Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 77: Surprise

Gu Hai led the civil and military hundred officials to commemorate the death of Sanshan City! Outside the borderless sky, there are five serious men standing in a huge cloud.

But they are Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Emperor Shitian, and the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

The five looked at Gu Hai coldly with civil and military officials, and flew to Sanshan City in the distance.

"All gone? Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, Ao Shun, Mosquito Taoist? All of them have gone to Sanshan City? Wouldn't there be no borderless days?" Nanhai Dragon King wondered.

"There is also a philanthropic Buddha!" ​​Emperor Shitian frowned and looked at the philanthropic Buddha at the entrance of a square in the distance.

With a curiosity, the Bodhisattva Bosom always looked into the distance.

"Posit Bodhisattva? Can't stop five of us, you said, we are now shooting, isn't this borderless sky destroyed immediately, will Dahan Emperor lose most of his luck?" Brahma sneered.

"No, I'm looking for Fa-rectification! Isn't the Buddha saying that Fa-rectification has appeared?" Nanhai Dragon King cried.

"The buddha left that day, leaving a secret method to monitor the borderless sky capital, but he did not want to be dismantled by the ancient sea. Therefore, no one knows the situation in the borderless sky capital, but I guess, since the ancient sea knows the Fa-rectification It is the person you are looking for that will surely hide it, it should not be in the borderless sky! "Shiva said in a deep voice.

"Are you going to shoot?" Asked Di Shitian.

"Wait, wait for the Dragon God to come here, but here is the junction of Dasao and Dahan!" Brahma shook his head.

The crowd waited patiently.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, the golden dragon of the Dahan Emperor's fortune snarled, and then, the voice of the ancient sea instantly passed to the ears of all the people in Dahan.

For the big five, if you listen to it with all your strength, you can still hear the powerful voice of the ancient sea in the distance.

"Oh, the first glass of wine, thank you for your sins? I thought I could buy the hearts of the world, ridiculous! You can swear under curse if you have the ability." Emperor Shi Tian sneered.

Everyone was disdainful, until the second glass of wine, Gu Hai said, ‘do n’t avenge this, do n’t destroy Lingshan, Dahan stops at the emperor, and never ascend to heaven’, the five talents suddenly change their faces.

"Is the ancient sea really?" Brahma was surprised.

"He's crazy, really want to die with Lingshan?" Di Shitian also suddenly sank.

"This is a curse in front of the people of the world, monitored by the people of the world, the heart is what the heart is, especially the repair, emperor, Jinkouyuyan, Yinuoqianjin. If the changes are to be made, the national transport will be unstable. , Yun Chao will stop, does Gu Hai need to make this oath? "Shiva's face changed.

There was an unconscious chill in the hearts of everyone.

no matter what?


?? When you are not afraid of how high your opponent is, you are afraid he will die. Gu Hai is now like this, endlessly?

The distant philanthropic bodhisattva is also open-mouthed, but Gu Hai did not expect to launch a vow.

As the crowd shook, Gu Hai's sacrifice sounded.

"Wu Dahan, a civilized civilization. Ren Feng spreads far and wide, Dahua travels.

Invade Hanling Mountain and destroy my three mountains. The slaughter of Li Yan, the corpse was born. "

The first two sentences of the sacrifice said that everyone felt bad.

Fortunately, now that the law of writing has been deprived from the sky, four words are coming out at once, and a magnificent atmosphere is emerging. If the law of writing is still there, just these few words can erupt the overwhelming righteousness.

This kind of sacrifice for the masses of the world to sacrifice the dead has the power to please the heavenly heart. The word comes out, the world is in harmony, the human heart resonates with the human heart, and it is more solemn and grand than those poems that love and hate.

Although there is no rule of Scripture, the mood that hits me has instantly infected everyone, and a seed of hatred is suddenly buried in the hearts of everyone.

"Not good, I almost forgot, that ancient Haishu is also Jie Ran's!" Di Shitian's face changed.

"Double billion undead, drink hate mountain city. Sun and moon are bleak, Huanyu shocked.

The brutality of the animal was unheard of. Comrade He Gu, the country is in trouble. "

Sure enough, as the third and fourth sentences of the ancient sea drank, almost all the Dahan people suddenly raised their fists, showing a great hatred on their faces.

Two hundred million people drink and hate the mountain city, that is two hundred million, not two, not two hundred, not twenty thousand, not twenty million, or two hundred million.

In the past, when I heard the news, I only stayed on the numbers, but at this moment, the ancient sea was solemnly outraged with sacrifices, and all the people seemed to see the violent scene.

Fellow compatriots seemed to be dying in front of each other, calling the sky unsuitable, the earth not working, the sun and moon bleak, and Huan Yu shocked. How innocent the people were, but they still died in the hands of Lingshan.

A great hatred flashed through all the people. This hate is public opinion, is God's will.

It is faintly visible that the sky of Emperor Dahan is gradually darkening in all directions, and ordinary people only think that it is a dark cloud, but the five strong people understand that it is the heavenly heart inspired by the people's hearts. That is the people's grievances, that is the people's hatred, and a big hatred erupts.

A sacrifice evokes the discoloration of the heavens and the earth.

"Not good, not good, then the ancient sea really is a master of deceiving the people, how about the dragon god?" Shiva's face changed.

"After this day, this hatred of heaven will spread to all corners of the world, and the people's grievances will even lead to the law. If this hatred spreads all over the world, my spiritual mountain holy land will be implicated by the atmosphere!" His face was ugly.

"No, Dragon God won't come again, we'll shoot first and interrupt the ritual offering of the ancient sea!" Di Shitian stared.


But at this moment, a strong wind swept through, and it was behind the top five in an instant.

"Dragon Gods?" The five of them immediately smirked.

But it was earlier, when the ancient sea passed the golden dragon through the air to convey the world, the Great Emperor Dynasty also got the news.

The dragon **** shouted immediately: "Da'ao people in the world, last time I borrowed from you to seek a greater future for Dalai people in the world! Please raise your right hand and use your strength!"

"Ang ~~~~~~!" Jin Long, the luck dragon of the Emperor Emperor, roared.

Then, the common people raised their right hands, and lent all the power to Dragon God.

With a roar of luck, Jinlong immediately dragged the power of the people of the world into the dragon god's body.

The dragon god's body suddenly burst into unprecedented strength, and a huge stream of power seemed to form a golden flame surrounding the dragon god's body.


The dragon **** shook his body and shot towards Wudu Tiandu. Just a few minutes later, he arrived outside Wudu Tiandu and saw the five strong men who were about to attack.

At the same time, on a mountain peak outside Sanshan City.

The leaders of the six major powers also received news.

"Sovereign, Dragon God Aunt has mobilized the power of a country, and should be here immediately!" A disciple Xuan Ai reported.

The Lords of the six forces looked at each other, all eyes brightened.

"Dragon gods mobilize the power of a country, which will be comparable to the masters of heaven, and the power of Dahan people, the people of Lingshan, and us, which can block the ancient sea, will definitely destroy the Dahan emperor!" An emperor's eyes Yi Liang.

"Should be coming soon!"

"Everyone is ready. Let's do it together later. Don't make a mistake!"




The masters of the six powers are all looking forward to it.

"Come here, look!" A suzerain's eyes brightened.

However, I saw that in the south of the borderless sky, a strong wind suddenly scattered a white cloud, and when it was scattered, Emperor Shitian and others were immediately exposed. But it was the Dragon Gods arrived.

"It's really coming, okay, okay, it's about to start!" Said a suzerain.

At the entrance of Sanshan City, Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, Mosao Taoist, Ao Shun, and others looked as if they had guessed that Lingshan was going to do it, but everyone didn't act rashly and looked at the ancient sea together.

At this moment, the last two lines of sacrifice came out of the ancient sea.

"Three mountains today, I am tomorrow. The devil is not removed, and the world is uneasy.

The tragedy rose, Jin Ge drummed. The brothers united and swore the fiend. "

In the last two sentences, Gu Hai almost shouted this grief.

"Ang ~~~~~~~!"

The Golden Dragon of Fortune transported this sound into the ears of the people of the world instantly with shock.

The previous two sentences have already provoked the boundless hatred in the hearts of the people. This hatred has even led to the resentment of the heavens, and the world of Dahan, with clouds.

But the last two sentences shouted, but it seemed to let all the people have a vent, and found a solution to resentment in an instant, tooth for tooth, eye for eye.

Today, the difficulties of the 200 million people in Sanshan City may fall on us tomorrow. If the demons are not removed, the people in the world are not safe, the soldiers rise up, Jin Ge strikes the drums of war, and only by working together can he kill the fiends.

"Brothers are in the same heart, vow to kill the fiends!" I didn't know who shouted first.

Suddenly, there were hundreds of people shouting together in the Dahan Emperor's dynasty, vowing to kill the fiends, and they did not share the spirit with the Holy Mountain Holy Land.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~!"

The law of heaven and earth felt the people's hearts boiled, and a loud thunder suddenly made a heavy rain pouring down.

There was a shock in the eyes of the philanthropic bodhisattva in the borderless heavenly capital. Obviously, the three mountain city ceremonies had been underestimated previously.

"After this public sacrifice, the people of the world can no longer have the intention to go to the spirit mountain. It is a sacrifice, and the people in the world think about it, rejecting the spirit mountain to the position of a demon?" Shy Bodhisattva shook.

On the other side, the faces of the five strong men went wild.

"It's too late, hurry up, hurry up!" Di Shitian anxiously said.

"That's right, get started, I'm here, let's get started!" Long Shenzhen said.

"Okay, let's go together!" The Dragon King of the South China Sea glared, and rushed to Wudu Tiandu.

Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Emperor Shitian, all shot together. Suddenly, five huge slappings were filmed towards the borderless sky, and the borderless sky was completely broken.

"Not good!" Liansheng Bodhisattva suddenly changed his face, and seemed to be greeted.

Also, when everyone shot in the sky, and the masters of the six major forces in the distance looked forward to shooting at the same time, a change occurred.

Suddenly there was a cold in Long Shen's eyes, a sneer appeared in the corners of his mouth, his hands were claws, and a tumult of zombies came from the back of Emperor Shitian and the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

How could it have been thought before the two men had a sudden backwaters? Moreover, in the case of mobilizing the power of the world, the power is not weaker than the two swords of the fairy sword being cut off, and the two have not yet taken any precautions.

"Boom, boom!"

Until two loud noises, Emperor Shitian and the Dragon King of the South China Sea were suddenly blasted out of two big caves, and the dragon claws passed by the paws of the hall, all of them suddenly reacted.


"Do not!"

Emperor Shitian and the Dragon King of the South China Sea each spewed blood, showing despair and grief.

"Dragon God, what are you doing?" The three Brahma faces suddenly changed, but did not want to be so strange.

At this moment, the three of them had no intention to deal with the borderless city of heaven again.

Everything is changing too fast. Why did the allies suddenly turn their faces? Are we cheated? Is this Gu Hai's plot? The master of the six major forces was sent by the ancient sea to lie to us?

The people of Lingshan were immediately furious.

In the distance, the poor Buddha who was about to release his hand stretched into the air and suddenly froze, exposing the color of astonishment.

"How could this be?" Liansheng Bodhis could not understand at all.

I do not understand the Lord of the six forces in the distance.

The three emperors and three lords all stared at each other. At the moment, the six had taken out their magic weapons and weapons.

As everyone in Lingshan shot, they were ready to kill the Quartet with the same shot.

Even the six of them arranged their own opponents. They will not be confused in the future. There are two great helpers, the Holy Mountain Holy Land and the Dragon God.

But the next moment, the strongest Lingshan Holy Land in the distance and the dragon gods killed each other.

They killed each other? What does this mean? Why can't I understand?

The six strong men suddenly froze there.

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