Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 83: God of War

Shennong Chengkou!

The army from the underworld broke through the city guardian enclave of Shennong City in an instant.

Numerous monks stepped forward, and a large number of troops from Shennong City came to resist. Let's look at the hundreds of giant phoenixes in the distance that are crowded in the middle by the human army, the ghost army, and the drought army.

Many former ministers of Shennong City suddenly widened their eyes.

"That's Princess Jingwei, yes, it's Princess Jingwei, and the princess let the princess supervise the kingdom. As a result, the prince came back and took all the power!" An official sharply saw the hatred Jingwei.

"I heard that the Supreme Phoenix, the Fire Emperor are all dead. This hundred phoenixes actually pull off? Who is this?"

"Why dare Princess Jingwei come back? She's not afraid ...!"




When the officials were dismayed, suddenly an official's eyes glared, exulting.

"Long princess, it's long princess coming back, long princess returning!" Suddenly, the official shouted excitedly.

Suddenly, there were some old ministers who could not wait to rush out of the city.

"Long princess, old minister has finally waited for you, long princess!" Some officials said with great excitement.

"Long princess?" Suddenly, countless officials recalled with a single eyelid.

"Huh? I remembered it, as if I heard my grandfather mentioned before, the eldest princess established her country with her daughter, and her country name was '焱', which was a fire more than 'Yan'. There is one more fire than Dayan, yes, it is the emperor's dynasty! Long princess, Jiang Yan! "Someone remembered immediately.

"Long Princess? It stands to reason that His Royal Highness Jiang Rulai is the younger brother of Princess Long, so ...!"




Suddenly, countless officials showed utter astonishment.

There are ecstasy, fright, horror, and ignorance. For a time, the guards who rushed out of the city instantly split into different camps.

"Welcome the return of the long princess!"

"If they dare to take another step forward, let them go!"




Suddenly, the defenders of Shennong City were in chaos.

In the city, the future Buddha, Emperor Shi Tian, ​​Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu all showed anxiety.

"What to do? The Buddha hasn't written yet!" Di Shitian looked anxiously at the future Buddha.

The Buddha's face in the future is gloomy: "No matter what, Shennong City cannot be lost. There is immeasurable luck above it. It is needed by the Buddha, and nothing can be wrong!"

"Yes, she must be warned not to enter the city!" Di Shitian's face was gloomy.

In the distance, the three million army paid respectfully to the hundred phoenix giant cormorant, but saw the giant cormorant slowly flying towards the front, slowly flying to the front of the three million army.

"Ming! Ming!" ...............

Hundred phoenixes screamed loudly. There was no servitude or grievance in their voices, but rather a pride. It was an extremely glorious thing as if they were pulling the carriage.

Slowly, Hundred Fengjuan came to the front.

"General, do you want to put an arrow?" A defender asked.

A general frowned.

"Protect the long princess, Lao Zhang, if you dare to shoot arrows at the long princess, don't blame us!" Another general shouted.

Suddenly, the garrison rioted.

Hundred Phoenix giant salamanders are slowly flying.

Above the giant urn, Jingwei was staring.

"Sister, just them, the future Buddha, Emperor Shitian, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, are all there, hahaha, Jiang Rulai's left arm and right arm!" Jing Wei said with a hate.

In the distance, all the people in Shennong City sank.

Although I am more anxious about my return, it does not mean that everyone is afraid of me.

Everyone has never seen You before. After all, You have been sealed for three thousand years, and Jiang Rulai took power over Lingshan Holy Land just over a thousand years ago.

Everyone just thought that He was an emperor.

An emperor dynasty, no matter how strong it is? Still sealed for three thousand years?

"Can't let her enter the city, the city is lucky, Jingwei has a certain manipulation ability, she has Jiang Lianshan's order to stay in the country that year!" Anxious Buddha in the future.

"I'll meet her! Huh!" Di Shitian snorted.

During the step, Emperor Shi Tian shook his body and flew towards the city.

When it flew out, a powerful breath emanated, and it came straight to the hundred phoenix giants. As soon as the powerful breath came out, it suddenly changed Jingwei's face.

"Sister, Emperor Shitian is here." Jingwei worried.


Hundred giant phoenixes were all staring and roaring.

"Jiang Yun, haven't you stayed in the underworld? What are you doing in the Yang Yuan?" Di Shitian stopped before Feng Yan and yelled.


The sonic power was too powerful, and the bead curtain at the entrance to the hall trembled above Feng Yan.

"Little Xiaoyelong, dare to spit words in front of You?" Within the bead curtain, came a very heroic female voice.

The sound did not bring much grandeur, but it did not consciously make Di Shitian's heart tremble, as if the sound was uploaded from Jiuxiao, with a high power.

"Oh, Ye Long? Jiang Yan, you ...!" Di Shitian glared and drank.

But halfway, I was interrupted by the sound in the bead curtain.

"Get out of Shennong City right away, otherwise you don't have to go!" The female voice inside the bead curtain came again.

The girl's voice came with a determination, a breath of pride in the world.

Di Shitian's heart sank and he had never felt such a majestic breath in a woman. That was an irresistible, irresistible meaning.

However, at this moment, how could Emperor Shi Tian retreat.

"Well, the son-in-law, it is reasonable to find a husband's family to marry, and the husband and the son teach at home, but the chicken Sichen, I don't know ...!" Di Shitian shouted.


Suddenly, above the giant urn, a general wearing a bronze armor stepped forward with a stare, holding a bronze square shield in his left hand and a tomahawk in his right hand.


As soon as the tomahawk came out, I saw only a moment of thorns in the sky and earth, and a dazzling blue light. All of them suddenly couldn't open their eyes.

"What?" Di Shitian's face changed, exclaiming.

But this axe came too fierce, and drowned Emperor Shaotian instantly.

"not good!"

"Boom ~!"

Di Shitian only exclaimed, with a bang, the blue light burst instantly, and in the place where Di Shitian was, a black hole was torn out in the void. A manic wave of space was blowing a strong wind sweeping in all directions.


The black hole disappeared and everyone stared.

"What?" The future Buddha, Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma all changed their faces.

Even in the distant borderless sky, Gu Hai's eyes have shrunk.

However, I saw that the black hole disappeared outside Shennong City. The emperor Shi Tian, ​​who had insulted Sister Jingwei, and the heads of the eight dragons, were slashed from the right neck by an axe by the bronze general.

The internal organs of the half body burst out, blood splattered down, and the head half body burst instantly, with countless blood spurting out.

One Axe? With only one axe, Emperor Shitian was split?

The blood-filled skull was so unbelievable that he was chopped off by a subordinate of Jiang Yan? And there is no resistance.

This, this is impossible.

"Save me!" Di Shitian's half-broken body called out for help.

"Not good!" Brahma and others changed their faces and rushed up.

"Dead and not stiff? Huh!" The Qingjia general slammed it with the square shield in the other hand.

"Stop it!" Brahman and others shot furiously. However, everything is too late.

The speed of Fang Dong was too fast, just like the axe just now, he shot on half of the dragon body.


Half of the dragon body instantly exploded into billions of pieces.

"Do you dare!" The three shot at the same time, slamming.


General Qing Jia's shield hit the shot.


The three men flew upside down suddenly, looking at General Qingjia with horror.

"No, no, impossible!" Brahma exclaimed.

"Who are you!" Shiva exclaimed in horror.

But I saw that at this moment there were several maids who pulled the curtain of the hall away, and from the inside, slowly came out a woman wearing a fire red dragon robe. The woman was wearing a crown of heaven. Although extremely beautiful, this There is a domineering in my beauty.

As if standing there, everyone in the world dwarfed her.

"Your Majesty!" The uncle watching General Qingjia stepped out of the hall with a sudden look.

A group of other generals and officials stood on top of General Fengjia and Fengyi, a respectful gift at the moment: "Your Majesty!"

He ignored the crowd, but looked coldly at the three Brahma in the distance and the future Buddha in the distance.

"I just gave you a chance just now, since I don't want to, then let it go!" I said coldly.

Give a chance? what chance?

All of a sudden, everyone remembered what I had said before.

"Get out of Shennong City right away, otherwise you don't have to go!"

He previously said this, let them get away, but Emperor Shaotian didn't know if he would live or die?

If in the past, everyone was still skeptical of You, just now, one of His officials immediately destroyed Emperor Shitian, and immediately made everyone's hearts tremble.

In the future, the Buddha felt his body tremble, and a big threat came to him.

"What will the future Buddha do?" Said the Bodhisattva and Luo Han anxiously.

The three Brahma also looked to the future Buddha.

In the future, the Buddha was anxious for a while and had not yet spoken. The distant magpie suddenly spoke again.

"Xing Xing!" Said Wan Dan faintly.

"The minister is here!" The General Qing Jia, who had the square shield and axe in his hand, should immediately drink.

"Clean it up, leave it alone!" Aunt's eyes were very dull, as if he said something trivial.

"Yes!" Xingtian yelled.


Xing Tian suddenly soared to the sky and rushed towards the three of Brahma.

"Xingtian? He is an adult Xingtian!" An official from Shennong City exclaimed suddenly.

"Master Xingtian? My grandfather once said that in the past, I was the" God of War "in the Yan Dynasty and later followed the long princess. Wasn't he beheaded by Emperor Huang? No, no, King Xingtian is still alive?" An official surprised.

Gu Hai, a distant city without borders, also had his eyes narrowed: "Xing Xing? Xing Xing Tian Qi, beheaded by the emperor, with milk as the target, umbilicus as the mouth, the **** of battle?"

Not only the land of Shenzhou, but also the ancient sea on the past, the ancient sea also knows the name of this **** of war, which is also the counterpart of the two immortals.


However, I saw that the **** of war punished Heaven, and suddenly an axe was chopped towards Brahma, the axe soared into the sky, and the axe was chopped out. The void seemed to appear as countless battlefield souls. With this axe, whistling towards Brahma.

"No! Help me!" Brahma's face changed.

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