Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 64: Back to chaos

"After all, Dragon Warring States please come to my head. If you have the ability to refuse, I will not force you, but now you have no ability to refuse, then you have no right to speak, it is so determined!" Doubt.

Long Sanqian was slightly indignant, but in the end it was only a bitter.

At this moment, I finally realized the taste of being changed. In the old days, you can ask yourself for help, but who else can you trust? Of course, there are people who can trust, but can they help them regain their body?

It's impossible. I can only regret it like this?

Has fallen into the valley, but Gu Hai still wants to make himself the eighth army commander? This is a gift. After all, even if Gu Hai had the ability to win the dragon god's body, he was not obliged to exchange it for himself. He could exchange the body of the dragon god's body for another close friend.

Gift? It's ridiculous, but also rare!

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Long Sanqian said bitterly.

Gu Hai nodded. The detective took out a batch of elixir to give the dragon three thousand, and at the same time he waved it and put it into the ancient fairy heaven.

"You heal first!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" Long Sanqian took the elixir and took it.

The ancient sea reached out and took the corpse from the ancient fairy's vault.


The corpse was still struggling desperately.

"Your Majesty, this is a corpse? It can cause people to dream. At the same time, it invades the human body and swallows the brain to control the corpse. How do you subdue it?" Weiren was surprised.

"Can you use it?" Gu Hai looked at the unborn.

"This thing is a rare good thing for the life master!" Weiren nodded.

"That's for you!" Gu Haishou handed out.


"You are the Daqing Shouyuan Temple and the Qing prince. It ’s nothing!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Yes, Your Majesty Xie!" Weisheng immediately thanked him.

Detective, the unborn person took out a jade box. There were a lot of restraints in the jade box, and it seemed that the bitter cold radiated from the inside.

"Your Majesty, just put it in!" Weisheng said.

The ancient sea put corpses in it.


There was a squeak, and a squeak of pain from the corpse.


The unborn man closed the lid instantly.

"Cut away carefully, this thing is too dangerous!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Your Majesty rest assured, when we reach the hands of our shoushi, it will never even escape!" Weiren nodded.

Gu Hai nodded, and then looked towards the city.

Countless souls are looming, and there are still a large number of corpses in the city.

"Your Majesty, their souls have been infected with corpse gas. Although they were exaggerated by His Majesty, the souls are different now, so they can be seen vaguely!" Weisheng explained.

"Your people, your revenge will be reported to you, but as time goes by, your soul will pass away. If you do not give up, you will be reincarnated and reborn. Of course, if you don't want to, you can't force it! "Gu Hai looked at countless souls.

"Be obedient to your Majesty's arrangements!" All souls nodded with a bitterness, thanking Guhaidao.

"Come in!" Gu Hai waved her hand suddenly, a huge gap suddenly appeared in the void.


Billowing souls quickly poured into the ancient immortal dome.

When 200 million souls entered, the entire ancient fairy dome suddenly gave out a vitality-like energy.

"Huh?" Gu Hai was slightly surprised.

Under the control of the ancient sea, most of the 200 million souls were brought into the reincarnation and reincarnation by some of the laws of the ancient immortal dome. Only a few remain uncertain.

Ancient sea explorers close the ancient fairy dome.

"Your Majesty, what do you do with these bodies?" Weisheng frowned.

"Their corpse? Dahan's soldiers will come to collect the corpse soon, don't move it for the time being!" Gu Hai shook his head and sighed.

"Yes!" Weiren nodded.

"Come on, it's time to go back!" Gu Hai took a deep breath.

"Yeah, Your Majesty, those Dragons, and those Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Buddhas, are not dead yet?" The unborn person suddenly stopped the ancient sea.


The ancient sea looked down, and sure enough, the dragons that had been repaired by the seal of Shangguan before in the city were not dead at this moment, but they could not move, but some Bodhisattva, Luohan, and Buddha were all badly damaged and unable to move.

"It's all that time, and Shangguan marks haven't been killed? Huh!" When Gu Hai waved his hand, all the Arhats, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas were all collected into the ancient fairy heaven.

"Unborn, these Beihai dragons are possessed by the ancient dragon soul, can they be removed?" Gu Hai looked at the unborn.

The unborn man went to check it.

"It's a bit of a hassle, but it should be possible, but they have to bear some pain!" Weiren said quietly.

"That's good, when you return to Wudu Tiandu, you will help them pull out the Dragon Soul!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Yes!" The unborn person answered.


Detective stowed all dragons.

Gu Hai took the unborn person, stepped in shape, and shot quickly in the direction of the borderless sky.

After half an hour, the two arrived outside Wudu Tiandu.


Dragon three thousand possessed dragon deities. Although I felt that my whole body was full of strength, I didn't dare to compete with the ancient sea, and rushed towards the city of Wushen.

"Sanshan City, this dead end was actually unlocked by Gu Hai? It's really dangerous. Fortunately, I'm smart enough. Hmm, what about the Great Emperor Dynasty? I have a stronger Emperor Dynasty, Gu Hai You wait, I'll want you to look good, I'll want you to look good, roar! "Dragon God shouted with a loud roar.


Dragon God Nine arrived at Nine God City soon.


Emperor Wudi. Wutian City.

With Long Shenwu being kicked into the fairy's dome by the ancient sea, there will no longer be Long Shenwu in the entire Six Daoqiang.


With a loud noise, the fortune of the Emperor Wudi collapsed.

"Your Majesty!" Numerous courtiers in the city immediately knelt down in panic.

With more than one hundred cities remaining in the Great Emperor's Reign, the people instantly felt nervous, as if they felt like they had lost something.

"Your Majesty crashed?"

"No, this is the end of the Great Emperor Wu?"

"His Majesty!"




There was no grief for hundreds of people, of course, just a few, most of them just panic, what to do next.

The Emperor Wudi officially collapsed.


The Dragon King of the South China Sea was flying fast with the dying Ao Sheng.

The two did not dare to go to Wudu Tiandu, and headed directly towards the South China Sea.

"How can this be so? Blame Dragon God Wu, this stupid, this stupid! If it weren't for him, we could have killed Gu Hai even without the corpse grave, his stupid!" Nanhai Dragon King insulted all the way.

"You could have shot it at the time, Keke!" Ao Sheng looked to the South China Sea Dragon King.

There was a twitch on the Dragon King's face.

There is indeed a chance of winning, but the battle of Sanshan City made the Dragon King of the South China Sea realize the evil gate of the ancient sea. The Dragon brothers had already planted it, and they didn't want to plant it there.

"You must have killed Gu Hai at the time. You were not injured. Why didn't you do it!" Ao Sheng complained.

"Ao Sheng, you know, your life was saved by me!" Nanhai Dragon King cried.

Ao Sheng sighed slightly: "Let's go back!"


"Wu Tiancheng, wait for Your Majesty to come back! Keke." Ao Sheng coughed his blood.

"Dawu, there is no future, the ancient sea is not dead, and Dawu is about to fall. What's the use of going back? Follow me back to the South China Sea!" Shen Hailong Wang said.

"No, unless the Great Emperor Wu Dynasty collapses, I ...!" Long Shenwu coughed with blood and insisted, but when he was halfway there, his face suddenly froze.

It was a sudden sudden burst of heart, sensing the luck of the Emperor Wudi's dynasty, and it just collapsed.

"No, it's impossible. How could this happen? How could this happen? Awake! Ao Sheng spit his blood in horror.

"what happened?"

"Your Majesty crashed? Gu Hai, Gu Hai!" Ao Sheng roared in a faceless manner.

"Dongshenwu is dead? Since you are dead, what do you insist on? Your Beihai Dragon Palace is almost empty. Come back to the South China Sea with me, I guarantee you, under my dragon, above the dragons!" Road.

Ao Sheng looked at the Dragon King of the South China Sea and finally smiled bitterly: "Well, okay, I'll follow you!"

"call out!"

The two turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.


Outside the borderless sky, Gu Hai originally thought that Kong Xuan and others should have resolved the battle over the borderless sky. At this moment, the borderless sky is still in a state of war.

Flying sand and stones, black gas billowing, the borderless sky is chaotic.

Recently, the mosquitoes and Ao Shun are fighting against Emperor Shitian and Brahma, two against two, occupying a slight advantage.

In the distance, the black gas was rolling, but it was Kong Xuan's battle against Vishnu, and it also had a slight advantage.

On the other side, Shangguan's golden brilliance, against Shiva, also showed a suppressed form.

"Hey?" Gu Hai frowned.


However, I saw a blue light shining above the starry sky, and the ancient sea suddenly looked up. Looking above the starry sky, it was an instant when two huge sword qi confronted each other.

For a time, the star of the blockbuster was chopped by sword gas.

I turned it into a white shadow, and was stalemate with a black shadow sword repair. That sword repair was extremely powerful.

Seeing that dark shadow, Gu Hai's pupils suddenly shrank.

Heiying couldn't see his face, but Gu Hai knew his sword.

"Holy sword? How is it possible!" Gu Hai was surprised.

Eight hundred thousand years ago, the six true Junshui gods that I had seen in the past used the holy sword, the shape of the holy sword, the ancient sea has a deep memory and exclaimed invincibility, and the God of Heaven is not an opponent.

How is Lingshan Holy Land useful for this sword man?

Gu Hai sank in his heart, but instead of looking at the sky, he looked at the borderless sky.

Not far away, the Buddha shot in the past, the candlelight blue lanterns bloomed with dazzling blue light, the fire burned to the sky, the power was greater than Brahma and others, but there was a monk wearing a cloak in front. .


With a loud noise, the candlelight suddenly sprayed a spit of blood from the monk.

"Loving Buddha, still thinking about it, dreaming of unrealistic dreams? Wake up!" The Buddha said coldly.

"Loving Buddha? Why is he here?" Gu Hai showed a hint of surprise.

Take away his second son, the poor man of the ancient Han, is he not in the West? Coincidentally, did something happen to the ancient Chinese?

"Oh, stealing the candlelight from the world, in the past, you won't be able to jump for a long time!" Lian Shengbo wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth.

"How long can't you jump? Huh, Gu Hai should die in Sanshan City now, what else do you expect?" Fo Leng whispered in the past.

The pitying Bodhisattvas ignored, and the detective waved his cymbal, and suddenly he shone with a thousand golden rays to resist the candle lantern.

"Future Buddha, hurry up!" The past Buddha shouted loudly.

"Be fast!" The future Buddha drank softly.

The ancient sea suddenly sank, but it was foggy in the borderless sky, and the future Buddha's voice was emitted from the borderless sky.

"What happened?" Gu Hai sank.

The speed was further accelerated by one minute, and in an instant, the ancient sea rushed into the mistless skyless capital.

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