Jingwei, what's going on with your soul? It's all vitality? Shouldn't it! Ah, Nanming leaves the fire?" In the eyebrow, the Phoenix God exclaimed.

"Lin Waner, don't burn the Phoenix God!" Jing Wei suddenly changed her face.

"No, I can't control it. Nanming rushed out of the fire by myself. I can't control it. Nanming left the fire to swallow the Phoenix God?" Suddenly, Lin Wan'er's voice came out from her body.

"Ah ~~~~!" Phoenix God screamed.


Suddenly, the sound stopped abruptly.

Jingwei consciousness entered the newly opened eyebrow space.

The Phoenix God disappeared and was devoured by Nanming Lihuo. Nanming Lihuo seemed to get countless supplements and suddenly zoomed in several times. And in the middle of the billowing Nanming Lihuo, there was a little egg.

"This is it?" Jingwei was surprised.


The little egg suddenly cracked a slit.


All Nanming fires were sucked into the crack instantly. Outside, the fire on Jing Jing's body surface was all absorbed.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Suddenly, the eggs appeared more and more cracks.


The eggshell burst instantly. A fiery red transparent figure appeared inside.


Countless egg shell fragments were instantly sucked by the fire-red figure, and all were sucked into the mouth.


The fire red transparent figure tweeted.


Suddenly there were countless fires in the eyebrow space.

The fire surrounds the fiery red figure. What does it look like, but a fiery red sparrow?

"Sparrow?" Lin Wan'er's voice was surprised.

"No, it's Suzaku!" Jing Wei's voice suddenly exclaimed with a tremor.

"What Suzaku?"

"I see. I see. The body of Huoding is a furnace, Nanming is a medicine from the fire, and the Phoenix body is a medicinal material. We, we have developed the Suzaku god. In the legend, the Suzaku **** is already extinct?" Jing Wei suddenly exclaimed.

"Suzaku God? What do you mean?" Lin Waner was surprised.

"Is this Uncle Fire King's blessing, is it Father ’s plan? Or is it because of your coincidence. We will reshape a great history, divine repair? Lin Waner, you practice with me and raise this Suzaku god! Later , We are Suzaku! The strongest demon **** is also the most powerful witch tribe. "Jing Wei shouted with a hint of sorrow——


Di Shitian was about to sneak up on the back of Gu Hai, but didn't want to be passed by a fist in the crack below, and on top of that fist, he was holding the nearly crushed Dongfang Shou.

The sudden change made everyone fight.

Rolling black gas rushed out of the cracked crypt, soaring into the sky, the whole world was suddenly blackened.

Billowing magical energy makes the future Buddha look like an enemy.

"Yes, who is it?" Chidi also turned wild.

From this billowing blackness, it seemed that something terrible had come to mind.


With a loud noise, the crack exploded and opened, revealing an extremely dark abyssal magic hole. A giant figure crawled out from the inside.

The giant is three feet tall, with a black body, a bronze head and an iron forehead, with a fierce face, extremely rough and very vicious. It was him, who punched Dongfang Shou with a fist, and even released Emperor Shitian.

"Burst!" The giant yelled.

"Don't!" Di Shitian shouted in horror.


Di Shitian instantly turned into a dragon.


The giant's fist boosted the momentum and blasted the dragon's belly into a big hole with blood.


Once again into a human form, Emperor Shitian covered his stomach, his face horrified, and the whole man slumped, looking at the fierce giant, his face horrified.

"Dahan Guhai, thank you for your shot!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Oh!" The giant pursed his nose and ignored the ancient sea.

"It's impossible, you, Aqi, Aqi, you've all died long ago, long ago!" Chidi glared and horrified.


But in the abyss, one after another, the dark giants crawled out, one after another showing their faces, fierce and evil.

As one climbed out one after another, a breathtakingly large demon's air soared into the sky, and even above the sky, a giant cloud like a demon's head gathered.


The magic cloud roared, and the world was overcast.

In the future, Buddha, Emperor Shitian and Chidi will leave.

Seeing this scene, the three instinctively had only one idea, and quickly left.


Suddenly, there were three giants standing in front of the three, showing fierce faces, watching the three so horribly that the three had nowhere to run.

More and more giants emerged, and the whole world was completely dyed black.

Gu Hai was also ugly on the side, so strong oppression, how could these giants be so powerful?

Who claimed to be '称' just now?

Slowly, a total of eighty-one giants crawled out of the abyss.

After all the giants came out, all the giants suddenly knelt down on one knee, kneeling towards the mouth of the magic hole.

But I saw that in the end, a white man slowly flew out.

Men are different from these giants. They are very clean and spotless, but they are strangely integrated into the surrounding dark air, which is a very strange scene.

"No, no, no, how could you still be alive?" Chidi looked terrified.

"Chiyou?" From the sky, the leader of Tongtian suddenly stared.

"Chiyou?" Emperor Shitian excitedly.

Even the ancient sea is changing his face at this moment. It's not because you heard the name of "Chi You", but the appearance of Chi You in front of you.

Like, it's too much.

Chi You looks so much like Jiang Lianshan?

It's just younger than Jiang Lianshan, handsome and elegant.

No, the temperament is still different, and the appearance is also very different, but it is really similar to Jiang Lianshan. This similarity, the ancient sea look changed, I thought Jiang Lianshan reincarnation was restored.

"Brother! We're out!"

"Brother, ha ha ha ha, Emperor Huang, Yan Emperor, they can't block us. Come out this time, don't even want to run!"

"Revenge, brother, I want revenge, three thousand years, three thousand years!"




Amidst the roar of giants, his face was exposed, and he looked at the handsome Chi You together.

The future Buddha, Emperor Shitian, and the Red Emperor are in a frenzy. Chi You? How is it possible that he is not dead yet?

Chi You didn't growl like the eighty-one. Although it was just out of the air, there wasn't that monstrous hatred in his eyes, but a cold look around.

Looking at the ancient sea, Chi You's eyes flashed with admiration, but the next moment, he looked at others.

"Red Emperor? Oh, long time no see!" Chi You sneered.

"What do you want? Jiang Lianshan is dead. That year, it didn't matter to me, I didn't intervene!" Chidi cried in horror.

"Jiang Lianshan is dead? Huh, dead, thinking that you can let go? You didn't step in? I hate you most like a villain with two sides and three swords, huh!" Chi You said in a cold tone.

Chi You snorted, and the giant seemed to get a signal, and the previous Aqi suddenly rushed up.

"It doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter to me!" Chidi fled away in horror towards the distance.

"In front of Brother, you also want to run away and come back!" A Qi faced with a detective grabbed his hand, and the big hand wrapped in black gas grabbed Chidi's left leg instantly.

"No, no!" Chidi exclaimed.

Ah Qi opened his mouth in an instant. Pulled sharply in his hand.


One mouthful swallowed the Red Emperor into his mouth.

"Ah!" Chi Qi screamed from his mouth.


Aqi chewed for a while, and blood leaked from the seam of his mouth. After a short while, he was swallowed by Aqi.

That's Chidi, just swallowed like that?

Deshi Tian suddenly looked startled: "You, are you stronger? No, impossible!"

PS: Introduce the common ground of Emperor Yan and Chi You on the earth. The images of the two are the heads of cattle and the tribal totems are exactly the same. Baidu, their sculptures have horns. It is not because of watching chess that they intentionally get in touch with each other. They do have a relationship.

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