Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 32: Tang Gu asked

This is the second more!


In the hall, everyone looked at Baidi!

Use Baidi as a bait to deceive the ancient sea from the borderless sky capital, or force the borderless sky capital?

Sima Changkong took hold of Gu Hai's lifeline, and now waits for Baidi to agree.

The Nanlong girl and the Tongtian leader looked at Baidi in doubt. They are not sure if they will succeed. Only Baidi himself understood that this possibility was very high.

Although there was a sudden pain in my heart for some reason, Baidi cares more about his own will.

As he nodded, Tang Gu behind Baidi cried suddenly, "Mr. Sima!"

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Tang Gu.

"You asked my emperor to be a bait, but have you ever thought about my emperor's safety?" Tang Gu said in a deep voice.

"Safe? What danger can Baidi have?"

"Oh, why is there no danger, in case Guhai didn't get the news, and his courtiers got the news? For example, Kong Xuan, he learned the news, in order to keep Guhai safe, what should I do to assassinate the emperor earlier?" Tang Gu Shensheng Road.


"Yes, the emperor will be in danger as a bait, even if the ancient sea is deceived. At that time, the masters of Heaven will only target the ancient sea. What if Kong Xuan assassinates the emperor at this time? And the mosquito assassin What about the emperor? Have you thought about it? "Tang Gu said coldly.

"Bai Di has his own strength to protect himself!" Sima Changkong frowned.

"Self-preservation? Hahaha, what a self-preservation, put my emperor in danger, for your immature strategy?" Tang Gu coldly said.

"Tangu! Don't be rude!" Baidi reprimanded.

"Emperor, the humble job is also considered for the emperor, and he has to guard against those fine works that Sima Changkong sent to the borderless sky. He said that if he gave up, he would give up. Even that Ao Sheng had no plan to rescue. If Ao Sheng escaped by himself, he I do n’t care about it. Not long ago, the leader of Tongtian was deceived by Sima Changkong to the borderless sky. He did n’t consider the consequences at all. Everyone is a **** in his eyes and can be discarded at any time. Now, I want to use the emperor to threaten the emperor Must consider for the emperor! "Tang Gu solemnly said.

Baidi frowned slightly.

"Oh? Baidi, your subordinate is really interesting!" Sima Changkong said coldly.

Tang Gu ignored it.

"White Emperor, so this still requires you to decide, do you want to kill Gu Hai!" Sima Changkong looked at Bai Di again.

Bai Di frowned slightly, thinking about it, and finally a cold light flashed in his eyes, as if determined to be general.

"Emperor, I feel that the situation is not clear today. It is not impossible to attract the emperor.

Baidi looked at Tanggu and didn't seem to want to wait.

"Emperor, at least wait for Ao Sheng to return?" Tang Gu persuaded again.

Ao Sheng will be back soon, and at this moment, Baidi nodded: "Okay, wait for Ao Sheng to return, let's talk!"

Sima Changkong nodded helplessly, and looked at Tanggu coldly.

This Tang Dynasty, following Baidi, never plugged in, how can he suddenly block it today?

"call out!"

Suddenly, a streamer shot in the distance.

"Come here!" Tongtian's eyes brightened.


Suddenly, a strong wind hit in the distance, but a Taoist grabbed Ao Sheng and fell into the hall instantly.

"Master!" Taoists respectfully respect the Master of Heaven.

Master Tongtian nodded, and the Taoist immediately stood behind Master Tongtian.

"Ao Sheng? What about your arms?" Sima Chang said in a hollow voice.

"It's Guhai, Guhai is going to kill me, so ruthless of the emperor's heart!" Ao Sheng said angrily.

"Ao Sheng, the borderless sky, what is the situation today?" Sima Changkong asked.

"Don't ask these first, hurry, what about my body? I want to change my body back!" Ao Sheng said anxiously.

The celestial master, Baidi, Nanlong female bodhisattva, Tang Gu and others suddenly moved.

This is real? For the soul?

Even after the truth was revealed by the ancient sea, Sima Changkong was willing to tell everyone that at this moment, everyone saw the soul of Ao Sheng and the body of Ao Shun, still showing surprise.

"Come, please Mr. Six Fingers!" Sima Changkong called.

"Yes!" Someone left quickly.

"Ao Sheng, how did you find out? What happened that day? Why were you suddenly exposed?" Sima Changkong complexed.

Ao Sheng's face was bitter, and he told the story of Sanqing Hall that day.

"Cheat you? That ancient sea is not very capable! From your words and deeds, you can't find out that you are not Ao Shun?" Tongtian leader sneered.

"No, you don't understand. From my words, deeds and even memories, it is impossible for him to know that I am not Ao Shun!" Ao Sheng shook his head.


"Last time, the King of the West Sea gave us a drop of Qinglong's blood, that is, the ancestor's blood, not a drop of each, but a total of one drop. That drop of Qinglong's blood merged into our bodies and opened our memories to each other. I know everything about Ao Shun, and he knows everything about me. So no matter what Gu Hai asks me, I won't show any flaws! "Ao Sheng shook his head.

"Asymmetric time? Oh, the ancient immortal sky, that ancient sea, really can play!" Nanlong girl coldly.

"That is the wisdom of the ancient seas. I will give you eight people oppression first, and then let you torment for nine months, and then use my appearance to break your last heartstring, really amazing!" Sima Changkong looked ugly.

At this moment, a man in white came outside the main hall, which was the celestial organ of the former Yinyue Mountain Villa, with six fingers.

"Sima Changkong, Ao Sheng is back?" Shen said with six fingers.

"Yes! Mr. Six Fingers." Sima Chang nodded.

"Mr. Six Fingers, help me get my body back. Trouble, this armless body, I've had enough!" Ao Sheng cried.

Six fingers glanced at Ao Sheng: "Your body is a bit far away from Yinyue Mountain Villa!"

"Where is that?"

"In Chaodu, under His Majesty there!" Six fingers said.

"Transferred to the capital? Your Majesty is going to extract the blood of my blue dragon?"

"do not know!"

"Purify, purify Ao Shun, take me back, I want to change my body, and only you can change, let's go. Hurry!" Ao Sheng anxiously said.

Six fingers glanced at Sima Changkong.

Sima Chang thought for a while and nodded: "Well, Mr. Six Fingers, there is no need for you here for now. Take Ao Sheng to Chaodu!"

"Okay!" Six nodded.

"Wait!" Tang Gu suddenly called.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Tang Gu.

"Mr. Sima, I know that you want to persuade the emperor to be your bait, but we don't know anything about Dahan's situation. I worry about the emperor's safety!" Tang Gu shouted.

"Tangu, don't be rude!" Bai Di blocked.

"No, the humble job must be considered for the safety of the emperor. Now that the situation is unclear, the emperor is still in danger. You must not care about the Lord of God then, then, I have a way to solve the worries of the future!" Tang Gu called.


"Mr. Six Fingers, I remember that Dragon God Wu gave you a group of zombies to protect your safety, right? When you go to Dragon God Wu, you will be extremely safe. Your zombies will be left to my emperor to protect the emperor! Cried Tang Gu.

"Well, when that happens, I will let Duobao protect Baidi!" Shouted the leader of Tongtian.

"No, the Taobao Taoist is your disciple, after all, what will happen, in case he ran halfway? I would prefer the group of zombies who only accept the death order to protect the emperor, rather than the Taobao Taoist protection, Duobao Taoist, let's **** Mr. Liuzhi to Chaodu, and give us the group of zombies, at least, we can guarantee that this group of zombies will have no other thoughts! "Tang Gu cried.

Tang Gu thought about Baidi everywhere, and Baidi did not stop it anymore.

Sima Changkong frowned at Tanggu and finally nodded: "This is OK, the disciples of the Master of the Heavens, escorted Mr. Liuzhi and Ao Sheng to the capital, Mr. Liuzhi, your group of zombie guards, can you give Baidi? "

Six fingers looked at Tang Gu and Baidi. Finally nodded: "Yes!"

"Thank you Mr. Six Fingers, I remember that Dragon God Wu took you very seriously and gave you a token. That token can mobilize all the zombies for you!" Tang Gu looked at Six Fingers.

Six fingers nodded: "Zombie order, take it, wait for me to return, return me immediately!"

"Okay, rest assured!" Tangu immediately took the zombie order.

"These zombies were created by Your Majesty. Don't fight their ideas. They will listen to His Majesty's orders more than this Zombie Order!" Six fingers said coldly.

"Don't worry, the emperor is dangerous for the dragon **** martial arts. I only use it to protect the emperor!" Tang Gu solemnly said.

"Huh!" Six fingers nodded.

The Tongtian leader sent a group of his disciples to **** Liu Zhi and Ao Sheng to the capital.

At this moment, Tang Gu got a zombie order and did not stop Baidi from bait.

The next step was very easy. Sima Changkong determined and planned to design the ambush ancient sea.

After talking for a while, they went back to their respective residences.

In the courtyard of Baidi.

Bai Di looked coldly at Tanggu.

"Tangu, you are a little bit wanton today!" Baidi said coldly.

"Emperor, you are so important, how can I not always think of you?" Tang Gu laughed.

"That group of zombies? They can protect the orphan? You are too underestimated. This time, if it is not for the Nanlong girl, the orphan will not come to the Great Emperor Dynasty, even if the dragon and the gods are not necessarily the lonely opponents!" Emperor Leng said.

"Yes, that group of zombies can't be counted at all, but emperor, have you thought about it? This time, the Emperor Wuwu has good things!" Tang Gu laughed.


"Soul exchange!"

Bai Di narrowed his eyes.

"Six fingers can exchange souls? He is only a celestial piano. He can, we can also find celestial pianos. The key is how to exchange souls? Silver Moon Villa, there must be a big secret. Not for these zombies, but for being able to enter Yinyue Mountain Villa to investigate, perhaps, we can have unexpected gains! "Tang Gu laughed.

Bai Di frowned slightly and lost in thought.

Just as Baidi was meditating, a sudden sound came out.

"Tangu is right, Baidi, you have a good arm!" A sudden voice sounded outside the door.

"Huh?" Baidi looked cold and looked over.

Tang Gu also sank.

But it was Nanlong Female Bodhisattva who stepped into the hall: "Rest assured, I have already set up a soundproof array outside!"

"Nanlong girl, you overheard us? No, Jiang Rulai didn't write me, but you asked to monitor us?" Baidi looked cold.

"Bai Dixiu is going to be angry, you have entered the Holy Mountain Holy Land, after all, aren't you going to run in? After that, you will be completely settled, and no one will doubt you!" Nanlong girl laughed.

Baidi still stared at Nanlong Girl.

"You are asking for the Holy Mountain Holy Land, naturally you have to show some sincerity, don't you?" Nanlong Nu laughed again.

"Hum!" Baidi snorted.

"Just now, Tanggu said it well. If the soul exchange ability is obtained in the Holy Mountain Holy Land, it will be a great achievement. You have just entered the Holy Mountain Holy Land. Is n’t this an opportunity sent by God? I will immediately use the terracotta warrior to report to the Buddha. You have done a great job! "Nan Longnu laughed.

Baidi's face was gloomy.

If Yinyue Mountain Villa really has a method of soul exchange, it could have been enjoyed by itself, but now ...

"Hmm, I'm not sure yet. I'll let Tang Gu check it. You don't have to worry about it!" Baidi said coldly.

"He? I can't believe him!" Nan Longnu laughed.

"You can't believe me, right?" Baidi said coldly.

"So, I went with Tang Gu, how, with that zombie order, we went to Yinyue Mountain Villa, looked it up carefully, went early and returned early. Besides, Tang Gu Xiu was too weak, and I took him, and the speed was faster. "Nanlong girl said firmly.

Bai Di's heart was still unwilling.

"Aren't you going to kill Gu Hai? When you kill Gu Hai, we will be back. Don't delay, you can rest assured that I won't hurt Tang Gu! This kid is more clever, maybe he will use it in time!" Nan Long Nu Solemnly.

Bai Di looked at Tanggu.

Tang Gu frowned and nodded.

"Well, you go quickly, don't get them to notice!" Baidi finally sighed.

"Okay! Tang Gu, let's go!" The Nanlong girl nodded.

PS: Two more changes, today two changes, because there is something to go to the field, updated in advance.

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