Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 78: Hanton

The strong of the six forces are gone! The two helpers who had been invited now kill each other. What does this mean for the six?

Can you still shoot?

People who come to observe the ceremony from all directions are also embarrassed. How can the sound of roar come from the direction of Wudu and Tiandu? Turned his head and looked.


The Quartet suddenly panicked.

"People in the Holy Land of Lingshan? Lord of the Great Emperor, Dragon God? Again?" Someone exclaimed.

"They're endless!"

"But why did they fight themselves?"

"Where's the trouble? Even if there is a fight, there is no need to choose in the borderless sky, run here to fight?"




People who looked around at the ceremony did not understand.

The people of Dahan just stared.

"It's Lingshan Demon, Lingshan Fiend, Lingshan Fiend is here again!" Innumerable Dahan people stared into hatred.

The masters of the six forces, people from all directions, Dahan people, and even the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of the borderless heavens all looked at the ancient sea in the distance.

After Gu Hai recited the sacrifice, he slowly gave a small gift to the continuously buried giant tomb.

Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty, along with the ancient sea, gave a small gift to the giant tomb.

The solemnity of this moment immediately calmed all the uproar.

Kong Xuan, Shangguan Hen, Mosquito Taoist, Ao Shun, who did not move, such a quiet gift, it seems that the borderless sky is completely disregarded, and the attack on the Lingshan is light and light.

The surroundings were strangely quiet.

The Lord of the Six Powers seems to be able to hear his strong heartbeat, beating fiercely, but nervous and frightened.

The masters of the six forces did not take any action, and they did not dare to take any action at the moment. They did not know what was going on.

I saw that in the distance, the dragon **** shrewd his hands into the chest of Emperor Shishitian and the Dragon King of the South China Sea. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva turned their palms and hurled towards the dragon shrine.


Dragon King and Emperor Shitian of the South China Sea turned into two dragons in sorrow and sorrow, their chests were opened, their blood was bursting and they were dying.

The two claws of the dragon god's claw were too powerful, and the two dragons were torn apart at this moment.

In a hurry, Dragon God can only deal with these three.

The two claws slammed open the double dragon, and hit the three of Brahma.


With a super loud noise, the two dragons suddenly exploded and burst out of blood, and the dragon **** hurriedly shot, and even tore a huge hole in their bodies, almost tore the second life.

Under the loud noise, the body of the dragon **** shook by the three of Brahma took a step backward.

Of course, just one point back, just like the former Tongtianjiao general, the three-man joint attack can be suppressed, but none of them is the opponent of the Tiantianjiao, nor is it the opponent of the dragon god.


Dragon God stepped back, roaring, and rushed towards the three.

"The six forces lied to us and hurry up!" Shiva suddenly changed her face.

"The ancient sea conspiracy, fast!" Vishnu also exclaimed.

"I block the dragon gods!" Brahma rushed forward.


Dragon God slaps his palm on the enlarged Brahma.


Brahma vomited blood and was blown out.

Shiva and Vishnu are the two dragons who quickly rescued their dying lives.


Brahma stood in front and let them go first.

However, the dragon **** shouted forward quickly, and banged again.


Brahma spit blood again, his face turned to earth, and then turned to chase Shiva and others.

"call out!"

During the escape, the crowd fled to the sky instantly.

Dragon God's face sank, but he did not chase it, because once he left this place where Han and Han met, his strength of luck would collapse.

On the other side, Liansheng Bodhisattva, Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, Mosquito, and Ao Shun were anxious.

What a chance, what a chance, I can leave them all today.

But Gu Hai ignored the distant battle and did not manage it, still solemnly worshiping.

"Oh!" Kong Xuan and others could only sigh slightly.

However, Mo Yike and Sima Changkong did not have any trace of doubt.

Because the two understood the meaning of the ancient sea, Long Shenxun waited until now, not for retaining the enemy, but for deterrence.

Shock the people of Lingshan and the Quartet. Let everyone know the fright of Dahan.

Leaving the group of Emperor Shitian? How can it seem so easy?

In particular, Guhai has raised the countermeasures against Lingshan Holy Land to the level of national warfare.

The bottom line of Lingshan has not yet been figured out. At this moment, as long as the ancient sea makes a shot, now the Buddha will definitely make a shot. Similarly, the replica of the six true monarchs will also make a shot.

Not impossible, but definitely. For the strongest in the world, does it take a long time to reach the borderless sky? No, just for a while.

Gu Hai doesn't know what the Buddha is planning now, but understands that the Dahan Emperor's Dynasty is still not in the eyes of the current Buddha. At least, it is impossible for the Buddha to reveal all the cards for the Dahan Emperor's Dynasty.

However, if Gu Hai shots with all his strength, he will force the present Buddha to show his hole card. In this way, it will be extremely detrimental to the Dahan Emperor.

Therefore, the ancient sea is still being sacrificed.

Only those people in the Quartet who have no hundreds of people and people who observe the ceremony are left blank.

At the moment, the Lord of the Six Powers is dumbfounded, and for a moment I don't know what to do.

"Why is this so?" An emperor despaired.

I saw, however, that the Dragon God Falcon slowly flew over in the distance.

The countenances of countless people changed, and the masters of the six influences also lost their countenance.

"What's Dragon God doing? Will he continue to shoot?"

"He's shooting now, what should we do? Still shooting?"




The masters of the six major forces were extremely ugly for a moment. At this moment, they had no chance of winning. At the same time, he looked at the dragon gods with regret. If you go, it ’s okay. What we should n’t do is not happening. If you do n’t go, this, this makes us tangled.

Halfway up the other peak.

Conte and Mr. Wu Xing watched Dragon Shenzhang fly in a narrow eyes.

"Are the Dragon Gods coming to disturb the ritual offering of the ancient sea? It seems wrong!" Kong Di frowned.

"Kung Di, you haven't found that the strong men from Lingshan Holy Land are coming, the dragon gods are coming, the battlefield is in the borderless sky of Tiandu. Such a big battle, but the ancient sea over there hasn't moved his brow? No one has gone to protect the borderless sky? "Mr. Wu Xing frowned.

"You mean ...!" Conte narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, it's all in Guhai's calculations, or he already knew it!" Mr. Wu Xing's face was dark.

"I already knew it? It was arranged by Gu Hai? It's not possible, but that is the most proud of the dragon gods, the sons of Dragon Warring States, and Prince Dagan. How could he listen to the arrangements of Gu Hai?" Kong Di disagreed.

But I saw that at this moment the dragon shrine was approaching. Falling to the ground, suddenly saluting respectfully to the ancient sea.

"The Dahan Emperor Dynasty, the Eighth Army Regiment, the Dragon God has met His Majesty, the enemy has retreated!" The Dragon God shouted loudly.


Everyone suddenly changed his face.

Eighth Army Commander? Meet Your Majesty?

"It's impossible!" Exclaimed Conte in the distance.

The masters of the six major forces in the distance suddenly became ill with the three souls, and his face turned wild.

Eighth Army Commander? The eighth army commander of the Dahan emperor? Dragon God? how can that be?

The territory of the Dalai Emperor is not much less than that of the Dahan Emperor. Moreover, you are an emperor, and you are an emperor. How can you suddenly surrender to others?

Sovereign can bend his knees, the emperor is not shameful!

Dignity, have you surrendered to the ancient sea?

At this moment, heavy rain is pouring and the filling of Sanshan City has been completed. But all around, after a short period of coaxing, it was strangely quiet.

Except for the sound of the pouring rain, there was a quiet surrounding, as if the pouring rain had no sound, everyone looked at Gu Hai and Dragon God.

The memorial service ended, and then Gu Hai slowly turned around.

"Dragon gods!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"The minister is here!" Long Shenzhen solemnly said.

"Come into the DPRK!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Dragon God said solemnly.

At the same time, the Dragon God suddenly said: "Da People, the people of the world, the Dragon God, from now on, remove the body of the monarch, lead the world to the Dahan Emperor, and become the subjects of the Dahan Emperor For the last time, luck was mobilized, and the people were announced to enter the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, as the wish of the Dahan Emperor, and the blessing of the Dahan Emperor. Please believe that for the last time, I will never take risks from the common people. At this point, I am equal to all of you, the people of Dahan, and worship the Great Han, the ancient sea, long live long live long live! "

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

As the Dragon God shouted aloud, the Qiyun Jinlong in the body burst into the sky and flew towards the Dayun Emperor's Qiyun Yunhai.


At the same time, the city of God, the billless luck, suddenly moved quickly towards the south.

Countless officials of the Shencheng City suddenly showed the color of astonishment, and then they knelt down, showing the color of terror: "Your Majesty, why, why!"

Booming away towards the borderless sky.

The Golden Dragon of the Great Emperor Dynasty flew to the Golden Dragon of the Great Emperor Dynasty.


Dahan Jinlong suddenly opened his mouth, and suddenly, swallowed Dasao's luck Jinlong, but Dasao Jinlong did not resist, and he was swallowed down.


But I saw that Dahan Qiyun Jinlong swelled at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

With a lot of luck, there is more and more air luck in Tiandu Capital.

At this moment, the eyes of those who watched the ceremony in Sanshan City were bewildered. Countless officials of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty were in the circle, and countless officials of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty were collapsed.

People in both dynasties were stunned.

At this moment, almost everyone was dying.

The changes are coming too fast, which is unacceptable for a while.

In particular, the Lord of the six major forces, watching at this moment Dragon God, really led a country into the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, for a time, mixed feelings, and his heart was abnormal.

war? I dare not.

escape? Not far away, the eyes of Kong Xuan, Ao Shun, Shangguanhen, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon God, and even Gu Hai suddenly looked over.

The six of them suddenly felt like crying without tears. Dig a pit yourself, pit yourself?

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