Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 56: Lingshan Herdsmen

Heavenless Capital!

Gu Hai left the borderless sky for only a while.

The mosquitoes suddenly changed their faces: "No, here it is!"

With a wave of his hand, suddenly, numerous black mosquitoes spread all over the borderless sky, buzzing, seemingly on alert.

"Huh?" Gu Qin, Chen Tianshan, and Mo Yike all changed their faces.

At this time, a strong breath swept from the south of the city, and a golden light burst out from a mountain peak.

A personal shadow flew up into the sky, slowly suppressing towards the borderless sky.

"Past Buddha? Future Buddha? Emperor Shitian?" Chen Tianshan stared in surprise.

"Brahma? Shiva? Vishnu?" Gu Qin's face also changed.

"There are still a lot of Lingshan Bodhisattva, Luohan, Buddha?" Mo Yike sank.

The mosquitoes flew into the sky and stood in front of everyone: "Stop!"

Mosquitoes stopped everyone, but in their eyes was shocked, so many strong?

Wutiantiandu, only one top master himself, what should I do?

"Wuliang Shou Buddha, Mosquito Taoist, do you want to stop us?" The Buddha laughed in the past.

"In the past, what did you want to do?" Mosquitoes were somewhat indifferent.

"We're looking for someone, Mr. Mosquitoist, and please let go!" Fo Dan said in the past.

Although the tone is flat, there is an irresistible tone in the tone.

"Mosquitoes, please don't bother yourself, you can't stop us!" The future Buddha is also Shen Chan.

The mosquitoes looked at this group of people and beat a drum in their hearts. When they joined the Dahan Dynasty, they told Gu Hai that if they were in danger, they had the right to escape, but once they ran away, they would not be able to return to Dahan. .

But can you stop yourself?

Brahma three, at first it was that the Master of Heaven is not an opponent. How do you stop yourself? Desperately? This is not your own style.

"Leader of the Mosquito Army!" Gu Qin said suddenly.

"Huh?" The mosquito Taoist looked at Gu Qin with a vacillation.

"The Lingshan Holy Land did come with some strong men this time, but, Mosquito, did you not see it? When the father was there, they dared not show up. Only when the father left, did they dare to come out, what did they say? Explain that they are afraid of my father, and the father will go to Sanshan City, and soon they will bring Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, and Ao Shun back. You are not fighting alone. When the father returns, you do n’t even want to run, they are afraid. It's the father, and the father will be back soon. What else are you worried about? "Gu Qin yelled.

Mosquitoes look shocked, yeah, you are terrific, why didn't you come out just now? What are you afraid of.

"Mosquito Taoist, you have been ordered by your father to guard the Dahan Emperor. Although there are many enemies, the credit is also great after defending the city!" Gu Qin said.

Mosquito nodded his head: "His Royal Highness rest assured, I will not let them hurt Dahan people!"

While talking, the mosquito waved his hand.


The overwhelming black mosquitoes immediately stopped in front of a group of people on the Lingshan Mountain.

"Oh, Buddha, let me do it! You should do it quickly and perform a Dafa search!" Di Shitian sneered.

"Okay!" The Buddha used to be cold.

Di Shitian twisted his head, his eyes were cold, he took a step forward, and a punch came.

"Oh, Emperor Shi Tian, ​​rely on you?" Mosquito Taoist people fist up.

The billowing black mosquito greeted Di Shitian with his fist instantly.


With a loud noise, countless black mosquitoes exploded, and Emperor Shi Tian's body was beaten suddenly.

"But that's it!" Mosquito Tao's figure fluttered, and he immediately appeared to Emperor Shi Tian.


Suddenly, the black mosquitoes wrapped the two, and in the sea of ​​mosquitoes, the two killed themselves. The mosquitoes were exposed, and they were deadly.

"Buzz .........!"

A large number of black mosquitoes flocked to the people of Lingshan.

"Oh!" The Buddha smiled coldly in the past and took out the candle lantern.

Gently urging, suddenly a myriad of strange blue flames burst out from the void, and once the blue flames burst out, countless black patterns were immediately burned.

"The black mosquito can't stop us, let's go!" In the past, the Buddha took everyone and continued to fly to the borderless sky.

"Stab it!"

In the distance, the mosquito Taoist opened his chest with one claw, and blood splattered.


Billowing black mosquitoes swarmed up.

"Buddha, need support!" Di Shitian smiled backwards.

"Brahma!" The Buddha said in the past.

Brahma nodded his head and rushed towards the mosquitoes, punching him in the black lines from the back.

The mosquitoes' face changed, and they turned their hands to hit him. On the other side, Emperor Shitian took the opportunity and punched him again.


Mosquitoes are one-on-two, and there is no immediate advantage. However, they can't help them for a while.

"Arrow!" Mo Yike yelled.

In the city, there are also 100,000 demon army. With the order of Mo Yike, all arrows suddenly launched, and the arrow rain of the power of 100,000 Kaitian Palace suddenly burst into an invincible power.

"Buddha shines!"

"Wanfo Dynasty!"




One by one, the Buddha, the Arhat, and the Buddha suddenly rushed out. Instead of having to go to the Buddha, they immediately patted the arrow rain and smashed the arrow rain around them.

The Lingshan Holy Land was prepared too much. In the borderless sky capital without the ancient sea, the crisis suddenly changed.

"In the future, Mituo, Gan Lin will fall into the rain!" The future Buddha's hands were folded together, and suddenly, the palms of the combined ten shouted hundreds of millions of blue rays, like rain and dew, and spread to the skyless city.

"What is that?" Gu Qin sank.

"Pulkanlin curse, but unfortunately, he practiced it aside and turned into a demon, to put all of us into deep sleep, hum, Qin Zibai, wake up!" Mo Yike sighed coldly.

"Yes!" Qin Zibai shouted, immediately urging the bamboo stick in his hand.


The bamboo stick was thrown at the sky, and suddenly, a turbulent blue light greeted the blue raindrops.


As if raindrops encountered a soldering iron, it evaporated quickly, and in a blink of an eye broke the Dafa of the future Buddha.

"Tonghui's Scepter?" The future Buddha showed ecstasy.

In ecstasy, he reached out and grabbed Qin Zibai. The immense force immediately brought out a strong breath to suppress, and went straight to Qin Zibai.

Qin Zibai seems to be shooting. But at this moment, a huge **** bat suddenly soared into the sky.


The Scarlet Bat immediately struck the palm of the future Buddha, knocking it back.

"Bat?" The future Buddha sank.


The **** bat flapped its wings, and instantly turned into hundreds of millions of small bats, heading for the heroes of Lingshan.

"Huh, it's just a vampire! I'm coming!" Shiva smiled coldly and shot it with a single palm. Thousands of bats exploded and burst into a huge palm, rushing towards the **** bat.


The **** bat collided with Shiva's palm, and the sky swung violently.

The Scarlet Bat was slammed into the ground and smashed into a large pit.

"But that's it, ha ha ha ha!" Shiva sneered.

During the conversation, Shiva snapped again with a big palm, and it turned into a huge palm, with a mighty power, and shot toward the place where the **** bats in the city fell. This palm, not only Shooting the blood-scarred bats, but also breaking the borderless sky and breaking apart.


"Your Majesty, help!"



"Mother, I'm afraid!"




The people in the city shouted in horror. Under this tremendous pressure, many people were instantly vomited by this pressure.

The scarlet bat was changed by Chang Ming, looking at Shiva's mighty palm, his face suddenly changed. escape?

No, once you flee, there will be no hundreds of people to suffer.

"No!" Chang Ming growled, suddenly turned into a human figure, and rushed away toward the giant palm.



Chang Ming was defeated, and an instant blood spurted out, and a black ball ghost appeared in his body instantly. Because of this ghost, Chang Ming was able to stop the power of Shiva, holding it firmly .

"What is blocking me?" Shiva looked cold.

"Mixed Yuanzhu?" The Buddha was surprised in the past.

"What? Mixed Yuanzhu, Dahan Emperor, and this treasure?" Shiva suddenly rejoiced.

With great joy, Shiva showed her face and grabbed Changming with one palm. She seemed to be crushing Changming. Even if she had mixed beads, how much could she resist?


With great strength, Chang Ming couldn't stand even if he had mixed Yuanzhu, and a blood spurted out.

"Arrow, shoot him!" Mo Yike pointed anxiously at Shiva.


All arrows were launched, but other Bodhisattvas, Buddhas, and Arhats were standing in front of them, and the arrows could not shoot Shiva.

"Shiva, let me help you!" Vishnu asked to step forward.

"No, he's going to be pinched to death soon. This mixed Yuanzhu is mine, and the power is infinite, explosive!" Shiva roared loudly.

Just at the difficult time of Chang Ming.


A blue light emerged from the city. It was a sword light. Once the sword light came out, hundreds of millions of blue lights bloomed, and countless people who couldn't open their eyes were as ordinary.


Chang Ming exploded, but at this moment Chang Ming was unharmed. Because Shiva's arm actually flew out and fell to the ground.


Shiva's arm was broken and was cut off by a sword light.

"Ah, my hand!" Shiva exclaimed in pain.

"Shiva?" The Buddha and others looked pale in the past. Vishnu snapped his hands and snatched Shiva's arm back. At the moment of grabbing back, it was another sword light soaring into the sky, and went straight to Vishnu's eyebrows.

"Presumptuous!" Vishnu suddenly resisted with his arms.


With a loud noise, Vishnu was blown out by Jian Guang, and his arms were flesh-skinned and blood flew above his arms.

"Who?" The Buddha's face changed in the past and he looked at the city.

Vishnu, Shiva, but they are divine repairs, or are extremely powerful physical repairs. In the past, the flesh, even the gods of the heavenly gods, could not be cut off. In a blink of an eye, the sword cut off the arm? How can it be?

Today, is there anyone who is better at Kendo than Master Tongtian?

In the past, Buddha, Vishnu, and Shiva looked at the city together.

But I saw that at the top of a restaurant in the borderless city of Tiandu, at this moment a man in a white robe, holding a bronze sword in his forehand, looked coldly at the mountains in the mountains.

"Well?" Chang Ming, who had just been rescued in the distance, changed his face, surprised.

"Wangshou Taoism? Master Qinglian, eh? How is it possible, how have you become so strong?" The Buddha also sank in the past.

Standing on the roof, in white clothes, facing the wind, looked coldly at everyone in the sky: "When the ancient sea spread a message, when I asked for my help, I hadn't thought that there was really no lower limit for your Holy Mountain Holy Land? For All ordinary people have so casually killed themselves, it's time to kill! "

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