Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 33: Ancient Qin crisis

Tiandu, the borderless city, go to the study!

Gu Hai sat behind the desk and looked at the Shangguan mark that was standing in front of him.

"Your Majesty, you mean, spy, not just Ao Shun?" Shangguan's face changed.

Gu Hai nodded gently: "Oh, I had lost my mind before. The eight of you are your most trusted confidants. How can you betray you? Now that the truth is clear, you can be sure. No one betrays you, but you are replaced. Soul! There is no betrayal! "

"Not just Ao Shun? Why?" Shangguan's mark was puzzled.

"Because the Jin Yiwei headquarters assassinated the battle of Gu Qin and Monte Thai last time, Ao Shun didn't have any crime conditions. He sent someone to check. At that time, Ao Shun was in his own house!" Gu Haishen said.

"Uh?" Shangguan marks a moment's glance, his face was somber: "There is one more?"

"This man is very calm and angry. He was trapped in the Sanqing Hall and persecuted with psychological skills. Ao Sheng couldn't stand it, but he still calmed down. This energy-raising effort surprised him! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"That said, the rest are possible?" Shangguanhen frowned.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Then, why does Your Majesty tell me? Why don't you doubt me?" Shangguan Hen wondered.

"You are practicing‘ eight or nine mysteries ’. By the time you reach nine or nine, your three souls are already integrated with your physical body, and you ca n’t strip them away!” Said Gu Haidandan.

"Yes, Your Majesty Xie trusted!" Shangguanhen exhaled secretly.

"But who is left, who can be guessed?" His Majesty asked again.

Gu Hai thought for a while and nodded: "There is a guess, but it is not very sure, so I need your cooperation to help me check it!"

"Oh? Who?" Shangguanhen was surprised.

"Ancient Qin!" Gu Hai frowned.

"His Royal Highness?"

Gu Hai nodded.

"The minister thought about Kong Xuan and Lord Mo, how could it be His Royal Highness? His Royal Highness, the target was assassinated last time. He almost died!" Shangguanhen was surprised.

"Not long ago, when sending troops to Dawu, Gao Xianzhi and Ao Shun were also injured. He was also injured, but he was also a spy, wasn't he?" Gu Haichen said.

"Uh? But ... at that time ..." Shangguan's mark was puzzled.

"I thought about all the links. On that day, all Jin Yiwei's headquarters courtyard was drunk and scolded away, and then I don't know when to set up a formation, Montai? He hurried outside, and he couldn't have time to design carefully This bureau, at least, had no time to coordinate the detailed work of those officials, and cooperated so seamlessly in a short time! "Gu Hai explained.

"Monte? Indeed, at that time he did not expect that Master Mo and His Royal Highness suddenly came, and it was impossible to carefully arrange them!"

"The trouble-making incidents of the officials are very well coordinated, so I suspect that it was planned in advance. Who can coordinate it in advance?" Gu Hai looked at Shangguan Mark.

"Prince Qin, or Lord Mo Yike! But, may you not believe me, Her Majesty?" Shangguanhen frowned.

"Ye understand. Mo Yike said that Chen Tianshan asked someone to lead him out of the house, so that he had no witnesses to elute innocence, Qin Zibai was not counted, Mo Yike could not elute innocent, then Mo Yike was suspected, but, I interrogated all Jinyiwei around. Although they withdrew from the small courtyard, the Jinyiwei headquarters was still guarded. After being assassinated in ancient Qin and Mengtai, when the battle broke out, no Jinyiwei saw someone. Go out, no one goes out. Although Monte Thai saw Mo Yike running away, but all the Jinyiwei outside did not see anyone escaping, that is to say, the assassin was still in the small courtyard. Mo Yike was Come later! "Gu Hai analyzed.

"Perhaps the special technique escaped Jin Yiwei's eyes?" Shangguan mark was uncertain.

"That's Jin Yiwei's headquarters, there are many people who can open the Tiangong Palace, can they hide it from everyone?" Gu Haishen said.

"Yes, but Prince Qin and Montai both saw the Assassin. They all saw Mo Yike."

"Have you forgotten? Chess can be used to consolidate a person's appearance in a short period of time, and piano can also be done, but the law of piano can be eliminated, but the piano can still be formed in a short time by arranging like chess The appearance of a person, isn't there just an array outside the small courtyard? "Gu Hai analyzed.

"Ah? That small courtyard formation? Isn't it used to isolate the internal and external sounds, but a piano formation? Used to condense the existence of a cloud-like beast?" Shangguanhen's face changed.

"I guessed this way. I'm not sure how to do it, but that's what it is!" Gu Haishen said.

"That is to say, Prince Gu Qin first brought a person wrapped in a black robe into the courtyard, and then expelled all Jin Yiwei. He set up a piano path array around the courtyard and waited for Montai to return. And that black At first, the robe man was not Lord Mo, but just a cover. Prince Gu Qin might have arranged everything and killed the black robe man and stored it in the storage magic weapon, because the storage magic weapon cannot store living things. There is only one Prince Qin remaining, and he uses the Qindao array method to condense a Mo Yike image for a short time? "Shangguanhen analyzed.

Gu Hai did not refute.

"But, Your Majesty, the laws of Wenxiu are now taken away from heaven. To gather a strong man who can assassinate Montai, you need countless spiritual stones and extremely complicated arrays, can Prince Qin have enough time?" Road.

"You don't need too many spirit stones, and don't have to be so troublesome. You only need to gather a human figure that ancient Qin fell into a pool of blood, and then change your appearance to Mo Yike by using the Qin Tao array method! Just let Montai see To these enough! "Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Your Majesty, are you saying, Your Royal Highness, the severely damaged Montai? Everything is His Royal Highness?" Shangguanhen was surprised.

"I'm not sure yet, but if it is really like analysis, there should be another soul in the body of the ancient Qin, and this soul is a master of the harem! It knows everything about the ancient Qin." Gu Hai's face was gloomy. Road.

"Your Majesty, what do you want to do?" Shangguan Mark sank.

"This is just speculation, and there is where Gu Qin's soul must be found, otherwise Gu Qin will be very dangerous once he strikes the grass!" Gu Hai Shen said.


"Of course, just in case, if this is the second spy, will there be a third one, in the next time, this matter must not be brought up to anyone and pretended to know nothing!" Gu Hai ordered Road.

"Yes!" Shangguan Mark answered.

"Your Majesty, what does the minister need to do?"


Emperor Wudi, Dynasty, Wutian City.

The disciples of Master Tongtian escorted Six Fingers and Ao Sheng returned quickly.

Upon entering the palace, a large number of guards rushed.

"Jack, don't you even know me?" Six fingers stared.

"Oh? It's His Royal Highness Prince, Mr. Six Fingers, all right, close the team!" An official smiled slightly.

Suddenly, the guards walked away.

"Master Liu, what do you mean? Aren't you always loyal to His Royal Highness?" Six fingers said coldly. This Lord Liu, seeing himself before, has always been just a promise, how can he look so much now?

"Mr. Six Fingers, please also be careful, you will be loyal to your Majesty, only loyal to your Majesty!" Master Liu chuckled coldly.

"Oh?" Six fingers sank.

Over the past year, how many courtiers did Long Sanqian conquer, and these courtiers have completely loyal to the Prince, how suddenly changed?

"Master Liu, I want to see your Majesty, hurry up!" Ao Sheng cried.

"Huh?" Master Liu narrowed his eyes.

"I'm Ao Sheng, not Ao Shun, you can go to Bao Bao Ma!" Ao Sheng called suddenly.

Lord Liu frowned slightly, nodded, and quickly went forward to report.

Soon, Lord Liu returned: "Your Majesty is in Chaotang, please go directly to Chaotang!"

"Huh!" Six fingers nodded.

"We're going back!" Said a group of disciples of Tongtian.

"You go first, I will be back soon!" Ao Sheng nodded.

The main disciples of Zhongtongtian left quickly.

Ao Sheng and Six Fingers were brought into the court by Lord Liu.

As soon as he entered the chapel, in the main hall, he rushed to his face, a powerful corpse.

Seeing this corpse, six fingers suddenly changed his face.

Ao Sheng also widened his eyes.

But I saw that Long Shenwu was sitting on the dragon chair, and there was a burst of black gas emanating from the manchu and military under him.

"Your Majesty, they, they have been turned into zombies by you?" Ao Sheng was surprised.

Six-fingered Mr. Liu's eyelids leaped for a while.

Did the Dragon Three Thousand Years buy people's hearts, did they fail for a while? Becoming a zombie, all of life and death are between the thoughts of Long Shenwu.

Long Shenwu sat on the dragon chair and sneered glanced at the six fingers: "Mr. Six Fingers, your Ai Qingqing can only be loyal to You. You have all known what you have done in this year!"

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness ..." The Six Fingers' expression immediately changed.

"Well, I don't blame him, it doesn't matter!" Long Shenwu said lightly.

Everyone has become their own zombie descendants. Even if Long Sanqian had the heart to seize power, he would not be able to make much trouble.

"Yes!" Six nodded and smiled bitterly.

"Your Majesty, I want to change my body. Your Majesty, please help me!" Ao Sheng said anxiously.

"Gu Hai found you?"

"Yes, ............!" Ao Sheng will say something about Dahan again.

"In Tian prison, Mr. Six Fingers will help you change your body!" Long Shenwu nodded.



In prison.

Ao Sheng met Ao Shun.

At this moment, Ao Shun's soul occupied Ao Sheng's body, and his whole body was closed and locked on a wall.

"Ha, ha ha, Ao Sheng, are you back? What about my arm?" Ao Shun, who was locked up, sulked.

"It was cut by the ancient sea. You want revenge. Go to him, hum!" Ao Sheng hummed.

"Mr. Six Fingers, I have an armless body that was originally sealed by Kong Xuan, and was later replaced by a mosquito Taoist. You don't have to worry about him escaping, you can help me and Ao Shun swap the body!" Ao Sheng looked forward.

"Okay, the master left a soulstring, you stand face to face!" Six fingers said.

"it is good!"

Ao Sheng stood in front of Ao Shun.

Take out a guqin with six fingers. There is a long thorn at each end of the guqin, one long thorn pierces into Ao Sheng's eyebrow and one long thorn pierces into Ao Shun's eyebrow.

On the Guqin, there is a string in tension.

"Loose!" Six fingers slightly loosened the strings.


Suddenly, the strings trembled, making a weird noise.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

Ao Shun and Ao Sheng suddenly screamed in pain, shouting, and the whole person trembled. Vaguely, two blue lights emerged from both of them, and they burst into each other.


With a loud noise, Guqin exploded and smashed into powder.

Ao Shun's armless body was suddenly hit by an air current, but Ao Sheng's prisoner also hit the wall.

Suddenly, the two were sober.

Ao Sheng, who was locked, suddenly flashed his eyes: "Ha, ha ha ha, come back, my soul is back to my body, quickly, help me unlock the chains and unlock the seal!"


Liu Dao unlocked Ao Sheng's chain and unlocked Ao Sheng's seal.

The souls of Ao Shun and Ao Sheng already belong to you.

Ao Shun suddenly got his body. A big pain filled the whole body instantly. The disconnection of his arms made Ao Shun momentarily miserable.

"Ao Sheng!" Ao Shun looked angrily at Ao Sheng.

"Come, lock it up!" Ao Sheng chuckled.


Suddenly, a large number of jailers came and locked Ao Shun again, even if Ao Shun had no arms and was closed for repair. Still extremely careful.

"Ao Shun, you really failed to be a human. Huh, Gu Hai didn't care about your life and death, but also chopped your arms. If it wasn't for Xiao Linzi's life-saving life, your body would be turned into flesh, hum!" Sound channel.

"Xiao Linzi is dead?" Ao Shun's face changed, growling.

"Hum, I'm too lazy to tell you more! Your body, Your Majesty, has already asked for it, and it will soon be a corpse, what nonsense are you talking about." Ao Sheng left with a six-finger in his cold voice.

"Don't go, tell me, why did Xiao Linzi die? Why?" Ao Shun roared.

"The one killed by Jin Yiwei, deserve it!" Ao Sheng sneered, stepping out of the prison.

"Don't go, tell me why, Ao Sheng, Ao Sheng!" Ao Shun shouted angrily.

The jailers did not dare to come forward.

Ao Shun roared for a while, but leaned against the wall in bitterness.


At this time, a mosquito's cry sounded in Ao Shun's ear.

Ao Shun was uncomfortable at this moment, and he was even out of driving mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes fell in Ao Shun's ears.

"Extreme Ao, Xiao Linzi was not dead, but was temporarily hidden by your Majesty. I am a mosquito and sent by His Majesty to save you! At the same time, I brought your arms, Your Majesty gave you a treasure, which can help you connect And, the seal on your body is also mine, so I can immediately untie the seal for you and let you out! "The mosquito said softly in Ao Shun's ear.

"Uh?" Ao Shun suddenly stunned, eyes widened, surprised.

"Don't be too surprised, I will help you to unseal the seal first, connect your arms, and kill me with me!" The mosquito Tao Shen said.

"No, don't!" Ao Shun whispered suddenly.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Mosquito said unexpectedly.

Can run away, don't you run away?

"In addition to me, His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness has also been exchanged for his soul. It was Long Sanqian himself! He must first find His Royal Highness's soul, otherwise, His Royal Highness's soul will be ruined once the other party notices it! "Ao Shun said anxiously.

"Ah?" The Mosquito man suddenly changed his face.

PS: I went out, but fortunately, I have saved the draft for two weeks. Only two days have passed. There is no interruption. I updated it in advance today, and I sent two more.

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