Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 84: Domineering Badger

With an order, the **** of war, Xingtian, danced with his relatives, burst out, and an axe slashed, as if with a sky-splitting potential, hundreds of millions of army souls rushed towards Brahma with an axe.

"No! Help me!" Brahma's face changed.

Shiva and Vishnu's face changed, and they rushed over.

The three shot at almost the same time, suddenly fists, the fists suddenly enlarged, and suddenly greeted Xing Tian's axe at the same time.


With a loud noise, the four men battled out, hitting a huge black hole, Xingtian held the axe in place, but Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu exploded instantly. For a while, his body was covered with blood, and his face was horrified.

"Impossible, impossible, the Master of Heaven is not the enemy of the three of us, how do you ...!" Brahma exclaimed.

The hundreds of people and soldiers in Shennong City also widened their eyes.

Not long ago, the three people who cultivated the gods really repelled the God of Heaven, but they were not one enemy in front of the **** of war, Xingtian.

"Huh!" Xing Tian stared, and took another step.

The giant axe in his hand was cut again.

"Combined, combined!" Shiva exclaimed.

The three knew that if they were scattered, they would be killed by Xing Tian one by one, and they rushed up.


Once again a huge collision.

"Puff puff!"

The three took a spit of blood at the same time and flew out, their clothes were torn apart, and blood was sprayed countlessly.

"Impossible, impossible!" The three felt their fists numb. His face was horrified.

In the distance, the future Buddha also showed anxiety: "Where is the Buddha, did the Buddha write a letter?"

All the Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Buddhas all showed panic and shook their heads.

Seeing that just the God of War Xingtian alone suppressed the Brahma three without counterattack. Numerous monks showed panic in their faces, and the people even breathed air.

"Kill him, kill him!" Jing Wei said hatefully.

Xing Tian splits again with an axe.


The three were again hit and flew out in a combined attack.

I stood at Fengyukou and looked coldly without saying a word.

On the one side, a general in purple clothes was backed by this long bow, ten long arrows were placed in the sword pot, and his eyes were narrowed: "Xingtian, you can do it, grind it, if you want me to help! "


Everyone turned their heads and looked horrified.

You know, Xing Tian's shots have already revealed his monstrous power, but the Brahma trio who can defeat the Master of Heaven, under the suppression of Xing Tian, ​​keeps vomiting blood constantly, and it will not be able to support it at first sight. Deserves the title of God of War.

But, who could have thought that anyone still thinks he is slow? Say he's grind?

Now, this must be someone who has the same strength as Xing Tian, ​​to be qualified to say this.

"Houyi, don't ask you to talk. Your majesty punished you for thinking, but you didn't have a chance to shoot!" Xing Tian chuckled while chopping the three Brahma.

"Houyi?" Suddenly, some old ministers in the city's eyes lit up, and a sudden uproar.

"I remember it, my grandfather mentioned that my former arrow prince, the goddess of arrows, and the emperor of the arrow, followed the long princess, and he is the heir of the arrow!" Some officials exclaimed in surprise.

"Houyi?" The Buddha's face changed in the future.

"Future Buddha, what can we do now?" Said the Bodhisattva anxiously.

Over there, the three Brahma could not hold on. I have n’t shot yet, what should we do?

"The Infinite Life Buddha ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, a Buddhist horn came from the void.

"Jiang Rulai's voice?" Jing Wei's face changed, and he hated him.

But at this moment, not far from the west of the city, suddenly there was a golden light, but suddenly there was a huge current Dharma image that was thousands of feet high. Jin Guangcancan is like a thousand-footed golden Buddha.

"Buddha? Buddha is here!" The Brahma trio suddenly exulted.

"Meet the Buddha!" ​​In the future, the buddha also brought up the bodhisattvas and rejoiced in worship.

Jiang Rulai arrived.

"I've seen the Great Emperor!"


?? Ten.

"Oh, Jiang Rulai? Do you have a face in front of You?" She said coldly.

On the other side, Xingtian looked at his uncle, and very sensible, he stopped his shot, and looked coldly at Jiang Rulai's photo.

"Great Lord, my subordinates are not sensible and offended, and I hope to forgive you!"

"Offensive, you have to pay the price, I have given them a chance, and I still do n’t know who is dead or alive. No one can blame you, neither do you. I give you a chance, and get away now, otherwise I don't have to go!" Said Leng coldly.

"Great Emperor, this statement is bad ..." Jiang Rulai also wanted to argue.

However, I didn't have the patience to go over my tongue and snorted, and the detective hand extended the slim hand.


In the cold hum, I saw that Su suddenly looked at the three of Brahma, and Ling Xu shot it.

Jiang Rulai's face suddenly changed: "Indulgent!"

In the roar, Jiang Rulai poked out one palm and one palm out of the palm, and seemed to stop Jiang Yan.

However, Jiang Rulai's palm was too late to stop, and he saw that Xuan took a hand to shoot, and a huge palm of flame came out in the void, and he pressed against the three Brahma.

"Don't!" The three roared in horror.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A loud noise.

There was no tear in the void, and it was seen that the whole land of Shennong City was shaken suddenly. Then the palm of the flame disappeared, but it was seen that the three Brahma were smashed into flesh by this palm.

Meat puree?

Hiss ~~~~!

The countless soldiers, ordinary people, and officials in the city took a cold breath.

Even the ancient sea north of Shenzhou is a pupil shrinking.

That ’s the Brahma trio. In the past, it was the strong one who defeated the Master of the Heavenly Masters. As a result, he was in the palm of his hand and all turned into flesh?

"I don't listen to what he said, this is the end, hum!" He snorted coldly.

In the city, countless Buddhas showed a terrifying look. In the face of the Buddha, they killed the Brahma three. This domineering, powerful force has made everyone timid.


Just kidding, all the Bodhisattvas and Luo Han turned away in horror.

"I want to leave now, isn't it a bit late!" Xing Tian snorted coldly, chopping his ax sharply.

An axe rushed out, with a sense of great destruction, and came to the place of the Buddhists who fled.

"Don't!" The Buddhas showed thriller. Seeing to be beheaded by Xingtian.

"Presumptuous!" Jiang Rulai was also outraged.

The Brahma three have not been rescued just now, and they are already in shame and anger. Now, do you still want to have an inch?

Jiang Rulai made great efforts to the Fa phase. This time, he must rescue the group of Buddhas.

At the moment, the uncle smiled coldly: "I gave you a face?"

In the cold voice, I saw that Xi stretched out that slim hand again, grabbing Jiang Rulai Fa phase suddenly.

Jiang Rulai's face sank, and he seemed to feel threatened.

However, under the wave of his hands, a void red palm appeared again in the void, which was too big, bigger than Jiang Rulai's.


There was a loud noise, and thousands of flames burst out from the void.

However, he saw that Jiang Rulai's Fa phase was grasped in the palm of his hand by the flames.

"What?" Jiang Rulai's face changed.

I smiled coldly: "I said, don't go if you don't go, hum!"

A fierce grip.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Jiang Rulai's Fa phase burst into an explosion.

exploded! exploded?

There were no hundreds of people or officials in shock.

Prince Jiang Rulai is already powerful enough, but now I just found out that in front of the princess, it was so vulnerable?

Caught in one hand?

That's Jiang Rulai's Fa phase.

"No ~~~~~~~~!"

The Buddhists who fled in the distance suddenly showed despair, and the Buddha's dharma in front of Jiang Yan could not be beaten. What a despair.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~!"

Xing Tian's axe also arrived, and instantly all the Buddhas were blown to pieces.

The mouth of the Fire God Temple.

The buddhas who had not had time to escape, all opened their mouths in shock and looked horrified.

The appearance of this puppet is like invincibility. Who can stop her? Invincible, the feeling of invincibility is coming. Even the Buddha ’s image is useless.


Now, what now?

Just let me go, why didn't I go?

A horror of Buddhas appeared.

The future Buddha is even more horrifying. The future Buddha has never seen the power of the grandma. I thought it could be a first grade. Now, it looks so ridiculous.

"The Buddha isn't coming?" Said a Bodhisattva violently.

Jiang Rulai already knows what happened here. If he can come, he should be here in an instant, but Jiang Rulai didn't come.

"Doesn't even the Buddha have to retreat in the face of this encounter?" Another Luo Han horrified.

Jiang Rulai really didn't come to save everyone.

"In the face of crickets, have we been abandoned by the Buddha?" Said a Buddha in horror.

give up? Abandoned by the Buddha?

A great terror haunted my heart.

"Great Majesty, I have been offended a lot before, so I am willing to apologize for this!" Shouted Fuldon in the future.

"Kill!" I said lightly.

"Yes!" Xing Tian Ying said.

Buddhism and other people's faces turned wild in the future, so they didn't give themselves a chance, killed? And it ’s so light and light that you wo n’t even beg for mercy?

For a moment, everyone felt hesitant to say one or two, saying that if you die, you will die. If you do n’t die, you will die!

Xingtian is about to step forward.

The future Buddha suddenly burst out: "Stop!"

"Huh?" I looked coldly at the future Buddha.

In the future, the Buddha is also desperate, or he will be killed or rebelled, and Jiang Rulai will ignore his life and death. Can only fight.

"Well, I want to leave. Don't force me to die with you! I have closed eyes and clean world Zen, don't force me to open my eyes." Future Buddha said in a cold voice.

I smiled coldly: "Kill!"

"Yes!" Xing Tian Ying cried, going to jump over.

In the future, Faw's face suddenly turned wild. Still kill me?

"You forced me. Anyway, it's all death. Even if I die, I'll pull you to be buried!" Said the Buddha in the future.

With his hands folded between words, his eyes slowly opened.

As soon as the eyes were opened, a breath of devastation suddenly emerged from both eyes. For a while, the void was ups and downs, and the burst of destruction was like tearing the void and destroying everything in front of it, including Shennong City.

Close your eyes to the Pure World Zen, one of the three secret ways of Lingshan Holy Land, open your eyes to purify the world and destroy everything.

The devastation struck, and hundreds of people showed no horror.

"Close your eyes to the Pure World Zen?" Xu revealed a sneer of disdain.

However, he saw that He once again reached out his right hand and gently inserted into the future Buddha.


However, I saw that the void seemed to have two flame fingers, passing by the fingers, and the destructive atmosphere of the closed-world Jingshichan, as if squeezed back by both fingers, the torn void was instantly restored. .

Two-finger squeezing, a powerful squeezing force, squeezed the breath of destruction into the eyes of the future Buddha.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Two fingers were inserted into the eyes of the future Buddha.

Time seemed to freeze, and everyone looked at the future Buddha in shock.

With closed eyes, the Pure World Zen was pressed back by the **** of the uncle, and blinded the eyes of the future Buddha. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the force that destroys the heavens and the earth is squeezed back into the body of the future Buddha.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a super loud sound, the Buddha burst into a blast in the future, turned into billions of pieces, and exploded in all directions.

The buddha next to him was suddenly severed by the stump of the stump.

Future Buddha? Destroyed by the power of Jingshi Chan who closed his eyes?

Nether flame disappeared with two fingers, and looked coldly at Shennong City.

"Surrounding the city of Shennong, the Buddhists in the Holy Land of Fanling Mountain, kill without amnesty!" Wu said flatly.

But in this bland tone, everyone's ears were filled with boundless murderousness.

"Observe!" Three million troops roared together.

PS: Explain the name of the "long princess". In the middle and late Han Dynasty, the long princess was the sister of the emperor, but early and earlier in the Han Dynasty, she was the daughter of the emperor. "The Empress of the Han Dynasty: The Queen's Chronicles" contains: Han system, the princesses are all county princesses, the same princes of ceremonial clothes, their esteemed, the princess plus, the prince of ceremonial clothes. "Although this book cannot be explained by history, Considering that the earth was in the yellow and yellow period, the long princess was taken instead of the big princess. Thank you for your attention.

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