Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 52: Unborn

Heavenless Capital! Go to the study!

"Under the Qi, millions of bronze troops have all been swallowed by Kong Xuan, the grand victory of Luoqin City!" Mo Yike said excitedly.

"What about the other two?" Gu Hai asked.

"The Nanhai Dragon King's army did not manage him. After all, he was still too unfamiliar to avoid it first. The minister let Shangguanhen and Ao Shun take people to go to Sanshan City to deal with Ao Sheng, and to conquer the North Sea Dragons As soon as it was conquered, the Emperor Wudi completely cut off his wings! "Mo Yike's eyes flashed a light.

"Sanshancheng?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, Sanshancheng, that's ...!" Mo Yike smiled, his face suddenly froze.

"Bring the map!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

Mo Yike also felt that something was wrong and immediately fetched the map.


The map is rolled out, because the spells depict the location on the map as clear as three-dimensional.

"Sanshan City? Not good, Your Majesty, and the officials are negligent!" Mo Yike suddenly changed his face.

"Sanshan City? Oh, the Great Emperor Wu, the Great Han Emperor, the Great Emperor Emperor, the border of the Three Kingdoms?" Gu Hai's face was dark.

"Yes, the Great Emperor Dynasty has never intervened in war. Although the border city of the Great Emperor Dynasty was strictly guarded against death, there was no sign of troops after all, and the minister sent an ambassador to the Great Emperor Dynasty in order to show good relations. I thought , Dragon God will not intervene, but did not expect ..., this may be a bureau! "Mo Yike face ugly.

"A place where the three countries meet? Ao Sheng was arranged in Sanshan City?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Chen should have long thought that these days, the Han Han army kept attacking me towards the city, but there was a commonality, running away from where the three countries converged, Chen ..." Mo Yike looked ugly.

"I don't blame you, and it's not the most critical time yet!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Mo Yike nodded.

"Notify Shangguanhen and Ao Shun to withdraw!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Yes, I just don't know if it's too late!" Mo Yike complexed.

"Long Shenzhang intervened? He didn't keep the soldiers all the time, but he might have waited for this moment. Nanhai Dragon King? Not an alliance with Dragon God Wu, it should be an alliance with Dragon God Wu, just using Dragon God Wu!" Gu Hai Shensheng Road.

"Your Majesty!" Suddenly, a voice came from outside the study.

"Huh?" Gu Hai answered.

"Shouyuan Temple Siqing, unborn return, please see Your Majesty!" Came the voice outside the hall.

"An unborn child is back?" Gu Hai stood up abruptly, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Mo Yike, you are going to arrange the affairs of Sanshan City right away!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Mo Yike immediately quit the study.

Gu Hai also eagerly stepped out of the study.

Unborn, Long Wanqing, Long Wanyu, this walk has been for many years, the unborn are back? Wanqing, are they back?

The ancient sea stepped out of the study. But on the square in front, a man wearing a black and white robe was looking far northwest.

The black and white robe is exactly the undressed one. However, there were no two women around.

"Unborn?" Gu Hai stepped forward, worried in his eyes.

The unborn then turned his eyes from the northwest.

"Shouyuan Temple Siqing, meet Your Majesty!" Weiren gave a slight gift.

Although wrapped in a robe, Gu Hai quickly determined that it was him.

"Unborn? You're finally back, Wanqing? And, is Wanyu's injury better?" Gu Hai said anxiously.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, they are all unharmed, they are protected by Wan Qing, Wan Yu will not be hurt, but now, it will be delayed for a while!" Weisheng frowned.

"Why? Wan Yu's injury is not good yet?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"It's almost there, it's just a bit complicated, Wan Qing asked Chen to come back, please let Her Majesty go to the underworld with the Chen!" Weisheng solemnly said.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Gu Hai worried.

"I can't say!" Weisheng said indignantly.


"Your Majesty, please?


?? Ask, you will know when your Majesty arrives. Chen Chen does n’t say it, it ’s for Wan Yu ’s good. She ca n’t say anything about her, otherwise, she will have a life worries! "No one solemnly said.

"Are you worried that there are ears in the partition? 朕 Set up a soundproof enchantment!" Gu Haishen said.

"No, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, if you believe him, please don't ask, Wan Yu's things can't be said, and the soundproofing world is useless. If the minister talks a lot, she will die!"

"How is it possible, who wants to kill her?" Gu Hai looked ugly.

The unborn did not speak, and pulled out the withered finger in his right hand and pointed it into the sky.


Gu Hai's pupils suddenly shrank. The face was surprised.

The meaning of the unborn, Gu Hai understands, the sky is going to destroy Wan Yu? The unborn person refers to the Six Immortals?

Taking a deep breath, Gu Hai suppressed all the curiosity in his heart.

"When will I go?" Gu Hai Shensheng asked.

"No rush, no rush, at this time, Your Majesty, the view of the borderless sky is drifting, are you ...?" Weiren wondered.

"Unbounded heavenly capital, it is necessary to enter the true north of the Lord Shenzhou. Now, it is fighting the Great Emperor Dynasty, and perhaps the Great Emperor Dynasty is participating!" Gu Hai explained.

"Oh?" Weisheng looked at Gu Hai in surprise.

After walking for a few years, not only has Dahan been promoted to the imperial dynasty, but also he has to ask the world? So fast?

"Then the task at hand is finished, after all, I don't know how long it will take to go to the underworld!" Weisheng solemnly said.

"Wan Qing and Wan Yu, are you really okay now?" Gu Hai asked again.

"Your Majesty rest assured, they are court daughters, and court officials can't make fun of them!" Nobody nodded.

"That's good!" Gu Hai exhaled deeply.

"Your Majesty, there is war in that direction?" The unborn person suddenly pointed to the northwest.

The ancient sea looked slightly moving, and the direction pointed by the unborn person seemed to be the direction of Sanshancheng?

"That's right, that direction is Sanshan City, the place where Han, Wu and Li are at the junction! It should be the center of the next war!" Gu Hai frowned and nodded.

"Sanshancheng? A heavy corpse!" Weisheng frowned.

"Body gas?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I'll wait for Shouxiu to open the Tianyan. Once the Tianyan is opened, I can see that direction, the corpse gas is soaring into the sky, and someone seems to have set up a monstrous life array. The corpse gas is not scattered, the land of great murder!" Solemnly.

"Sky eyes?" Gu Hai slightly for a while.

When referring to Tianyan, Gu Hai suddenly remembered that Tianhun was so impressed that he also had Tianyan. Just consume too much.

Take a step forward. The ancient sea suddenly urged the soul of heaven, and a narrow seam suddenly appeared in the eyebrow.


The crack opened, and the third eye came out instantly.

The eyes open.

Facing the unborn, the unborn did not notice the abnormality of Gu Haimei's heart.

As soon as the eyes of the ancient sea opened, I saw the place of Sanshan City.


The black storm raged, Gu Hai glanced at it, but saw the black gas billowing endlessly.

The black gas roared, forming a giant tornado that wrapped up the entire Sanshan City. In the black gas, a large number of demon heads kept condensing, and Ninger continued to scream with despair and screams.

Looking at the black gas storm is like seeing the evil spirit purgatory. It's heartbreaking.

"Body Qi? Shou Zhen?" Gu Hai's face sank.


After all, Tianyan consumed too much, and suddenly converged, disappeared in Guhai Meixin, and returned to Tianhun Meixin.

The unborn person seemed to feel it, and looked at the ancient sea in doubt.

But at this moment, Gu Hai has put away Tianyan. Gu Hai didn't ask about the unborn person's sky eye, nor did he want to expose his sky eye.

Just now Gu Hai saw the magnificent scene of Sanshan City, and now I was worried.

"You said just now, qi and life array? What happened?" Gu Hai looked at the unborn.

"I didn't see it very clearly. I could only feel the dead body in the distance. Ninger stayed together. There must be a longevity team in Sanshan City. Moreover, the longevity team at this level is even more difficult. , At least four months long! "Weisheng frowned.

"Four months long? That is, the Han's enemies were shortly established? So, it should have been arranged by the dragon gods? Long-planned?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"This corpse is really huge, and the people in that city may be stricken!" Shen Sheng said innocently.

"People in a city?"

"Yes, all turned into zombies, so big and hard-hearted! That place, nowadays, can't only enter. As long as you go in, it will be difficult to come out!" Weisheng said quietly.

Gu Hai's face sank.

At this moment, Mo Yike came hurriedly, and his face was very ugly: "Your Majesty, I can't contact Ao Shun or Shangguanhen, and now, Kong Xuan has also gone to Sanshan City! I am afraid that he has also entered the city."

"Can't connect?" Gu Hai frowned.

"In Shou Zhen, there is a world of its own, and the figurines should be useless!" Weisheng explained.

Just when Mo Yike was worried.

"Your Majesty!" A guard quickly rushed forward: "Dawu Emperor Dynasty, Long Shenwu, spreading Dawu Emperor to the world with luck, borrowing power from the people!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"According to the report from the Wutiancheng agent, Dragon God Wu moved to the southwest after mobilizing the power of a country, and did not rush to the borderless sky capital!" Said the guard respectfully.

"Southwest? Sanshancheng?" Gu Hai sank.

"Sniping Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, Ao Shun?" Mo Yike suddenly changed his face.

"Even if Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, and Ao Shun were defeated, they would be able to retreat! Notify the mosquitoes and prepare to go to support." Gu Hai's face was gloomy.


"Under Qiqi, the great emperor's dynasty, and the dragon **** prince, spread the great emperor's dynasty to the world with luck, and borrow from the people!" Another guard called.

"Long Shenzhen is also going? Go to kill Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, and Ao Shun?" Mo Yike's face changed.

If Kong Xuan had escaped with the support of mosquitoes before, it is now a dead end.

Dragon gods are a little stronger than dragon gods, and there is another country coming forward, which is better than the master of the heaven. Sanshan City, the border of the Three Kingdoms. They made up their minds to chop Gu Hai's left arm and right arm.

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