Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 53: Gathering Sanshan City


It was learned that the army of destroying Han had three routes, Shangguan marks, and Ao Shun was ordered to come straight at the fastest speed.

When the two arrived outside the Sanshan City, Ao Sheng in the distance led the Qianlong tribe to begin to attack the city. Followed by some Dawu troops, of course, these people are mainly responsible for logistics.

However, at this moment Sanshancheng is a bit strange, with a lot of fog around it.

"Well, why do you have a cold feeling when you enter this foggy area?" Ao Shun frowned.

"Don't worry about this, Ao Sheng is about to break the siege of the city, first do it in accordance with the command of the commander!" Shangguan marks Shen said.

"Okay, I stopped Ao Sheng. You control all the dragons and all of them. They have ancient souls in their bodies. Capture them first. Later, slowly pull out the ancient souls!" Ao Shun Shen said.

"Okay!" Shangguan Mark answered.

"call out!"

The two rushed towards Sanshan City instantly--

Sanshan city with heavy fog.

Ao Sheng led the army, and at this moment also showed a hint of blankness.

"Extreme, no guards?" A dragon frowned.

"There is also a fog covering the city, but no sound comes? It looks like a dead city!" Said another dragon.

"Break the city first, then be careful! Ambush carefully!" Ao Sheng gave a cold drink.

"Yes!" Ten dragons rushed to the enchantment.


The dragon tail slammed into the enchantment, and there were numerous cracks in the enchantment, but no army came out to stop it.

"Continue!" Ao Sheng said again.


The Shoucheng enchantment exploded and opened, and the whole Sanshan City was slammed.

"Broken?" The eyes of the dragons brightened.

However, there was still a lot of fog in the city, and no sound came.

"Not right, Supreme, no one's voice, ambush among us?" A dragon said blankly.

"Go and see!" Ao Sheng Shen said.


Suddenly, a strong wind hit in the distance, but it was Ao Shun and Shangguanhen that arrived.

"Is it you?" Ao Sheng's face changed.

"Prince Ao Shun?" The dragons' eyes were all around.

Although Ao Sheng was imbued with the ancient soul in his body and could only wait for Ao Sheng to dispatch him, he still had a sincere respect for Ao Shun.

"Notify Six Fingers, Dragon King of the South China Sea and Your Majesty!" Ao Sheng yelled.

"Yes, yes!" A group of logistics officials behind him answered.

"Ao Shun, huh, for more than a month, have you finally come out to face me?" Ao Sheng said coldly.

"Ao Sheng, I have never considered you as an opponent!" Ao Shun Shen said.

"But you're right!" Ao Sheng said coldly.

"That's what you asked for!" Ao Shun shook his head.

"Self-seeking? Huh, self-seeking? Since you are here today, don't even think about leaving, all shot, and won Ao Shun!" Ao Sheng angered.

While talking, turn around.

"Ang ~~~!"

The group of dragons suddenly burst into death, as if they were being controlled, red eyes glowed, and they swung towards Ao Shun in roar.

Ao Shun met, crossed the dragons in an instant, and came to Ao Sheng.

A palm hit Ao Sheng, Ao Sheng's face sank and welcomed him.


Ao Sheng was suddenly hit by Ao Shun to the sky. Ao Shun chased quickly.

"Ang, Ang, Ang .........!"

The dragons were possessed by the ancient soul, and they turned around in the roar as if to chase them.

"You dragons, offended!" Shangguanhen sank.

Immediately stopped in front of the group of dragons, and patted by a hand, a large group of dragons were hit and flew out, Shangguanhen grabbed one with each hand, quickly pressed in a golden energy, and instantly sealed the two dragons. Let him be at a loss, and throw it into the city.

"Sanshancheng generals, put away these sealed dragons!" Shangguanhen said coldly.

The Shangguan mark was very windy and very fast. Seals, seals, fast seals, and a dragon were thrown into the city.

But Dawu's logistics officials were running away in fear.

Shangguan marks a person, like thousands of soldiers and horses, suddenly in the thick fog, Jinguangzhang, blocking the dragons.

Ao Sheng was stopped by Ao Shun. Looking at the scene in the distance, his face suddenly changed.

"Ao Shun, do you want to grab my subordinates?" Ao Sheng's face changed dramatically.

"They belong to you? Oh, they were all forced by you. Today, I will take them away and leave them to you, they will only kill them. They are my comrades in arms and my brothers!" Ao Shun Cold channel.

"Miscellaneous accounts!" Ao Sheng turned into a huge black dragon.

However, Ao Shun's black dragon was bigger. The two dragons were entangled in the sky, collided with black water, collided with the dragon god, and bite and banged. However, Ao Sheng was not an opponent of Ao Shun. For a time, he was anxious.

Seeing that more and more dragons have been sealed, and less than 20% of the dragons are left, Shangguanhen will free his hands to deal with himself.

"Ao Shun, you wait, you wait, Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~!" Ao Sheng roared angrily.

Turning his head, Ao Sheng fled away.

Ao Shun looked at Ao Sheng, sighed slightly, but did not chase again.

But when he saw Ao Sheng rush into the fog, he disappeared in a flash, but he flew back again.

"Again?" Ao Shun's face sank, and he seemed to be shooting again.

Ao Sheng's face changed, and he was a little dazed: "Why am I back again?"

Turning his head, Ao Sheng rushed into the fog again, watching Ao Shun for a while, but soon, Ao Sheng flew back.

"What? Can't fly out? How is it possible!" Ao Sheng's face turned wild.


"Aren't you leaving?" Ao Shun wondered.

"Ao Shun, you set a trap? Did you set up in Sanshan City already? Hahaha, sure enough, you are still insidious enough to get away? If you ca n’t get away, I wo n’t go. Today, either you die or I live! Ao Sheng rushed to Ao Shun again in anger.


The two dragons collided again--

Sanshan City outside the fog.

The Nanhai Dragon King, with hundreds of Nanhai Dragons, and fifty Bodhisattvas and Arhats stopped out of the fog.

"Trust Wutiancheng! Dialogue with Dragon God Wu!" Nanhai Dragon King chuckled coldly.


The violin figurine next to him trembled.

"Long Shenwu, six fingers and Ao Sheng have been ambushed. I have now arrived in Sanshan City. Ao Sheng is not dead yet. If you want to save him, come here. Here is the border of the Great Emperor. You can have the power of a country. A few masters of the imperial dynasty, come and help me, leave them, and cut off the left arm and right arm of Guhai, and the emperor of Dahan will stop! ”Said the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

"Sanshan City? Sanshan City? Huh, okay, okay, okay, annihilate the bronze army. Today, I will let you come back and forth, Ao Sihai, hold them, I will come right away!" Long Shenwu's voice from Qinqin Here comes the figurine.

"Good!" Ao Sihai answered. The scout smashed the figurine aside.

Looking at the fog in front of him, Ao Sihai showed a sneer: "Dragon gods? Really good means, everything went according to your schedule?"

"Dragon King, are we going in?" A Buddha frowned.

"Go in, rest assured, this formation will only cooperate with us, will not hurt us, go!" Ao Sihai said coldly.


Ao Sihai stepped into it with everyone.

As soon as I entered it, I saw the fierce internal fighting, and the two black dragons slaughtered at high altitude. Below them, the Shangguan marks were extremely bright. In a short time, all the dragons were sealed.

Into the city, but there is no movement in the city.

Shangguanhen's face sank and he entered the city instantly.

As soon as I entered the city, I saw that everyone in the city had passed out. All the people were dead. The whole body was still braving a black gas.

"Not good, is it a trap?" Shangguanhen's face changed.

Looking up, Shangguan marks looked at the high-altitude battle, and his figure flew up into the sky: "Ao Shun, something is wrong, quickly, evacuate here!"

Shangguanhen is soaring into the sky, and wants to help Ao Shun to solve the battle as soon as possible, but on the occasion of soaring into the sky, the South China Sea Dragon King immediately appeared in front of Shangguanhen with a punch.

"Huh?" Shangguanhen's face changed, and he punched with a punch.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the void burst into a rift. Shangguan marks took a step back, and the Dragon King of the South China Sea also took a step back.

"Ao Sihai?" Shangguanhen looked cold.

"Shangguanhen? Oh, you are so powerful?" Nanhai Dragon King was surprised.

"What's going on with the people in Sanshancheng? It's the fog here that you set up?" Shangguan's face changed.

"Huh!" The Dragon King of the South China Sea snorted.

Shangguanhen's face sank, knowing that it was not good, and did not do more entanglement, avoiding the South China Sea Dragon King, and shot at a distance in an instant.

"call out!"

I shot out for a moment, and then weirdly shot back again.

"What kind of formation is this? Can't get out?" Shangguanhen's face changed.

Quickly shuttled for a while, still unable to get out. There was a little anxiety on Shangguanhen's face, and he turned his hands to take out the Qin figurine to send a message, but unfortunately, in this large array, the Qin figurine could not make a sound at all.

"Useless, come in, just don't want to contact the outside world!" Nanhai Dragon King sneered.

Shangguanhen's face was cold: "If you can't contact, you won't be able to contact. Your Majesty and the Marshal know that we are here, and will soon send someone, Ao Sihai, since you are a tiger, you don't want to leave today! "

While talking, Shangguan's face was exposed, and he rushed towards the South China Sea Dragon King instantly.


The two powerful men fought again--

Outside Sanshan City.

Kong Xuan came up with his wings. After swallowing up a million bronze soldiers, Kong Xuanzheng had a high fighting spirit, and for so long, Mo Yike finally confronted the Han army.

How could these Bronze Army be addicted? Immediately flapping his wings to go to the other two cities, one of them, the Dragon King of the South China Sea had left, and Kong Xuan rushed to Sanshan City without delay.

When I was outside Sanshan City, I just saw a group of people from the Nanhai Dragon King stepping into the fog.

"Hahaha, it is here!" Kong Xuan smiled coldly.

With a flap of his wings, Kong Xuan also entered the fog outside Sanshan City--

The destruction of the Han Army is the foundation of the Dragon God Wu ’s comeback. Nowadays, the million bronze army is instantly annihilated, and Dragon God Wu ’s anger can burn everything.

Now, Ao Sheng is also ambush, the Dragon King of the South China Sea is calling for help. Let yourself go?

If it was the old dragon and martial arts, it would be calmer, but this is Mr. Yinyue's transformation, and he has suddenly lost his thinking.

"The people of the Dawu Emperor's dynasty, the Dawu Emperor's dynasty has reached the edge of life and death. He urges Dawu's people to retreat with the foreign enemies, and He also borrows from you. Please raise your right hand, for our homeland, for Dawu, Protect the last territory, not to become a slave, raise your right hand, use my strength! "Long Shenwu shouted.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

On top of the clouds of luck, the already bleak golden dragon, roaring a lot. The voice passed instantly to the ears of more than one hundred cities and towns of the Great Emperor Wu.

Many people were silent for a while, but there were still hundreds of people who raised their right hands and lent strength.


The golden dragon roared, gathered the power of the world of Wu Wu, and burst into the body of the Dragon God Wu of the sky.


Although there are no hundreds of people to borrow, Long Shenwu is still full of strength.

There was a pimple on his face, and he turned to look at Sanshancheng.


Suddenly, Dragon God Wu rushed to Sanshan City. The speed was extremely fast, and it took only a short while to reach outside Sanshan City.

Looking at the fog outside Sanshan City, Long Shenwu rushed into it without hesitation.

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