Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 42: Father-son fight

Heavenless Capital!

The Guhai trio rushed back overnight.

"His Majesty, Prince Qin was also replaced?" Kong Xuan was surprised.

"Yes, but it has been changed back, and Mr. Yinyue has been caught by the uncle!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Oh?" Kong Xuan showed a stun.

There is no way to be frightened. Although this reincarnation of Mr. Yinyue is impossible, but his ability to change souls has made everyone frightened.

Changing souls, if you suddenly find out that you are not yourself, how terrible it should be.

The crowd returned to Chongtian Temple Square.

At this moment, Ao Shun and mosquitoes also rushed back.

Mo Yike, Gao Xianzhi, Chen Tianshan, and Monte Thai all knew that Her Majesty was in danger of going here, and they were also waiting at Chongtian Temple Square.

When they saw the three returning from the ancient sea, they suddenly exhaled.

"Welcome your Majesty's return!" Everyone said happily.

Ao Shun stepped forward, paying respects to the ancient sea: "Thank you for your help!"

"Extreme Ao Shun, you don't have to do this. After entering the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, I have an obligation to keep you safe!" Gu Hai helped Ao Shun.

"Yes!" Ao Shun nodded moved.

"Mosquitoist, are you injured?" Gu Hai looked at the mosquitoist.

The Mosquito smiled slightly bitterly: "That dragon **** martial art turned into a zombie, it's really powerful. It should not be much worse than the Master of Heaven!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

The strength of the Master of the Heaven is clear, but the ancient sea is clear. If there is not the potential of the world, why can't he himself be so powerful? What if we call Dawu's power all over the world?

"Your Majesty, Prince Qin, but has been rescued?" Mo Yike worried.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Mo Yike in doubt.

What does Mo Yike mean? Isn't the prince good?

"Mr. Mo, I haven't concealed you!" Gu Hai smiled.


The ancient Qin imprisoned the dragon three thousand and suddenly appeared on the Chongtian Temple Square.

"This prince is ...?" Mo Yike frowned.

"It's ancient Qin!" Gu Hai nodded.

Mo Yike breathed a sigh of relief, then relieved, then looked coldly at Long Sanqian, who was imprisoned by ancient Qin.

"Master Mo, how did you know?" Kong Xuan wondered.

Along the way, Kong Xuan knew how to pass, how could Mo Yike also know?

"It is also speculated that there is a second person to be exchanged. It is dangerous, but fortunately, His Majesty found it early, and everything is out of order anyway!" Mo Yike sighed.

"Oh?" Gaoxianzhi looked astonished.

"Master Mo's wisdom is worse than shame!" Chen Tianshan sighed.

Shangguan marks also looked at Mo Yike in surprise. His Majesty could see the problems of the ancient Qin Dynasty, and Mo Yike even analyzed it. No wonder His Majesty is so respectful of ink.

"This is Long Sanqian?" Montai looked at Long Sanqian, who had been dropped on the ground.

"Mr. Yinyue's reincarnation! I never thought of it." Gu Hai looked coldly at Long Sanqian.

"The soul change of Qin Dao is extremely dangerous. He heard that even after the soul change, even his life style changed. That is to say, if he changed his soul, he would replace it. Recognize him as the Lord! "Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

Everyone looked at Long Sanqian, and suddenly felt cold in their hearts.

It was thought that the Dawu Emperor created spies for the sake of defeating the Dahan Emperor. Now, it seems that the Great Emperor's ambition of the wolf actually wanted to be in place and directly replaced His Majesty.

"Where is Yunmo?" Long Sanqian said coldly.

Gu Hai beckoned, Yun Mo suddenly appeared.

Yun Mo appeared, and looked around in doubt.

"Yunmo? Ha, don't you descendants of Xiao, how dare you betray me?" Long Sanqian looked at Yunmo facelessly.

"Ancient Emperor, has he changed?" Yun Mo was surprised.

Gu Hai nodded.

Long Sanqian's interrogation made Yunmo frown slightly, but Yunmo didn't fear or refute anything.

Long Sanqian wanted to harm himself, and he was considered self-protected. And also to save the people of Yinyuecheng.

"Dragon Three Thousand!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

Long Sanqian stared at the ancient sea.

"Your ability is too dangerous, but He is willing to give you a chance to enter the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, would you be willing?" Gu Haishen said.

"Your Majesty, it is too dangerous!" Mo Yike worried.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this person exchanges his body, but it is extremely dangerous, and he should be killed directly!" Shangguanhen also anxiously said.

Everyone was worried about Long Sanqian's ability, but Gu Hai appreciated it very much.

Swap body? This ability is a double-edged sword. Although it may hurt itself, if it is used to hurt the enemy, it will be an invincible weapon.

Gu Hai stared at Dragon Three Thousand.

Long Sanqian looked at Gu Hai in amazement: "Ha, ha ha ha ha, you want to subdue me? Hahaha, you want to subdue me? Funny, ridiculous, ridiculous ...!

"You have become a prisoner under the ranks. What capital do you have to resist?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"I dare you use it?"

"As long as you are willing, I dare to use it!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"It's ridiculous, do you really think I have no resistance?" Long Sanqian said coldly.

"What else can you do?" Gu Hai said coldly.

Yunmo frowned, "Ancient Emperor, he can change his soul!"

"Change the soul? I won't give him a chance!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"No, ancient emperor, you forgot my figurine of the piano, it is the same-frequency resonance principle, and this principle is what he left! I improved it!" Yun Mo frowned.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"This secret method was originally not used on the figurines, but on 'fixed points for the soul'!" Yun Mo worried.

"Changing for a soul? What do you mean?" Gu Hai wondered.

"It is to set a soul-changer in advance and cast a spell on its body. In the future, no matter where the soul-changer is, as long as Longsanqian is willing, he can exchange souls!" Yun Mo anxiously said.

"What?" The faces of everyone changed, and they looked at Long Sanqian together.

If he set up a fixed exchange person, wouldn't he be able to escape at any time?

"Yunmo, you really have a lot to say!" Long Sanqian glared, angrily.

"The fixed-soul swapper will have a mark left by Long Sanqian on his body. His mark is usually a Guqin pattern!" Yun Mo anxiously said.


However, they saw that Long Sanqian shuddered and his body suddenly burst out of blue light.

"Not good, he changed his soul, fixed his soul!" Yun Mo's face changed.

"Kill him!" Shangguan marks suddenly changed his face and wanted to take a shot.

"It's too late, his soul has fled!" Yun Mo shook his head.

"Escape?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"I think of it, I think of it, I've seen that Guqin pattern, it's a tattoo!" The mosquito Taoist's face suddenly changed.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at the mosquitoes together.

"It's Long Shenwu! When I was fighting him, I saw a tattoo of Guqin at the back of his neck, was he?" Mosquito Taoist eagerly said.

"Long Shenwu?" Everyone sank.


However, I saw that the place of Long Sanqian's body suddenly burst into a blue light, and instantly poured into Long Sanqian's body.

"Sin child, dare!" Long Sanqian showed his face, and roared suddenly.

After yelling, Long Sanji excitedly looked at the Quartet in surprise.

"Ancient sea?" Long Sanqian's face changed.

Then, Long Sanqian looked at his own body, and all roared, "Sin child, sin child, you jerk!"

Long Sanqian was going to violently rise, and as soon as the detective from Shangguan Mark pressed it, he suppressed it. Can't move.

"Long Shenwu?" Gu Hai's eyelids leaped wildly.

The people around were also shocked. This ability to exchange souls was really terrifying.

"Even if he can't be the master of Dahan, he can be the master of Dawu! Dragon three thousand? Oh, what a weird piano way!" Tianshan King's face was gloomy.

"We went to 800,000 years ago, Long Sanqian secretly mastered the Great Emperor Dynasty, but unfortunately, Long Shenwu discovered that Long Shenwu turned a number of dignitaries into descendants of zombies and regained their rights. How long did it take? Taking a salary at the bottom of the kettle and changing his body with Long Shenwu? Ha, this pair of father-son fighting is really fierce! "Mo Yike also took a deep breath.

The ancient sea was gazing at each other: "Are you a dragon **** martial?"

"Hum, today, counted by the sinner, the blood of the uncle's generals has become the sinner, ha ha ha ha, Gu Hai, you can kill if you want to kill, but you have to know that I did not die in your hands, I am a sinner Killed! "Long Shenwu was extremely depressed at the moment.

"Mo Yike, ask Wu Tiancheng for a detailed work!" Gu Hai Shen said.

Mo Yike left immediately, and soon Mo Yike returned.

"Your Majesty, Wu Tiancheng's air fortune suddenly tumultuous, the air fortune Jinlong screamed, and then returned to its original state, Emperor Wu summoned six fingers into the palace to see you!" Mo Yike explained.

"Oh? It seems true!" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Gu Hai, you do n’t need to verify. You were killed by the evil son today, and you blame yourself, but you remember that you can have today's achievements, and Father Sheng had great gratitude to you in that year!" Long Sanqian stared at Gu Hai dead.

"Oh? Do you still remember the Dragon Warring States? In those days, when the Dragon Warring States was against the sky, how did you stand by?" Gu Hai stared at Dragon Shenwu.

"Well, Father Sheng talked to our three brothers at the time. I didn't want to, so what?" Long Sanqian said coldly.

"Dragon Warring States talked to your three brothers? Oh, yes, few people know about this, Long Sanqian certainly didn't know it, but Dragon Warring States mentioned it to you, and now I'm sure, you are Dragon God Wu!" The ancient sea was cold.

"Hum, now sure, what can you do? Can you let me go?" Long Sanqian sneered.

"Why not?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Uh?" Long Sanyi stunned.

The surrounding ministers also changed their faces, and the next moment, their expressions became clear.

"You want to let me go back and let me deal with the evil son? Ha!" Long Sanqian stared at Gu Hai.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded very simply.

"Uh?" Long Sanqian sank.

"Shangguan marks, untie his seal and let him go!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Detective Shangguan marks unseals the Dragon 3000 seal.

"Long Shenwu, letting you go this time, it can be regarded as the return of the Dragon Warring States! Don't use Dragon Warring States to talk about things next time!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Huh!" Long San hummed coldly, soaring into the sky, flying towards the distance.

PS: Guanqi wrote a foreign version, in the WeChat public account, if you are interested, you can take a look, WeChat public account: aiguanqi

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