Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 41: Scare away

The ancient sea that has been fighting for a long time is a fake? Suddenly, the sky was exposed.

The feeling of being playful lingered instantly.

He turned around and looked at the place where Baidi was bound. Sure enough, the smoke dispersed, there was a mess, and the purpose of the ancient sea was Baidi? And did it succeed?

"Ha, ha ha ha ha, ancient sea!" Tongtianjiao exudes a terrible evil.

It has been calculated by the ancient seas again and again that the resentment generated by the Tongtian leader is enough to make him desperate.

Kong Xuan and Shangguanhen dazzled and rushed towards the ancient sea.

At this moment, the Master of Heaven is not obstructed, it is better to be together.

"Xianxian Sword Formation!" The Master of Tongtian waved again.


The billowing sword gas instantly filled the ancient sea in all directions.

"Your Majesty!" Shangguan marks, Kong Xuan's figure flew forward, and immediately blocked a lot of sword energy.

"You worked hard just now, so you can heal yourself, the Master of Heaven will give it to you!" Gu Hai waved.

Suddenly, he, himself, Shangguan marks, Kong Xuan were buried in the ancient immortal dome.

The Master of the Heavens is holding the fairy sword in his hand and beating it with one sword.


A sword is cut off, and the earth is cut off instantly. But did not touch the ancient immortal dome.

Kong Xuan and Shangguan marks looked at Guhai in doubt.

The last time in His Majesty's Heavenly Capital, His Majesty called the power of a country, but now, is he still a Majesty? Your Majesty can fight the Master of Heaven alone?

"Teacher of the sky!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

Tongtian stared at Gu Hai.

"What you want is not what you want and you can get it. One day when you are there, that thing will never belong to you. You should die this heart as soon as possible, otherwise, the map is annoying!" .

"Gu Hai, this isn't your borderless sky. Do you think that you can hide in the little fairy dome? The six fairy domes can break the void in the power to a certain extent. Even more powerful than the Six Immortals? "Tongtian taught the Master coldly.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked cold.

"Destroy me 诛仙 剑, I still have Swords of Swords, Trap of Swords, and Swords of Swords! Swords of Swords Sword are still there, see me breaking your little fairy's vault, the sages are out, and the heavens and the earth!" The Master of Heaven suddenly grabbed the Swords, A sword from the ground came to the ancient sky.

A sword was cut out, and the void cut out a huge crack. The void ripped apart. Even the Six Immortals can't stand it, can the ancient immortals do?

Gu Hai's face changed, and she immediately took out the health knife and cut it off.

Eyes of life and death open.

"Seven days a week!" Gu Hai shouted.


The swords collided, and the void instantly shattered countlessly, and the ancient sea was instantly blown out.


A spurt of blood spurted.

Jue Xian Sword is too strong, even though Gu Hai is doing his best, he is still chopped off instantly.

On the way upside down. The surrounding void slowly recovered, but in front of the ancient sea, a moving black hole appeared. It was as if a black hole had been cut out of the ancient immortal dome.

"Hahahaha, let me say it, your little fairy sky, but this is also the case, I see now, what can you rely on!"

At a very fast speed, it rushes into the black hole in an instant, as if through this black hole, it rushes into the ancient fairy dome.


Suddenly, Master Tongtian went in.

The ancient sea waved suddenly, and a trap knife emerged from the void.

The trapping knife dragged the void, and energy nets rushed towards the black hole.

"This, isn't this the ancient immortal dome?" In the black hole, a scream came from the Master of Heaven.

A powerful force squeezed the God of Heaven in the black hole.

"Ah, what kind of power is this, it hurts, this is a passageway? Where is it going?" Tongtian leader roared painfully in the black hole.

"Go over, walk over, you know!" Gu Hai roared.

This is certainly not the way to enter the ancient fairy's dome.

The Master of Heaven is right, the ancient immortal dome is not impeccable, at least no more than six immortal domes, it is just a fragmented immortal dome, and there is still the risk of breaking it in front of absolute power. Of course, the ancient sea will not take the danger of the ancient fairy heaven.

As soon as the Juxian Sword was chopped, the ancient sea closed the Celestial Soul of the Sky and attacked the Juxian Sword with Zhoutian Qiqi, which was still vulnerable. Hit and fly instantly, but Gu Hai could have arranged an array before.

The formation method leading to the Pagoda of Immortals condenses a passage. In the past, Sun Wukong went back and forth, and intercepted the passage through heaven, and this is it.

The two immortal vaults need to be balanced. Only one person can come over at a time. Gu Hai has been thinking of ways to send ordinary people to the past, it simply does not work, the strangling force in the black hole is too strong.

Gu Hai guessed, at least to cut off the powerful body of Tongtian.

Wanshou Tongtian has been chasing after him all the time. Now that Gu Hai is cheating him, isn't he trying to go to the fairy heaven? Let him pass.

You can't cure Wanshou Tongtian by yourself. Some people in Qiongxian Qiong subdue him. Lao Tzu and Shakymani, as long as they shot, Wanshou Tongtian will definitely not run.

Using a black hole to pretend the broken opening of the ancient immortal dome, it really led the heavenly master to be fooled. The Master of the Heavens entered.

"Roar, let me out!" The leader of Tongtian struggled hard in the black hole.

The ancient sea urged the formation and constantly sent the Tongtian leader to the past. However, the Tongtian leader struggled, and it was useless at all.

"Release Master!" The master disciple of Zhongtiantian screamed in horror.

"Kong Xuan and Shangguan marks, stop them!" Gu Hai waved and released the two.

"Yes!" The two responded.

Although Kong Xuan and Shang Guanchen just hid in the ancient fairy sphere just now, the outside world still saw it clearly. It was thought that His Majesty could only deal with the God of Heaven only in the capital. Now it seems that he is ridiculous.

His Majesty can trap the Master of Heaven, even with the formation method.

The two immediately clenched their fists and rushed to the disciples of Master Tongtian.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom ... ………………!"

For a time, the fighting outside the city of extinction heated up again.

The Tongtian leader is trapped. Although these disciples are strong, they are a little different from Kong Xuan and Shangguan marks. For a time, they were beaten.

"Gu Hai, you can't trap me, absolutely immortal!" The Master of Tongtian Church roared continuously in the black hole.


The fairy dome channel twisted for a while, as if to collapse.

Gu Hai's face sank.

This channel cannot be destroyed.

The Master of Heaven does not cooperate.


Gu Hai waved.


As soon as the black hole opened, the ancient sea released the leader of Tongtian.

"What?" Kong Xuan and Shangguanhen's faces changed.

"Master!" A crowd of disciples surprised.

The master of Tongtian Church looked at Gu Hai facelessly, and there was a dread in his eyes, because Tong Tian could see that Gu Hai had deliberately released himself just now.

Gu Hai looked at the God of Heaven: "Heaven of God, what was it like just now?"

"Well, even if you don't let me out, I can come out in a moment!" The Tongtian leader didn't appreciate it.

"Oh, ha ha ha, Master Tongtian, are you cheated by Sima Changkong?" Gu Hai said coldly.


"Do you think that, after leaving Wudu Tiandu, he will be slaughtered by others?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"You can last forever with that formation?" Tongtian taught the Lord coldly.

"What do you think of the puppet formation? Only this point can bear it? And, have you forgotten that there is an ancient immortal dome?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Ancient Celestial Dome? What about it, if you show it again, I can break it!" Tongtian Master said coldly.

"Ancient Celestial Dome, do you think that He can only use it as a shield?" Gu Hai sneered.


"The difference between the immortal dome and the storage magic weapon is that there are creatures inside. Do you understand the meaning of beings? In the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, there were three hundred cities in the dynasty's support for you. Souls support you. If you borrow from the whole of the ancient immortal sky, do you think that your power is not as good as that day? "Gu Hai cried.

"Uh?" The leader of Tongtian suddenly changed his face.

I hadn't thought about it before, but now it's horrible to think about it.

The power of a world? In the past, the Dragon Warring States did just that, and they could forcibly deprive all beings.

"In the past, in the Heavenly Palace, the soul and body could n’t support you to have this power. Oh, now you are in Heaven, and you think you are the same as before? You are not your opponent. Do n’t fight anymore. Mobilize the power of the world! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"The power of one realm?" Kong Xuan and Shangguanhen were instantly happy.

Your Majesty still has such power?

Yes, with this power, you can defeat the leader of Heaven last time, and this time you can.

Cut through the barriers of the ancient fairy dome? Joke, Your Majesty doesn't need this barrier protection at all.

Tongtianjiao's face is extremely ugly.

The power of his pride, in the face of Gu Hai, is so ridiculous? Fairy sky? He has a fairy dome. Fight again, just trying to make a joke.

Wuxiantian lost one time, and today will lose another second?

"I don't believe it!" A desperate unwillingness flashed through the eyes of the Tongtian leader.

"Don't believe it, you can try it, this time, hey, it won't soften anymore!" Detective Gu Hai grabbed the knife and said with a cheek.

Everyone was quiet around.

The ancient sea and the Tongtian leader all looked at each other coldly, and the atmosphere became extremely tense.

The two looked so coldly that they hadn't moved a whole half of the column incense.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha!" The Tongtian leader suddenly burst into a sad laugh.

There was a trace of cold sweat on Gu Hai's forehead, but it was dried carefully in an instant.

"Ancient sea? The Lord remembered, wait for the Lord to retrieve the Shinto Scriptures, and come to you again, hum!" The Tongtian leader uttered a grievance unwillingly.

"Let's go!" Master Tongtian shook his sleeve.

Immediately led to the sky with a group of disciples, went to the distant sky and left.

Scared away by the ancient sea?


At this time, Gu Hai exhaled a long breath and burst out with sweat.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?" Shangguan marks keenly found that the ancient sea was abnormal.

"It's okay, let's go!" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.


The three quickly flew towards the borderless sky.

The imagination of the ancient fairy immortal is mobilized, but the imagination is beautiful, but only Gu Hai himself knows that there are still too few beings in the ancient fairy immortal. At most, the Emperor Dahan borrowed so much from the ten cities. .

Even if the power is mobilized, it is not the opponent of the Master of Heaven.

Fortunately, the heart of the strong man who had been the master of the heavens had been chopped by himself last time, and he was defeated again and again, making him instinctively think that he was inferior to himself. The black hole just now is the biggest example.

Otherwise, it is necessary to take the pride of the former Master of the Heaven and not consider other things at all.

The ancient three disappeared into the sky.

While the Master of Heaven is being intimidated, Sima Changkong is a strong man anxiously looking to the holy places of Lingshan in a forest in the distance.

"I have said that Gu Hai is deceiving. You, why don't you take a shot, what a chance!" Sima Changkong shouted in depression.

"Bulgarian Buddha!" ​​No one wants to take a shot of Bodhisattva and Luo Han.

The Tongtian leader is scared, and the Nanlong girl is not there. Do you think we are stupid?

"Even if you don't want to, let go of me, and I will tell the Tongtian leader, don't stop me!" Sima Changkong shouted in depression.

The Bodhisattvas still shook their heads and suppressed Sima Changkong to prevent them from being involved.

"You timid generations!" Sima Changkong roared in depression.

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