Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 58: Is a blessing or a curse?

On the eighth day of the week, Dragon God Wu suddenly blew out and flushed.

"Come again!" Long Shenwu's face was exposed again.

"Roar!" On the other side, the Dragon King of the South China Sea suddenly rushed up.

Ao Sheng was weaker, but still rushed up!

"Your purpose is to keep you here, then come on, you have the power of a country to see who keeps who!" Gu Hai's face quickly fell off.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The twinkling sword came out, purple light soared into the sky, and for a time, the Quartet was full of the shadow of the ancient sea sword light, and the whole world was suddenly pushed back by the three strong players.

Long Shenwu has the momentum of a country, but there are only a hundred cities left, and the ancient sea has several times that of Long Shenwu. Even on Sunday and August, everyone is hitting the ground.

"Dragon God, what are you doing? Hurry up!" Nanhai Dragon King was screamed with a lot of blood.

Gu Hai's face sank, and he did not dare to hesitate, the speed of the knife was faster. The three people who were killed instantly burst into blood.

"Gu Hai, you just have more luck than me. If you have no luck, what are you doing!" Long Shenwu roared.

Long Shenwu also had a lot of blood on his body.


Such repression, momentarily depressed.

With one to three, the three are still out.

"Dragon God!" Nanhai Dragon King roared again.

"Come here, don't make a noise!" Long Shen snorted and appeared behind the three.

But at this moment, the black liquid emanating from behind the dragon god, and in the black liquid sea, countless evil spirits roared and roared inside. And in the center of the evil spirit group, it seems that there is a dark worm called the hordes. The worm is extremely ugly, fangs grin, spit tongue, above the tongue, there is a small mouth, showing countless fangs, roaring at the ancient sea.

"This is it?" Gu Hai suddenly exploded.

"Hurry up, trap him!" Nanhai Dragon King roared.

Long Shenxian slowly urged the Black Sea. For a time, all the corpses in the entire life array seemed to be waiting for the Black Sea to adjust the order, and surged in.

"Go!" Dragon God shouted loudly.


The Black Sea poured down towards the ancient sea. The ancient sea's instinct pupil shrank.

"Zhou Tian ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nine!" Gu Hai stared.

Hundreds of thousands of knives burst out, and rushed to the 诛 生 刀 刀 罡, Zhou Tianjiu, can break the galaxy, the power soared by a hundredfold in an instant. A slashing sword smashed out.

"Ah!" Ao Sheng, Dragon King of the South China Sea, and Dragon God Wu suddenly screamed in pain.


Under the full force of the three, they still lost to Zhou Tianjiu. Under the blade, all three of them burst into blood instantly, all the bones of Sensen were exposed, and the blood blew up.

Around, a super huge black hole was cut out.

However, the Black Sea seemed to be unaffected by the black hole and still came over.

Long Shenxian's face was cold, and the detective blasted Zhou Tianjiu with a punch.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The sword and fist collided, and it exploded and opened instantly. The dragon **** was suddenly blown out.


A spurt of blood spurted. Long Shenzhen stabilized his figure.

At this moment, under the sword, the Black Sea burst into two halves, but only one and a half halves, and then merged in an instant, covering the ancient sea in an instant.


The ancient sea was submerged in the black sea.

"Quack!" "Roar!" "Eat him!" "Human flesh, human flesh!" ……………………

Roaring evil spirits roared towards the ancient sea.

At this moment, the ancient sea was suddenly unable to move.

Zhou Tianjiu's load was too heavy, Gu Hai was spit out by the blade force, but there was still some strength, but when the evil spirits rushed around, Gu Hai's body seemed to be billions of pounds. It just seems to be stuck in a quagmire, moving extremely hard, let alone escape.


Thousands of evil spirits plunged into the ancient sea——

Outside, Dragon God spit out blood and stabilized his body. After all, most of Zhou Tianjiu's strength had been offset by the Dragon God Wu three, and he had a general trend and was not seriously injured.

"Keekeke, thank you, Your Majesty, just now protected me!" Behind the Dragon God, Bei Mingshou suddenly felt a little bit nervous.

Not only the Dragon God, but also Bei Mingshou, who urged the Black Sea just now. If Dragon God did not protect Bei Mingshou, Bei Mingshou would have died under Zhou Tianjiu.

"Bei Mingshou, what is the ancient sea now?" Long Shenzhang looked at the Black Sea floating in the air in front of his eyes.

The shattered void around it slowly recovered, but the Black Sea still floated in the air, covering the ancient sea, connecting the whole life array.

"Rest assured, the ancient sea can't come out. Now, it should endure the death of hundreds of millions of evil spirits and corpses! He can't hold on for long, and will soon be refined into corpses!" Bei Mingshou sneered.

"Just now, is that a corpse?" Long Shen whispered.

"Yes, the corpse burial was opened with this corpse as its source. With the corpse worm, the people in the city were turned into corpses, and the corpse burial was laid out. This Black Sea is considered the corpse's nest. The corpse nest, all corpses and evil spirits here will be controlled by corpses, together in the corpse, refining the ancient sea into corpses. He is dead! "Bei Mingshou said coldly.

"Zombies? Oh, Lingshan Holy Land doesn't look so bright on the surface, can you get such evil things? Huh!"

"Stuck?" The Dragon King of Nanhai flew over with blood.

"Yeah, trapped. Inside the corpse nest is the liquefied corpse gas, the most polluted and heavy gas in the world, which can corrode the power of luck, and the power of his luck will soon be abolished. And, this Corpses are at least hundreds of thousands of years old, and corpses are rare in the world. With so many, the ancient sea cannot escape! "Bei Mingshou said in a deep voice.

"I speak, can he hear?" Nanhai Dragon King asked.

"Use the worm's teeth to transmit sound!" Bei Mingshou handed a tooth.

The South China Sea Dragon King picked it up, and flew towards the edge of the corpse's nest instantly, urging his teeth and spreading the ancient sea.

Long Shenyu watched the Dragon King of the South China Sea fly away, his eyes narrowed.

"Kekekeke!" Not far away, Ao Sheng coughed for a while, got up from the ground, looked at the horror's corpse's nest, and looked surprised.

"Oh, ha ha ha, the Dragon King of the South China Sea? You, are you allied with Dragon God?" In the ruins, Dragon God Wukou spit out blood and crawled out.

Long Shenwu's flesh was mostly torn by Zhou Tianjiu, a large amount of white bones were exposed, blood was splashing, and the whole body's bones were broken. Action is difficult.


For a moment, Dragon God came to Long Shenwu.

"Dragon God, what do you want to do?" Dragon God Wu suddenly became cloudy for a while.

"Oh, what do you say?" Dragon God sneered.

"I see, hahaha, all of this is a bureau you set. You want to kill the ancient sea, design my Dawu Emperor Dynasty, and end up with him? You pick up a ready-made one!" Dragon God Wu suddenly grieved.

"I see it now, it's a bit late!" Long Shenzhen walked step by step.

"You want to kill me?" Long Shenwu's face changed.

Dragon God Clan did not speak, but moved closer and closer.

"Aren't you the most filial piety to Father Father? Father Father died, you want to kill Father Father's son, your brother?" Long Shenwu panicked.

"Brother? Hahahaha, do you really think I don't know? My good nephew!" Dragon God sneered.

"What?" Long Shenwu's face changed.

"call out!"

Not far away, another figure flew over, but it was a dragon three thousand, flying with a wave of anger.

"Sin child!" Dragon San roared.

Dragon God Wu's face suddenly changed: "You, you, Gu Hai let you go? Did you go to Dragon God?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, change your body quickly!" Dragon God shouted coldly.

Long Shenwu's face changed, he got up, and suddenly blasted away.

"In front of me, still want to escape?"

In the cold eyes of Long Shenzhen, his figure flickered, and he appeared behind the dragon **** Wu instantly. Spread his hand and grab his shoulder.

"Let me go!" Dragon God Wu suddenly shot at Dragon God's chest.


I just scratched the skin of the dragon god's shoulder, but the palm of the dragon god's chest was passing through the hall of the dragon **** martial arts.

"Oh!" Long Shenwu spurted blood, and looked at Long Shenxuan in amazement.

"My patience is limited!" Dragon God said coldly.

"Don't damage my body!" Long Sanqian said anxiously.

"No, he won't be honest. Hurry up, and if you don't change your soul, I will kill you now!" Dragon God said coldly.

"Okay, okay, okay! I change, I change!" Long Shenwu nodded with a hint of fear.

Dragon gods threw it to Dragon Three Thousand.

The dragon **** Wu suddenly issued a strange syllable in his mouth, and then yelled, "Swap!"

A blue light burst into the dragon spirit's body instantly, and it went straight into the dragon's body, and then a blue light burst into the dragon's body. The two were deadlocked for a short while.


The two trembled instantly and separated.

"Come back! Hehehe! Hahaha!" Long Shenwu spit out blood and laughed.

Long Sanqian turned his head and fled away.

Long Shenyi took a picture.



Long Sanqian suddenly vomited blood and fell down.

"Uncle, father, the baby is wrong, Kekekeke!" Long Sanqian vomited blood, begging for horror.

Dragon gods didn't bother, but walked towards dragon **** martial arts.

"You and I are both the body of a general who has cultivated. I will help you heal!" Long Shen shouted.

Said, shot on Long Shenwu.


The rolling force poured into the body of Dragon God Wu, and the injury of Dragon God Wu quickly recovered from the naked eye. After a little effort, a new flesh was grown, and the pale face slowly returned to ruddy.

However, the breath of Dragon God's body surface is weakening.

After a while, Long Shenwu shook his body and broke away.

"My injury is all right?" Long Shenwu was surprised.

"That is of course. He transformed the power of luck in his body into the power of you and me, and he repaired everything for you!" Dragon God Shen said in a loud voice.

"Oh? You're out of luck?" Long Shenwu showed a hint of worry.

"Don't worry, the power of ancient sea air transport will be almost eliminated! It doesn't matter if you have the power of air transport, you can recover, you and we have the same strength, in case of injury, we can also mutually Repair the injury! Dragon God Wu, do you remember what you promised me before? "Dragon God shouted Shen.

"Relax, when I go out, I will join the Dachao Emperor Dynasty!" Long Shenwu nodded.

Seeing that Long Shenwu didn't worship, Dragon God frowned slightly, but at this moment, it was inconvenient, and he just nodded.

"Your son, how good you are. What do you do with it?"

At this moment, Long Sanqian was hurt and his face was scared.

"Father, the baby is wrong, and I dare not!" Long Sanqian suddenly panicked.

Long Shenwu's eyes looked coldly--

Among the corpses.

Rolling evil spirits rushed straight into the ancient sea with a mighty corpse, and for a time, the filthy power of the huge corpse was quickly dissolving the power of air on the body surface. But Gu Hai acted hard again, and his face was ugly for a moment.


The evil spirits poured into the ancient sea.

But at this moment, the great tragedy of heaven and earth was running fast, and the heavenly soul quickly absorbed the corpses carried by the evil spirits at a very fast speed.


The corpse gas of the evil spirit was purified and opened instantly. Into a soul.

The ancient sea gods thought, and immediately sent each soul into the ancient fairy sphere.

"Zombie Qi? A lot of Zombie Qi, this Black Sea is where the Qi Qi agglomerated?" Gu Hai was in a state of astonishment.

Then, he tried his best to motivate the world's great tragedy.


The black water rolling around, poured into the ancient sea madly, into the place of the heavenly soul, and was quickly absorbed.

Rolling corpses, countless evil spirits, are no longer a burden on the ancient sea, but a great tonic in general, quickly absorbed by the ancient sea.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

In the center of all ghosts, the corpses seemed to feel some kind of natural enemies. In horror, they kept roaring, commanding countless evil spirits, and countless corpses rushing towards the ancient sea.

PS: Something is happening today, the update is slightly unstable, the second is more likely to be a little late at night, forgive me!

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