Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 57: Save three ministers

Sanshan City, Shouzhen!

When the Long brothers gave up their dead hands to kill Kong Xuan, Gu Hai appeared, and Zhou Tianba threw it out.

Instantly smashed the dragon's sword shovel, the sword continued unabated, and went straight to the Dragon brothers.

"Ancient sea?" Long Shenzhang's face was cold, and his strength was stronger.


With a loud noise, a black hole exploded in the void, and the ancient sword sword exploded, and the slap of the dragon **** owl burst instantly!

"Gu Hai! How dare you come?" Long Shenwu roared staring.

"Cough, Your Majesty?" Kong Xuan cough surprised.

"Kong Xuan, you've worked hard, take a rest!" Gu Hai detective waved.


Instantly, Kong Xuan was pulled into the ancient fairy sphere.

The ancient dome of heaven, one day outside, ten years inside, in a short period of time, the internal hole can quickly heal.

The ancient sea threw into a bottle and entered the ancient fairy dome.

"Kong Xuan, use this to heal and recover quickly!" Gu Hai's voice passed inside.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Kong Xuan took over.

It is a bottle of tinkering.

"Gu Hai, you are here!" Long Shen sneered unexpectedly as he squeezed the corner of his mouth.

"Dragon God, you, like me, want him to die, so let's go!" Dragon God Wu also glared at him.

Gu Hai's eyes were cold, he didn't bother the two, his body fluttered, and he shuttled in the large array.

"Don't run!" Long Shenwu was furious and chased after him.

Long Shenxi smiled coldly, and did not chase, turned to look at the sky.


It was heaven, slowly dropping a white robe figure. The white robe looks like a young child and is extremely small. It is a bit funny in the white robe.

"Your Majesty!" Said the white robe respectfully.

"Bei Mingshou, Gu Hai came in, you and Chun Shen Shou, get ready, leave the Gu Hai here!" Long Shen chanted Shen.

Bei Mingshou? If Gu Hai heard it, she must have been surprised. In the past, in the heavens, Bei Mingshou had gone against the sky with the Dragon Warring States and was killed by six immortals. Why is there another person?

"Gu Hai came with the unborn, and Chunshen Shou is dealing with the unborn!" Bei Mingshou said in a deep voice.

"Unborn? Actually back at this time?" Long Shenxi's face sank.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Chunshen Shou should be able to stop the unborn, and everything will go according to plan. This corpse grave is specially prepared for the ancient sea. He will surely die!" Bei Mingshou said coldly.

"Well, Chun Shenshou stopped the unborn, then you are ready to start!" Long Shen shouted Shen.

"Yes!" Bei Mingshou answered.

During the conversation, Bei Mingshou flickered and disappeared.

On the other side, Gu Hai shuttled quickly inside, Long Shenwu chased after him, but Long Shenwu mobilized the power of a country. After all, he was weaker than Gu Hai. After only a while, he lost it.

"Huh, Gu Hai, you can't run away!" Long Shenwu quickly chased away.

The ancient sea was also extremely anxious. Kong Xuan was almost killed by the Long brothers. Although there was boundless anger, the main thing now is to find Shangguan marks and Ao Shun.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance.

The ancient sea rushed past.

But I saw another battlefield not far away.

Shangguan marks, was cut in half, his whole body was blood, fell in a pool of blood, dying, but there was still a breath.

"It's almost dangerous, isn't it?"

That ’s the Shangguan mark. The ‘eight or nine mysterious exercises’ practiced by King Kong are not bad. Such a powerful body has been cut in half?

The Shangguan mark fell in a pool of blood, and in front of him was Ao Shun who turned into a dragon.

Ao Shunhua protected the Shangguan mark as a black dragon, but the whole body was covered with wounds, blood was shining, and even bones were exposed.

Nanhai Dragon King and Ao Sheng shot each other on Ao Shun.


"Ang ~!"

Aoshun wailed in pain, with a large number of bone fractures all over his body, his body was soft, and he fell down.

"Extreme Ao, don't worry about me, you go quickly, Your Majesty will take revenge on me!" Shangguan marks roared with unwillingness.

"It's too late, huh, my bones are almost broken, I can't get away. Dragon gods have attacked you, go to Kong Xuan, they will stay with us, Your Majesty will come to save us, Shangguan Mark, hold on! "Ao Shun bitterly.

"I can't protect myself, but also protect the dying man? Ao Shun, you really don't know how to live or die!" Ao Sheng said coldly.

"Cough, huh!" Ao Shun coughed his blood and looked coldly at Ao Sheng and the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

"Well, no need to talk nonsense, he has no more energy, Ao Sheng, haven't you always wanted to kill him? Let you come and smash his head, he will die!" Nanhai Dragon King screamed.

Ao Sheng looked coldly at Ao Shun, and sure enough, Ao Shun had no counterattack at this moment.

"Okay!" Ao Sheng's face was fierce, and he patted it with a palm.

A palm shot, Ao Shun will be stunned, Ao Shun looked at his brother, not frightened, but a smile of relief like a smile.

Ao Sheng's face was exposed, but he could see that Ao Shun's smile was so relieved that his palm was about to smash Ao Shun's head, but he didn't know why.


The giant palm stopped in front of Ao Shun's head, bringing out a strong wind.

"Why? Can't bear to kill again?" Nanhai Dragon King sneered.

Ao Sheng's face was cloudy and uncertain. Although he wanted to kill Ao Shun at all times, this jealousy was already unforgettable, but when he could break Ao Shun's head, Ao Sheng's mind suddenly appeared a lot of old pictures-

"Xiao Sheng, was punished by Dad for copying again? Look, what's this? Big Brother bought you the deep-fried silver fish cakes from Tianchen City. Eat it, eat it, don't show it to Dad!"

"Xiao Sheng, you can remember that, this time secretly took you out to play, be sure to be known by my father!"

"Xiao Sheng, what's wrong with your face? Who hit you? Tell me, who dares to hit my brother Ao Shun!"



………… ——

When I was young, I didn't know why, suddenly I was filled with thoughts. Ao Sheng wanted to kill Ao Shun, but he was right in front of him, but I didn't know why.

Shake his head and shake off the thoughts in his head.

"You don't want to kill him? You don't want to, then let me!" Nanhai Dragon King said coldly.

"No, it's just that he has the blood of Zulong in his body, but it can't be ruined!" Ao Sheng bit his lip and cried with a complex look.

The Nanhai Dragon King looked: "Nice, almost forgot, hahaha, Zulong essence blood? Rest assured, I have a quick hand, I can insert it into his head with one hand, and take out the dragon **** from his body!"

During the talk, the South China Sea Dragon King shot again.

Ao Sheng's face suddenly changed, but he still resisted the restlessness in his heart and looked at the head of Nanhai Dragon and grabbed Ao Shun's head.

"Extreme Ao Shun, I killed you!" Shouted Shangguanen weakly.

"Ao Sheng, the father said that you are not sensible, and asked me to let you, there is no chance in the future, take good care of yourself!" Ao Shun smiled.

Ao Sheng had a sore nose and a tremor all over his body, but still clenched his fists to prevent his emotions from erupting.

In sight, the Dragon King of the South China Sea was about to kill Ao Shun.

"Look to death, Zhou Tianba!"

A sudden roar sounded from behind the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

A sword slashed straight, a death threat suddenly covered the whole body, and the Nanhai Dragon King suddenly exploded.

I wanted to kill Ao Shun at once, but this death threat might kill him instantly.

"Miscellaneous accounts!" The Nanhai Dragon King yelled in depression.

A palm quickly deviated from the original trajectory, and slammed on Ao Shun's tail, at the same time, the body took advantage of the force to escape.

The sword yan ripped open the void, and wiped from the surface of the Dragon King and Ao Sheng of the South China Sea.


Ao Sheng and Dragon King of the South China Sea were immediately blown out by this aftermath.

But when the two returned to God, the ancient sea came to Ao Shun and Shang Guanhen in an instant.

"Your Majesty! You are really here! Kekekeke!" Shangguan marks suddenly exclaimed.

"Your Majesty!" Ao Shun was also pleasantly surprised.


Turning his hands, Gu Hai sent the two into the ancient fairy sphere.

"Shangguanhen, Ao Shun, heal your wounds soon!" Gu Hai shouted from inside the immortal vault.


Two bottles full of tinkering were thrown at the two.

Shangguanhen was saved once by this tonic power in the past. At that time, only one skull was left. The tonic power can repair the body. Naturally, it knows how powerful this tonic power is.

Difficultly spliced ​​up his broken body, and Bu Tianli quickly poured into it.


Suddenly, the fracture was quickly recovering with the naked eye.

Ao Shun's broken arm was also repaired last time. He also knows how to use it. He propped up the broken bone and quickly filled it with tonic power. A powerful repair effect is quickly repairing their injuries.

"Master Kong?" Shang Guanhen saw Kong Xuan, who was not far away for healing, and his eyes brightened.

Your Majesty even rescued Kong Xuan?

Ancient fairy dome.

"Ancient sea?" The Dragon King of the South China Sea stared.

"Gu Hai, it's you!" Ao Sheng stared openly at Gu Hai.

"Gu Hai, I see where you are going!" A roar, but Dragon God Wu chased again.

In an instant, the ancient sea was wrapped up by Long Shenwu, Ao Sheng, and the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

"A good round, your goal is to kill the slugs, huh, since that's the case, come on!" Gu Hai was exposed, and he didn't talk nonsense to the crowd.

"Look to death!" The three flew towards Gu Hai at about the same time.


The sword was fierce. Under the eighth day of the week, Gu Hai slashed the Dragon King of the South China Sea with a slash, and the sword slammed into Ao Sheng.



Ao Sheng's blood spewed out and was knocked out.

"There's still 朕!" Long Shenwu's face was exposed, and a huge sword rushed to the ancient sea.

"If you were prosperous in the past, you can still compete with You. Now, you will have the ninth most powerful power in the Heavenly Palace? You are not qualified!" Gu Hai stared, against the sword.

A huge realm of swords formed, and finally turned into a huge sword, greeted the Dragon God Wu.

"Boom ~!"

There was a loud noise, two blades collided in the void, and immediately burst a huge black hole.


Long Shenwu blew out instantly. His face flushed for a while!

Win with one enemy and three!

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