Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 65: Bane

The sky is boundless, and the fog is over!

The moment the ancient sea rushed into it, the anger in his eyes suddenly burned.

Within the fog, there were ‘卍’ characters everywhere, and the runes were accompanied by a verse. The voice spread across the borderless sky, and hundreds of people listened to their voices, painfully covering their ears. There are some people who suddenly clasp their hands together, as if they have prayed to the Buddha, and those who have turned to the Buddha have empty eyes.

"Future Scriptures? Forcibly exceeding the borderless people of the sky?" Weisheng was furious.

Not long ago, Gu Hai surpassed the corpse devil in Sanshan City. It was a kindness of kindness to make them awake, but at this moment the future Buddha is a malicious kind of excess, and everyone will be brainwashed and assimilated.

"Kill, kill, kill ........."

Chongtiandian Square, one hundred thousand demon army roared constantly, with the sound of strong killing, colliding with the sounds of the future scripture erosion.

Following the Buddha, Luohan and Buddha followed the future Buddha, chanting the scriptures with all their strength, and surpassed the Dahan princes who rushed to the mouth of the temple.

A transparent ball of light envelops the imperial palace, so even if the Buddha's huge palms are shot on the transparent ball of light again and again, it will only cause a trembling to the Tiantian Temple Square, and the ministers will not be affected.

"Mixed Yuanzhu? Well, although it can block the Buddha's palm, but I can't stop the Buddha's sound, how long can you stick to it!" The future Buddha said coldly.

During speaking, the chanting of the scriptures is even louder. Although the rules of scripture have been deprived by heaven, only the scriptures in the world can be used.

For a time, the city's Buddhist sound masterpiece.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

On the surface of Chang Ming, a lot of black smoke suddenly appeared, and it seemed to be forcibly overpowered by the Buddha's voice, which was extremely painful.

Chang Ming wrapped the Yuanyuan beads around the palace, but sacrificed the opportunity to protect himself. The sound of the Buddha sounded like a huge restraint to the blood, and it was often painful.

Not only Chang Ming, countless Dahan ministers are covering their ears at this moment, do not want to let the Buddha's voice enter the brain, and exceed themselves.

"Tong Hui's Scepter, green light blocks magic!" Mo Yike sighed softly.

Suddenly, Qin Zibai's sacrifice of Tonghui sent out countless green lights, directed at Dahan ’s ministers, stimulated Dahan ’s ministers, and prevented them from being controlled by brainwashing. general.

"Tonghui Scepter? This is the treasure of Lingshan, it is time to take it back!" The Buddha in the future said coldly.

"Future Buddha, you broke into my borderless city today and harmed Dahan subjects, have you ever thought of ending?" Mo Yike said in a faceless manner.

"End? Huh, you still count on Gu Hai. Now, he can't protect himself, and he will die. No doubt, you should consider yourself, give up resistance immediately, and let me search the borderless sky. I can spare you!" .

Suddenly, some courtiers begged to see Mo Yike, apparently they could not bear the excess, and their hearts were a little loose.

"Give up resistance? Haha, do you think we are all stupid? Now that we can resist, you can't kill us. If we give up resistance, then it is up to you to knead!" Mo Yike said coldly.

The swaying courtiers suddenly changed their faces and turned their heads.

"You don't believe me? I said spare you not to die, just spare you!" Shouted the future Buddha.

"I can't believe you!" Mo Yike said coldly.

"Miscellaneous?" The Buddha was extremely angry in the future.

"Trusting the enemy is cruel to yourself. Do you think I would be stupid? You just talked to us because you ca n’t help us. If you have the ability to hurt me, you will talk to us nonsense? Huh, Future Buddha, Kong Xuan, they have returned, indicating that Your Majesty is coming back soon, Your Majesty is coming back, don't even want to leave! "Mo Yike roared.

Mo Yike yelled. All the subjects suddenly looked at each other. Yes, Your Majesty will return soon. What is there to worry about? Your Majesty will return 100 times to pay back today's difficulties.

"Ha, mixed Yuanzhu, protected the surrounding palace, and prevented the Buddha from searching, thinking that there is no way for the Buddha? Can't it hurt you? Aren't there hundreds of millions of people?" The future Buddha threatened again.

"Dare you!" Mo Yike suddenly changed his face.

"What dare not? Well, it's not 300 million people. They don't have Yuanzhu protection. I want to crush them. It's as simple as pinching an ant. Believe it or not!" The future Buddha sneered.


"Unfortunately, I still yearned for Lingshan Holy Land, killing the devil!"

"Future Buddha, demon!"




Numerous Dahan people are a spirit, looking angrily at the future Buddha.

In the future, the Buddha saw that Mo Yike was furious and thought he was right, and continued to sneer: "Immediately, give up resistance, otherwise, the next moment, this Buddha will kill the people of the infinite city of heaven.

Mo Yike's face changed.

"Master, what do you do?"

"His Royal Highness, you speak!"

"Tianshan King, how is it good!"

Ancient Qin and Chen Tianshan's faces were extremely ugly. For a moment, Mo Yike was also extremely ugly.

"One!" The Buddha said coldly in the future.

While talking, he reached out his right hand as if to shoot.

"Sir ...!" Said anxiously no hundreds of people in the city.

Because no hundreds of people have felt a death threat.

"Two!" The Buddha continued to whisper in the future.

In the future, the palm of the Buddha has become a reality, and the people in the city suddenly feel like a sky knife hanging from their heads.

"grown ups……!"


"Do not kill me!"




Hundreds of people were horrified.

Mo Yike, Gu Qin and others all showed anxiety.

"Three!" The Buddha looked cold in the future, and seemed to be shooting.

"Wait a minute!" Mo Yike roared.

Futon in the future Buddha.

"Chang Ming, remove the protection from the mixed Yuanzhu!" Exclaimed Mo Yike.

"Master, don't!" Montai said anxiously.

Once the protection is removed, his party will be arrested.

At this moment, Mo Yike has to do this. It is one thing to not want to see Dahan ’s tragic death. However, this is not the main reason. After all, Mo Yike commands the army, and the news of the number of soldiers killed on the battlefield continues to come. Would Mo Yike be kind and soft-hearted?

At this moment, if you don't save Dahan people, you will lose faith in the world. Today, if you watch the people of Wudu and Tiandu die and remain indifferent, in the next day, the hearts of the Dahan Emperor's people will be scattered.

On the contrary, if you give up resistance for the people of Dahan at this moment, you may die, but after today, the people of the world will have a very strong recognition of the Dahan emperor.

The Buddha in the future is not as deep as he thought, but Momo also thought thoroughly. At this moment, in the future, the Buddha threatens Dahan's subjects with the people of the city. It seems that Mo Yike's dahans are extremely stupid. However, because of this stupidity, the mind of the people is like a strong iron, and it also lays a big tower for the Holy Mountain Holy Land Bane.

"Master, no!" Some officials also called.

"Unmix Yuanzhu!" Mo Yike shouted.

"His Royal Highness!" Countless officials looked at Gu Qin.

Gu Qin looked at Mo Yike, although he also knew the danger, but Gu Qin believed that Mo Yike was also a danger.

"Retreat Yuanzhu!" Gu Qin also yelled.

"King of Tianshan!" A large number of officials looked at Chen Tianshan!

"Withdrawing Yuanzhu!" Chen Tianshan gritted his teeth.


Chang Ming immediately removed the enchantment of Zhunyuanzhu, and all the officials were exposed to the future Buddha.

"Mo Yike, I thought that you were in charge of the three armed forces, and you were cruel and ruthless. I never thought you would be kind and soft-hearted, your children's hearts, ha ha ha ha!" The future Buddha laughed proudly.

At this moment, the people of the borderless city of Heaven suddenly trembled, the pressure on them suddenly disappeared, and hundreds of people suddenly worshiped in the distant palace.

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Thank Your Royal Highness!"




There are hundreds of people with strong emotions, worship and worship.

Not only His Majesty, but even Princes and Ministers have put their mustard-like lives in front of them. Is there any reason for such a country not to let them admire it?

"People, I can't kill, now, it's you, Tonghui Scepter, mixed Yuanzhu, give it to me, otherwise ...!" The future Buddha revealed.

"How else?" A icy voice suddenly sounded.

"Otherwise, I want you not to live alone!" The future Buddha said in a cold voice.

But just after the words were spoken, the future Buddha suddenly became agitated. No, this voice, how is this voice so familiar?

"His Majesty!"

"Welcome Your Majesty's Return!"

"Your Majesty is back, great!"




The people in the city screamed suddenly.

For the voice of the ancient sea, the people of the borderless sky capital have a deep memory, yes, it is His Majesty's voice.

Wenwu from the Manchu Dynasty also suddenly expressed a joy on his face: "Welcome Your Majesty's Return!"

Mo Yike, Gu Qin, Mongolian and Chang Ming all booed.


But in an instant, a figure appeared in the sky above the Chongtian Temple, protecting the Manchu fighters behind him.

Looking at the sudden figure in the air, the ministers felt relieved for a moment. The shape of the mighty shore seems to be able to block all the dangers in the world.

"Gu Hai? Impossible, why are you back?" The future Buddha suddenly changed his face.

The bodhisattvas, buddhas, and arhats behind him also turned wild.

"You haven't answered yet, otherwise, what will happen to you?" Gu Hai's eyes were cold, and his eyes were evil.

"Go!" Future Buddha exclaimed almost without hesitation.

"I just want to leave at this time, isn't it a little late?" Gu Hai's eyes were cold, and the tentacle knife slashed to the future Buddha.


The twinkling knife came out, and the purple light instantly filled the whole world, and a huge purple swordman came to the future Buddha.

"Future Scriptures!" The face of the future Buddha and Bodhisattva changed, and he probed to tear the Scriptures.

"Cut!" Gu Hai glared in his eyes, stabbing faster in his hand.

Tear it!

The future was torn apart, and a huge golden power was about to pour into the future Buddha's body, but at this moment, the sword came.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and the power rushed out from the future sutra was slammed in half by the spatula, exploded and opened, the spatula weakened by one point, and still rushed towards the future Buddha.

"Impossible!" The Buddha's face changed in the future, and the tentacles resisted.


In the future, the heart of the Buddha's eyebrows cut out a bloodstain and blood. His arms were even more fleshy.

In the future, the face of the Buddha turned wild, and the ancient sea became stronger again? How could this be?

"Come on, go on!" Exclaimed the Buddha in the future.

All the Bodhisattva, Arhat, and Buddha immediately turned around and fled.

"The borderless sky is the place where you come and talk, walk and walk? Baby, please turn around!" Gu Hai suddenly had an extra gourd in his hands.

One shot of the gourd, suddenly, a golden light instantly ejected from the mouth of the cut fairy gourd.

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