Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 66: Fury of Fury

"The borderless sky is the place where you come and talk, walk and walk? Baby, please turn around!" Gu Hai suddenly had an extra gourd in his hands.

One shot of the gourd, suddenly, a golden light instantly ejected from the mouth of the cut fairy gourd.

"Come on!" A lot of Luo Han's face changed.

"Gu Hai, how dare you!" The future Buddha also exclaimed suddenly.

In the future, the Buddha intercepted the flying sword to save the bodhisattvas, but at this moment, the ancient sea sword was cut again.

"Seven Sundays!"


A huge sword rushed towards the future Buddha, and the future Buddha suddenly changed his face. In a hurry, he took off the rush and threw it towards the ancient sea.

As soon as it came out, it turned into a golden mountain, descended from the sky, and came down with repression.


Zhou Tian's swordsmanship was too fierce, with a loud noise, Jinshan burst into two halves, instantly blasting the Quartet. Although the sword was weakened, he still came to the future Buddha.


In the future, the Buddha was blown up and blasted out with blood.

In the future, the Buddha did not have time to save all the Bodhisattvas, but cut the fairy flying sword and saw the head without turning back. In a moment, all the heads of Luohan, Bodhisattva, and the Buddha flew out, not even sending out the final scream.

As the ancient sea repair is higher, the power that can be emitted is stronger. At this moment, the ancient sea is urged, and it is not weak in the past.

Even if there are newcomers to the Heavenly Palace, in front of Zhan Xian Fei Dao, their heads land instantly.


Zhan Xian Fei Dao cut off countless heads and flew back to Zhan Xian Gourd.

"Your Majesty's mighty power!" A crowd of people suddenly exclaimed angrily.

If in the past, there might be compassion for these monks, but just now, in the future, the Buddha will kill all the people? Kill yourself?

At this time, who will pity them? The people of the city can't wait to kill them with their own hands.

The people cheered.

In the future, the Buddha's face changed greatly.

As he ran away, he was screaming: "Gu Hai is back, save me, save me!"

The future Buddha rushed into the fog of the skyless city with severe injuries.

However, at the moment of rushing into the fog, suddenly, three powerful skeletons appeared in front of him, and they were almost facing the future Buddha at the same time.

"What?" The Buddha's face changed in the future.


With three palms in one, the severely wounded future Buddha was shot back to Tiantian Square.

But the underworld strongman summoned by the unborn, shot instantly.

"Please baby, restraint!" Gu Hai replaced it with a cane gourd.


Gourd mouths soared into the sky with countless vines. In a split second, the future Buddha who was thrown up by blood was tied up.

"No!" The future Buddha exclaimed.

Instantly, the future Buddha was pulled in front of Gu Hai.

The future Buddha was restrained.

"Your Majesty!" A crowd of officials shouted in excitement.

Just now, the front line of life and death was still forced by the future Buddha. Now, His Majesty returns, and in a blink of an eye, kills a group of Xiaoxiao, and at the same time captures the culprit.

"Gu Hai, you want to be my enemy in Lingshan Holy Land? The Buddha will not let you go!" Shouted the Buddha in the future.

Gu Hai smiled coldly: "Why didn't you think of this sentence before you shot?"

"You! Don't think ...!" The future Buddha roared in depression.

"Or open your eyes, or close your mouth!" Gu Hai's eyes were cold.

Futuristic Buddha's voice, open his eyes? Close your eyes to the Pure World Zen and open it, but this is the secret method of returning to the same end. When you open it, you are finished.

The ancient sea ignored the future Buddha, but looked at Changming. At this moment, Changming's body was full of wounds. Although now mixed with Yuanyuan beads, it was previously used to protect the palace. The whole body was purified by the sound of the Buddha, like burning.


A large number of bats rushed out, towards those Buddhas, Buddhas, and Arhats who were beheaded by beheaded immortal swords. Suddenly they sucked blood and turned their eyes into corpses.

The bat returned to Chang Ming's body, and Chang Ming's body suddenly improved.

"Can their blood heal you?" Gu Hai asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty, although the Buddha Light is the nemesis of the blood race, the blood of the Buddha is the tonic of the blood race." Chang Ming nodded.

"He will give you a breath!" Gu Hai threw the gourd gourd to Changming.

It was Changming who gave the future Buddha together.

"Gu Hai, what are you doing?" The Buddha's face suddenly changed in the future.

"Your Majesty!" Chang Ming immediately took over.


Suddenly, a large number of bats popped up around the body, wrapping up the future Buddha, forcibly sucking blood.

"No, don't, Gu Hai, you mustn't die!" The future Buddha shouted in despair and sorrow.

However, there were too many vines around, and the bats covered them, so that they could not see the inside at all. Of course, even if they saw them, no one would stop them. At this moment, everyone wants to kill the future Buddha immediately.

The unborn person returned the three skeletons to the underworld, and also flew to the Chongtiandian Square.


But at this moment, there was a loud noise, as if a strong wind was blowing across the borderless sky capital, and suddenly the heavy fog of the borderless sky capital shook, a figure like a cannonball blasted into the temple.

An unborn person waved his hand, and suddenly a black gas greeted the sky.


The speed of the figure decelerated immediately, and slowly stopped in front of Gu Hai.


The figure fell to the ground and a spit of blood spewed out, like a piece of paper.

"Pitying Buddha, are you okay?" Gu Hai looked at the person rescued by the unborn.

"Can't die, haha, keke keke!" Lian Shengbo coughed his blood, showing a trace of grieving wry smile.


The ancient sea explorer put the trap knife into the void array source, manipulating the borderless sky, and waved.


Countless fogs dispersed instantly.

Just listen to the loud noise from outside.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

Fighting around and stopped suddenly.

Except for the dark shadow above the starry sky, everyone stopped suddenly.

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Di Shitian all changed their faces and quickly flew to the past Buddha.

In the past, the Buddha carried a blue lantern and looked coldly towards the Chongtian Temple Square.

"Gu Hai? What do you think of the future Buddha?" The past Buddha angered.

But it was before the future Buddha fled, and everyone shouted a cry.

Unfortunately, each has an intractable opponent.

The fighting between Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, Ao Shun, and Mosquitoes also came to an abrupt halt. Everyone understood that it was obviously impossible to end the fighting in a short time.

The crowd quickly flew to the ancient sea.


In the ancient sea, a golden light suddenly soared into the sky, is a golden dragon that has lost countless fortunes.

As soon as the Golden Dragon of Qi entered the Cloud of Qiyun, all of them suddenly filled in to fill the lack of Golden Dragon. After only a little effort, the Golden Dragon swelled again and turned into a giant dragon. All enemies outside.

"Releasing the Buddha of the future!" Di Shitian glared coldly.

Gu Hai sneered at Emperor Shitian, ignoring him at all, but looked at the Buddha again.

"You actually came back alive?" The Buddha's face was gloomy in the past.

Although he was worried about the future Buddha, he didn't expose much, but looked coldly at the ancient sea, and there was an incredible flash of light in his eyes.

Long Shenwu, Long Shenyu, Ao Sheng, Dragon King of the South China Sea, Chunshen Shou, Bei Mingshou, and the corpse from the Buddha's ancestors, how can there be no ancient sea? Give him back? This ancient sea is too fatal.

"Lingshan Holy Land, killing my people 200 million people, but also destroying 300 million people of my borderless sky capital, seeing my Dahan people as grass and mustard, I remember this hatred! Your Lingshan hatred will be hundreds of times Bring it back! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Huh, Gu Hai, don't forget, Tang Gu's soul is in my hands, and the future Buddha is about to be released. Otherwise, I will make Tang Gu's soul forever!" The past Buddha said coldly.

Ancient sea eyes narrowed.

The ministers and the people showed a dim look, Tang ancient? Who is Tanggu?

Gu Qin's face changed: "Father ...!"

"Tangu, by the way, his name seems to be ancient Tang, right? But your son lurks out for you, and now there is only the soul, don't you want it?" The Buddha said coldly.

"What? Your Majesty's son?"

"What a despicable Lingshan holy place, he threatened with His Son!"

"Ancient Tang? Is it His Majesty's son?"




Hundreds of people were immediately talking.

The fist in the sleeve of Gu Hai was clenched suddenly, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

Ancient Tang? Few people in the world know his identity, Baidi knows, but Gu Hai guessed that after the last incident, Baidi could not explain so much to Lingshan Holy Land.

That was only one possibility, and Lingshan had already tortured him for confession.

In the ancient Tang Dynasty, he was a puppet boy, and his mouth was too strict, and it was almost impossible to dig news from his mouth, but the Buddha knew it in the past.

I do not know how much inhuman torture suffered by the ancient Tang.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha!" Gu Hai suddenly chuckled.

"I haven't let the future buddha!" ​​The buddha once again yelled.

"Chang Ming, dug me the eyes of the future Buddha!" ​​Gu Hai shouted coldly.

"Yes!" Chang Ming answered.

"Dare you!" The Buddha stared in the past.

"Ground me up, don't even want to leave here today!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Yes!" Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Ao Shun, and Shangguan Mark sang loudly.


Suddenly, everyone was surrounded.

The Buddha suddenly changed his face in the past. Gu Hai is not threatened by himself?

"Gu Hai, if you dare to be extravagant, the ancient Tang will loosen its soul, and you will never lose it, you believe it or not!" The Buddha shouted and yelled in the past.

Gu Hai didn't bother, but the detective urged the trap knife.


Suddenly, the trapping knife spurred a large array, and for a while, the endless sword gas spewed out, and it seemed that the borderless sky and the capital were all wrapped in all directions.

Everyone knows that Gu Hai was really angry this time. Do n’t even want to leave when you come here, you have to stay.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Not far away, the Buddha screamed in the future. Suddenly, two eyes were dug out by Chang Ming.

"Close your eyes to the Pure World Zen, if you dare not open it, don't open it forever!" Of the countless bats, Chang Ming said viciously.

"Dare you!" The Buddha's eyes glared in the past, his face panicked.

The recently rescued Bodhisattva Bodhisattva also showed a hint of horror. Does Gu Hai really want to leave them all?

Around the borderless sky, in addition to the people, of course, there are spies from various forces. At this moment, seeing the fierce look of the ancient sea, they are all excited.

Holy Mountain Holy Land? It seems that all masters are here except the Buddha now.

Gu Hai wants to leave them all? real or fake?

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