Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 34: Find the ancient Qin

This is the second more! ——

Great Emperor Dynasty, Wutian City! In prison.

"His Royal Highness?" The Mosquito man suddenly sank.

"Find the soul of the prince first. Quickly, it's Longsanqian. I saw it with my own eyes, and His Royal Highness changed his soul!" Ao Shun whispered.

"Longsanqian? Okay, I'll look for it!" The mosquito Taoist looked solemnly.


Suddenly, a lot of mosquitoes flew out of Ao Shun. The mosquitoes buzzed out of the prison and went in all directions. For others, searching this palace was extremely difficult, but it was not difficult for the mosquitoes. Because mosquitoes can produce hundreds of millions of black mosquitoes.

While sending mosquitoes to search, the mosquitoes passed through the figurines to send the news to Guhai as soon as possible.

Sky without borders. Go to the study.

There were eight figurines in front of Gu Hai, and suddenly one figurine rang.

"Your Majesty, Ao Shun has changed his body with Ao Sheng, and the minister is already with Ao Shun!" The voice of the mosquito Taoist came.

"Rescue Ao Shun? Great!" Shangguanhen's eyes brightened.

"Whew!" Gu Hai exhaled softly.

"However, Ao Shun asked me not to save him for the time being, because besides Ao Shun, Prince Qin was also changed soul! His Majesty be careful." The voice of the mosquito Taoist came again.

"Sure enough!" Shangguanhen looked at Guhai in surprise.

The mosquitoes got the news from Ao Shunkou, but Gu Hai analyzed the results through a series of analyses. Is that correct?

"Long Sanqian and His Royal Highness exchanged their souls, and His Highness was looking for His Royal Highness's soul in Wutian City, Your Majesty was careful!" The mosquito Taoist heard the news.

"Hey, it's okay here, be careful yourself," Gu Hai said.

"Oh, right!" Mosquito voice came again.


"Long Shenwu seems to have something to do with Long Sanqian. Long Shenwu turned all the civil and military officials of the Great Emperor's Dynasty into zombies and turned into descendants!" The mosquito Taoist said the scene he had seen before.

Gu Hai suddenly frowned: "Oh? Long Shenwu, Long Sanqian have mustaches? Isn't this more than a year, Long Sanqian has the heart to seize power and bought a lot of officials, Long Shenwu found that the situation is not good, in Long San When he was gone, he turned these apostate officials into descendants of zombies and completely conquered them? "

"I don't know!" Came the voice of the mosquito.

"I know, you must be careful. If anything is wrong, save Ao Shun first!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Said the mosquito.

The figurine does not speak.

Shangguanhen looked at Gu Hai: "Your Majesty, it seems that I don't need the minister to confirm it anymore. The mosquitoes have confirmed it? His Royal Highness, is it fake? The minister went to arrest him!"

Gu Hai shook her head, sitting at the desk, raising her brow slightly, and tapping her finger gently on the desk, as if analyzing--

Silvermoon City, Silvermoon Villa.

Tanggu, Nanlong female bodhisattva hurriedly arrived in Silvermoon City.

With the Nanlong Female Bodhisattva on the side, Tanggu also contacted anyone flawlessly, and watched a group of guards outside this Yinyue Mountain Villa.

"Bodhisattva, for Yinyue Mountain Villa, I don't know the situation. For the soul-changing secret, where is it? Is there any? I'm not sure. You and I go in. What's your luck?" Tang Gu solemnly said.

"What? Tanggu, you still want to be separated from me?" Nanlong female Boss said coldly.

"No, I'm just worried. We came here secretly and couldn't hide it for too long. We looked for it separately and had a better chance!" Tang Gu solemnly said.

"Well, that's good, zombie orders for me!" Nanlong female Bo Shen said.

Tang Gu smiled bitterly and nodded: "Okay!"

Nanlong female bodhisattva grasped the zombie dragon and took Tanggu step into Yinyue Mountain Villa.


Suddenly, the two seemed to cross an enchantment. Suddenly, no outside sound was heard.

"Is this an enchantment?" Tang Gu was surprised.

Take out the figurine and pass it to Baidi.

"The figurine has failed?" Tang Gu sank.

"What man!" In the distance, a guard came.

There was a hint of black gas on the guard's face.

"Zombie?" Tang Gu said in a deep voice.

Nanlong female Bodhisattva immediately raised a zombie order.

The zombie guard paused and gave way.

Nanlong Girl and Tanggu quickly stepped into Yinyue Mountain Villa.

Yinyue Shanzhuang is shrouded in enchantment, and there is a lot of cloud cover inside, so it is hard to see clearly. However, as the two entered, they found a large number of zombies standing around.

The two faces sank.

"Go, let's go to Mr. Liuzhi's place!" Tang Gu cried.

At this moment, Tang Gu no longer shouted apart, there were zombie orders in hand, all zombies were released, but if there were no zombie orders, this group of zombies would have shot with all their strength.

The two went straight to the back of Yinyue Mountain Villa, Yangxin Dian, the former residence of Mr. Liuzhi.

Although there are a large number of zombies guarding, but having zombies makes the road open and smooth.

In the heart-building hall, everything is clear at a glance, and there is nothing special.

"No?" Tang Gu looked ugly.

"Continue to search!" Nan Longnu also anxiously.

While the two were searching in the Yangxin Hall, a voice suddenly heard outside the hall.

"Mr. Six Fingers, are you back?" A voice sounded.

Tang Gu and Nanlong girls suddenly sank.

"Sir, I saw your door opened just now, and you must be back, but why can't you let me out of the villa? I'm only allowed to walk in the villa freely, ha ha ha ha, this is Yinyue Villa, this is my home A group of zombies, a group of zombies? You and Dawu Dichao colluded with me, but do n’t bring me! ”The voice outside angered again.

"Is the current owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa, Yunmo?" Tang Gu looked moved.

"Six fingers, come out and give me a statement, I want to go out, I want to be free, I don't want to go to jail here!" Yun Mo shouted again outside the temple.

"If you don't come out again, I will break in!" Yun Mo shouted angrily.

Inside, Tang Gu and Nanlong women's faces sank.

"I guess, if there are treasures, there must be a little bit of investigation in this temple for raising hearts, but ... Bodhisattva, or else, you go to lead him away, I'll look for them and find a meeting with you!" Nanlong Female Buddha.

"Oh, go out and lead him away!" Nanlong girl sneered.

"Me?" Tang Gu's face was angry.

"I said, you go to lead him away, I'll look for it!" Nanlong girl coldly.

Tang Gu's face was unwilling. When Yun Mo was forced to break out, he had no choice but to say, "Okay, but if you find a secret exchange of souls, Lingshan will share it with my emperor!"

"Come on!" Nan Longnu nodded. But my heart was sneer.

Tang Gu walked to the gate with a look of depression.

Turning his back to the Nanlong girl, Tang Gu showed a sneer of pride. Because the Nanlong girl could never think of it, the purpose of Tangyue Yinyue Villa was to find Yunmo.

"Crack!" The door opened slowly.

Yunmo sank outside the temple.

Tang Gu stepped out and closed the door again.


When the door was closed, Yun Mo also saw the person coming.

"It's you? Under Baidi? Why are you here?" Yun Mo stared.

"I was brought back by Mr. Six Fingers. I am now loyal to Mr. Six Fingers, the owner of Yunmo!" Tang Gu gave a slight gift.

"Huh, I don't care who you are loyal to, what about the six fingers? Let him come out to see me!" Yun Mo stared.

"Mr. is inconvenient for the time being, let me explain it to the owner on my behalf!"

"You? Oh, no!"

"The owner wants to reach his heart and must listen to me!"

"Huh? Are you going to punch me?"

"Don't dare, the owner, or else, let's take a step to talk?" Tang Gu laughed.

Yunmo looked at Tang Gu coldly: "Huh, well, I'll see what you say!"

The two left the Yangxin Hall. The Nanlong girl sighed secretly and continued to find her.

Tang Gu and Yun Mo are the Yinyue Temple.

"Say, what do the six fingers mean?" Yun Mo said coldly.

Tang Gu looked around at the servants and shook his head.

"You all go down!" Yun Mo yelled.


A group of subordinates left immediately.

"The owner of Yunmo, just ask one question next!" Tang Gu solemnly said.


"Can the covenant between Yinyue Mountain Villa and the Dahan Emperor be valid?" Tang Gu solemnly said.

Yun Mo suddenly shrank his pupils: "Are you ...?"

"Please ask the owner!" Tang Gu asked again.

"Ha, Gu Hai, finally sent someone!" However, Yun Mo burst into a laugh, a gleam of relief flashed in her eyes.

"It seems that all the figurines of Qin figurines are isolated here, and I can't communicate with the outside world. My Qin figurines can't contact my father, so ..." Tang Gu solemnly said.

"Father Emperor?" Yunmo wondered.

"My father, Gu Hai, my name is Tang!" Tang Gu solemnly said.

"Oh?" Yun Mo suddenly shrank his pupils.

Tang Gu didn't speak, waiting patiently for a while, Yunmo's heart changed for a while, then nodded: "I choose to believe you!"

"Oh? Thank you!"

"You came to Gu Qin, come with me, I know where he is!" Yun Mo solemnly said.

"My brother?" Tang Gu suddenly shrank his pupils.


Led by Yun Mo, the two quickly headed to a valley. There was a secret room in the valley. The two quickly stepped into it. Yun Mo was unimpeded in Yinyue Mountain Villa. Although there were a large number of zombies guarding it, there were no corpses dare to stop it.

Soon, the two came to a cell.

However, in the cell, on a wall, Long Sanqian was chained.

"Owner Yunmo, you're here again? If I come back that day, I wouldn't be trapped today if I wasn't deceived by you, and put away your fake puppet!" Long Sanqian said with a bitter smile.

"His Royal Highness, that day, I was also unintentionally lost, and was deceived by the reincarnation of my ancestors, and made a big mistake. I have been explaining to you that you do n’t believe. These days, I want to go out to report, but the whole villa is blocked. I can't go out, then, this one, should you know? "Yun Mo smiled bitterly.

Long Sanqian looked up, and at a glance, saw Tang Gu standing beside him.

"Xiao Tang?" Long Sanqian suddenly shrank his pupils.

"Are you ancient Qin?" Tang Gu frowned.

Long Sanqian frowned and looked at Tang Gu. The two seemed to distrust each other.

"He is really the ancient Qin!" Yun Mo explained bitterly.

Tang Gu approached, staring at the dragon three thousand.

"You're not sure who I am? Oh, when you broke your head, your mother hugged you for a day, but you just swallowed the pastries that our mother made for us, you forgot? I discovered it then You want me not to say! "

"You!" Tang Gu sank, some convinced.

"That time you had a serious illness, and your mother walked through all the temples for you, bowed down to all the gods and Buddhas, and prayed for you, even worshipped overdraft and fainted!" Long Sanqian said again.

"When you make a mistake, your father will punish you. When you draw you with a wattle, your mother is reluctant to step forward to protect you. You are accidentally **** with a lot of blood by the barb on the wattle. Your father just let you go because you ca n’t bear her! Anymore? "

"Xiao Tang, oh, my mother was so protective of you that year, you sold your mother for wealth and wealth?" Long Sanqian said coldly.

Tang Gu suddenly turned red.

"Brother, Xiao Tang has never forgotten, and will never forget it. But Baidi owns the mother soul, and I ca n’t find the heaven soul and human soul. I can only stay beside the mother soul. Although my strength is not good, but, I will do my best to protect my mother's soul, even if I die, I must guard! "Tang Gu resolutely said with red eyes.

"You?" Long Sanqian was surprised.

"In the past, when I saw my father in Yinyuehai for the first time, my father already knew my mind, but my heart was determined. I didn't dare to reveal it, so I never knew each other. This is what my father gave me. You must know the jade pendant! "Tang Gu took out a jade pendant.

"One of my three favorite jade pendants, I remember, always in the hands of my father?"

"My father is worried that he will not be here in the future. I can't trust you, so ..." Tang Gu smiled bitterly.

"Xiao Tang, you did not disappoint your elder brother!" Long Sanqian's eyes reddened.

"Brother, I'll take you out of here!"

"Yes, leave right away. In the past, I was resurrected by the old man watching chess. My memory was copied a large part. This part was obtained by Long Sanqian. He has most of my memory and changed my body. My father is in danger! Cried Gu Qin.

ps: After two more, go out, the update is unstable, forgive me!

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