Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 76: World sacrifice

For ten days, I passed by!

The Dahan Emperor's remembrance of the people who died in Sanshan City has been known to the whole country, and even has spread throughout the world.

In a city, the people died, and the emperors and princes came to the memorial service. This is the first time in this world. The former small country and ancestor were destroyed by the city under their hands. People's hearts, do something.

Regarding an imperial dynasty with more than a hundred cities, there was almost no national sacrifice, and at most, revenge was given to that city, and it was only supported by the people.

But at this moment, the Dahan Emperor had nearly 800 cities, so behemoth. The destruction of a city has risen to the level of national strategy.

Not only the country attaches importance, but also invites some nearby ancestors and countries to come.

On the mountain peaks around the Quartet, people are already standing at this moment. There are invited masters of Quartet forces, people from Dahan, and more powerful people from all over the world. It was also the first time I heard that a national ceremonial commemorates the deaths of a city, and came one after another.

After all, it is said that the people of this city were killed by the Holy Land of Lingshan. Nowadays, it is as if a signal is being released.

This also includes the three emperor dynasties and the three gate masters who are preparing to deal with Dahan.

The six powerful men were invited to stand on top of a mountain outside Sanshan City and look at the Sanshan City already filled with countless chrysanthemums in the distance.

One of the emperors looked at the distance with a sneer: "Gu Hai, he really doesn't know how to die!"

"Yeah, actually invited us to come and watch the ceremony, hahaha, is he sending Dahan into the abyss of destruction?" Another emperor sneered.

"Everything is ready, only the ancient sea appears!" The third emperor chuckled.

"Where are the dragon gods and Lingshan?" Said a suzerainer next to him.

"Dragon Goddess promised, Sanshan City is the junction of the Emperor Emperor Dynasty and the Emperor Han Dynasty. When the borderless city of heaven comes, Dragon God Emperor will mobilize the Emperor Emperor to come to the world with its strength , Compared to the Master of Heaven, then he will shoot! "Said a suzerain.

"Not many people came to Lingshan this time, but there are also many. There are relatives of Emperor Sha Tin, Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, and even the Dragon King of the South China Sea will come! Perhaps, they have already arrived." Another The lord sneered.

"Di Shitian, Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Dragon King of the South China Sea, Dragon God, and six of us, today is the day of the destruction of Dahan!" Said an emperor coldly.

The Lord of the Six Powers sneered and looked at Sanshan City, where a large number of troops were martialized in the distance.

At the other half of the mountain, a group of people in black stood at the moment, headed by two people, watching the Sanshan City in the distance quietly.

One of them, if the ancient sea is here, must be recognized at a glance, but it is the Emperor Kongdi of the Huanghuang dynasty. The person who once represented the Huanghuang Tianchao at the Halloween Conference. Ji Dihong's close friend, Conte.

The man next to Conte was a very handsome young man.

The young man looked at Sanshan City in the distance, his eyes narrowed: "Kong Di, the Holy Lord let us go to the underworld, but you took me to the other side? Watch a funeral?"

Conte smiled slightly: "Mr. Wuxing, don't you think this Sanshancheng sacrifice is very interesting?"

"Oh?" Mr. Wuxing wondered.

"It's only been about twenty years, huh, have you seen the Yun Dynasty rising so fast? This ancient sea is too dangerous!" Kong Di frowned.

Mr. Wu Xing frowned slightly and nodded: "Yes, the ancient sea can be unexpected every time, but it is superior in means. In a short time, the Great Emperor Dynasty was destroyed. Oh, today, all the cities of the Great Emperor Dynasty should fall into all Dahan Emperor's hand, right? "

"Yes, the news just came, the Great Emperor Wu Dynasty had five hundred cities, and all belonged to the Dahan Emperor Dynasty. Today, there are eight hundred cities in the city owned by the ancient sea. One thousand and five hundred cities! "Kong Di said with a dull expression.

"Half-day dynasty city, but the difference between tian dynasty and emperor dynasty can not only be determined by the city! Chiyou's Jiuli emperor dynasty was more than this city at that time. Isn't there still no promotion to dynasty?" Sneer.

Conte shook his head: "Mr. Wuxing, you entered the rhubarb sky as short as the sun. You are not clear about the battle for deer three thousand years ago. Chi You was originally qualified to be promoted to the sky, but because of entanglement with Jiang Lianshan, so ... ! "

"Oh?" Mr. Wu Xing looked at Conte.

"It's nothing, I don't mention the things of that year, you see, the ancient sea they came!" Conte suddenly looked at a huge fleet of boats in the distance with a glance.

"Welcome to Your Majesty!" Sanshan Chengnan, countless officials worshiped suddenly.

When the ancient sea arrives, the borderless sky should be near.

Everyone looked towards the south in the distance. Sure enough, looking far away, a behemoth city slowly flew across the sky, which is the borderless sky capital.

The borderless sky is still moving slowly. Gu Hai, with a group of officials, has arrived in ten flying boats.

Above the flying boat, Gu Hai was holding the railing and looking out of Sanshan City. The Quartet had gathered countless people to commemorate and countless strong men everywhere.

Around Sanshan City, the Demon Army returned and was stationed outside the city.

In the south of the city, Mo Yike, Gao Xianzhi and Chen Tianshan are already waiting. As the ancient sea Feizhou approached, they all paid respects to the sky.

All buildings in the city have been restored, as if they had not been damaged before. However, the entire city has sunk. It seems as if the whole city is trapped in a deep pit. In the deep pit, there are 200 million coffins, and the bodies of Sanshancheng people are naturally stored inside.

Around the coffin, sprinkled with chrysanthemums, as if in memory of these dead compatriots.

As the Three Armies greeted the arrival of the ancient sea, the whole Sanshan City became quiet and everyone looked at the flying boat headed by it.

The Feizhou slowly landed on the outer square of Sanshan City. Guhai took all the officials and stepped down the Feizhou, slowly approaching the gate of Sanshan City.

Not far from the head of the six major forces, an emperor sneered: "The ancient sea really dared to come, but it really brought the Manchu military and military!"

"Kong Xuan, Shangguan Hen, Mosquito Taoist, Ao Shun, Gu Qin, Monte Thai? They all came? So, then, the borderless sky capital has become an empty city?" Another emperor's eyes narrowed.

"Lingshan Holy Land, the Dragon God stabbed them, and was responsible for destroying the borderless city of heaven first, and then came to join us, oh, here, and swept away the ancient sea!" A lord sneered.

In the distance, in the middle of the crowd, Gu Hai didn't pay attention to the others, but took the civil and military officials and slowly walked to the Sanshankou.


The person next to the etiquette slowly blew an extremely loud and loud horn.

The national memorial service officially began.

The three armies stood at a regular pace, and the training methods passed down by the ancient sea from the founding of the country suddenly appeared. The scene of the standing posture suddenly appeared, and all the soldiers stood in a line, line by line, which in itself was solemn. On the occasion, added a mighty majesty.

This mighty majestic, as if with a strong appeal, made countless sacrifice of the Quartet look complex.

"The appearance of this army is really amazing!" Conte said ugly.

"Yeah, it's the first time I've seen such a neat team. Not many in this world, right?" Mr. Wu Xing frowned.

"It's not that much, but it's not there at all. Oh, looking at Emperor Dahan's army, and then looking at other armies, it feels like everything else is wild! Including my rhubarb heaven!" Kong Di smiled bitterly.

"Army, it's not enough to stand together!" Mr. Wu Xing shook his head.

"But after all, the spirit is even higher, and it makes people unconsciously feel a mighty power!" Kong Di frowned.

On the other hand, there was a jealousy flashing in the eyes of the six forces.

"Hum, there is a fart to stand together, only fighting can win!"

"That's right, hum, you need to be on the same level of training, and we can, too, not worse than him!"

"What's the use of these wild roads?"




The Lord of Six Powers was jealous.

However, no matter how the six major forces look at it, people who come to observe the ceremony from the Quartet all look at it, feel this mighty power, and have increased their involuntary confidence in the Dahan Emperor countlessly. Everyone stared at the center.

After the ministers established the ancient sea, the ancient sea came to the front, in front of a huge table. There are a lot of food and wine on the table, but at this moment, no one has appetite, because these are sacrifices.

Slowly, Gu Hai picked up a glass of wine.

At this time, the attendants shuttled, civil and military officials, and everyone immediately took a glass of wine.

"Golden Dragon, the Emperor Han Dynasty, the monarchs and the saints sacrificed the people of Sanshancheng, and informed the world!" Gu Hai cried.

"Ang ~!"

In the distance, Qiyun Jinlong sensed the shout of the ancient sea. Suddenly, the dragon yelled loudly, and the voice was heard in the ears of all the people of Dahan Emperor.

The eight hundred cities, whether it was the city just collected or the old city of Dahan Emperor, all the people were shocked and heard the voice of the ancient sea.

"The people of Sanshan City, Seoul and other undeads, You have helped you wait for most of them, but You failed to protect You and others, but it was Mi ’s misconduct. Today, with this glass of wine, I respect all the people in Sanshan City and thank you! May you all go well! "Gu Hai shouted loudly.

During the conversation, Gu Hai poured a glass of wine into the ground solemnly, in honor of the dead compatriots.

"Wish you all the best, all the way!" Civil and military officials, learning the ancient sea immediately, with a solemn glass of wine.

The people in Dahan all nodded and felt the sincerity of the ancient sea. Of course, the people who just won the city are showing a sneer, seemingly disapproving, thinking that the ancient sea is a fake.

"This second cup, I swear to all the compatriots who died, and the enmity is the enemies of the Dahan Emperor. If you do not avenge this, you will not destroy Lingshan. Dahan will stop at the emperor and never rise to the sky!" Gu Hai shouted loudly .


Everyone suddenly looked up in surprise at Gu Hai.

From the borderless sky to the north of Shenzhou, everyone guessed that the Dahan Emperor wanted to be promoted to the heaven, but now, what does Gu Hai say? No revenge? Never advance to heaven?

How determined will this be? Is this the rhythm that will end with the Holy Land Holy Land?

The people of the Dahan Emperor's eight hundred cities were also embarrassed, especially those who just said that the ancient sea was a fake emperor. Nowadays, the state is clearly moving towards the sky. His Majesty said, "If you don't destroy Lingshan, you will never rise to heaven?" This, this is the death of myself and myself, where is the fake one? Obviously determined.

For the death of a city, betting on a country's national games? Suddenly, no one felt that Gu Hai was false. At the same time, the attitudes of the people towards Gu Hai gradually changed.

The ancient sea put a glass of wine and solemnly respected it into the soil, and all the officials also formally sprinkled the wine into the soil to honor the people who died.

"This third glass of wine, I am detained here today, to wait until the day of great revenge, come to respect each other!" Gu Hai solemnly said.


Sanshan City, all around, suddenly rolled up a gust of wind, as if the dead man felt that Gu Hai was sincere.

"Fill the soil!" Gu Hai shouted.


The soldiers flew up and down, filling the huge pit Sanshan City one by one, and slowly filling the city.

At the same time, the ancient sea also officially sacrifice.

"Wu Dahan, a civilized civilization. Ren Feng spreads far and wide, Dahua travels.

Invade Hanling Mountain and destroy my three mountains. The slaughter of Li Yan, the corpse was born.

Double billion undead, drink hate mountain city. The sun and moon were bleak and Huanyu was shocked.

The brutality of the animal was unheard of. Comrade He Gu, the country is in trouble.

Three mountains today, tomorrow I am. The devil is not removed, and the world is uneasy.

The tragedy rose, Jin Ge drummed. The brothers united and swore the fiend. "

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